Guild News!
BHG gives aid to BAF! Today the BHG promised aid to BA. They are sending their newly created fleet, Fleet 2, to Bretonia. It consists of:
10 Warships
25 AAF Cruisers
50 wings of Orcas
75 wings of Hammerheads
50 Large Transports (filled with food, supplies, weapons, technology, advanced ship parts, and credits.)
This fleet has arrived at Sheffield, and ships and supplies are being distruibuted throughout the BA systems. Hopefully this will be able to aid BA in getting back in this fight!
New fuel being researched! It was recently discovered that there is a strange gas that covers our entire new home of New Greece. Scientists have anylized it, and it has been discovered that it can be used as a fuel. However, this is a incredible fuel, in that it provides almost
unlimited amounts of power. Samples of the fuel have been sent to LI, RH and BA, and we hope to send them more later. Fortunatly, this substance has been found no where else in Sirius, so we control the only system that contains it. It is also impossible to replicate, so our enemies can never get their hands on it. We have set up a new base, Macedonia Mining Station, in a dense field of this fuel, to mine more of it.
New ships under construction! At Sparta, we are developing new ships that are capable of using this new fuel. New battleships and fighters are under construction that can use the fuel, but only in New Greece. They will form a 'home guard force' that will protect our system. These ships are able to mount incredibly strong sheilds and weapons that no known ship can even hope to stand up against. They will be completed in a few days. Meanwhile, Warships, Cruisers, and Orcas continue to roll of the lines from Athens, Sparta, and our Alaska Shipyards.
BHG flagship under construction! The shipwrights at Sparta are developing a flagship for the BHG fleet. This ship will be the size of two of our warships, and incredibly powerful. It will be dubbed the 'Alexander the Great' and should be completed the same time as our Home Defense Ships.
Troy terraforming complete! Our new planet, Planet Troy, in New Greece, has been deemed 'ready for population' by Planetform. This planet will have dozens of ship production factories on its surface. Most of our leaders will live there, and it will serve as a vacation spot for our pilots.
New Greece to serve as Axis HQ? The BHG asks the other Axis leaders if they would like to use Troy or Athens as the Axis's new HQ and meeting place. We could construct secret jump gates to all your capital systems, and you could use them to come here.
Message to FA (RDrag only)- We are happy to wait for you to decide. Give us your decision after the Battle of Leeds.
(Aravis, you have all the battle forces and plans, so make your decision!

Some questions I have...
If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty liter?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?