Okay - how to make a home for Mr Trent!
No location was requested, so lets plonk it in two places....one a station, the other a 'converted' planet!
We will start off with making a planet into a base instead though (quicker - well kinda anyways!)
First things first! have you got BiniQ?
Get it. Now, this example will be using the planet of Maine in NY, cos its dead easy to fly to it and see your results. Well first up, go to the universe folder, then systems, then to the Li01 folder. Now inside is li01.ini - use biniQ to open that file up.
Okay - now we gotta search for planet Maine - well i found it for you - but you need to find it too! Its about 1/8 of the way down
nickname = Li01_planet_icemoon_800_1
ids_name = 261119
pos = 55763, 0, -69135
Archetype = planet_icemoon_800
ids_info = 66074
spin = 0, 0.020000, 0
atmosphere_range = 900
burn_color = 255, 222, 160
Ambient = 30, 25, 35
Okay - there is the readout for it. And below it is its 'zone of death' or atmosphere causing damage' range
nickname = Zone_Li01_Maine_death
pos = 55763, 0, -69135
shape = SPHERE
size = 850
damage = 2000000
sort = 99.500000
density = 0
relief_time = 0
Okay - so we have a planet -but we want to make a base!
Well - what it needs is simple, a base line and a faction owner!
So - here i have done it already
nickname = Li01_planet_icemoon_800_1
ids_name = 261119 ;means game will say 'planet maine'
pos = 55763, 0, -69135
Archetype = planet_icemoon_800
ids_info = 66074
spin = 0, 0.020000, 0
atmosphere_range = 900
burn_color = 255, 222, 160
Ambient = 30, 25, 35
base = Li01_16_Base ;new base here
reputation = li_p_grp ;police - dunno why......lol
Okay - notice i called the base li01_16_base? thats cos i am nicking this from a mod i have already made
Call it what you like, but make sure it isn't the same as the other bases inside of Liberty......call it trent_base if you like..............hehe
Okay - now the planet has a 'base' (not really yet) but every planet base needs a ring to dock with eh? We need to make one!
Look what i found:
nickname = Li01_16_dock_ring
ids_name = 261119 ;notice this is the same number as for the planet?
archetype = dock_ring
ids_info = 66141 ;standard number for all rings (docking!)
behavior = NOTHING
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
dock_with = Li01_16_Base ;tells it where to dock too!
pos = 56128, 0, -68274 ;notice the position here?
rotate = 0, 0, 0 ;orientation (which way it faces!)
reputation = li_p_grp ;zoners again
difficulty_level = 1
space_costume = , robot_body_a
voice = atc_leg_f01
The most important points: -
1) it is pointing to YOUR base
2) IDS number correct
3) The position
4) the position
Notice the position? Okay - lets look!
Planet pos = 55763, 0, -69135
Dock ring pos = 56128, 0, -68274
Death radius = size = 850 (that is the atmosphere destruction value)
Notice that 1) the death zone is centered on the planets position? It also extends for 850m but the planet is only 800m! reason? The zone of death MUST be bigger than the planet, but smaller than the atmosphere! It just does.......make sure its correct!
2) the position of the docking ring is OUTSIDE of the death zone...there is a diff of about 500 in one direction, and 900 in the other........this makes sure its OUT of the zones there! So you don't die whilst docking.
Okay - make sure you get that right, remember to point it at YOUR bases name.... then we move on (ps - the orientation does matter here as well- 0, 0, 0 means that it is facing forwards, and for the rest - i experiment, or nick from other planets - ie, know that Houston looks to the left of the screen, so its orientation would be that way too........or i just use the same orientation and make the dockring on the same side of every planet......lol
The docking ring is round the back of the planet by the way - hidden.....lol
Okay - moving on - save your info off, and go to universe.ini!!
We need to declare the new base there too!
nickname = Li01_16_Base ;which base
system = Li01 ; which system its in
strid_name = 261119 ; its ids number here
file = Universe\Systems\Li01\Bases\Li01_16_Base.ini ;what base file it is/where
BGCS_base_run_by = W02bF35 ;faction in control (this is liberty cops)
Use other bases to find out which base_run_by yuo are after - eg li01 is liberty police, etc etc!
I know that there is NO base file for the base yet, but that is where it points. If you make it in Rheinland, find out the name (new berlin sys is Rh01) and then point it towards the relevant system folder with your base name!
Okay - save that off and lets make a base.ini for it!!
Go back to the li01 file, into bases and then open on up!! Copy a planets entries (you can use other systems if you like, not limited here, just open the ini from one systems base, then change folders to where you wish to be (ie from Rh01 base folder to the Li01 base folder) hit save as then type in your name - eg Li01_16_base.ini and click save - voila - your new base file......lol
okay - now you have that (should look like this below, or similar!)
nickname = Li01_16_Base
start_room = Planetscape
nickname = Bar
file = Universe\Systems\Li01\Bases\Rooms\li01_16_Bar.ini
nickname = Trader
file = Universe\Systems\Li01\Bases\Rooms\li01_16_trader.ini
nickname = Equipment
file = Universe\Systems\Li01\Bases\Rooms\li01_16_equipment.ini
nickname = Planetscape
file = Universe\Systems\Li01\Bases\Rooms\li01_16.ini
nickname = ShipDealer
file = Universe\Systems\li01\Bases\Rooms\li01_16_shipdealer.ini
Once you open it, change the names to point at the right location!! - ie - look here - they all say li01_16_base etc!
nickname = Li01_16_Base
start_room = Planetscape
And again!
nickname = Planetscape
file = Universe\Systems\Li01\Bases\Rooms\li01_16.ini
Do the same for yours as well........
These are all pointing to our rooms here.....hmm - what to do for that eh?
Nice and easy again - do the same for your chosen bases rooms, but save them off in the rooms folder with your respective names - eg, open the rh01_01_shipdealer.ini, then change folders all the way to rooms in li01 bases folder, and then save as - type the name in li01_16_shipdealer.ini and then save - BANG - simple and easy eh?
Okay - once you have all the rooms sorted, you have nearly got the full monty of the base!! LOL
Okay - save that off - then load up FL and take a peek.......is it there? can you land? cool - check rooms, you won't get much! Okay - go back two pages (to page 19)
HERE and there should be a tutorial on adding rooms to your custom base by me - i will link in an edit (probs by the time you read this........lol)
ONce you have your rooms sorted out, and also have got the base working (hehe) it would sure be nice for us to have a mission or two here (and some munchkins for our bar!!)
Okay - this is the involved and tricky bit. I kid you not - this will take HOURS the first time you do it, so if you aren't bothered about missions or people - then leave it! If you love it though - follow on!
The reason it takes hours is because we are about to delve into the Mbases.ini file, and biniQ cocks the file up, so you have to debug the damned thing. Once it is decoded though - you won't ever have to do it again!!!
Okay - open up the mbases.ini and do the following!
firstly - its in the missions folder!
Now, once opened this file is complicated! lol
First - find a base run by your faction - ie manhatten will do here!
I am using one for another base here - its from my little Kusari base i made earlier
nickname = Ku04_07_Base ;your base
local_faction = ku_p_grp
diff = 8
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_base_Ku04_01_Base ;refers to another base - you cannot fix this unless you record a new speech thing (its 'am going to blah')
[MVendor ;missions dude!
num_offers = 5, 7
faction = ku_p_grp ;oh - change everything lol
weight = 52 ;level stuff
offers_missions = true
mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.900376, 1.687204, 100
npc = ku0401_kpolice_001_m
npc = ku0401_kpolice_002_f
npc = ku0401_kpolice_003_f
faction = co_shi_grp
weight = 16
npc = ku0401_samura_001_m
npc = ku0401_samura_002_m
faction = co_kt_grp
weight = 16
npc = ku0401_kishiro_001_m
npc = ku0401_kishiro_002_m
faction = co_ni_grp
weight = 8
npc = ku0401_synth_001_m
faction = gd_gm_grp
weight = 8
npc = ku0401_gmg_001_m
;all base faction are the friendliness of those on base
[GF_NPC ;the barman!
nickname = ku0401_fix_bartender ;don't change this - its a file thingy!
body = ku_bartender_body
head = ku_captain_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 244868 ;oh - later you can make him diff
affiliation = ku_p_grp
voice = rvp126
bribe = ku_p_grp, 10000, 16101
bribe = co_be_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = co_kt_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = co_os_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = co_shi_grp, 10000, 16100
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133283
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133284
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133285
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133287
rumor_type2 = mission_07_loaded, freetime_07_08, 1, 393647
[GF_NPC ;ship blokie
nickname = ku0401_fix_ship
body = ku_commtrader_body
head = pl_male5_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 244869
affiliation = ku_p_grp
voice = rvp126
[GF_NPC ;trader
nickname = ku0401_fix_trader
body = ku_commtrader_body
head = pl_male8_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 244870
affiliation = ku_p_grp
voice = rvp101
[GF_NPC ;me dealer aye!
nickname = ku0401_fix_weaponsdealer
body = ku_commtrader_body
head = ku_bartender_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 244871
affiliation = ku_p_grp
voice = rvp101
[GF_NPC ;bar scum
nickname = ku0401_gmg_001_m
body = li_rockford_body
head = pl_male5_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 220549
affiliation = gd_gm_grp
voice = rvp101
room = bar
bribe = co_be_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = co_kt_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = co_ni_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = co_shi_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = gd_gm_grp, 10000, 16101
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133270
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133271
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133272
rumor_type2 = mission_07_loaded, freetime_07_08, 1, 393647
nickname = ku0401_kishiro_001_m
body = sc_scientist1_body
head = sc_scientist2_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 220550
affiliation = co_kt_grp
voice = rvp126
room = bar
bribe = ku_p_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = co_kt_grp, 10000, 16101
bribe = co_rs_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = gd_gm_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = gd_bh_grp, 10000, 16100
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133273
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133274
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133275
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133276
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133277
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133278
rumor_type2 = mission_07_loaded, freetime_07_08, 1, 393647
nickname = ku0401_kishiro_002_m
body = sc_scientist1_body
head = ge_male2_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 220551
affiliation = co_kt_grp
voice = rvp101
room = bar
bribe = ku_p_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = co_alg_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = co_kt_grp, 10000, 16101
bribe = co_ni_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = co_shi_grp, 10000, 16100
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133273
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133274
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133275
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133276
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133277
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133278
rumor_type2 = mission_07_loaded, freetime_07_08, 1, 393647
nickname = ku0401_kpolice_001_m
body = ku_male_guard_body
head = ku_sales_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 220552
affiliation = ku_p_grp
voice = rvp111
misn = DestroyMission, 0.900376, 1.687204
room = bar
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133279
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133280
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 3, 133281
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133282
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133283
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133284
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133285
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133286
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133287
rumor_type2 = mission_07_loaded, freetime_07_08, 1, 393647
rumor_type2 = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 393419
accessory = prop_hat_male_ku_grd
nickname = ku0401_kpolice_002_f
body = ku_female_guard_body
head = ku_tashi_head
lefthand = benchmark_female_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_female_hand_right
individual_name = 220553
affiliation = ku_p_grp
voice = rvp511
misn = DestroyMission, 0.900376, 1.687204
room = bar
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133279
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 3, 133281
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133282
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133283
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133284
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133285
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133286
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133287
rumor_type2 = mission_07_loaded, freetime_07_08, 1, 393647
rumor_type2 = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 393419
nickname = ku0401_kpolice_003_f
body = ku_female_guard_body
head = pl_female6_head
lefthand = benchmark_female_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_female_hand_right
individual_name = 220554
affiliation = ku_p_grp
voice = rvp516
misn = DestroyMission, 0.900376, 1.687204
room = bar
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133279
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 3, 133281
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133282
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133283
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133284
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133285
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133286
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133287
rumor_type2 = mission_07_loaded, freetime_07_08, 1, 393647
rumor_type2 = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 393419
nickname = ku0401_samura_001_m
body = sh_male3_body
head = pl_male8_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 220555
affiliation = co_shi_grp
voice = rvp126
misn = DestroyMission, 0.900376, 1.687204
room = bar
bribe = co_rs_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = co_shi_grp, 10000, 16101
bribe = fc_fa_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = fc_h_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = gd_gm_grp, 10000, 16100
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133288
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133289
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133290
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133291
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133292
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133293
rumor_type2 = mission_07_loaded, freetime_07_08, 1, 393647
nickname = ku0401_samura_002_m
body = sh_male3_body
head = ge_male2_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 220556
affiliation = co_shi_grp
voice = rvp101
room = bar
bribe = ku_p_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = co_shi_grp, 10000, 16101
bribe = fc_fa_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = fc_h_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = gd_gm_grp, 10000, 16100
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133288
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133289
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133290
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133291
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133292
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 2, 133293
rumor_type2 = mission_07_loaded, freetime_07_08, 1, 393647
nickname = ku0401_synth_001_m
body = ku_shipdealer_body
head = sc_scientist1_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 220557
affiliation = co_ni_grp
voice = rvp101
room = bar
bribe = co_ni_grp, 10000, 16101
bribe = co_os_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = co_rs_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = gd_bh_grp, 10000, 16100
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133294
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133295
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 133296
rumor_type2 = mission_07_loaded, freetime_07_08, 1, 393647
nickname = bar
character_density = 6
fixture = ku0401_fix_bartender, Zs/NPC/Bartender/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_bartender_fidget.thn, bartender
nickname = trader
character_density = 2
fixture = ku0401_fix_trader, Zs/NPC/Trader/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_commtrader_fidget.thn, trader
nickname = ShipDealer
character_density = 2
fixture = ku0401_fix_ship, Zs/NPC/Shipdealer/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_shipdealer_fidget.thn, ShipDealer
nickname = Equipment
character_density = 2
fixture = ku0401_fix_weaponsdealer, Zs/NPC/Equipment/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_equipdealer_fidget.thn, Equipment
okay - all these parts are the people in the bar that offer missions!
nickname = ku0401_synth_001_m
body = ku_shipdealer_body
head = sc_scientist1_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_
Just copy and paste from somewhere - preferably your system so that they aint out of place (bounty hunters in the bar on Malta?? Methinks not!!
nickname = bar
character_density = 6
fixture = ku0401_fix_bartender, Zs/NPC/Bartender/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_bartender_fidget.thn, bartender
these are to do with the room, how many and where they stand.......it includes you too though - so its 5 really!
(yes you need these for your rooms too......lol)
now this bit i have never fiddled with!! Just aint had time for random playing!
faction = ku_p_grp ;oh - change everything lol
weight = 52 ;level stuff
offers_missions = true
mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.900376, 1.687204, 100
npc = ku0401_kpolice_001_m
npc = ku0401_kpolice_002_f
npc = ku0401_kpolice_003_f
This is the missions on the board! Weight will be total level of missions i think - not sure, offers missions is true, and the types refer to the vignettes in the system ini files! Destroy vignettes tere by the looks of it. You will need one of these for the board though. easiest thing to do is copy the li01_02_base entries though! Its very close (planet pitts) so the missions will be accurate, the only diff is that it won't be police at the base, but different ones.
Once you have done this - the bad part. Debugging!
BiniQ changes lines like this:
offers_missions = true
mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387, 30
To be lines like this
offers_missions = mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387, 30
What does this do though? Means you can't get missions from the board at all..lol
It will take 1hr to debug the whole file, but once done, its done!!! Just have to go through putting the true back in, and seperating the lines again......lol
Okay - now you have a bar, population, and if there are any vignettes in your system - you have missions too!
Forgive me if this has rambled and gone at a tangent in the end, as its 5.30am here and am knackered!!
Next part coming up!
Edited by - chips on 20-09-2003 06:42:35