You should create a mod for these and release them!
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The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
MAN - that looks incredible!!! How the hell you make that? It is totally original as well (at least I aint seen anything like it anyhows!). Hope you are planning on making MORE MORE MORE!! By the way, i am personally one of those that likes his ships 'freelancery' in type......basically wishing people would create ships that look like they belong in FL, unlike the starwars ones etc. There is a real shortage of those so far! NO matters though - keep em coming!
You should create a mod for these and release them!
You should create a mod for these and release them!
OKay - no probs! You have added hardpoints in the CMP file for your ship of choice, now we have to make the game know about it, and therefore use em!
Okay - for example, here is the patroit (just the weapons parts!)
HP_tractor_source = HpTractor_Source
shield_link = l_fighter_shield01, HpMount, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_gun_special_3, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_2, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_3, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_2, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_1, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_thruster, HpThruster01
hp_type = hp_mine_dropper, HpMine01
hp_type = hp_countermeasure_dropper, HpCM01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo01
Okay - notice the hp_type = hp_gun_special_2 yeah?
hp_type is just that, it is specifying a hp mount is.........
= hp_gun_special_1 this bit is saying, its a gun, and it can mount class 1!
class two mount would be hp_gun_special_2
Now the HpWeapon01 is the first actual mount, HpWeapon02 is the second etc etc
So when you see
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
It is talking bout a hardpoint (hp), which it is saying is a gun point, a class 1 gun point to be precise. The HpWeapon01, 02,03 and 04 are basically saying these points can mount class 1 guns!
Ifyou have the hp_gun_special_2 itis now saying, we canmount class 2 as well etc
To make it clear, if it saidthe following;
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpMine01, HpThruster01 what do you think this would mean?
Well,it means that class 1 guns can now be mounted on the thrusterand the mines point as well.............. easy to get it right when you think like that!
So you have 2 or 3 new mounts! What do you do? - welll - same asthe above example- stick emin!
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06, HpWeapon07
So you have 3 more hp's mounting guns. Thats it, done. To make em take up to class 10 of course, you need more of teh hp_gun_special_ parts, from 1-10 to be able to mount every gun if you wish em ALL to moiunt them, then just have all the HpWeapon0X for each class!
Save the ini file off and bobs your uncle! Save stuff beofre modding though. My hands knackered now, made 82 tradelanegates since last post!
Okay - for example, here is the patroit (just the weapons parts!)
HP_tractor_source = HpTractor_Source
shield_link = l_fighter_shield01, HpMount, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_gun_special_3, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_2, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_3, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_2, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_1, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_thruster, HpThruster01
hp_type = hp_mine_dropper, HpMine01
hp_type = hp_countermeasure_dropper, HpCM01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo01
Okay - notice the hp_type = hp_gun_special_2 yeah?
hp_type is just that, it is specifying a hp mount is.........
= hp_gun_special_1 this bit is saying, its a gun, and it can mount class 1!
class two mount would be hp_gun_special_2
Now the HpWeapon01 is the first actual mount, HpWeapon02 is the second etc etc
So when you see
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
It is talking bout a hardpoint (hp), which it is saying is a gun point, a class 1 gun point to be precise. The HpWeapon01, 02,03 and 04 are basically saying these points can mount class 1 guns!
Ifyou have the hp_gun_special_2 itis now saying, we canmount class 2 as well etc
To make it clear, if it saidthe following;
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpMine01, HpThruster01 what do you think this would mean?
Well,it means that class 1 guns can now be mounted on the thrusterand the mines point as well.............. easy to get it right when you think like that!
So you have 2 or 3 new mounts! What do you do? - welll - same asthe above example- stick emin!
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06, HpWeapon07
So you have 3 more hp's mounting guns. Thats it, done. To make em take up to class 10 of course, you need more of teh hp_gun_special_ parts, from 1-10 to be able to mount every gun if you wish em ALL to moiunt them, then just have all the HpWeapon0X for each class!
Save the ini file off and bobs your uncle! Save stuff beofre modding though. My hands knackered now, made 82 tradelanegates since last post!
Hmm - not heard that one before i must admit..... hmm - have you checked that you don't alrady have all hardpoints mounted, that you made sure al your extra weapon points are in teh shiparch.ini, have you checked to make sure you spelt everything correctly, and that you are mounting guns of the correct level (pay close attention to spelling in the CMP file. After all that, what exactly does the error say? I can't help any more today, as i am dead and going to bed (lol - rhymes!)
Great work here...
Just want to ask... would you mind posting your individual tutorials that are here in the Tutorial section with thier respective titles?
I know that seems like a lot to ask... but Most people look for the tutorials in that section...
Or Perhaps an an easier start might be A tutorial entitled "Tutorials for Newbies" and then Put a link to here in your 1st paragraph.
Edited by - HFH_MACK on 25-09-2003 01:21:02
Just want to ask... would you mind posting your individual tutorials that are here in the Tutorial section with thier respective titles?
I know that seems like a lot to ask... but Most people look for the tutorials in that section...
Or Perhaps an an easier start might be A tutorial entitled "Tutorials for Newbies" and then Put a link to here in your 1st paragraph.
Edited by - HFH_MACK on 25-09-2003 01:21:02
Okay - F****ING SITE JUST F****D ME OVER AGAIN!!!!!!!! It deleted the whole post in one stupid move called 'incorrect bloody damned password when it isn't!'
okay - will edit this now to reput the info back in GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!!
OKay - firstly all the info is in files called ini files. You will need something to read them, like biniQDU or biniQ. It decodes the files and allows you to read them in english basically!!
Find it in the downloads, or possibly in HF_MACKS package released the other day. YOu could download that anyway as it is stuffed with all the tools you will need for a majority of the jobs!!
okay - next, backup the files we will change
Its the market_misc.ini file
Okay - now then - using biniQ Navigate your way to the folder as mentioned above.
Once there, you should see a load of ini files appear in the centre of the screen, one of which is market_misc.ini Okay - double click to open this up.
You will see this:
[BaseGood ;Closing square bracket instead of semicolon here - it gets deleted!
base = Br01_01_base
MarketGood = br_gun01_mark01, 6, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = br_gun01_mark02, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = br_gun02_mark01, 6, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = br_gun02_mark02, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 1
Okay - what does all this mean?
Base good - its just a title for whats going on. A way for the game to recognise a new base so everything doesn't merge!!
base = Br01_01_base
This is the base itself. This is new london. The game uses these 'nicknames' to name everything - kinda like a code. You will get used to it.
MarketGood = br_gun02_mark02, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 1
These are things selling - MarketGood - means just that, a market good!!
This is a bretonian gun, the second in the range, and the second type they have.
This is all also done by nicknames. There is a database by Subxero that has all the info on what mean which when it comes to the names......hell i still use it too!!!
Okay - now you know a little bit about this, its your turn. Find otu what gun you are after - use the data base or just guess (Hint - br is bretonian, li is liberty, rh is rheinland, ku kusari. Pirates all start with fc_ so fc_c is corsair, fc_ou is outcast......all companies are co_ so co_alg is company algeria i think or whatever they are called. Gun01 is the first type for that section, so gun02 is second (ie, li_gun01 is the liberty laser types - ie justice, vengence etc - li_gun02 is the magma hammer, which aren't laser but are infact plasma guns?? Can't remember!! LOL) Okay, the mark01 is the first in the range, mark02 is the second in the range of that type - ie, Li_gun01_mark01 is the justice mark 1, and li_gun01_mark03 is the justice mk3!! The li_gun02_mark05 is the magma hammer class 5! Okay!!!
Right - found your gun type?
Good stuff!
Here is what the other parts mean!
MarketGood = br_gun02_mark02, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 1
K - we know its a bretonian gun, there second type (dunno what kind though) and that it is the mark02 (probs the class 2 or 3 depending on what class the first one is!)
now - what does the 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 1 mean?
The first number (10) is the level that you must be to buy! For anything and everything, the first number is the level - so you need to be level10!!
(i now suspect that the gun is actually a class 5 bretonian gun - level10 is high!!)
Okay - so first is level - if it said 30 there, you would have to be a level 30 to buy it, same with ships etc
Second number - this is ALWAYS the reputation to buy the gun. -1 means even when most hostile as hostile is possible, these guys will sell it. As you see though, this gun is 0 here, means you have to be neutral (slap bang middle of neutral) to buy it. -0.3 means towards the hostile side of neutral, +0.3 means the friend side of neutral. +1 is maximum friendly, but most will be at 0.8 instead - means bloody good friends with them!
okay - other numbers - these vary from commoditiy, ships, weapons etc. Thee are the sell numbers. No-one is sure what they mean, but for guns it means seLL! Always have these numbers after guns!
For mines, missiles, torps etc they are different - find out what they are and the put them to sell!
Last bit now!
Here is a missile
MarketGood = missile01_mark02, 2, -0.200000, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = missile01_mark02_ammo, 2, -1, 50, 50, 0, 1
Note the ammo ? Means you can fire stuff from the beastie. Without this you cannot buy the ammo for the weapon.
Okay - the bases - same as guns codes nearly
Br - bretonian
01 - london
02- Manchester?
03- Cambridge?
04- leeds
SoBr01 means the new london system in bretonian space.
Br01_01 - first basein that system
02- second base - dunno which that is!
03 third -
you get the idea yeah?
So -
Br01_01_base means Planet New London in bretonian space
Li01_01_base means planet manhatten in NY system
Li01_04_base means battleship missouri in NY system
Li03_01_base means planet denver i think - cannot remember now! LOL
Anyways, thats how you identify which base is which - subxeros database tells you though!
Set thinks to rank = 0
Rep = -1
This means
fc_c_gun01_mark05, 0, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
That is the salamanka class 9 if i remember right, which you can buy with level 1 and hated like helll
base = li01_01_base
MarketGood = fc_c_gun01_mark05, 0, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
this means that you are now selling that gun on manhatten, which you can buy at rep (hated) and level 0 (starting out)
The price will still be the same though
Anyways, long long post for something simple, hope it explains it clearly enough though!!
Edited by - chips on 25-09-2003 08:46:14
okay - will edit this now to reput the info back in GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!!
OKay - firstly all the info is in files called ini files. You will need something to read them, like biniQDU or biniQ. It decodes the files and allows you to read them in english basically!!
Find it in the downloads, or possibly in HF_MACKS package released the other day. YOu could download that anyway as it is stuffed with all the tools you will need for a majority of the jobs!!
okay - next, backup the files we will change
Its the market_misc.ini file
Okay - now then - using biniQ Navigate your way to the folder as mentioned above.
Once there, you should see a load of ini files appear in the centre of the screen, one of which is market_misc.ini Okay - double click to open this up.
You will see this:
[BaseGood ;Closing square bracket instead of semicolon here - it gets deleted!
base = Br01_01_base
MarketGood = br_gun01_mark01, 6, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = br_gun01_mark02, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = br_gun02_mark01, 6, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = br_gun02_mark02, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 1
Okay - what does all this mean?
Base good - its just a title for whats going on. A way for the game to recognise a new base so everything doesn't merge!!
base = Br01_01_base
This is the base itself. This is new london. The game uses these 'nicknames' to name everything - kinda like a code. You will get used to it.
MarketGood = br_gun02_mark02, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 1
These are things selling - MarketGood - means just that, a market good!!
This is a bretonian gun, the second in the range, and the second type they have.
This is all also done by nicknames. There is a database by Subxero that has all the info on what mean which when it comes to the names......hell i still use it too!!!
Okay - now you know a little bit about this, its your turn. Find otu what gun you are after - use the data base or just guess (Hint - br is bretonian, li is liberty, rh is rheinland, ku kusari. Pirates all start with fc_ so fc_c is corsair, fc_ou is outcast......all companies are co_ so co_alg is company algeria i think or whatever they are called. Gun01 is the first type for that section, so gun02 is second (ie, li_gun01 is the liberty laser types - ie justice, vengence etc - li_gun02 is the magma hammer, which aren't laser but are infact plasma guns?? Can't remember!! LOL) Okay, the mark01 is the first in the range, mark02 is the second in the range of that type - ie, Li_gun01_mark01 is the justice mark 1, and li_gun01_mark03 is the justice mk3!! The li_gun02_mark05 is the magma hammer class 5! Okay!!!
Right - found your gun type?
Good stuff!
Here is what the other parts mean!
MarketGood = br_gun02_mark02, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 1
K - we know its a bretonian gun, there second type (dunno what kind though) and that it is the mark02 (probs the class 2 or 3 depending on what class the first one is!)
now - what does the 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 1 mean?
The first number (10) is the level that you must be to buy! For anything and everything, the first number is the level - so you need to be level10!!
(i now suspect that the gun is actually a class 5 bretonian gun - level10 is high!!)
Okay - so first is level - if it said 30 there, you would have to be a level 30 to buy it, same with ships etc
Second number - this is ALWAYS the reputation to buy the gun. -1 means even when most hostile as hostile is possible, these guys will sell it. As you see though, this gun is 0 here, means you have to be neutral (slap bang middle of neutral) to buy it. -0.3 means towards the hostile side of neutral, +0.3 means the friend side of neutral. +1 is maximum friendly, but most will be at 0.8 instead - means bloody good friends with them!
okay - other numbers - these vary from commoditiy, ships, weapons etc. Thee are the sell numbers. No-one is sure what they mean, but for guns it means seLL! Always have these numbers after guns!
For mines, missiles, torps etc they are different - find out what they are and the put them to sell!
Last bit now!
Here is a missile
MarketGood = missile01_mark02, 2, -0.200000, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = missile01_mark02_ammo, 2, -1, 50, 50, 0, 1
Note the ammo ? Means you can fire stuff from the beastie. Without this you cannot buy the ammo for the weapon.
Okay - the bases - same as guns codes nearly
Br - bretonian
01 - london
02- Manchester?
03- Cambridge?
04- leeds
SoBr01 means the new london system in bretonian space.
Br01_01 - first basein that system
02- second base - dunno which that is!
03 third -
you get the idea yeah?
So -
Br01_01_base means Planet New London in bretonian space
Li01_01_base means planet manhatten in NY system
Li01_04_base means battleship missouri in NY system
Li03_01_base means planet denver i think - cannot remember now! LOL
Anyways, thats how you identify which base is which - subxeros database tells you though!
Set thinks to rank = 0
Rep = -1
This means
fc_c_gun01_mark05, 0, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
That is the salamanka class 9 if i remember right, which you can buy with level 1 and hated like helll
base = li01_01_base
MarketGood = fc_c_gun01_mark05, 0, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
this means that you are now selling that gun on manhatten, which you can buy at rep (hated) and level 0 (starting out)
The price will still be the same though
Anyways, long long post for something simple, hope it explains it clearly enough though!!
Edited by - chips on 25-09-2003 08:46:14
Chips, your help in building bases, for me, anyway, has been outstanding. Now, I have a question regarding the unknown systems. I would like to have Planet Gammu, the robot world, to do two things. 1. sell nanos, shieled batterires and do repairs and 2. get those damn robots to have some rumors. (ones that I write would be cool) I'm looking for having this place as a retreat when I'm out there in that section of space. I know of the "Primus sells stuff" mod that was made. Is it possible to do a simple copy and paste to get it to work at Gammu or will it need more specificed details. (other than changing location ids....)
Hmm - strange, my cookies must be knackered - this never appeared as a new post had been made for the last three!! Oh well - okay, starting with the ammo limits. I haven't actually ever had any will to increase over 50 missiles / mines, mainly cos - well........i aint had a reason too. However - i will look into it. Some gut instinct tells me that it will be a line in the constants.ini - something like max_limits_ammo = 100 or something, a bit like max_limits_vel but for ammo instead. Will have a fiddle round and so on, see what could take time - i have alot on! LOL
Okay for stuff selling on gammu - not sure which one is which, but lets see now...
Subxeros misc database helps here - LOL:
ew06_02_base is the one for the robots!
Okay - to sell nano bots you need to........hang on - it doesn't have anything cept the old bar does it? Okay - in that case we need to give it a room. So - go to your freelancer folder. Find the folder for ew06, then look inside. See a folder rooms? Go into that thing then!
Copy and paste ew06_01_equipment - then rename it to ew06_02_equipment. Now then you have a room. Open up the old old files again wiht your ini weapon of choice (I recommend BiniQDU). NOw plonk in the following lines:
nickname = Equipment
file = Universe\Systems\Ew06\Bases\Rooms\Ew06_02_equipment.ini
this is just letting it know that there is an equipment room on the base and that it is in the directory there!
Okay - that was actually lifted straight from ew06_01_base easy eh?
Oks - now go to your misc_equip.ini and copy any entry in there and just rename it as ew06_02_base instead (see below for small example)
base = ew06_02_Base
MarketGood = ge_s_battery_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1
MarketGood = ge_s_repair_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_gun01_mark03, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_gun01_mark02, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_gun01_mark01, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_turret01_mark01, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_dyson_turret01, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_lair_turret01, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_lair_turret02, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = special_nomad_gun01, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = special_nomad_gun02, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = special_nomad_gun03, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_cruise_disruptor01, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_torpedo01_rtc, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
Have some fun with that stuff too! LOL
Okay - save that off, then you are done for that part - but hang on a sec - no robot to show up and get jolly with?? hmm - mbases.ini it is then. By the way, if you do this then you will HAVE to spend up to one hour correcting the ini file all over again due to corruption by the BiniQ tool. If you don't your file is knackered so that you cannot get missions like ever again (well - not from the board anyways!! LOL)
Okay - open up mbases.ini (this is the most horrible ini file in the game by the way!)
NOw here is the mbases.ini entry for your base of choice (it is the very last one in the file - scroll to the bottom!)
nickname = Ew06_02_Base
local_faction = fc_or_grp
diff = 19
num_offers = 0, 0
faction = fc_or_grp
weight = 100
npc = ew0602_robot_001_m
npc = ew0602_robot_002_m
npc = ew0602_robot_003_m
npc = ew0602_robot_004_m
npc = ew0602_robot_005_m
npc = ew0602_robot_006_m
npc = ew0602_robot_007_m
nickname = ew0602_fix_bartender
base_appr = Robot_body_b
individual_name = 245181
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp106
room = bar
nickname = ew0602_fix_weaponsdealer
base_appr = Robot_body_a
individual_name = 245182
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp151
nickname = ew0602_robot_001_m
base_appr = Robot_body_c
individual_name = 221051
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp140
room = bar
nickname = ew0602_robot_002_m
base_appr = Robot_body_b
individual_name = 221052
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp146
room = bar
nickname = ew0602_robot_003_m
base_appr = Robot_body_d
individual_name = 221053
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp151
room = bar
nickname = ew0602_robot_004_m
base_appr = Robot_body_b
individual_name = 221054
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp140
room = bar
nickname = ew0602_robot_005_m
base_appr = Robot_body_e
individual_name = 221055
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp106
room = bar
nickname = ew0602_robot_006_m
base_appr = Robot_body_b
individual_name = 221056
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp101
room = bar
nickname = ew0602_robot_007_m
base_appr = Robot_body_c
individual_name = 221057
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp101
room = bar
nickname = bar
character_density = 7
fixture = ew0602_fix_bartender, Zs/NPC/Bartender/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_host_fidget.thn, bartender
nickname = Planetscape
character_density = 3
fixture = ew0602_fix_weaponsdealer, Zs/NPC/Equipment/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_equipdealer_fidget.thn, Equipment
Now add this:
nickname = Equipment
character_density = 1
fixture = ew0602_fix_weaponsdealer, Zs/NPC/Equipment/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_equipdealer_fidget.thn, Equipment
Which i just stole from the ew06_01_base entry instead. Nice and simple eh?
Okay - that is sorted. Now then - rumours eh? Hmm - we need one of the bars population now
nickname = ew0602_robot_004_m
base_appr = Robot_body_b
individual_name = 221054
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp140
room = bar
First - open up FLED ids and navigate to your directory of FL - now punch in this number:
245182 - notice the text there?
That comes out as this in game:
Gammu equipment dealer
Rebus RN-332
Now these numbers are free so you can type em in and then save the information as you like (hehe)
245184 -> 245900 ( i didn't bother going any further as 716 names is enough i think for anyone!!!!!
So using the set out already seen, replace parts of the text, then save as 245184 or 245185, and give all the robots a custom name (no rude ones - Mr.
Phil Mc-Crackin lives on my planets thanks.
Now they all have silly names - the rumours;
Well - i lifted these from someone else in the file :
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131691
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131692
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131694
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131696
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131697
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131698
Plonk them below a monkey - sorry, robot entry so it looks like this:
nickname = ew0602_robot_002_m
base_appr = Robot_body_b
individual_name = 221052
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp146
room = bar
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131691
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131692
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131694
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131696
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131697
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131698
Now then - to get your own little rumours -hmm - lets see about the space with those missions in eh?
They are contained in the misc_text.dll - which is rather full but.....
134400 up to 135000 is free (thats 600 rumours so the barman tells me) so there you go, open one of those above 131691 as your template, then replace legible text (ie -plain english parts that are obviuosly the rumour) with what you want them too say. Save the file and hope for the best....(by the way, suggest you give all of them some rumours and so on...........
Now the bad bit - i have never tried this, so although it looks straight forward and easy, i have never actually tried it this way to see if it works. I have changed rumours, but never made new ones on a base before. You may have to reland etc several times before you get one, but please let me know if it works as i like to keep abreast of these things!
Hope it works (crosses fingers) but in the fickle world of FL modding yuou can never be too sure if it will or not!!!
Okay for stuff selling on gammu - not sure which one is which, but lets see now...
Subxeros misc database helps here - LOL:
ew06_02_base is the one for the robots!
Okay - to sell nano bots you need to........hang on - it doesn't have anything cept the old bar does it? Okay - in that case we need to give it a room. So - go to your freelancer folder. Find the folder for ew06, then look inside. See a folder rooms? Go into that thing then!
Copy and paste ew06_01_equipment - then rename it to ew06_02_equipment. Now then you have a room. Open up the old old files again wiht your ini weapon of choice (I recommend BiniQDU). NOw plonk in the following lines:
nickname = Equipment
file = Universe\Systems\Ew06\Bases\Rooms\Ew06_02_equipment.ini
this is just letting it know that there is an equipment room on the base and that it is in the directory there!
Okay - that was actually lifted straight from ew06_01_base easy eh?
Oks - now go to your misc_equip.ini and copy any entry in there and just rename it as ew06_02_base instead (see below for small example)
base = ew06_02_Base
MarketGood = ge_s_battery_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1
MarketGood = ge_s_repair_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_gun01_mark03, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_gun01_mark02, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_gun01_mark01, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_turret01_mark01, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_dyson_turret01, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_lair_turret01, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_lair_turret02, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = special_nomad_gun01, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = special_nomad_gun02, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = special_nomad_gun03, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_cruise_disruptor01, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
MarketGood = nomad_torpedo01_rtc, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
Have some fun with that stuff too! LOL
Okay - save that off, then you are done for that part - but hang on a sec - no robot to show up and get jolly with?? hmm - mbases.ini it is then. By the way, if you do this then you will HAVE to spend up to one hour correcting the ini file all over again due to corruption by the BiniQ tool. If you don't your file is knackered so that you cannot get missions like ever again (well - not from the board anyways!! LOL)
Okay - open up mbases.ini (this is the most horrible ini file in the game by the way!)
NOw here is the mbases.ini entry for your base of choice (it is the very last one in the file - scroll to the bottom!)
nickname = Ew06_02_Base
local_faction = fc_or_grp
diff = 19
num_offers = 0, 0
faction = fc_or_grp
weight = 100
npc = ew0602_robot_001_m
npc = ew0602_robot_002_m
npc = ew0602_robot_003_m
npc = ew0602_robot_004_m
npc = ew0602_robot_005_m
npc = ew0602_robot_006_m
npc = ew0602_robot_007_m
nickname = ew0602_fix_bartender
base_appr = Robot_body_b
individual_name = 245181
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp106
room = bar
nickname = ew0602_fix_weaponsdealer
base_appr = Robot_body_a
individual_name = 245182
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp151
nickname = ew0602_robot_001_m
base_appr = Robot_body_c
individual_name = 221051
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp140
room = bar
nickname = ew0602_robot_002_m
base_appr = Robot_body_b
individual_name = 221052
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp146
room = bar
nickname = ew0602_robot_003_m
base_appr = Robot_body_d
individual_name = 221053
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp151
room = bar
nickname = ew0602_robot_004_m
base_appr = Robot_body_b
individual_name = 221054
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp140
room = bar
nickname = ew0602_robot_005_m
base_appr = Robot_body_e
individual_name = 221055
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp106
room = bar
nickname = ew0602_robot_006_m
base_appr = Robot_body_b
individual_name = 221056
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp101
room = bar
nickname = ew0602_robot_007_m
base_appr = Robot_body_c
individual_name = 221057
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp101
room = bar
nickname = bar
character_density = 7
fixture = ew0602_fix_bartender, Zs/NPC/Bartender/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_host_fidget.thn, bartender
nickname = Planetscape
character_density = 3
fixture = ew0602_fix_weaponsdealer, Zs/NPC/Equipment/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_equipdealer_fidget.thn, Equipment
Now add this:
nickname = Equipment
character_density = 1
fixture = ew0602_fix_weaponsdealer, Zs/NPC/Equipment/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_equipdealer_fidget.thn, Equipment
Which i just stole from the ew06_01_base entry instead. Nice and simple eh?
Okay - that is sorted. Now then - rumours eh? Hmm - we need one of the bars population now
nickname = ew0602_robot_004_m
base_appr = Robot_body_b
individual_name = 221054
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp140
room = bar
First - open up FLED ids and navigate to your directory of FL - now punch in this number:
245182 - notice the text there?
That comes out as this in game:
Gammu equipment dealer
Rebus RN-332
Now these numbers are free so you can type em in and then save the information as you like (hehe)
245184 -> 245900 ( i didn't bother going any further as 716 names is enough i think for anyone!!!!!
So using the set out already seen, replace parts of the text, then save as 245184 or 245185, and give all the robots a custom name (no rude ones - Mr.
Phil Mc-Crackin lives on my planets thanks.
Now they all have silly names - the rumours;
Well - i lifted these from someone else in the file :
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131691
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131692
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131694
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131696
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131697
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131698
Plonk them below a monkey - sorry, robot entry so it looks like this:
nickname = ew0602_robot_002_m
base_appr = Robot_body_b
individual_name = 221052
affiliation = fc_or_grp
voice = rvp146
room = bar
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131691
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131692
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131694
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131696
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131697
rumor = base_0_rank, mission_end, 1, 131698
Now then - to get your own little rumours -hmm - lets see about the space with those missions in eh?
They are contained in the misc_text.dll - which is rather full but.....
134400 up to 135000 is free (thats 600 rumours so the barman tells me) so there you go, open one of those above 131691 as your template, then replace legible text (ie -plain english parts that are obviuosly the rumour) with what you want them too say. Save the file and hope for the best....(by the way, suggest you give all of them some rumours and so on...........
Now the bad bit - i have never tried this, so although it looks straight forward and easy, i have never actually tried it this way to see if it works. I have changed rumours, but never made new ones on a base before. You may have to reland etc several times before you get one, but please let me know if it works as i like to keep abreast of these things!
Hope it works (crosses fingers) but in the fickle world of FL modding yuou can never be too sure if it will or not!!!
Editing mbases.ini causes a little error: you can't take missions trough that bag sign on upper part of screen. It shows permanently "come when you are frendlier to this side", even if you are in green. Have you found a way how to fix it?
Rheinland über alles!
Rheinland über alles!
I swear if this deletes one more post i will stop posting from now on, its pissing me off to hell and back!
here it is again...........(hehe - i copied it before posting to be safe this time)
Yes - sorry - i forgot to add the fix in the above LOL
OKay - here is what happens when you open the file up. The decoding cocks it up making a line being ommited:
weight = 13
offers_missions = true
mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387, 30
npc = li0101_lnavy_001_f
Turns into this:
weight = 13
offers_missions = mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387, 30
npc = li0101_lnavy_001_f
*edit* the bit is to make it say offers_missions = true again.
so it goes back to the above - lots of manual typing, scrolling and being pissed off i am affraid!
So you have to scroll through the whole file to edit and fix all these probs. ONce you do this i suggest you copy the file to a seperate directory so taht you always have a fixed copy lying around........that way you never have to do it more than once....................
It gets worse by the way.........all the arch files also get affected in some way or another :
They all have some sort of cock up in them after biniQ does the decoding!
Edited by - chips on 27-09-2003 00:11:10
here it is again...........(hehe - i copied it before posting to be safe this time)
Yes - sorry - i forgot to add the fix in the above LOL
OKay - here is what happens when you open the file up. The decoding cocks it up making a line being ommited:
weight = 13
offers_missions = true
mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387, 30
npc = li0101_lnavy_001_f
Turns into this:
weight = 13
offers_missions = mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387, 30
npc = li0101_lnavy_001_f
*edit* the bit is to make it say offers_missions = true again.
so it goes back to the above - lots of manual typing, scrolling and being pissed off i am affraid!
So you have to scroll through the whole file to edit and fix all these probs. ONce you do this i suggest you copy the file to a seperate directory so taht you always have a fixed copy lying around........that way you never have to do it more than once....................
It gets worse by the way.........all the arch files also get affected in some way or another :
They all have some sort of cock up in them after biniQ does the decoding!
Edited by - chips on 27-09-2003 00:11:10
I use only Wordpad for editing and it is very slowered when I open bigger files like mbases or weapon_equip. I have 384 MB RAM, but it seems to be not enough. No surprise that I skip details there.
Rheinland über alles!
Rheinland über alles!
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