1 Battleship, 4 Heavy Fighter Wings (4 fighters each)
Unit Name: Battleship Canada (CODENAME : Silent Bird)
Symbol: Standard Liberty Insign
Description: The Battleship Canada is battleship, a Liberty Dreadnought, that is used to to recon missions or secret operations in order to prevent an all-around-the-universe conflicts. If a 'World War' has a possibility of arising, Battleship Canada is sent to investigate
Unit Base: Battleship Canada
Unit Force:
16 Defenders.
Commander Name: Tom Madley
Description: Tom madley is a 30 years old retired Order officer, that has been promoted to a top-secret spot in Liberty's Navy.
Ship Description : (May Differ depending of GM's choice)
Battleship Canada :
Type : Liberty Dreadnought
Engine : BS 7MX Engine (Normal speed 70, Cruise 300, Thruster 200)
SubModule : Cruise Engine Battleship Enhancer (Cruise 300, 2 mounted)
SubModule : Engine Thruster (For it to go 70 and push the tons of junk

SubModule : Dual Thruster (Mounted near the engine at left and right)
Power Plant : BSP2 (B attleS hip Powerplant 2
Weaponry : 2 Rear Defense Turret, 3 Front Defense Turret, 2 Primary Turret (Front/Rear), 2 Flak Turrets, 2 Missile Turrets, 1 Tertiary Turet (Front), 2 Secondary Turret (Bottom-right, Under wing, and bottom left)
Shield : Light shild for collision damage only (No use in battle.)
Tractor beam on Front, Front Sides and Ventral ONLY
A bunch of lights (2 Left/Right Projectors, 8 yellow anti-collision lights, 10 Docking Lights, 1 ventral spot, 1 front spot)
Cruise engine takes 3 minutes to power up, Thruster takes 20 seconds.
Has a Double-Hull with Titanium/Steel armor.
I hope this description of the ship is good enought

Outfitting of the wings :
Defenders use Vengeance + Justice MKIII with a Magma turret, along with a Gravition Class 4 shield, and an advaned thruster
I just like details. Poor you.
I hope this is accurate enought! (I spent 1 hour working on it)
Edited by - gparent on 12/25/2004 7:18:36 PM
Edited by - gparent on 12/26/2004 9:36:46 AM
Edited by - gparent on 12/26/2004 9:38:21 AM