Thu Jan 29, 2004 1:07 am by warzog
New weapons done: Meson Blaster, Neutron Gun, Fusion Gun.
Rebalanced all guns to WC/P stats. I've tried to keep all guns' stats as close to WC/P, but in order to seperate the classes (Based on Privateer 1's prices) I had to adjust power consumption, and firing rate on a few.
Upgraded all NPC Afterburners 1 unit up.
Upgraded Vindicator loadouts to Wing Commander IV loadouts-I had no official loadouts before.
Upgraded Dagger loadouts to Privateer 1's Centurion loadouts.
Upgraded the Thunderbolt, Crossbow, and Hellcat's loudouts to include the 3 new weapons.
Upgraded the Sabre's (FL version) loadout to include the Fussion Gun.
Upgraded Afterburner power consumption. High-end units use more power now.
Upgraded Afterburner recharge rate, Enhanced & Super Afterburners tick down, now.
(On ships with twin Afterburners, they tick down on the lower units, too.)
Upgraded Ship Power consumption. Ships are optimized for Class 7/8 weapons.
(Above that, watch the gauge.)
Once I get the Morningstar, and the new skinned Thunderbolt, I'll plug them in, and do a debug run before I release it.
My current plan is to have the reskinned Thunderbolt available on Battleships, and the old one only on the Osiris.
(Kinda like the Order's personal paint job?)
(I'll probably replace the Hammerhead, or the Sabre (FL version) with the new Thunderbolt.)
The Morningstar is a very popular WC Heavy Fighter, and I believe I'll have it replace the current Sabre (WC/P version) on Pittsburg.
That Sabre, in turn, will replace the Stilletto, unless someone has a better use for it.
BTW-my goal is to eventually replace ALL of the FL ships, but I'm trying to do so in a manner which will allow the new ships to be used as they would be in WC/P.
Once I know how many ships we'll end up with, I'll juggle them until they're where they should be.
The current placement has been based primarily on hardpoints.
Some mission ship's loadouts need hardpoints that aren't on all of the new ships.
The Vindicator should be in the Border Worlds!
And the Ferret, and Epee should be with the Police.
The Centurion should be a civilian ship, and in the Mercenary's Guild (Bounty Hunters.)
Watch your 6!
Edited by - warzog on 1/29/2004 1:29:39 AM