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Features, feedback and bug reports for FL Rebalance 3.01 ful

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?FL Rebalance Mod? for Freelancer

Post Wed Oct 08, 2003 3:34 am

so would be included into the new version or what? Would that be included into Version 3.11b?
Whoa 24 aditional ships? LOL. Wonder how big the mod size would be like? Waited for nearly 2 weeks for the new Ghost with Torps. LOL.
Using that ship is like the Road Runner from the cartoons. BEEP BEEP! ZOOM!! Gone!

After reading the NEWS from TNG's Site:
I read the Microsoft thing, and Reynen seems to be assured that it is a hoax? Freelance with no Rebalance? Or other mods .. I would rather not play it at all. Gotten bored of the original FL. Too decent it seems to be. Without the mod, FL would be another game collecting dust on my old shelves. But I would GARAN-DAMN-TEE to keep MD's Rebalance Mod. ^_^

I hope the e-mail is a real fraud. And I hope the modders that often come to Lancers Reactor would still continue their great work. Come to think of it, MD, are you going to stop modding? Just like Reynan? This is a serious question, because it decides if I should quit FL or not. T_T *sniff*

Edited by - GameShark03 on 08-10-2003 10:48:39

Post Thu Oct 09, 2003 9:04 am

I hope that mail is a fraud as well...i don;t think MS has any reasons to do this to any of the modders or the modder teams. after all we helped improving gameplay quality and re-playability for Freelancer big time...
I managed to re-upload the 3.12 version to Fileplanet and here on LR, to bakededpotato and i hope its gonna be posted soon. It has some really nice ammo consuming photon blasters(Barragers and Sunfury's), the 24 ships mentioned above with all the new shield-mounted equipment enabled, and Silver-fire's weapon pack(cluster and cruise missiles+EMP mines and the sniper interdictor missile).

G-shark - unfortunately here on LR there's a FTP problem with uploading big mods, and i dunno when it's gonna be fixed...i'll try talking to EB and see if he can help. on Fileplanet i already uploaded version 3.11b and it was NOT posted...x-(. lets hope this one will get more atention from them...btw the mod is 40+ mb large.

Edited by - Michael Dan on 09-10-2003 14:43:33

Post Thu Oct 09, 2003 1:18 pm

Woohoo!!!! 3.12?!? Woohooo!!! You skipped 3.11b, but this is alright!! You da main man, MD!

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 2:15 am

um... you should just keep making them all updates because the file is startin to get big. and would you try sending it to they do everything fileplanet does except they have a lot less of lines. most the dls are 1 min waiting but some of the popular ones get up to 30 to 40 mins. at least thats what it says but i think it doesn't know how to count and skips numbers.

Edited by - Toco on 10-10-2003 03:15:30

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 3:17 am

If it was all updates, like what MD did long ago, during the Y-Wing/MFalcon and stuff .. you had to download Rebalance Mod and a few patches. When there is a mistake, you have to download another patch.

It'd be easier to just make one comfirmed working version with everything in it. Actually, the big files in FL Rebalance is because of the ships. I know 30-40MB can be a nightmare for those not using DSL, but there are download managers, like FLashget tohelp them resume.

Now available on EAF, but only have one prob. All this smooth, but when I started OpenSP mode, I ended up in the EAF's Earth. Some ships still cause the CTD. Sigh. But the game is good~!

Some questions for MD,
There is no more TIE Light Fighter on Pittsburgh, where can I get one?
For the Ghost, as long as I dock in any system with Cobra mk3s (even when they don exist anymore in those areas), I automatically turn into a Cobra mk3!

Edited by - GameShark03 on 10-10-2003 10:33:03

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 11:08 am

As you saw the mod was updated today on Fileplanet to version 3.12.
OpenSP mode is ment to start on EAF, with a Starfury, and the Tie fighter is now on Mactan Base.
Toco: i'll try the fileshack as well, but the upload on Fileplanet works the best(1 hour and a half for the whole 40 mb full version).
other modifications and changes:
-fixed the cuts and nocuts.bat files, now they work corectly and disable/enable the cutscenes as intended.
-added the APS Hornet VHF modeled by Astral Prime Studios, on Freeport 4 and Kyoto Base.
-Added the Entreprise NX-1 as a replacement of the old Entreprise.
-fixed the TIE weapons not showing or firing problem.
-added 2 more torp slots on Ghost.
-player in OpenSP now starts in the EFA system on planet Earth, with a Starfury.
-MP games starts at Trafalgar base(near Manhattan) with the reputation of a Bouny Hunter.
-Use Mp_navy.bat, mp_pirate.bat and mp_bounty.bat to change Trent's appeareance from a Bounty Hunter, Pirate and Navy officer.
-removed the krait and cobra mkiii from all factions since they were too hard to hit.
-added Silver Fire's weapon pack of cluster missiles, Longbow Missiles, EMP mines and the Sniper Interdictor. Cluster missile use ammo tough, which is 1/4 the price of the normal ammo.
-Barrager and Sunfury Photon cannons do 3 time the damage, use half the energy but need ammo to fire.
-max ammo increased to 600 in order to support the new Barragers and Sunfury's that use ammo.
-kusari Hyperpulse Photon Blaster was also updated to 3x damage, 1/2 energy consumption and is using ammo.
-added the 18 HW ships spreaded across the New York and 3 Kusari Systems(New tokyo, Shikoku and Hokaido), hint: they're on previously empty stations.
-added 7 Freespace ships made by Caid, the Apollo, Medusa, Valkyrie and Anubis for the GTVA(Terran-Vasudan Alliance) and the Manticore, Dragon and Nephilim for the Shivans.
-the above Freespace ships come with their own specific guns, missiles and torpedoes.
last minute update that will be included in a 3.12b version are regarding the armor for the rheinland pirate ships on battle for station Willard(had to go up, they were eaten by the BS's and Cruisers guns), and some real powerplants for the pirate ships, not the infinite power they had till now. so when hit with an EMP missile, gun or mine they should stop firing for a while...

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 5:07 pm

Could u look into the matter when the Ghost can oddly turn into a permanent Cobra mk3 skin? It happens in Liberty area, as long as there are Rogues with Cobras. I noticed no Cobras in Liberty Space in the recent updated version, but it still happens.

BTW, what happened to the Damocles BShip?

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 5:21 pm

Ok, I never used the Ghost in Liberty so did not notice the problem before...i'll look into it. The cobras were removed from Liberty Rogue faction so there are none in Liberty indeed. the Damocles was removed from the mod cause of the CTD's at buying time...
here is the direct URL link for downloading the mod from Fileplanet so you won't have to look for it:

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 6:24 pm

I downloaded it 7 hours ago, MD. LOL. I was very eager to use the Ghost, unfortunately, the Ghost is "unsafe" in a way to fly in Liberty. LOL. Guess I have to stick with an A-Wing. BTW, I used Datastorm on your mod, I cannot seem to find the USS NX-1? WHere is it?

Post Sat Oct 11, 2003 9:04 am

USS NX-1 was replacing the old Entreprise so u can find it in the same location: EFA system.

Post Sat Oct 11, 2003 10:12 am

FOund it real difficult to leave the EAF in OpenSP mode. No HyperDrive to flee a major battle outside the planet. But MP mode, it is kinda cool to start out in a Patriot from Rochester Base. Seems "new" in a way. But better than a Starflier though

Post Sat Oct 11, 2003 2:53 pm

Just tried 3.12 Found the startup menu screen changed to a bigger font. Is this a change done by the mod?

Post Sun Oct 12, 2003 9:50 am

Gameshark: don't leave the EAF, stay there doing missions till u get a higher level and a better ship, then u can leave safely.
Mojo: yes the mod has its own fonts initialization file. it also makes fonts on the ships hud smaller though .

Post Sun Oct 12, 2003 3:40 pm

Most of the time when you kill a ship, they will drop some mines, missiles, trade goods and guns as loot. Lately, I started using missiles only, no guns. The missiles killed the ships quickly enough but I could not get the guns to drop as loot. Often, I would hear the message that the enemy's guns are destroyed. Does using missiles against the ships cause the guns to be destroyed, thus they will not drop as loot?

Post Sun Oct 12, 2003 5:28 pm

oh can you make the ships drop barrenger ammo? most the time you run out when using it

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