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DSQrn/Outcast''s RPG-Control your own Faction.
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
thanks aravis.
To All concerned with the battle.
Post your battle forces and tactics.
VERY Important. Try to act like you cant see your enemies battle plans.
ok, we need to wait for the LSF and Alliance fleets to arrive.
get over here for the battle.
Flagship: Heavy Battleship Barcelona
5 Heavy Battleships(carry 100 fighters each = 500)
10 Conquerer class ABBs (carry 25 fighters each = 250)
25 Battleships (carry 40 fighters each = 1000)
50 Cruisers (carry 5 fighters each = 250)
100 Gunboats
1000 Series A Rapier AHF
500 Series B Claymore HB (EMP Variant)
500 Series B Claymore HB (HE Variant)
FLEET GROUP 4 - Tau-29 (moved to Leeds)
Flagship: Heavy Battleship Valencia
5 Heavy Battleships(carry 100 fighters each = 500)
10 Conquerer class ABBs (carry 25 fighters each = 250)
25 Battleships (carry 40 fighters each = 1000)
50 Cruisers (carry 5 fighters each = 250)
100 Gunboats
1000 Series A Rapier AHF
500 Series B Claymore HB (EMP Variant)
500 Series B Claymore HB (HE Variant)
Armed Stations
Fort MASSIF (outside Leeds) - 1000 Lasers, 200 Missiles and 50 Torpedos
Durham Border Station - 10 lasers, 2 Missiles
Battleship York - 20 Lasers, 5 Missiles
Juggenaught: Goliath
4 Battleships(bretonian style)
7 cruisers
200 Titans
500 Centurions
900 Legionaires
Outcast Hispania Battleship - Basically a Battleship twice the size of a normal one. Based on Outcast Nagumo Class Battleship. Carries 100 Fighters.
Outcast Nagumo Class Battleship - Developed from plans of Kusari Battleships, they have been modified with better Outcast Weapons, Shields and Engines. Carries 40 Fighters
Outcast Conqueror Class Anti-Battleship Battleship (ABB ) - All the energy of the powerplant is harnessed in one forward superlaser. They can kill Battleships in one shot, but can only fire once every 5 mins. Carries 25 Fighters.
Outcast Cruiser/Gunboat - Liberty Designs with Outcast Weaponry.
Series A Rapier Advanced Heavy Fighter - A cross between a Sabre and an Eagle. A Sabre with 2 extra weapon hardpoints, 100 Speed, and Eagle Manourevability.
Series B Claymore Heavy Bomber - A cross between a Rheinland Valkyrie, Rheinland Bomber and a Dromedary. 2 Variants.
Shieldbuster variant (EMP). 2 Wyrm EMPs, 8 Vampire EMP missiles, 2 Jackal EMP Torps
Hull-Destroyer Variant (HE). 2 Wyrm type 2s, 8 Cannonball Missiles, 2 Sunslayers.
im gonna try using symbols here.
There will be 5 sqadrons per fleet group. So 10 in Leeds, with both fleet groups there. Both groups will be stationed next to Planet Leeds.
The main objective is to let the Conqueror ABBs fire there guns at the enemy b-ships, then protect them until they can be recharged. While they are recharging, the Claymore bombers will try to destroy the enemy B-ships. Fort MASSIF will provide constant fire against the enemy.
H = Heavy Battleship
B = Battleship
A = Conqueror ABB
C = Cruiser
G = Gunboat
F = 10 Rapiers and 10 Claymores
Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 9/12/2004 1:49:26 PM
To All concerned with the battle.
Post your battle forces and tactics.
VERY Important. Try to act like you cant see your enemies battle plans.
ok, we need to wait for the LSF and Alliance fleets to arrive.
get over here for the battle.
Flagship: Heavy Battleship Barcelona
5 Heavy Battleships(carry 100 fighters each = 500)
10 Conquerer class ABBs (carry 25 fighters each = 250)
25 Battleships (carry 40 fighters each = 1000)
50 Cruisers (carry 5 fighters each = 250)
100 Gunboats
1000 Series A Rapier AHF
500 Series B Claymore HB (EMP Variant)
500 Series B Claymore HB (HE Variant)
FLEET GROUP 4 - Tau-29 (moved to Leeds)
Flagship: Heavy Battleship Valencia
5 Heavy Battleships(carry 100 fighters each = 500)
10 Conquerer class ABBs (carry 25 fighters each = 250)
25 Battleships (carry 40 fighters each = 1000)
50 Cruisers (carry 5 fighters each = 250)
100 Gunboats
1000 Series A Rapier AHF
500 Series B Claymore HB (EMP Variant)
500 Series B Claymore HB (HE Variant)
Armed Stations
Fort MASSIF (outside Leeds) - 1000 Lasers, 200 Missiles and 50 Torpedos
Durham Border Station - 10 lasers, 2 Missiles
Battleship York - 20 Lasers, 5 Missiles
Juggenaught: Goliath
4 Battleships(bretonian style)
7 cruisers
200 Titans
500 Centurions
900 Legionaires
Outcast Hispania Battleship - Basically a Battleship twice the size of a normal one. Based on Outcast Nagumo Class Battleship. Carries 100 Fighters.
Outcast Nagumo Class Battleship - Developed from plans of Kusari Battleships, they have been modified with better Outcast Weapons, Shields and Engines. Carries 40 Fighters
Outcast Conqueror Class Anti-Battleship Battleship (ABB ) - All the energy of the powerplant is harnessed in one forward superlaser. They can kill Battleships in one shot, but can only fire once every 5 mins. Carries 25 Fighters.
Outcast Cruiser/Gunboat - Liberty Designs with Outcast Weaponry.
Series A Rapier Advanced Heavy Fighter - A cross between a Sabre and an Eagle. A Sabre with 2 extra weapon hardpoints, 100 Speed, and Eagle Manourevability.
Series B Claymore Heavy Bomber - A cross between a Rheinland Valkyrie, Rheinland Bomber and a Dromedary. 2 Variants.
Shieldbuster variant (EMP). 2 Wyrm EMPs, 8 Vampire EMP missiles, 2 Jackal EMP Torps
Hull-Destroyer Variant (HE). 2 Wyrm type 2s, 8 Cannonball Missiles, 2 Sunslayers.
im gonna try using symbols here.
There will be 5 sqadrons per fleet group. So 10 in Leeds, with both fleet groups there. Both groups will be stationed next to Planet Leeds.
The main objective is to let the Conqueror ABBs fire there guns at the enemy b-ships, then protect them until they can be recharged. While they are recharging, the Claymore bombers will try to destroy the enemy B-ships. Fort MASSIF will provide constant fire against the enemy.
H = Heavy Battleship
B = Battleship
A = Conqueror ABB
C = Cruiser
G = Gunboat
F = 10 Rapiers and 10 Claymores

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 9/12/2004 1:49:26 PM
OOC: corect me if im wrong but isnt araivs leader of the hessians. The same hessians that signed the Hispanic alliance treaty? SO not exactly inpartal is he where is a Moderator or Aministrator when you need one. Hmm we could also start a recrutment thread in this or the dissicusion forum that might get peoples attention especialy as they dont know what a cool RPG there missing
Chapter Rhienland news more ships have joined for the fight at Leeds
Due to Rhienlands factorys this will be the massive force attacking leeds.
Leeds Asault Force:
1 Bio-ship (ship Carrying the Bioweapon)
17 Warships (bigger and better then battleships)
29 Battleships
34 Cruisers
47 Gunboats
67 Fighter Wings (a Rhienland fighter wing is 8 ships)
54 Supply transports (carries items needed for combat and can be used as medical centers)
34 Heavy lifers
Rhienland Attack plans (judged by Avaris)
Rhienland navy will split into two parts Alpha Group and Beta Group, Beta group will attack from the dark side of leeds and escorting the trasports. Aplha group will be the first wave of attack on centeral leeds. then will fall back to the transports and Beta Group will attack.
All stations will be destroyed and The docking ring will be destroyed ASAP so no new fighters can scramble. if Rhienland needs to reatreat they will use the Bio-Weapon on Leeds. After taking leeds Rhienland will start by Taking out the stations outside of the planet area, and have Rhienlands transports and lifters start building stations.
Due to Rhienlands factorys this will be the massive force attacking leeds.
Leeds Asault Force:
1 Bio-ship (ship Carrying the Bioweapon)
17 Warships (bigger and better then battleships)
29 Battleships
34 Cruisers
47 Gunboats
67 Fighter Wings (a Rhienland fighter wing is 8 ships)
54 Supply transports (carries items needed for combat and can be used as medical centers)
34 Heavy lifers
Rhienland Attack plans (judged by Avaris)
Rhienland navy will split into two parts Alpha Group and Beta Group, Beta group will attack from the dark side of leeds and escorting the trasports. Aplha group will be the first wave of attack on centeral leeds. then will fall back to the transports and Beta Group will attack.
All stations will be destroyed and The docking ring will be destroyed ASAP so no new fighters can scramble. if Rhienland needs to reatreat they will use the Bio-Weapon on Leeds. After taking leeds Rhienland will start by Taking out the stations outside of the planet area, and have Rhienlands transports and lifters start building stations.
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