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Storyline Suggestion

Here you can find anything related to the Open Source, Freelancer like game project Openlancer.

Post Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:23 pm

.....excluding me, apparently

Post Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:44 pm


Trent walks into a bar, shaking what he has been given...
Walks up to the nearest girl....
"Hey, what you got?"
"I don't know, whats it worth to you?"

Hmmm, like trent, huh?

Edited by - Chupa on 12/14/2005 9:36:30 AM

Post Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:13 pm


Post Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:41 am

Hey, BH, it IS a reality..

And I, for one, am happy to be associated with that half of our species which possesses so much of what those of us who are males have none of...

That having been said, I don't feel that ALL thought processes should be filtered through the 'little head', so to speak...

Post Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:18 pm

Say What?


My young kitten sleeps
Sleepy from overeating
Global Bunny lost

Post Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:43 pm

hey, i wonder if one of the main charecters should be related in a small way to one of the main characters in FL. like kings brother? or junis cousin? just s small thouht i had.
Oh and @BH a character that doesnt have an obsession with girls would have more dignity and thus be a more respectable main character. which makes the story easier to stand by the adience

Post Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:58 pm

@ chupa -think about it- and get a good look at a 'men's' mag

Post Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:28 pm

Lokua: I was concidering one of the side charactors being related to King... But its optional.

Also, I was reading BH's backstory, and though, "why not have a 5th house be Russian survivors..." Which can be done Easily.

Post Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:23 pm

Problem is, you've got to be careful about 'relating' characters to the point where the connection is clear enough that MS's lawyers could holler about 'copyright infringement'- and given the current flaps in the recording industry, they just might do it- especially if they think they can make money or a name from it. Kind of like sharks with blood in the water, if you will.

what's the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead lawyer in the road? 50 feet of skid mark in front of the skunk...

Post Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:40 pm

Heres an idea on the main chars attutide he can be impulisive not this high and mighty I'm going to win it all.. also for the story-line the nomads didn't hold direct assults due to them being to weak.. why don't we pick some like a rogue faction or mabye a new type of alien or mabye it could be one of those ancient aliens they talked about in the movie clips..

Dan Koban is in the middle some illegal smuggling with a group of junkers when a myserious black gate apears out of no where.. in a simmer of black white lights his sensors pick up large amounts of life and its own atmophere sudden suddenly a huge beam blows right past his ship desorying 2 of the junkers the group unform and a group of fighters launch at them Dan and the junkers jump on the crusiers the fighters catch up just before the junkers and dan get a chance to cruise and destory the last of the junkers and dan speeds off into space.. distrot confused and disbelifing...

Objective of the Aliens restore the universe to what once was they see humans as bringers of doom and destrustion can the humans mount a defence aganist this things? only time will tell

(below would happend after a few missions.ect)
anyway Dan confused regards it as a dream and attempts to get on with his life but after meeting the "Girl" he learns of many attacks like that... you can come up with the rest...

Post Thu Dec 15, 2005 6:12 am

I don't know if anyone suggested this, but how about a storyline with 2 endings. You could have eg Alliance and Coalition and the player chooses with who he allies. Start off neutral and depending on his choises and who he takes missions from you get a different finish. Not everyone enjoys having the good guys win every time...

Post Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:43 am

Kind of like in KOTOR?


My young kitten sleeps
Sleepy from overeating
Global Bunny lost

Post Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:09 pm

I like the 2 ending idea. It helps with the feeling of "choise" that alot of people need.

Post Thu Dec 15, 2005 4:03 pm

thats actually not a bad idea. although i have seen something similar in Mechwarrior mercenaries, except theres 2 MAIN endings, whether you choose to fight for steiner or davion, but if you choose steiner, you have to choose again between joining the clans or stealing a massive base to use as your own. that might also tie in with openlancers allowing people to manage their own factions. people might start off by making their own mercenary company, or version of the bounty hunters guild. and of course, every faction needs a base...

Post Fri Dec 16, 2005 8:39 am

In response to the 20 year idea, It would seem to flow into another story. We already know that most if not all the original characters whose voices were used in the making of freelancer cannot be reused. (copywrite laws and "actors guild" would be very upset with us).
Instead of re-using familiar characters, we could build upon them with new characters. The primary characters in Freelancer would have been given enough time to mature more and as a result have children who have grown to young adulthood. This would lend itself to the continuation of the new story line.

In short, since we cannot re-use the original characters, it would be logical to spawn something from them to continue. It flows.

Therefore, enter Lance Trent and Miko Zane, the children of Edison and Juni. They didnt necessarily have them toghether as a couple, but rather went on there own ways. This skips the drama involved with trying to figure out some history of marriage. Edison didnt necessarily care all that much for Juni since she was quite controlling....but he did eventually care about a cause.
In the new story line, old allies are sort of drawn together again..but this time through the children who have reached their 20's. (this explains why the 20 year gap). Many things must have changed in the years that have passed.
The plot would have to revolve around the development of a cause that brings the characters together and as much....draw the player into the role of the character much the same way it did in Freelancer.

One other important note for thought is this:
If you're going on a sleeper ship (in cryogenic sleep) have to consider the stasis of the occupants. In other words, if you're going to sleep on a long journey you have to consider the time it took to reach your destination.

Edited by - Rankor on 12/16/2005 8:55:42 AM

Edited by - Rankor on 12/16/2005 9:03:42 AM

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