We have taken Tau-29, cutting off Bretonia from Kusari to weaken both houses. All trade will now have to pass through Liberty. The system has been renamed Benidorm. Jump hole Destabilers are in place and Jumpgates have been locked.
Ive run out of names for Battleships (all my names were real spanish places
), but new forces built are:
10 Heavy Battleships
20 Battleships
60 Crusiers
150 Gunboats
1000 Rapiers
New Carrier announced! The Galleon-class fighter carrier has been created, the first one, the Galleon, will be finsihed soon.
Corsairs: We are not risking our flagship. The ambassador will be snt in the Valenica, along with a wing of Rapiers for escort.
5 hours later...
Ambassador Talonez has arrived. In the Hispania
First question to Corsairs:
Are you interested in allying and creating House Hispania? Together, we shall rule the galaxy! Muhahahahahaha (evil laugh)
The Flagship Hispania

Islay Base Summit

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 9/10/2004 2:19:56 PM
Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 9/10/2004 2:20:42 PM