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DSQrn/Outcast''s RPG-Control your own Faction.
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
Cheating! Rhiienland controls 5-6 systems and ou guys have about three and there were over 900 fighters besides until the judge comes upgrading is open you can do it too! besides Rhienlands is a entire house with many sysems, now if maany players from the hispani allicnae can amse huge ships and get there hands one b-ships what do you think Rhienland can do! but me being a person to avoide argument i will find a creavtive way to cut down the ships give me 5 minutes and i will have resized the ships to a more realistic size!
what i posted before:
Bioship 1
Warships 90
B-ships 143
Cruisers 234
Gunboats 344
Wings of fighters (8 fighters per wing) 677
My resized excuse
Media lying about Rhienland fleet
The media was cuaght lying about the size of a rhienland fleet in sme hope to help Rhienland. the true fleet has been posted:
wings of fighters (8 per wing)= 567
Edited by - DSQrn on 9/14/2004 4:20:28 AM
what i posted before:
Bioship 1
Warships 90
B-ships 143
Cruisers 234
Gunboats 344
Wings of fighters (8 fighters per wing) 677
My resized excuse
Media lying about Rhienland fleet
The media was cuaght lying about the size of a rhienland fleet in sme hope to help Rhienland. the true fleet has been posted:
wings of fighters (8 per wing)= 567
Edited by - DSQrn on 9/14/2004 4:20:28 AM
Guild News!
Warships completed! Today three of the new BHG warships were completed in Alaska. They are currently in Manhattan. They are on their way to Leeds to assist the RH and LI Navy forces in their battle against the pirates. It is hoped that they will be able to get there in time to help. The Warships are gathering a force of fighters to assist them in their attack.
Stations repaired! Last week, BHG workmen repaired the damage to our stations. Orcas are coming off the production line as fast as ever, and security has been increased tenfold to protect against more sabotoge.
New system discovered! Recently a new system was discovered by BHG forces. A jumphole was discovered to it in the Alaska system. Once in the system, another jumphole was found to California. The system has been scouted, and corperations have been brought in to do work. A planet has been found, and Planetform is attempting to terraform it.
New stations under construction! New stations are being planned. One will become our new headquarters in the new system. Others will be built around all the jumpholes in the system. Another shipyard will be built to construct more warships, as well as support ships. All of the stations are now under construction.
This has been an edition of the Bounty Hunter News Network.
Tune in next time for everything a Hunter needs to know!
BHNN out.
Some questions I have...
If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty liter?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

Warships completed! Today three of the new BHG warships were completed in Alaska. They are currently in Manhattan. They are on their way to Leeds to assist the RH and LI Navy forces in their battle against the pirates. It is hoped that they will be able to get there in time to help. The Warships are gathering a force of fighters to assist them in their attack.
Stations repaired! Last week, BHG workmen repaired the damage to our stations. Orcas are coming off the production line as fast as ever, and security has been increased tenfold to protect against more sabotoge.
New system discovered! Recently a new system was discovered by BHG forces. A jumphole was discovered to it in the Alaska system. Once in the system, another jumphole was found to California. The system has been scouted, and corperations have been brought in to do work. A planet has been found, and Planetform is attempting to terraform it.
New stations under construction! New stations are being planned. One will become our new headquarters in the new system. Others will be built around all the jumpholes in the system. Another shipyard will be built to construct more warships, as well as support ships. All of the stations are now under construction.
This has been an edition of the Bounty Hunter News Network.
Tune in next time for everything a Hunter needs to know!
BHNN out.
Some questions I have...
If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty liter?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

Guild News!
Stations completed! Today, the stations that we have been building in our newly discovered system have been completed. Our new headquarters is in the middle of the system. It is called Athens Base. We have two new outposts near the entrances to the system. They are Thebes Outpost and Corinth Outpost. Our new shipyards have also been constructed. It is named Sparta Shipyard. Trade Lanes have been constructed by Ageria, and we are flourishing in the system. The system is impervious to invasion and spies because the BHG scan everything coming in and out of the systems, and large minefields have been built on the other side of the jumpholes. The only way to get to get to the jumpholes are through a narrow corridor, guarded by hundreds of ships and weapons platforms. The new system has been named New Greece, and is officially the home of the BHG.
More warships built! Between our two shipyards, we have constructed ten new warships, and fifteen new Advanced Anti-Fighter Cruisers. These are top of the line ships, designed to protect our new fleet of warships from fighters. These ships have dozens of powerful missile launchers that can destroy most any fighter in one shot. They also have a powerful main gun that is excellent against other cruisers. These ships will meet up with our other ships in Leeds. These fleets will create the Combined Bounty Hunter Fleet, and it will consist of:
13 warships
15 AAF Cruisers
35 wings of Orcas*
60 wings of Hammerheads*
60 wings of Barracudas*
75 wings of Pirahnas*
20 wings of Whales*
*Wings contain 4 fighters.
Secret message to FA (RDrag only) :
The BHG no longer has any interest in fighting you. Therefore, we wish to propose a deal with you.
If you:
Sign a non-agression pact with us
Regard us with neutrality
Then we will:
Sign a non-agression pact with you
Regard you with neutrality
Give up all BHG intrests in Kusari
Give you Deshima Station
This pact would become applicable after the Leeds battle. (If it ever happens.
Please consider this pact. We beleive this to be in the intrests of both of our factions. We hope that you will agree with us on this.
BHNN out.
Some questions I have...
If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty liter?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

Stations completed! Today, the stations that we have been building in our newly discovered system have been completed. Our new headquarters is in the middle of the system. It is called Athens Base. We have two new outposts near the entrances to the system. They are Thebes Outpost and Corinth Outpost. Our new shipyards have also been constructed. It is named Sparta Shipyard. Trade Lanes have been constructed by Ageria, and we are flourishing in the system. The system is impervious to invasion and spies because the BHG scan everything coming in and out of the systems, and large minefields have been built on the other side of the jumpholes. The only way to get to get to the jumpholes are through a narrow corridor, guarded by hundreds of ships and weapons platforms. The new system has been named New Greece, and is officially the home of the BHG.
More warships built! Between our two shipyards, we have constructed ten new warships, and fifteen new Advanced Anti-Fighter Cruisers. These are top of the line ships, designed to protect our new fleet of warships from fighters. These ships have dozens of powerful missile launchers that can destroy most any fighter in one shot. They also have a powerful main gun that is excellent against other cruisers. These ships will meet up with our other ships in Leeds. These fleets will create the Combined Bounty Hunter Fleet, and it will consist of:
13 warships
15 AAF Cruisers
35 wings of Orcas*
60 wings of Hammerheads*
60 wings of Barracudas*
75 wings of Pirahnas*
20 wings of Whales*
*Wings contain 4 fighters.
Secret message to FA (RDrag only) :
The BHG no longer has any interest in fighting you. Therefore, we wish to propose a deal with you.
If you:
Sign a non-agression pact with us
Regard us with neutrality
Then we will:
Sign a non-agression pact with you
Regard you with neutrality
Give up all BHG intrests in Kusari
Give you Deshima Station
This pact would become applicable after the Leeds battle. (If it ever happens.

Please consider this pact. We beleive this to be in the intrests of both of our factions. We hope that you will agree with us on this.
BHNN out.
Some questions I have...
If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty liter?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

***Bretonia Colony News Service - Top Story***
Celebration On New London
With the news earlier today that Rheinland and their allies have proposed that after the Battle For Leeds the system will be returned to Bretonia, joyous celebrations took place by the Leeds Citizens currently on New London.
Unoffical reports say that our King has offered the support of Bretonia's remaining fleet to the Rheinland Axis in a big U Turn on what the King said just a few days ago.
With this in mind, the imminant capture of Leeds will no doubt raise morale within the military ranks, and will leave the Bretonian Empire in a much better position to claim back Cambridge and Edinburgh.
Celebration On New London
With the news earlier today that Rheinland and their allies have proposed that after the Battle For Leeds the system will be returned to Bretonia, joyous celebrations took place by the Leeds Citizens currently on New London.
Unoffical reports say that our King has offered the support of Bretonia's remaining fleet to the Rheinland Axis in a big U Turn on what the King said just a few days ago.
With this in mind, the imminant capture of Leeds will no doubt raise morale within the military ranks, and will leave the Bretonian Empire in a much better position to claim back Cambridge and Edinburgh.
Rhienland Proposes Support to Bretonia
We thank you for your support in leeds, and now we make you a new offer. we have ealized that your milatary is not in the best of shape. if you join the axis i willl fund you with cloak devices and our famous rifles plus foood ad medical suplies, ship materials and frontlin bases. with our help bretonia can become a well oiled machine again.
We thank you for your support in leeds, and now we make you a new offer. we have ealized that your milatary is not in the best of shape. if you join the axis i willl fund you with cloak devices and our famous rifles plus foood ad medical suplies, ship materials and frontlin bases. with our help bretonia can become a well oiled machine again.
***Bretonia Seals deal with Rheinland over Weapons Technology***
In a report published earlier today, the offer by Rheinland of weapons technologies and bases has taken a huge strain off of our King. Official responses from the Monarchy indicate that the King has accepted the offer by Rheinland and hopes for peace and prosperity between the two houses for many years to come.
Private Communication to Rheinland, BHG and Liberty:
The Bretonian military has mobilized and would like to thank the Rheinland Axis of Power in their support to return Bretonia to their former glory.
The Bretonian Military, in its current state cannot afford a head on attack with Hispanic forces. We are to reroute our forces through Manchester, and will use the jump hole there and remain positoned in the dust cloud to ambush the enemy.
Edited by - bret bretonian on 9/15/2004 4:50:33 AM
In a report published earlier today, the offer by Rheinland of weapons technologies and bases has taken a huge strain off of our King. Official responses from the Monarchy indicate that the King has accepted the offer by Rheinland and hopes for peace and prosperity between the two houses for many years to come.
Private Communication to Rheinland, BHG and Liberty:
The Bretonian military has mobilized and would like to thank the Rheinland Axis of Power in their support to return Bretonia to their former glory.
The Bretonian Military, in its current state cannot afford a head on attack with Hispanic forces. We are to reroute our forces through Manchester, and will use the jump hole there and remain positoned in the dust cloud to ambush the enemy.
Edited by - bret bretonian on 9/15/2004 4:50:33 AM
New shipyards, each with 8 dock bays have been completed in California, Colorado and Texas systems. With that added to current shipyards Baltimore(8 docks), Norfolk(8 docks) and Juneau(8 docks) in Alaska Liberty can now build 48 capital ships at the time. Also, all stations in Liberty have been taken over by Navy and armed with dozens of anti-fighter and anti-capship cannons. They've also been equipped with cutter beams. Also, 8 new Command Carriers have been completed. 40 battleships have also been completed, with 5 new battleships assigned to each command carrier. The command carriers have been divided with two in each Liberty system. The BS:s and CC:s have also been equipped with cutter beams and cloaking devices.
In continuation to destruction of Rochester with operation Swift Resolve, the Liberty navy today captured the Buffalo Rogue base. The attack force against buffalo consisted of three battleships and their Spartan VHF's fitted with cloaking devices. Experienced navy pilots took out Buffalo's defense fighters easily, with ships fleeing battle being apprehended by a navy dragnet of ships outside Badlands. After Buffalo's fighter cover was taken out, the battleships penetrated the base's armor and destroyed it's generators using their cutter beams. After that Navy elite SEAL(SpacE, Air, Land) units boarded the base. Couple of hundred Rogues were killed in battle inside Buffalo, with dozens being captured. The captured Rogues have been sent to Leavingworth prison station. The navy announced it plans more offensives in near future. The buffalo base has been renamed Navy Outpost Diego Garcia, and 70 Spartans and a Marine unit have been posted to the base.
In continuation to destruction of Rochester with operation Swift Resolve, the Liberty navy today captured the Buffalo Rogue base. The attack force against buffalo consisted of three battleships and their Spartan VHF's fitted with cloaking devices. Experienced navy pilots took out Buffalo's defense fighters easily, with ships fleeing battle being apprehended by a navy dragnet of ships outside Badlands. After Buffalo's fighter cover was taken out, the battleships penetrated the base's armor and destroyed it's generators using their cutter beams. After that Navy elite SEAL(SpacE, Air, Land) units boarded the base. Couple of hundred Rogues were killed in battle inside Buffalo, with dozens being captured. The captured Rogues have been sent to Leavingworth prison station. The navy announced it plans more offensives in near future. The buffalo base has been renamed Navy Outpost Diego Garcia, and 70 Spartans and a Marine unit have been posted to the base.
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