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Post Mon Sep 29, 2003 4:36 am

Market goods - hmm misc_equip is wrong - you need

You should make sure to put your new base's entry in the right spot: alphabetical order.

The game doesn't care - but any mods using FLMM that reference your new base and try to append to the BaseGood section will need to keep the order correct if they're also appending to other bases at the same time.

.. - I almost confused myself for a second there...


Post Mon Sep 29, 2003 5:20 am

Well, that's the file! Yeah! but the BiniQDU is giving me a Run-Time Error"75" and won't let me either save or make any what?

Edited by - Ricardius on 29-09-2003 06:21:48

Post Mon Sep 29, 2003 8:47 am

you cannot save on the original ini, cuz BINIQDU sometimes cannot save from original files. Instead use SaveAs and look for the txt file generated. Then rename the original file, ie. original.ini to something like original.ini.bak and rename the generated txt file into the original file. Close the file and open it again using the renamed txt file.

Hope this helps.

Working hard to earn... but too lazy to do something...

Post Mon Sep 29, 2003 8:53 am

Question: How do you place a base in a map? I'm asking for a specific question on locating your base. say Sector E4 of New York System. I want to put my base at that location. What should I edit and What Should I copy?

Working hard to earn... but too lazy to do something...

Post Mon Sep 29, 2003 10:01 am

Erm - well - oops - i named a file wrong *blushes* whoopsie - late night posting - LOL
About runtime errors. Its cause the file is 'write protected' or something. Happens when modifiying files whilest FLMM is activated with a mod (ie a mod is activated) to prevent cockups, but also happens if you copied the file from FL when FLMM is activated too. Try to deactivate FLMM- then copy the file out of there, then see if you can do it. If not, change FL directory names and reinstall / steal the file off of someone else (so it aint protected). that got me when i first started modding - its protection to avoid corruption.

Okay - about bases appearing on the maps. That is too do with visit = entries into the system file. So if you have your base, adding visit = 0 will make it appear on the map when you are close........with all the correct info and names etc, and if you have visit = 128 you will do bloody well to see the thing ever!! Its all with the visit entries..........hope that helps you out, and in future i will watch my typing better LOL!!!!

Post Mon Sep 29, 2003 5:21 pm

That was it...needed to turn off all the Mods to do it...Thanks!!!

Rumors are being a bit more challenging. Is there a random cycle that gets characters to speak a rumor? I have new and already established rumors in place, but no one speaks anything. Yet, I have also found that no one, anywhere in the FL universe, when I play SP, has anything left to say, actually. It could it be I have heard it all and it's been "cookied" as not needing to be said again?

Edited by - Ricardius on 29-09-2003 18:51:57

Post Tue Sep 30, 2003 2:17 pm

Hi Chips,

Changing male to male or female to female is no sweat. All you have to do is change the combination of head, body and arm files in costumes.ini ... which is in the \data\characters FL game subfolder.

Please note that changing Trent's head doesn't work 100%. The lips do not
move. It make for a rather amusing effect when the Trent characer talks, the jaw moves up and down but the lips stay shut .... sort of like a character from
the really old Dick Tracy comics, a criminal called "Mumbles."

I'm trying to do this from memory as I am away from my game right now.
Anyway ....

The most common change is to swap out trent's kind of clunky outfit for something cooler. Many mods put Trent in an Order uniform.

You would change Trent's attribute so that the line for body would
read something like

body = orillian_body_male (this is not meant to be the exact statement)

If you open up costumes.ini, you'll see what I mean pretty quickly. You can find oriillian's attributes setup and just copy over the body statement.

Its when you swap out male to female that the problems start.

Edited by - indylancer11 on 30-09-2003 15:24:44

Edited by - indylancer11 on 01-10-2003 19:45:02

Post Tue Sep 30, 2003 11:56 pm

Okay everyone - have started another thread for this now (24 pages is one hell of a long thread). If you post here, i will still answer, but the new thread is slightly more organised.
1) It contains links to each page in this thread with the content for those pages, as in what has been covered, making it darned easy to search out your answers
2) You don't have to wade through approx 100 posts to look for anything due to that, also no more intimidation for newer posters!
So the new thread isHERE

If you have crashes then look HERE as i have created a thread in the tutorials forum which i will keep on adding too. Its basically a trouble shooters area, as in, i have listed a heck of alot of causes for crashes in systems -with descriptions of the types of crashes, etc, to help newer systems builders and others to debug their own mods quicker, rahter than posting and hoping someone answers sooner rather than later! Check it out if you like anyways! LOL

Post Thu Oct 02, 2003 10:09 am

Thanks dude - but its all down to accushot mainly - he taught me tons of stuff in this thread that got me investigating.
Then i did most exploration on my own, until Giskard stepped in about a month ago and gave me the lowdown on encounters and systems. At that point, with debugging advice from Victor and some help from Wanderer i have got a pretty much rounded Education in FL modding.
If it weren't for those guys helping me out, then I wouldn't still be playing this game! Its thanks to them - so I do my piece to hopefully help others enjoy the game as much too!

"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Post Fri Oct 03, 2003 4:39 am

What i mean is i want to create a base and put it on sector e4 of California, how do i do that, locating a base at sector E4?

Are you feeling lonely or just plain horny then Click Here!!! and you'll have lots of fun...

Post Fri Oct 03, 2003 10:08 am

You have to work out the coordinates for E4 - can't just type E4 in. It starts in the centre - at 0, 0, 0 .These are x, y, z coords - and the y is movement up and down (height) in space - so its generally left at 0 to erase 3D flying problems (waypoints default set to 2D on navmap - so it would take you down to x, 0, z instead of x, 21000, y).

Okay - so moving in the x direction - +80000 is over to the far right of the screen along the x axis, with negative X values being to the left of the screen (left of the centre)

Moving towards the bottom of the map is +y values, whereas moving to the far side of the map is -Y values instead. So - in manhatten - planet manhatten is actually around -30000, 0, -30000, and the jumpgate for texas is +10000, 0, +30000. Now those coordinates aren't exact - but they give you the idea. The jumpgate to LA is -40000, 0, 15000 - so you get the idea? Here is a naff diagram to try to show it clearly - but it will probabily look like s*** - least it gives the forums a comic edge eh?

............................^ -Z
.............................I ...

Now that naff diagram is supposed to show coords orientation there - dunno how it will turn out, probabily like s***, but who cares. So if E4 is in the bottom left corner - then it will be -X, 0, +Y coordinates. How big the values are - well - a little trial and error as it depends how big the map is!! Each square on a map of large scale can be about 20k!! However, if its a small map - after 60k youare off it! (size defined in the universe.ini ) - have a go at trial and error. Personally - i stick in a jumphole 2k from what i am positioning in new systems - so that i can jump from manhatten and arrive at the desired location - or if it isn't the desired location - at least i see immediately - its on the map

"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Edited by - chips on 03-10-2003 11:09:40

Post Fri Oct 03, 2003 1:51 pm

If this has been asked before, I'm sorry for repeating it but after all, twenty-two pages of posts is quite a few to read through. Anyway, I'd like to thank Accushot for starting this thread as i have used it to mod and found it very easy to do with these instructions. Now to my question: I have changed the cargo hold size on the Anubis and it works but is not reflected on the info screen. It still says the cargo capacity is 70. I realize this is not a big issue, merely an asthetic preference, but how do you change it?

Post Fri Oct 03, 2003 3:50 pm

This will change the game itself to always say Anubis has x cargo space.

Click here

run it and tell it your FL directory

type 66583 in the ids_info box and press 'Get ids_info'
See the 70 - That's the cargo space - change it to whatever

press 'save ids_info'


Q: - how did I get 66583 -
A: it's in ship_arch.ini under the ship oe_elite (the Anubis)
if you change that number - you change where it get's it's info from.
FLED-ids can also search for a string like "Anubis" - but you have to pick the dll you want to search. Ships use InfoCards.dll - type in "Anubis" - hit the info button - use the main panel's get button to look through the results. 66582 - Here we have a problem - the result returned doesn't contain '70' - don't worry - the next one has all the data. Type in 66583.

Q: How'd you know to try the next one
A: in shiparch.ini all the ships have 4 info entries - One I don't know - another is a paragraph about the ship, the Third is the labels for the data, the Fourth is the data. 0, 1, and 3 are sequential. - The same labels are used for all ships.


Post Fri Oct 03, 2003 6:08 pm

Grab the FreelancerSDK here.

Its convenient for mod makers and contains fixes to annoying problems like the mbases.ini error mentioned in this thread and much more. Enjoy

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

Post Fri Oct 03, 2003 11:17 pm

I'm running the FLREBALANCE mod and it's great. The only thing is that the new Earth Allience System is a HUGE cheat for my MP games. All my friends running cargo use it for a quick cheat to traverse the system. I would like to lock the incoming gates to EA (except the ones from Alpha and Gamma) but have not figured it out. I looked at the initialworld.ini but I could not figure out how they come up with the 10 digit number to represent the gate. Any help would be GREAT.


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