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FL,The Return - And so it continues Ch.11! Updated 4/19/05
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
Just to keep my loyal fans up to date with my current work on this, i have got 3 word pages lined up and chapter 6 STILL isn't complete. I will have it done somepoint over the weekend provided that GTA:SA is rubbish. As this is unlikely tho, i will work on my story as i have loads of different ideas as to where i want to take this and i don't want to rush it.
EDIT: Double post deleted
Edited by - Bret Bretonian on 10/28/2004 11:59:52 PM
EDIT: Double post deleted
Edited by - Bret Bretonian on 10/28/2004 11:59:52 PM
Sorry people for being a lazy bum and not doing this sooner. Chapter 6 is now complete and ready for viewing pleasure.
As always, enjoy
Chapter 6 – New Allies
Trent’s eyes were fixated on the container. He couldn’t quite believe what was in front of him.
“We better get him down to medical” said Omaelia.
Two Dom Kavash guards came over with a stretcher, opened up the stasis chamber and gently put the man on to it and carried him to medical.
“I want this ship taken to engineering. Quintaine, Sinclair, try to find out as much as you can about this ship. We need to find out what is going on and fast. You have 24 hours” said Orillion.
Quintaine and Sinclair nodded and walked off towards engineering with the ship in tow.
“Ok everyone, I suggest you go and get some rest. We will meet up in the Elder Chambers at 0900hrs tomorrow to discuss this” said Omaelia as she walked off.
Trent turned to Juni, King and Orillion.
“I’m going down to engineering to see if I can help Quintaine and Sinclair in their research” he said.
“Me two” replied Juni.
“Make that me three” said King.
“Very well” said Orillion. “You find anything, be sure to report it straight to me”
“We will” replied Juni.
Orillion walked off in the direction of the guest quarters as Trent, Juni and King made their way down to the engineering room.
The walk was a short one. Trent thought it was unusual considering every where he has walked when it came to Dom Kavash structures was a long one.
They arrived at engineering to see Quintaine and Sinclair at a translation console trying to crack the writing that was on the side of the ship.
“Anything?” asked Trent.
“Nothing so far” replied Quintaine. “We’re trying to figure out what this writing means and we are having no luck. This writing does not appear in any of our recent records. Its very strange.”
“What about the old records we brought here to Sirius?” asked Juni.
“That’s a good idea” replied Sinclair. “Only problem is most of the Sleeper Ships on board computers have been destroyed and its doubtful we would be able to get anything from them.”
“What about the Hispania wreck? Is that still not in Omicron Alpha? Maybe we could get something from that?” said King.
Juni, Trent, Quintaine and Sinclair looked at King and were slightly surprised.
“Good thinking King” Said Trent. “Professor, we will fly to Omicron Alpha and recover the Hispania computer. See if it can tell us anything. Continue here and contact us if you find anything”
“You may want to get the all clear from the Hispanic Prime Minister. You know what they are like when it comes to people touching the Hispania Sleeper Ship” said Quintaine.
“Put in a communication for us. Let us know if they refuse”
“We will Trent”
Juni, King and Trent left the engineering room and made their way to the launch pad.
“Do you think the Hispanic computer will still be in tact? I mean it has been over 800 years since it became a wreckage?” said Juni.
“Only one way to find out” said Trent.
The three pilots made their way into the cockpits in their Anubis’s.
“I’ve uploaded coordinates in to your neural nets. Lets go”
The ships made a clean takeoff and passed through the Dom Kavash docking ring in to space.
Once together, they hit cruise speed and made their way to through the Bretonian systems all the way in to Tau 37.
Juni came over the communications.
“We should stop off at Freeport 10 and rest a while. We’ve travelled far”
“I need to make a pit stop anyway” said King.
“Ok, but not for long” said Trent.
They flew to Freeport 10 and King opened a communication channel to the Zoner base.
“Freeport 10, this is Commander Michael King of the LSF, request permission to dock”
There was no reply.
“Freeport 10 do you copy?”
There was still no response.
“This is strange” said Juni.
Suddenly the docking bay doors opened.
“Finally” said King “Thank you Freepo….What the!?”
The ships that came out of the docking bay were ones that they thought would never be seen again.
Three Corsair Titans came out of Freeport 10. After the second Nomad war, all Corsair ships were decommissioned and replaced with updated models for the new Hispanic Navy. Only the criminals that could pick up the Titan on the black market would be in possession of them.
The lead Titan opened Communications.
“Leave this system immediately”
“Who are you?” asked Juni.
“I will not repeat what I said”
“We are on route to Omicron Alpha and came to stop at Freeport 10. Let us pass” replied Juni.
“No. This is your last chance”
“Move or you will destroy you” said King.
“Ha, as you wish”
The Titan cut communications with them and all three opened fire.
“Break and attack” shouted Juni down the comms.
The Criminal pilots were very skilled. What they lacked in armour and fire power they more than made up for in piloting technique.
“Disable their engines!” shouted Trent.
He knew that the Titans didn’t stand a chance against their far more advanced Anubis’s but even he was having trouble hitting them although they were such a large ship.
“I’m taking fire here!” said King.
Trent saw the Titan trailing him and managed to hit the Titans engine. Once the other two saw this they broke their attack and pulled either side of the disabled ship.
“Who are you people?” asked the Titan leader.
“If you hadn’t attacked us we would have told you!” shouted King.
“King, we’ll answer” said Juni. “We are on a mission to recover the Hispanic computer and we were on our way to Omicron Alpha to obtain it. My name is Junk’o Zane, with me is Michael King and Edison Trent. Now, who are you?”
“My name is Sergio Sosa. Formally of the Outcasts” replied the Titan Leader.
“Outcasts?” asked Trent. “What are you doing flying an old Corsair ship?”
“This is the most powerful ship on the black market, and we certainly need it” replied Sergio.
“Why?” asked Juni.
“When we joined with the Corsairs, there were some among us who disapproved of this union. Certain Outcast members joined criminal factions in the hope of being able to divide House Hispania to what it was once before. My brothers and I decided to go alone. Working for any criminal faction who wanted our help”
“What are you doing out here?” asked King.
“We were sent out here on the same mission, to recover the Hispanic computer”
“What!? Who sent you?” asked Juni.
“The Zoners”
“Why would the Zoners want the Hispania computer?” asked Trent.
“I don’t know. They made us an offer and we said yes. We were just about to leave until you showed up”
“Why is there no answer coming from Freeport 10?” asked Juni.
“There is no one there. We hacked in to the computer and opened the bay doors only to find everyone gone”
“This is very strange. We should continue our journey. Something isn’t right here” said Juni.
“We would like to join you. It will take us only a few moments to repair my brothers ship with the equipment on Freeport 10”
“How do we know you try to steal it from us?” asked Trent.
“We were supposed to be paid here. No Zoners, No pay. We have no use for it. Besides, if you encounter any problems in Hispanic space, six ships are better than three”
“Very well” said Juni. “You can join us”
Sergio used his tractor beam on his brothers ship and pulled it in to Freeport 10.
As always, enjoy

Chapter 6 – New Allies
Trent’s eyes were fixated on the container. He couldn’t quite believe what was in front of him.
“We better get him down to medical” said Omaelia.
Two Dom Kavash guards came over with a stretcher, opened up the stasis chamber and gently put the man on to it and carried him to medical.
“I want this ship taken to engineering. Quintaine, Sinclair, try to find out as much as you can about this ship. We need to find out what is going on and fast. You have 24 hours” said Orillion.
Quintaine and Sinclair nodded and walked off towards engineering with the ship in tow.
“Ok everyone, I suggest you go and get some rest. We will meet up in the Elder Chambers at 0900hrs tomorrow to discuss this” said Omaelia as she walked off.
Trent turned to Juni, King and Orillion.
“I’m going down to engineering to see if I can help Quintaine and Sinclair in their research” he said.
“Me two” replied Juni.
“Make that me three” said King.
“Very well” said Orillion. “You find anything, be sure to report it straight to me”
“We will” replied Juni.
Orillion walked off in the direction of the guest quarters as Trent, Juni and King made their way down to the engineering room.
The walk was a short one. Trent thought it was unusual considering every where he has walked when it came to Dom Kavash structures was a long one.
They arrived at engineering to see Quintaine and Sinclair at a translation console trying to crack the writing that was on the side of the ship.
“Anything?” asked Trent.
“Nothing so far” replied Quintaine. “We’re trying to figure out what this writing means and we are having no luck. This writing does not appear in any of our recent records. Its very strange.”
“What about the old records we brought here to Sirius?” asked Juni.
“That’s a good idea” replied Sinclair. “Only problem is most of the Sleeper Ships on board computers have been destroyed and its doubtful we would be able to get anything from them.”
“What about the Hispania wreck? Is that still not in Omicron Alpha? Maybe we could get something from that?” said King.
Juni, Trent, Quintaine and Sinclair looked at King and were slightly surprised.
“Good thinking King” Said Trent. “Professor, we will fly to Omicron Alpha and recover the Hispania computer. See if it can tell us anything. Continue here and contact us if you find anything”
“You may want to get the all clear from the Hispanic Prime Minister. You know what they are like when it comes to people touching the Hispania Sleeper Ship” said Quintaine.
“Put in a communication for us. Let us know if they refuse”
“We will Trent”
Juni, King and Trent left the engineering room and made their way to the launch pad.
“Do you think the Hispanic computer will still be in tact? I mean it has been over 800 years since it became a wreckage?” said Juni.
“Only one way to find out” said Trent.
The three pilots made their way into the cockpits in their Anubis’s.
“I’ve uploaded coordinates in to your neural nets. Lets go”
The ships made a clean takeoff and passed through the Dom Kavash docking ring in to space.
Once together, they hit cruise speed and made their way to through the Bretonian systems all the way in to Tau 37.
Juni came over the communications.
“We should stop off at Freeport 10 and rest a while. We’ve travelled far”
“I need to make a pit stop anyway” said King.
“Ok, but not for long” said Trent.
They flew to Freeport 10 and King opened a communication channel to the Zoner base.
“Freeport 10, this is Commander Michael King of the LSF, request permission to dock”
There was no reply.
“Freeport 10 do you copy?”
There was still no response.
“This is strange” said Juni.
Suddenly the docking bay doors opened.
“Finally” said King “Thank you Freepo….What the!?”
The ships that came out of the docking bay were ones that they thought would never be seen again.
Three Corsair Titans came out of Freeport 10. After the second Nomad war, all Corsair ships were decommissioned and replaced with updated models for the new Hispanic Navy. Only the criminals that could pick up the Titan on the black market would be in possession of them.
The lead Titan opened Communications.
“Leave this system immediately”
“Who are you?” asked Juni.
“I will not repeat what I said”
“We are on route to Omicron Alpha and came to stop at Freeport 10. Let us pass” replied Juni.
“No. This is your last chance”
“Move or you will destroy you” said King.
“Ha, as you wish”
The Titan cut communications with them and all three opened fire.
“Break and attack” shouted Juni down the comms.
The Criminal pilots were very skilled. What they lacked in armour and fire power they more than made up for in piloting technique.
“Disable their engines!” shouted Trent.
He knew that the Titans didn’t stand a chance against their far more advanced Anubis’s but even he was having trouble hitting them although they were such a large ship.
“I’m taking fire here!” said King.
Trent saw the Titan trailing him and managed to hit the Titans engine. Once the other two saw this they broke their attack and pulled either side of the disabled ship.
“Who are you people?” asked the Titan leader.
“If you hadn’t attacked us we would have told you!” shouted King.
“King, we’ll answer” said Juni. “We are on a mission to recover the Hispanic computer and we were on our way to Omicron Alpha to obtain it. My name is Junk’o Zane, with me is Michael King and Edison Trent. Now, who are you?”
“My name is Sergio Sosa. Formally of the Outcasts” replied the Titan Leader.
“Outcasts?” asked Trent. “What are you doing flying an old Corsair ship?”
“This is the most powerful ship on the black market, and we certainly need it” replied Sergio.
“Why?” asked Juni.
“When we joined with the Corsairs, there were some among us who disapproved of this union. Certain Outcast members joined criminal factions in the hope of being able to divide House Hispania to what it was once before. My brothers and I decided to go alone. Working for any criminal faction who wanted our help”
“What are you doing out here?” asked King.
“We were sent out here on the same mission, to recover the Hispanic computer”
“What!? Who sent you?” asked Juni.
“The Zoners”
“Why would the Zoners want the Hispania computer?” asked Trent.
“I don’t know. They made us an offer and we said yes. We were just about to leave until you showed up”
“Why is there no answer coming from Freeport 10?” asked Juni.
“There is no one there. We hacked in to the computer and opened the bay doors only to find everyone gone”
“This is very strange. We should continue our journey. Something isn’t right here” said Juni.
“We would like to join you. It will take us only a few moments to repair my brothers ship with the equipment on Freeport 10”
“How do we know you try to steal it from us?” asked Trent.
“We were supposed to be paid here. No Zoners, No pay. We have no use for it. Besides, if you encounter any problems in Hispanic space, six ships are better than three”
“Very well” said Juni. “You can join us”
Sergio used his tractor beam on his brothers ship and pulled it in to Freeport 10.
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