Thanks for your comments again guys. I really appreciate it.
Everyone ready for another exciting installment of Bret Fic? I thought so. Wilde i hope your still going to hang around the fanfic forum in light of what you said in OT. Anyway here is Chapter 10, bit of a favourite this. Ah who am i kidding, this is clearly my most favourite chapter i have *ever* written out of all the stories i have ever written. Hope you all enjoy reading it as much as i have enjoyed writing this one. Chapter 11 will come later in the week
Chapter 10 - Impossible
As Juni and King watched and waited for Trent to leave scanner range, they continued their journey back to Sprague.
“I hope he gets to where ever it is he is going ok ” said Juni.
“Don’t worry Juni” replied King. “Trent’s tough remember. He faced up to many Nomads in his time and there are few more dangerous than them”
“Thanks King” said Juni with a slight smile.
The flight back to Sprague was much less eventful than it was on the way to the computer.
Juni and King cut their cruise engine’s to await clearance at Aldershot Station. A familiar voice was there to great them.
“Ms Zane, Commander King, good to see you have returned safely” said Parkin. “Follow me, I’ll escort you to the planet.”
Juni and King followed Parkin through the jump gate and entered formation with him on the other side.
“Quintaine will be happy to see you” said Parkin.
“This thing better give the answers we are looking for. With what we have just been through I’ll be making that computer as derelict as the Hispanic ship using my bare hands” said King angrily.
As Sprague came into view, Juni felt a sigh of relief wash over her. Although Trent was still out there, Kings earlier words made her feel a lot more comfortable about the situation even though she would have preferred it if she could be with him.
“Juni, King, you are cleared to dock, Professor Quintaine is waiting for you on the landing pad, good to see you again” came the voice from the DK docking ring.
“It’s good to be back” said Juni.
Parkin proceeded to land with Juni and King on Sprague. The three of themslowly set the ships down on the pad. Orillion was with Quintaine.
“Ah, Juni, good to see you again. Have you brought the computer?” asked Quintaine.
“Yes, its in my cargo hold” she replied.
Two Dom Kavash guards came over and removed the computer.
“Take it to alien ship” said Quintaine. “Dr Sinclair is waiting for it”
“Yes professor” replied the guards.
“Wait a second, where’s Trent?” asked Orillion.
“We’ll talk about it later Orillion” said Juni.
Orillion looked at her inquisitively. Why could she just not tell him there? He knew there must have been a good reason for it so he let it lie.
“Did you want to come with me now while we activate the Hispanic computer. It shouldn’t take too long?” asked Quintaine.
“We’ll catch up with you professor. I need to debrief Juni and King first” came Orillion’s reply.
Quintaine nodded with approval and followed the guards back to the ship. With that, Parkin’s neural net alert went off in his pocket.
“Damn, I gotta go, Bretonian business. Problem with being at the queens beckoning”
Parkin went to his ship and left the surface for space.
“Ok, did the two of you want to tell me what happened out there and why Trent is not with you?”
“I guess it’s safe now” said Juni. “It started when we stopped off at Freeport 10. Unknown ships using jamming equipment attacked the station. We barely managed to get out in time. We recovered the computer fine but as we were about to leave Hispanic space, three Rheinland Valkyries decloaked in front of us. They wouldn’t tell us who they were as they believed the communication channel had been compromised. They left us this message though”
Juni handed Orillion a copy of the message and a concerned look came over his face.
“So I’m assuming Trent went, by himself, to check these co-ordinates?”
“Yes” said King.
“Nobody else knows about this message yet do they?” asked Orillion.
“No” replied Juni and King.
“Good. We will keep it that way until we find out who “Z” is and what the hell is going on around here”
As they finished talking, a Dom Kavash guard walked over.
“Mr Orillion, professor Quintaine has activated the computer. He has requested your presence” said the guard.
“Thank you” replied Orillion. “Are you two coming?” he said to King and Juni.
“Of course” they replied as they began to follow Orillion to the ship.
When they arrived, Quintaine had a joyful look on his face.
“Well professor?” asked Orillion.
“It works. Kendra is just going through the data files now”
The computer had been hooked up to a monitor so they could see the Hispanic logs. Everyone walked over and stood behind Sinclair.
“This is fascinating!” said Sinclair. She as clearly unable to hide her excitement.
“That’s all very well and good Doctor, but have you found anything yet?”
“This looks promising” she replied. The monitor she was using was touch screen.
“Got it!” she cried. “Its translators for all of the earth nations had added over the years. There is more here than we could have ever dreamed of!”
“We’ll start with the writing on the side of the ship” said Quintaine. “Kendra, can you put that in there please? It’s going to take a little longer to translate the audio file on the ships log”
Dr Sinclair typed in the writing on the side of the ship and everyone waited for hoping that the computer could translate it for her.
The screen flashed complete and a new window opened.
“Excellent, we ha…”
Orillion stopped mid sentence by what was before his eyes on the monitor. No one could believe what they were reading. It just wasn’t possible…
“For the Coalition”
Edited by - Bret Bretonian on 3/1/2005 2:38:19 PM
Edited by - Bret Bretonian on 3/1/2005 2:42:16 PM