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Privateer: The Reckoning MOD is ALIVE!
Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Privateer / Wing Commander Total Conversion called ?Privateer: The Reckoning? and accompanying Mods
MOD update:
About 95% done.
I'm currently doing a MOD/non-MOD side-by-side run-through to locate the tiny bugs that are difficult to locate otherwise.
I've run into some annoying, hard-to-find bugs that are usually just miss-spellings, or have conflicting data.
I made shields below Level 9 unlootable, but forgot to remove them from the LootProp.ini.
After about 20, or so, battles...
(story missions, or otherwise)
The MOD would boot to the desktop upon launching, or encountering, x# of ships.
Another was setting up the Dagger to be replaced by the Heavy Fighter, Centurion, from the original Privateer.
I gave the ship in the ShipArch.ini file Elite Shields, but forgot to change the loadouts to HF shields.
Other than that, the MOD looks & works great!
Watch your 6!
About 95% done.
I'm currently doing a MOD/non-MOD side-by-side run-through to locate the tiny bugs that are difficult to locate otherwise.
I've run into some annoying, hard-to-find bugs that are usually just miss-spellings, or have conflicting data.
I made shields below Level 9 unlootable, but forgot to remove them from the LootProp.ini.
After about 20, or so, battles...
(story missions, or otherwise)
The MOD would boot to the desktop upon launching, or encountering, x# of ships.
Another was setting up the Dagger to be replaced by the Heavy Fighter, Centurion, from the original Privateer.
I gave the ship in the ShipArch.ini file Elite Shields, but forgot to change the loadouts to HF shields.
Other than that, the MOD looks & works great!
Watch your 6!
A side note:
Doing the MOD/non-MOD side-by-side run through shows how different they are.
After landing on Pittsburg for the second time, in the MOD version, I simply ran over to the Battleship Missouri, and bought a Vindicator.
It's the only ship I've used since.
In the unmodded version, every coupla missions I need a new ship!
Needless to say, in the MOD version, I'm several hundred thousand credits ahead!
(And the Vindicator's weapon's systems were maxed out BEFORE the Ashcroft mission!)
It's a BLAST!!!
I can hardly wait to get ahold of the Centurion and the Galaxy!
Watch your 6!
Doing the MOD/non-MOD side-by-side run through shows how different they are.
After landing on Pittsburg for the second time, in the MOD version, I simply ran over to the Battleship Missouri, and bought a Vindicator.
It's the only ship I've used since.
In the unmodded version, every coupla missions I need a new ship!
Needless to say, in the MOD version, I'm several hundred thousand credits ahead!
(And the Vindicator's weapon's systems were maxed out BEFORE the Ashcroft mission!)
It's a BLAST!!!
I can hardly wait to get ahold of the Centurion and the Galaxy!
Watch your 6!
Privateer The Reckoning v1.04 mod has been completely debugged!!!
I've asked Tolwyn if he wouldn't mind my posting it to Lancer's Reactor.
While I'm waiting for his answer, and more ships, I'm going to see about putting the Privateer commodities in.
And I've still got to put "Confed" back in, and a "Confed" Battleship in.
(I removed them 'till I got all of the other bugs out.)
I only forsee one possible snag in the future versions...
Lord Hakkera flies a Dagger in one mission where Trent jumps into the rear cockpit.
That would be hard to do with the Privateer's Centurion that I planned to replace the Dagger with!
And near as I can figure, it looks like Tolwyn's aim may be to replace EVERY FL ship with WC/P ships.
Personnally, I'm looking for just five more ships:
1) The Centurion.
2) The Orion.
3) The Galaxy.
4) The TCS Victory.
5) The Bearcat.
However, Tolwyn is still working on converting:
1) WC 1's ships
2) WC 2's ships
3) WC 3's ships (including the TCS Victory)
4) WC 4's ships (including the Dragon!)
I've only seen the Centurion, & heard about the Galaxy, from Privateer 1, and none of the ships from Privateer 2.
(I'd love for Trent to start out in a Tarsus, but it's not likely.)
From WC Prophecy, I've seen the Arrow, Panther, and a couple of other's.
I almost forgot...
This one is HUGE, for me!
My 2 Equalizer mods were both under 100kb zipped.
This sucker is over 2.3mb zipped, and nearly 9.6mb unzipped!!!
(And only 3.63mb of that is new ships!)
Edit 2:
BTW-Watching the Vindicator's un/cloak is really wierd, but it looks great!
Watch your 6!
Edited by - warzog on 1/25/2004 1:35:28 AM
I've asked Tolwyn if he wouldn't mind my posting it to Lancer's Reactor.
While I'm waiting for his answer, and more ships, I'm going to see about putting the Privateer commodities in.
And I've still got to put "Confed" back in, and a "Confed" Battleship in.
(I removed them 'till I got all of the other bugs out.)
I only forsee one possible snag in the future versions...
Lord Hakkera flies a Dagger in one mission where Trent jumps into the rear cockpit.
That would be hard to do with the Privateer's Centurion that I planned to replace the Dagger with!
And near as I can figure, it looks like Tolwyn's aim may be to replace EVERY FL ship with WC/P ships.
Personnally, I'm looking for just five more ships:
1) The Centurion.
2) The Orion.
3) The Galaxy.
4) The TCS Victory.
5) The Bearcat.
However, Tolwyn is still working on converting:
1) WC 1's ships
2) WC 2's ships
3) WC 3's ships (including the TCS Victory)
4) WC 4's ships (including the Dragon!)
I've only seen the Centurion, & heard about the Galaxy, from Privateer 1, and none of the ships from Privateer 2.
(I'd love for Trent to start out in a Tarsus, but it's not likely.)
From WC Prophecy, I've seen the Arrow, Panther, and a couple of other's.
I almost forgot...
This one is HUGE, for me!
My 2 Equalizer mods were both under 100kb zipped.
This sucker is over 2.3mb zipped, and nearly 9.6mb unzipped!!!
(And only 3.63mb of that is new ships!)
Edit 2:
BTW-Watching the Vindicator's un/cloak is really wierd, but it looks great!
Watch your 6!
Edited by - warzog on 1/25/2004 1:35:28 AM
Whoever made the model of the Centurion can put in a second seat behind the pilot, then it would look like modern day fighter jets. The Galaxy has two seats, the cockpit is so big, reminds me in look of the Millenium Falcon's cockpit.
As for Privateer 2, don't worry about doing anything from that game. While my favourite ship is in it, the Freij Mk II, and favourite guns, Kraven Mk IV, the universe it is based in has little to do the Wing Commander Universe. It wasn't originally intended as a sequel, they after-the-fact slapped Privateer onto the title.
Sir S
I only forsee one possible snag in the future versions...
Lord Hakkera flies a Dagger in one mission where Trent jumps into the rear cockpit.
That would be hard to do with the Privateer's Centurion that I planned to replace the Dagger with!
Whoever made the model of the Centurion can put in a second seat behind the pilot, then it would look like modern day fighter jets. The Galaxy has two seats, the cockpit is so big, reminds me in look of the Millenium Falcon's cockpit.
As for Privateer 2, don't worry about doing anything from that game. While my favourite ship is in it, the Freij Mk II, and favourite guns, Kraven Mk IV, the universe it is based in has little to do the Wing Commander Universe. It wasn't originally intended as a sequel, they after-the-fact slapped Privateer onto the title.
Sir S
Several things:
1) I'm not worried about Privateer 2, or any of the other games. I was just letting everyone know what to expect in the final version. Tolwyn seems to enjoy the Wing Commander games more than Privateer, but he HAS promised us the Centurion, and Galaxy ships from Privateer 1.
2) Since Privateer's "Mercenaries Guild" and FL's "Bounty Hunter's Guild" are fairly close, I'd planned on using the light version of the Dagger to replace the Piranha.
3) There are 4 primary ships in the FL unMODed game:
---a) Patriot
---b) Defender
---c) Dagger
---d) Valkyrie
(Almost an eighth of the game's loadouts are for the Dagger alone!)
Some ships, like the Titan, only have 1, or 2, loadouts.
4) I've plugged the:
---a) Hellcat in for the Patriot, Cavalier, Drake, and Banshee.
---b) Patriot in for the Defender(s), Crusader, Dragon, and Valkyrie.
---c) Replaced the CSV, Titan, and Civilian ships.
That only leaves the widely used Dagger, which SHOULD be replaced by the Centurion...
(In order to complete the goal of "Feeling" like Privateer.)
The 4 freighters, which SHOULD be replaced by Orion's, and Galaxy's.
And the various, and sundry, pirate ships which could really stay as they are.
(except for a few that will become Kilrathi.)
5) As is... The current MOD feels like you've enter a new chapter in the Wing Commander Saga.
(But it doesn't quite have the Privateer feel to it yet. It's close, but not quite.)
Found a tiny bug that might've caused problems, but it's fixed.
I ran Privateer 1 today in order to get prices, and a list of commodities...
v1.05 has the Privateer'd prices for the ship upgrades... GEEZE!!! They're expensive!!!
I'm planning on waiting 'til later to do the same to the ship's prices.
As I've never done it before, I've gotta figure out how to change the commodities over.
It appears that they had almost everything from Privateer 1 in FL, and then nixed them!
For example: VIPs, and Prisoners, which could've been Slaves, now read as Boron!
As do several other items that actually have the same names as Privateer ones do!
Oh, well...
I'll figure something out.
BTW-Tolwyn either is ignoring me, is super-busy, or has trouble with my writing...
He replied to my email, but never said a word about my request to post the mod here.
Or anything else I wrote about!
1) I'm not worried about Privateer 2, or any of the other games. I was just letting everyone know what to expect in the final version. Tolwyn seems to enjoy the Wing Commander games more than Privateer, but he HAS promised us the Centurion, and Galaxy ships from Privateer 1.
2) Since Privateer's "Mercenaries Guild" and FL's "Bounty Hunter's Guild" are fairly close, I'd planned on using the light version of the Dagger to replace the Piranha.
3) There are 4 primary ships in the FL unMODed game:
---a) Patriot
---b) Defender
---c) Dagger
---d) Valkyrie
(Almost an eighth of the game's loadouts are for the Dagger alone!)
Some ships, like the Titan, only have 1, or 2, loadouts.
4) I've plugged the:
---a) Hellcat in for the Patriot, Cavalier, Drake, and Banshee.
---b) Patriot in for the Defender(s), Crusader, Dragon, and Valkyrie.
---c) Replaced the CSV, Titan, and Civilian ships.
That only leaves the widely used Dagger, which SHOULD be replaced by the Centurion...
(In order to complete the goal of "Feeling" like Privateer.)
The 4 freighters, which SHOULD be replaced by Orion's, and Galaxy's.
And the various, and sundry, pirate ships which could really stay as they are.
(except for a few that will become Kilrathi.)
5) As is... The current MOD feels like you've enter a new chapter in the Wing Commander Saga.
(But it doesn't quite have the Privateer feel to it yet. It's close, but not quite.)
Found a tiny bug that might've caused problems, but it's fixed.
I ran Privateer 1 today in order to get prices, and a list of commodities...
v1.05 has the Privateer'd prices for the ship upgrades... GEEZE!!! They're expensive!!!
I'm planning on waiting 'til later to do the same to the ship's prices.
As I've never done it before, I've gotta figure out how to change the commodities over.
It appears that they had almost everything from Privateer 1 in FL, and then nixed them!
For example: VIPs, and Prisoners, which could've been Slaves, now read as Boron!
As do several other items that actually have the same names as Privateer ones do!
Oh, well...
I'll figure something out.
BTW-Tolwyn either is ignoring me, is super-busy, or has trouble with my writing...
He replied to my email, but never said a word about my request to post the mod here.
Or anything else I wrote about!
I wasn't quite sure if you meant this was a problem or not, but there are some tutorials on how to add commodities in the Mod Tutorial forum. Also, I have saved this doc on my computer posted a few months ago:
Question 1 - Creating custom commodities
For this tutorial ill create a new commodity called Platinum. If you want to create a different commodity change all references to platinum to your commodity and it should work fine.
Youll need to extract with BINI and then rename the following files from file .ini.txt to just file .ini:
1. Open select_equip.ini and add the following block of text at the bottom:
nickname = commodity_platinum
ids_name = 261612 ;<-----Currently "Silver", you need to do some dll editing
ids_info = 65916 ;<-----to change it which is beyond this tutorial.
units_per_container = 30
pod_appearance = cargopod_grey
loot_appearance = lootcrate_grey
decay_per_second = 0
volume = 1
hit_pts = 500
This has created the actual item, now we need to define it as a commodity which can be bought/sold.
2. Next open goods.ini and add this text:
nickname = commodity_platinum
msg_id_prefix = gcs_gen_commodity_silver <----Too advanced to change in this tutorial
equipment = commodity_platinum
category = commodity
price = 980
combinable = true
good_sell_price = 2.550000
bad_buy_price = 2.550000
bad_sell_price = 1
good_buy_price = 1
shop_archetype = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\cwire_rawmats_2.3db
item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\COMMOD_metals.3db
jump_dist = 7
"item_icon" is the icon that appears beside the name of the commodity. You can change it to suit whatever you create, the available icons are:
3. Finally, we need to tell FL where the commodity can be sold in game.
Open market_commodities.ini and search for the name of the base you want to add to. For this example ive chosen Planet Manhattan, "Li01_01_base". At the end of the block of text add the following line:
MarketGood = commodity_platinum, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2.250000
The last number is the cost multiplier; raise it to a higher number for a higher cost at the base.
Sir S
Edited by - Sir Spectre on 1/26/2004 9:19:17 AM
Question 1 - Creating custom commodities
For this tutorial ill create a new commodity called Platinum. If you want to create a different commodity change all references to platinum to your commodity and it should work fine.
Youll need to extract with BINI and then rename the following files from file .ini.txt to just file .ini:
1. Open select_equip.ini and add the following block of text at the bottom:
nickname = commodity_platinum
ids_name = 261612 ;<-----Currently "Silver", you need to do some dll editing
ids_info = 65916 ;<-----to change it which is beyond this tutorial.
units_per_container = 30
pod_appearance = cargopod_grey
loot_appearance = lootcrate_grey
decay_per_second = 0
volume = 1
hit_pts = 500
This has created the actual item, now we need to define it as a commodity which can be bought/sold.
2. Next open goods.ini and add this text:
nickname = commodity_platinum
msg_id_prefix = gcs_gen_commodity_silver <----Too advanced to change in this tutorial
equipment = commodity_platinum
category = commodity
price = 980
combinable = true
good_sell_price = 2.550000
bad_buy_price = 2.550000
bad_sell_price = 1
good_buy_price = 1
shop_archetype = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\cwire_rawmats_2.3db
item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\COMMOD_metals.3db
jump_dist = 7
"item_icon" is the icon that appears beside the name of the commodity. You can change it to suit whatever you create, the available icons are:
3. Finally, we need to tell FL where the commodity can be sold in game.
Open market_commodities.ini and search for the name of the base you want to add to. For this example ive chosen Planet Manhattan, "Li01_01_base". At the end of the block of text add the following line:
MarketGood = commodity_platinum, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2.250000
The last number is the cost multiplier; raise it to a higher number for a higher cost at the base.
Sir S
Edited by - Sir Spectre on 1/26/2004 9:19:17 AM
"I can't find a link to WC 3D, but I know I've seen info on it in the past. I went to the Fan Projects area and there were all the others, but no WC 3D."
Here is the link
TC Engineers Page
As for ideas maybe you can change the trade lane to jump nodes(beacon).
Btw I am verry impressed by the work you have done.

"history abhors a paradox"
Edited by - GreyViper on 1/26/2004 12:18:26 PM
Edited by - GreyViper on 1/26/2004 12:22:10 PM
Sir Spectre: Perfect, just what I needed! Like I said, I've never done it before.
GreyViper: Thanx!
Black_Leader: Most definately! I can't recall the outfits, but ALL of the skins are from the Wing Commander games! (There aren't any Privateer ships in it, yet.)
Tolwyn gave me permission to upload the MOD to Lancer's Reactor.
I'm in the middle of testing v1.06 which is fixing some nagging problems like missles becoming dumbfires, NPC shields that fail to die, and fixing some NPC AI's.
(Which, believe it or not, are all related.)
Once I've done a run-through of all of the missions, I'll post it.
Hopefully, Tuesday, or Wednesday.
I'll add the commodities in v1.07, as I'm to far along to stop, and start over.
(besides, tracking down bugs gets harder with the more I add at a time.)
Edited by - warzog on 1/26/2004 2:52:40 PM
GreyViper: Thanx!
Black_Leader: Most definately! I can't recall the outfits, but ALL of the skins are from the Wing Commander games! (There aren't any Privateer ships in it, yet.)
Tolwyn gave me permission to upload the MOD to Lancer's Reactor.
I'm in the middle of testing v1.06 which is fixing some nagging problems like missles becoming dumbfires, NPC shields that fail to die, and fixing some NPC AI's.
(Which, believe it or not, are all related.)
Once I've done a run-through of all of the missions, I'll post it.
Hopefully, Tuesday, or Wednesday.
I'll add the commodities in v1.07, as I'm to far along to stop, and start over.
(besides, tracking down bugs gets harder with the more I add at a time.)
Edited by - warzog on 1/26/2004 2:52:40 PM
@Greyviper, thanks for the link.
@Warzog, I'll assume you can figure out how to edit ID tags, because I don't know how. But anyway, just as an aside for better enhancement of the game, I know Privateer only had "slaves" as a commodity, but if you picked up an escape pod from a ship, it would also be called slaves. Perhaps for this mod make two (or more) distinguishable categories for the commodities of slaves. For instance have a commodity of "slaves" and a commodity "ejected pilot." Then have the ships "drop their cargo," really their pilot.
If it were me I'd even go further and specify what type of pilot for certain vehicles. So you can have bounties on some, for instance you find a terrible Rogue, well in this case Pirate criminal, he can be sold to any base for a lot of money, but you obviously can't buy him at any.
Simply, this is how I'd do it:
Slaves (Bought at disreputable bases, sold anywhere.)
General Ejected Pilots (Sold as slaves at disreputable and reputable bases)
Bounty Level 1 Ejected Pilot (Sold as prisoner for high price at reputable bases)
Bounty Level 2 Ejected Pilot (Sold as prisoner for moderate price at reputable bases)
Military Ejected Pilot (Sold as prisoner for higher price than general ejected pilot to disreputable bases)
I would enjoy it this way a lot. I think it is also in our interest to improve Privateer where we can.
Sir S
Edited by - Sir Spectre on 1/26/2004 5:51:36 PM
@Warzog, I'll assume you can figure out how to edit ID tags, because I don't know how. But anyway, just as an aside for better enhancement of the game, I know Privateer only had "slaves" as a commodity, but if you picked up an escape pod from a ship, it would also be called slaves. Perhaps for this mod make two (or more) distinguishable categories for the commodities of slaves. For instance have a commodity of "slaves" and a commodity "ejected pilot." Then have the ships "drop their cargo," really their pilot.
If it were me I'd even go further and specify what type of pilot for certain vehicles. So you can have bounties on some, for instance you find a terrible Rogue, well in this case Pirate criminal, he can be sold to any base for a lot of money, but you obviously can't buy him at any.
Simply, this is how I'd do it:
Slaves (Bought at disreputable bases, sold anywhere.)
General Ejected Pilots (Sold as slaves at disreputable and reputable bases)
Bounty Level 1 Ejected Pilot (Sold as prisoner for high price at reputable bases)
Bounty Level 2 Ejected Pilot (Sold as prisoner for moderate price at reputable bases)
Military Ejected Pilot (Sold as prisoner for higher price than general ejected pilot to disreputable bases)


Sir S
Edited by - Sir Spectre on 1/26/2004 5:51:36 PM
Well, ejected pilots are already in FL.
They're used in several random missions.
So, that's not a problem.
Writing a mission to rescue an ejected pilot would be interesting, and follow Wing Commander practices.
Nice idea!
With the tutorial you posted, I believe I'll be able to get most, if not all of the Privateer commodities into the mod.
I'm so out of practice playing Privateer 1, I can't get into any pirate bases to find out what they carry. And I can only remember the slaves!
BTW-Privateer: The Reckoning v1.06 mod is being uploaded as I write.
Hopefully, you'll be able to download it before you read this.
I've still got a long way to go before the mod is done.
I just hope that I'm on the right track so far.
We'll see...
Just finished the upload!
Watch your 6!
Edited by - warzog on 1/27/2004 12:25:33 AM
They're used in several random missions.
So, that's not a problem.
Writing a mission to rescue an ejected pilot would be interesting, and follow Wing Commander practices.
Nice idea!
With the tutorial you posted, I believe I'll be able to get most, if not all of the Privateer commodities into the mod.
I'm so out of practice playing Privateer 1, I can't get into any pirate bases to find out what they carry. And I can only remember the slaves!
BTW-Privateer: The Reckoning v1.06 mod is being uploaded as I write.
Hopefully, you'll be able to download it before you read this.
I've still got a long way to go before the mod is done.
I just hope that I'm on the right track so far.
We'll see...
Just finished the upload!
Watch your 6!
Edited by - warzog on 1/27/2004 12:25:33 AM
I think some of your problems have been solved by others. Have you played Evolutions Mod its good and most of the work you are doing might be in that mod. You should ask Chips I think he could help you allot maybe he has the answers you need. Evolutions Forum
Umm dont know if your giong to include a cloack but if you do here is one way how it could function. The way I see it is when CLOACK is on you cant cruise because they use the same system and when you uncloack shields are temp down. The sensory range could be halved as well. And while cloacked you cant use guns. So it works like a cruis engine and would be useful for bombers/pirates. The other option would be the half cloack used in WC Armada.
It would use the same energy as guns, the longer you hold down the right mouse button the longer u are undetected.
Second question will the fusion gun be in the game?
Edited by - GreyViper on 1/27/2004 4:24:18 AM
Umm dont know if your giong to include a cloack but if you do here is one way how it could function. The way I see it is when CLOACK is on you cant cruise because they use the same system and when you uncloack shields are temp down. The sensory range could be halved as well. And while cloacked you cant use guns. So it works like a cruis engine and would be useful for bombers/pirates. The other option would be the half cloack used in WC Armada.
It would use the same energy as guns, the longer you hold down the right mouse button the longer u are undetected.
Second question will the fusion gun be in the game?
Edited by - GreyViper on 1/27/2004 4:24:18 AM
By the way the other things sold at the Pirate bases are Tobacco, Brilliance, Slaves, Ultimate, Plaything (sometimes) & Liquor (rare). I have a whole list somewhere, when I was recording prices years ago. I'd have to find it, but let me know if you need a more thorough list. If I recall correctly there's at least 40 commodities, it's just that some are not very abundant, so in practicality there are 30 more usable choices.
@GreyViper, I think you're right, Chips would be a good person to seek advice from.
As for cloak, it isn't possible except in Multiplayer and it is banned from use on most servers as it is overly abused and makes a cheating player practically invulnerable if tweaked by him. Also, don't bring it up here, because discussions or requests for cloaks also get banned on this forum.
Also I'd like to say welcome to The Lancers Reactor (affectionately known as TLR). I was first lured into this forum via a Privateer discussion too, months ago and yet I'm still here.
Sir S
Edited by - Sir Spectre on 1/27/2004 7:14:19 AM
As far as I know, there are no ways to write new missions for the games. It's something that has plagued modders for the whole time I've been here. What I was talking about was simply making an Ejected Pilot a commodity and the Bounty Level 1 Ejected Pilot another commodity, the military Ejected pilot would be another and so on and so on. All separate commodities, that way you don't have to write missions, yeah it's a bit random to find these people, but without the neat Bounty missions set up like in Privateer what would you do?
Well, ejected pilots are already in FL.
They're used in several random missions.
So, that's not a problem.
Writing a mission to rescue an ejected pilot would be interesting, and follow Wing Commander practices.
Nice idea!
By the way the other things sold at the Pirate bases are Tobacco, Brilliance, Slaves, Ultimate, Plaything (sometimes) & Liquor (rare). I have a whole list somewhere, when I was recording prices years ago. I'd have to find it, but let me know if you need a more thorough list. If I recall correctly there's at least 40 commodities, it's just that some are not very abundant, so in practicality there are 30 more usable choices.
@GreyViper, I think you're right, Chips would be a good person to seek advice from.
As for cloak, it isn't possible except in Multiplayer and it is banned from use on most servers as it is overly abused and makes a cheating player practically invulnerable if tweaked by him. Also, don't bring it up here, because discussions or requests for cloaks also get banned on this forum.
Also I'd like to say welcome to The Lancers Reactor (affectionately known as TLR). I was first lured into this forum via a Privateer discussion too, months ago and yet I'm still here.
Sir S
Edited by - Sir Spectre on 1/27/2004 7:14:19 AM
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