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Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 6:03 am

Hello Guys..

How do i change the Trail Length on the Engine. I t looks a little odd on some of the ships..

Both in normal flight and with the cruise engine engaged..

Thanks for your help..

Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 10:30 am


I think it's gd_z_grp but don't quote me on that!

As for what program.A free one is called gmax. I think most people use milkshade. it's about $30.00 but you can download the trial at


Experience is the worst teacher!
It gives the test before the lesson.

Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 10:42 am

To make it a zoner base, it will also need to be dedicated to the zoners in the universe.ini entry as well:
I think (not sure) that this is the zoners ref number..............not sure though

BGCS_base_run_by = W02bF52

To make stuff, best with milkshape. It is cheap, it is very good, and its the only one with a CMP exporter right now, so all the others need to go through milkshape anyways

engine trails?
Not overly positive, but engine ale.ini in the FX/engines folder you get

nickname = gf_br_atransport_engine01
alchemy = fx\engines\gf_br_atransport_engine01.ale
effect_crc = 313390504
textures = fx\planetflare.txm
textures = fx\beam.txm

nickname = gf_br_atransport_engine01_fire
alchemy = fx\engines\gf_br_atransport_engine01_fire.ale
effect_crc = 47023998
textures = fx\planetflare.txm

Which i assume points towards a unchangable effect (ie - you can't plug in more numbers to make it bigger) or at least, i have never come across anywhere that you can!

Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 12:13 pm


How do you make a ship look like its got three engines instead of one?


Experience is the worst teacher!
It gives the test before the lesson.

Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 1:23 pm

number of engines:
look in shiparch.ini

num_exhaust_nozzles = 3 ;<---this is what u are looking for

make sure you have 3 engine hardpoints

this is just for the visual number of engines, your ship still has just one! (see goods.ini)

modder on

Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 3:03 pm

Yup - thats right, engine exhaust nozzle increasing..hehe - is it working? And was it BiniQ with its strange idea of how to save a modified file? (for those who just read this, it seems to like to put back what you take

Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 7:48 pm

thx loads chips. im still new and ill definitely b asking more lata. but 4 now im set thx!

EDIT: err i cant seem to fine the milkshade file in the downloads section.. can someone post a link to the file so i can try to download it plz ? thx.

Blah, i don't care

Edited by - lancerdude2003 on 17-09-2003 21:15:38

Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 9:46 pm

Still crashes when I go to the ship dealer!

This is really starting to get depressing!

Ok got to the ship dealer finely! But now have inviso ship! Game crashes when I try to leave the planet!


Experience is the worst teacher!
It gives the test before the lesson.

Edited by - -{Yeti}- on 17-09-2003 23:08:29

Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 11:10 pm

Okay - can you email me the files? The mat, CMP, shiparch for sure - goods aint needed. I will have a look for you, tinker a little and see what happens. Email is [email protected] - will take a peek, try it out and remail it back to you as soon as i find a prob. Am working on a very large mod (solo - on my own) but i should be able to go through it in a day or so (hopefully). There aint much more i can do without seeing the files. The reason they are invis in shipdelear is something to do with inverted textures or something - but i can't sort that. I can sort why you crash when leaving planet though etc........

Post Thu Sep 18, 2003 2:54 am

Just another couple of noobie questions:

Can you increase the lighting of the cockpit interior?
Can you have two or more HpPilot (you know pilot and copilot)


Post Thu Sep 18, 2003 4:51 am

Change the lighting of the cockpit interior?? First request ever for that! Will take a peek. For the Extra pilot, i see no reason why not. They are after all just file references like any other CMP modification etc. Needs extra point, referencing in the shiparch.ini and the cockpit I assume as well. Give it a go(basically do everything again for the pilot mount, but make it HpPilot02 or whatever - see what happens. If it is just HpPilot (note - no 01)then it might be like the HpMount - only one definition - but give it a go anyways......let u know!

Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 2:55 am

In shiparch.ini first entry under simple is

nickname = generic_pilot
DA_archetype = equipment\models\pilot\ship_pilot.3db
material_library = Equipment\models\pilots.mat

Do you think I could duplicate and make an HpPilot01 and if so what other files would I need to modify?

Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 4:44 am

Well, the good news is I can actually see the ship, although unless the mat is just white, the mat file has a prob. It is a very nice model! But the HpMount is set too low - needs to be raised up quite a bit (that is why it is sinking through the floor)
More as i keep on trying stuff - but god knows right

Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 4:54 am

Well - my housemate isn't happy. Mainly as i just fell off my chair as i pissed myself laughing at the problem, that was staring me directly in the face........... i had just not thought until i was comparing. You copied the liberty light fighter entry i assume for this......
The reason i say assume is a good one though..........................
You don't HAVE one!!! You used it up for this!

The reason you are crashing on launching is cos every time you launch it is looking for a li_fighter for the police to be flying, and it doesn't exist!!!!!!!!!!

Man - i was almost pulling out my hair! I had stripped the package to nothing, checked the spelling of CMP files and everything else as well!!!! Eventually i was checking that everything in the shiparch.ini was spelt right, and that nothing was 'left' out...........Then i found what was left out!! LOL

Anyways - to help you out a little more!! Here are some numbers to do some custom info for the ships with!. number 261795 is a free ids name number - use that, and for the info!
66616, 66617, 66618 are free (the other is 66608 and is the standard layout structure of the info cards (ie the bit saying turrets, nano bot etc) )
Use those numbers like below, then change your dll for it;

ids_name = 261795
ids_info = 66616
ids_info1 = 66617
ids_info2 = 66608
ids_info3 = 66618
ship_class = 0
nickname = Cronic

If you wish to keep it simple that is, otherwise you can create a new dll instead and plonk it in there (keeps the mod smaller, but shabbier as well - extra dll file - this is neater, its already there (the numbers))
Will email it back to you!

Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 7:00 am

Thanks for the info on adding the extra equipment into the game Chips.
Ive got it all included, with out having any crashes. So I desided to add abounch of other items and corruped my mod. and had to start all over again. ( Making a working back up this time around.

For a few screen shots go to: ... shots.html

Now im trying to figure out orientation for my weapons.

Once again thanks for the help.

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