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DSQrn/Outcast''s RPG-Control your own Faction.
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
The Outcast Armada has finally anounced its new fleet groups to the people of Malta and Mallorca.
Old Fleet Groups:
1 - Omicron Alpha
2 - Omicron Beta
3 - Leeds
4 - Tau-29 (In Leeds)
5 - Sigma 19
New Fleet Groups
6 - Sigma 17
7 - Tau-37
8 - Tau-23
9 - Leeds
10 - Leeds
The forces in Leeds have now doubled.
New GOD Class Battleship in production.
The new GOD class battleship will be the Outcasts strongest weapon. With all the new gas from Sigma-19, we can use the gas as a weapon. The Battleship shoots the gas at the enemy fleet, then ignites it with a special flare. The gas explodes, destroying anything inside. This was tested on a unmanned Outcast Cruiser, which dissapered immidiately in the fireball. All Fleet groeups now have 20 GODs with them.
New Jump Hole Discovered!
A new Jump Hole has been discovered in Sigma-19, between planets Cerberus and Hades. It goes to Leeds, near LD-14 station. It will make a good retreat point in the upcoming battle.
The Outcast Armada has finally anounced its new fleet groups to the people of Malta and Mallorca.
Old Fleet Groups:
1 - Omicron Alpha
2 - Omicron Beta
3 - Leeds
4 - Tau-29 (In Leeds)
5 - Sigma 19
New Fleet Groups
6 - Sigma 17
7 - Tau-37
8 - Tau-23
9 - Leeds
10 - Leeds
The forces in Leeds have now doubled.
New GOD Class Battleship in production.
The new GOD class battleship will be the Outcasts strongest weapon. With all the new gas from Sigma-19, we can use the gas as a weapon. The Battleship shoots the gas at the enemy fleet, then ignites it with a special flare. The gas explodes, destroying anything inside. This was tested on a unmanned Outcast Cruiser, which dissapered immidiately in the fireball. All Fleet groeups now have 20 GODs with them.
New Jump Hole Discovered!
A new Jump Hole has been discovered in Sigma-19, between planets Cerberus and Hades. It goes to Leeds, near LD-14 station. It will make a good retreat point in the upcoming battle.
Blooooooooooooood Dragons, Systems Owned? Kyushu, Chugoku, Tohoku.
Sry i haven't posted.
The Blood Dragons, finding the Battleship Myoko a obstacle in thier path to glory, decide that they will take subtler measures. A team launched from behind the Myoko boards the ship, and succesfully takes it back to chugoku for modifications. The Blood Dragons soon plan to take over New Tokyo with help from the G.C. Once the capital has been overthrown, the Blood Dragons and the G.C. will split the Systems between them. One side the Blood Dragons, one side a matriarchy ruled by the G.C. A team of Blood Dragons has been sent into the Tau systems for a suitable backup system in case their plan fails.
Shikoku isn't mine yet. Just weakened.
"Death to ZugZug!" Oh, and by the way, considering I outrank you, I shouldn't have to listen to you.
Sry i haven't posted.
The Blood Dragons, finding the Battleship Myoko a obstacle in thier path to glory, decide that they will take subtler measures. A team launched from behind the Myoko boards the ship, and succesfully takes it back to chugoku for modifications. The Blood Dragons soon plan to take over New Tokyo with help from the G.C. Once the capital has been overthrown, the Blood Dragons and the G.C. will split the Systems between them. One side the Blood Dragons, one side a matriarchy ruled by the G.C. A team of Blood Dragons has been sent into the Tau systems for a suitable backup system in case their plan fails.
Shikoku isn't mine yet. Just weakened.
"Death to ZugZug!" Oh, and by the way, considering I outrank you, I shouldn't have to listen to you.
The Hispania is occupied, but Ambassador Talonez has come in a cruiser, the Outrider.
Message to Blood Dragons:
All the Tau systems are already owned. But if you join the Hispanic Alliance, you will be granted permission ot build there. (or you can have Java Station, i dont need it)
23, 29 and 37: Outcasts
31: Alliance
Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 9/16/2004 1:05:15 PM
Message to Blood Dragons:
All the Tau systems are already owned. But if you join the Hispanic Alliance, you will be granted permission ot build there. (or you can have Java Station, i dont need it)
23, 29 and 37: Outcasts
31: Alliance
Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 9/16/2004 1:05:15 PM
Blood dragons if you join the Rhienland Axis you will be able to build anywere in Rhienland and Omicron theta and the others will have to give you permission to build in there systems. also if you join us we will help you taker back kusari because we believe your cause is noble
Edited by - DSQrn on 9/16/2004 2:26:13 PM
Edited by - DSQrn on 9/16/2004 2:26:13 PM
okay so here are the forces i think this is the most recent outcast defense fo leeds correct me if i am wrong
Flagship: Heavy Battleship Barcelona
5 Heavy Battleships(carry 100 fighters each = 500)
10 Conquerer class ABBs (carry 25 fighters each = 250)
25 Battleships (carry 40 fighters each = 1000)
50 Cruisers (carry 5 fighters each = 250)
100 Gunboats
1000 Series A Rapier AHF
500 Series B Claymore HB (EMP Variant)
500 Series B Claymore HB (HE Variant)
FLEET GROUP 4 - Tau-29 (moved to Leeds)
Flagship: Heavy Battleship Valencia
5 Heavy Battleships(carry 100 fighters each = 500)
10 Conquerer class ABBs (carry 25 fighters each = 250)
25 Battleships (carry 40 fighters each = 1000)
50 Cruisers (carry 5 fighters each = 250)
100 Gunboats
1000 Series A Rapier AHF
500 Series B Claymore HB (EMP Variant)
500 Series B Claymore HB (HE Variant)
Now my fleet waiting to attack Leeds
2 Lead Warships (bit better then other warships)
15 Warships
67 Battleships
89 Cruisers
123 gunboats
555 Valkyres
600 Banshee's
and so that is all the forces of Rhienland and outcasts gathered here (oh and if you think my fleet is to big the point is Rhienland is a House so it can produce more then terrorists
Flagship: Heavy Battleship Barcelona
5 Heavy Battleships(carry 100 fighters each = 500)
10 Conquerer class ABBs (carry 25 fighters each = 250)
25 Battleships (carry 40 fighters each = 1000)
50 Cruisers (carry 5 fighters each = 250)
100 Gunboats
1000 Series A Rapier AHF
500 Series B Claymore HB (EMP Variant)
500 Series B Claymore HB (HE Variant)
FLEET GROUP 4 - Tau-29 (moved to Leeds)
Flagship: Heavy Battleship Valencia
5 Heavy Battleships(carry 100 fighters each = 500)
10 Conquerer class ABBs (carry 25 fighters each = 250)
25 Battleships (carry 40 fighters each = 1000)
50 Cruisers (carry 5 fighters each = 250)
100 Gunboats
1000 Series A Rapier AHF
500 Series B Claymore HB (EMP Variant)
500 Series B Claymore HB (HE Variant)
Now my fleet waiting to attack Leeds
2 Lead Warships (bit better then other warships)
15 Warships
67 Battleships
89 Cruisers
123 gunboats
555 Valkyres
600 Banshee's
and so that is all the forces of Rhienland and outcasts gathered here (oh and if you think my fleet is to big the point is Rhienland is a House so it can produce more then terrorists
Guild News!
More forces sent to Leeds! Our shipyards today produced another force. Using the RH Jump Rift technology, they have been sent directly to Leeds to join up with our other forces. The new force consists of:
'Alexander the Great' Ultimate Warship
15 Warships
25 AAF Cruisers
60 Wings of Orcas
60 Wings of Whales
That makes the total BHG force in Leeds to be:
1 Ultimate Warship (Using Super Fuel)
28 Warships (Using Super Fuel)
40 AAF Cruisers
155 Wings of Orcas (620 Ships)
80 Wings of Hammerheads (320 Ships)
60 Wings of Barracudas (240 Ships)
75 Wings of Pirahnas (300 Ships)
85 Wings of Whales (340 Ships)
Super fuel fully developed! Our new Super Fuel has been fully developed and tested. Warships can now use it anywhere in the Sirius Sector. All of our Warships have been given this fuel. Now their shields are impenatreble, and they have vastly increased speed and power. Unfortunatly, it is impossible for anything less than a battleship to use the fuel out of the New Greece system.
Sucessful Raid on Hawaii! Yesterday the BHG undertook a sucessful raid on the Lux. Liner Hawaii. A Jump Rift was created, and 5 warships and 20 Orcas Wings went through. Once in the system, they activated their cloaks. They got right up to the Hawaii before uncloaking. There was a ferocius battle with Allience forces, but a Warship managed to dock with the Hawaii and recover all of the hostages on board. Then, our ships activated their cloaks and returned to New Greece. We lost:
2 Warships
5 Orca wings
They lost:
1 Battleship
2 Wings of Titans
2 Wings of Sabres
Fortunatly, we managed to recover all of the hostages, and they are now on Athens. They will be sent home tomorrow.
'Alexander the Great' Completed! The new Ulimate Warship, 'Alexander the Great', was completed yesterday at Sparta. It uses the new Super Fuel, and is the flagship of the BHG fleet. Its weapons have been specially designed with the new fuel in mind, and are incredibly powerful. The main 6 weapons are called 'Capital Ship Crushers'. They fire slowly, and do enough damage per shot to take out any ship that is not using the Super Fuel. It has 60 beam weapons on the sides to eliminate fighters. These are called 'War Lances' and can take out a VHF very, very quickly. They are beam weapons, so they fire continuously. The Ultimate Warship is probably the most powerful ship in Sirius, currently.
Super Fuel Sent to Allies! Large amounts of the new Super Fuel have been sent to RH, BA, and LI. We hope they use it well.
Home Guard Commisioned! The New Greece Home Guard has been created. It now consists of 20 Battleships and 50 Wings of Fighters that get their fuel from the system. They are incredibly powerful, because they have an unlimited supply of power. No one can even hope to attack our new home now!
This has been a production of the Bounty Hunter News Network.
Tune in next time for everything a Hunter needs to know!
BHNN out.
Some questions I have...
If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty liter?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

More forces sent to Leeds! Our shipyards today produced another force. Using the RH Jump Rift technology, they have been sent directly to Leeds to join up with our other forces. The new force consists of:
'Alexander the Great' Ultimate Warship
15 Warships
25 AAF Cruisers
60 Wings of Orcas
60 Wings of Whales
That makes the total BHG force in Leeds to be:
1 Ultimate Warship (Using Super Fuel)
28 Warships (Using Super Fuel)
40 AAF Cruisers
155 Wings of Orcas (620 Ships)
80 Wings of Hammerheads (320 Ships)
60 Wings of Barracudas (240 Ships)
75 Wings of Pirahnas (300 Ships)
85 Wings of Whales (340 Ships)
Super fuel fully developed! Our new Super Fuel has been fully developed and tested. Warships can now use it anywhere in the Sirius Sector. All of our Warships have been given this fuel. Now their shields are impenatreble, and they have vastly increased speed and power. Unfortunatly, it is impossible for anything less than a battleship to use the fuel out of the New Greece system.
Sucessful Raid on Hawaii! Yesterday the BHG undertook a sucessful raid on the Lux. Liner Hawaii. A Jump Rift was created, and 5 warships and 20 Orcas Wings went through. Once in the system, they activated their cloaks. They got right up to the Hawaii before uncloaking. There was a ferocius battle with Allience forces, but a Warship managed to dock with the Hawaii and recover all of the hostages on board. Then, our ships activated their cloaks and returned to New Greece. We lost:
2 Warships
5 Orca wings
They lost:
1 Battleship
2 Wings of Titans
2 Wings of Sabres
Fortunatly, we managed to recover all of the hostages, and they are now on Athens. They will be sent home tomorrow.
'Alexander the Great' Completed! The new Ulimate Warship, 'Alexander the Great', was completed yesterday at Sparta. It uses the new Super Fuel, and is the flagship of the BHG fleet. Its weapons have been specially designed with the new fuel in mind, and are incredibly powerful. The main 6 weapons are called 'Capital Ship Crushers'. They fire slowly, and do enough damage per shot to take out any ship that is not using the Super Fuel. It has 60 beam weapons on the sides to eliminate fighters. These are called 'War Lances' and can take out a VHF very, very quickly. They are beam weapons, so they fire continuously. The Ultimate Warship is probably the most powerful ship in Sirius, currently.
Super Fuel Sent to Allies! Large amounts of the new Super Fuel have been sent to RH, BA, and LI. We hope they use it well.
Home Guard Commisioned! The New Greece Home Guard has been created. It now consists of 20 Battleships and 50 Wings of Fighters that get their fuel from the system. They are incredibly powerful, because they have an unlimited supply of power. No one can even hope to attack our new home now!
This has been a production of the Bounty Hunter News Network.
Tune in next time for everything a Hunter needs to know!
BHNN out.
Some questions I have...
If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty liter?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

@ RDrag- That is a lie! We never even attacked you! Let the BD choose what they want.
On a friendlier note, have you decided about my offer, or will you wait until the Battle of Leeds, which may not even happen in the next century, is over.
Some questions I have...
If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty liter?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

On a friendlier note, have you decided about my offer, or will you wait until the Battle of Leeds, which may not even happen in the next century, is over.

Some questions I have...
If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty liter?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

Message to FA:
'You have made a wise choice Rainbow Dragon. You won't regret it. Send an ambassador to Planet Troy in New Greece. Come to Kepler, and a fleet will meet you and escort you to our base. I look forward to working with you.
I will also begin removing all of my forces from Kusari space. Deshima should be evacuated in a week. Then i will hand it over to you.
Again, I hope we can work together in the future.
Some questions I have...
If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty liter?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

'You have made a wise choice Rainbow Dragon. You won't regret it. Send an ambassador to Planet Troy in New Greece. Come to Kepler, and a fleet will meet you and escort you to our base. I look forward to working with you.

I will also begin removing all of my forces from Kusari space. Deshima should be evacuated in a week. Then i will hand it over to you.

Again, I hope we can work together in the future.
Some questions I have...
If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty liter?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

Corrections to posts:
Flagship: Heavy Battleship Barcelona
5 Heavy Battleships(carry 100 fighters each = 500)
10 Conquerer class ABBs (carry 25 fighters each = 250)
20 GOD class Battleships
25 Battleships (carry 40 fighters each = 1000)
50 Cruisers (carry 5 fighters each = 250)
100 Gunboats
1000 Series A Rapier AHF
500 Series B Claymore HB (EMP Variant)
500 Series B Claymore HB (HE Variant)
jacob: read the story, ive already taken the hawaii and sigma 17 and 19.
TO ALL: We need to recruit someone else to do the battles.
Flagship: Heavy Battleship Barcelona
5 Heavy Battleships(carry 100 fighters each = 500)
10 Conquerer class ABBs (carry 25 fighters each = 250)
20 GOD class Battleships
25 Battleships (carry 40 fighters each = 1000)
50 Cruisers (carry 5 fighters each = 250)
100 Gunboats
1000 Series A Rapier AHF
500 Series B Claymore HB (EMP Variant)
500 Series B Claymore HB (HE Variant)
jacob: read the story, ive already taken the hawaii and sigma 17 and 19.
TO ALL: We need to recruit someone else to do the battles.
Alliance news:
2 New weapons under research
Two types of guns are under research. They are the FA 23-KA " Greenfield", a laser based weapon and the FA 25-DA " Revolution", a neutron based weapon
New shipyard completed
The shipyard Fuka has been completed. it sits near Holman and has began constrction of a new Battleship
2 New weapons under research
Two types of guns are under research. They are the FA 23-KA " Greenfield", a laser based weapon and the FA 25-DA " Revolution", a neutron based weapon
New shipyard completed
The shipyard Fuka has been completed. it sits near Holman and has began constrction of a new Battleship
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