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Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
I told him over e-mail to stick to the list. If he isn't he should edit his profile immediatly. Look the list is there for a reason.
Look, gparent. The list is so everyone is even, you have a STANDARD starting battleship and a standard compliment of heavy fighters. There are reasons these things are done. I'm trying to make it as similar to the game as possible and still have diversity and being even. AND for the last time. THE MILITARY DOES NOT HAVE CIVILIAN MODEL CRAFT they don't want to have to keep spare parts around, and with the forces a house is fielding, the more they buy of ships the cheaper they are.
Co-Winner of CYOF 2 in most credits per turn
Judge of CYOF 3
Edited by - Triyun on 12/26/2004 6:40:38 AM
Look, gparent. The list is so everyone is even, you have a STANDARD starting battleship and a standard compliment of heavy fighters. There are reasons these things are done. I'm trying to make it as similar to the game as possible and still have diversity and being even. AND for the last time. THE MILITARY DOES NOT HAVE CIVILIAN MODEL CRAFT they don't want to have to keep spare parts around, and with the forces a house is fielding, the more they buy of ships the cheaper they are.
Co-Winner of CYOF 2 in most credits per turn
Judge of CYOF 3
Edited by - Triyun on 12/26/2004 6:40:38 AM
Unit Name: 3 Squadron "The Devils" of the Zoners
Symbol: Two lightning bolts crossing each other
Description: The best Fighter group in the Zoners, They are known to go where they are needed at any time.
Unit Base: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Commander Name:Jason "Hawk" Cruise
History:Jason was a lawyer for Samura Heavy Industries but the company was to corrupt for him so he left.
He joined the Zoners to get away from Samura and Kusari.He flies an modified Eagle.
Unit Force:2 Wing of Eagles and a wing of Sabres traded for with the junkers.(they were floating dead in sigma)
Edited by - The Creator on 12/26/2004 1:47:42 PM
Edited by - The Creator on 12/26/2004 2:14:34 PM
Symbol: Two lightning bolts crossing each other
Description: The best Fighter group in the Zoners, They are known to go where they are needed at any time.
Unit Base: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Commander Name:Jason "Hawk" Cruise
History:Jason was a lawyer for Samura Heavy Industries but the company was to corrupt for him so he left.
He joined the Zoners to get away from Samura and Kusari.He flies an modified Eagle.
Unit Force:2 Wing of Eagles and a wing of Sabres traded for with the junkers.(they were floating dead in sigma)
Edited by - The Creator on 12/26/2004 1:47:42 PM
Edited by - The Creator on 12/26/2004 2:14:34 PM
...and players who are in the pay of houses should use their own LFs and HFs, not civilian or Border World ships. Factions like Outcasts, Hackers, Hessians and Bundschuh would use the Border World series. Pirates like Mollys, Rogues, and Xenos would use Blood or Wolfhounds. Smaller revolutionaries like GC, LWB, and Unioners would use Hawks or Falcons, as would the larger corporations. Gaians, the least important revolutionary, use startrackers. As do all the smaller corps.
Unit Name: Bravo fleet
Symbol: A sword over a Golden delta outlined by black.
Description: a troubleshooting force, semi-secret, that goes around covering up some of liberties mistakes.
Unit Base: Home base is Willards research station
Commander Name: Lanson Richardson
Unit Force:6 Liberty gunboats (Type 1), 2 defender squadrons, 4 patriot squadrons
Gunboats: (Type 1 for now) Names are: Kep Salu(Flagship), Enterprise, Escambia, Montgomery, Pensacola, Nightsaber
(Taking from what I can remember of gunboats)
4 main turrets
6 flak guns
2 missle launchers
Cruise speed standard, thruster speed double fighter norm standard thrust is 70 kph
Defender sqaudron 1: "Bomber Men" (Base ship Nightsaber)
1 sunkiller torp launcher (10 torps loaded up)
4 class 4 plasma weapons
1 class 4 sheild drainer
1 class 4 laser turret (Liberty tweak)
1 Screamer mine launcher (30 mines)
1 Advanced countermeasure launcher (50 countermeasures)
1 Tweak 1 Advanced thruster (10% longer burn life)
type 5 graviton Heavy fighter shield
Defender squad 2: "Zoomers" (Base ship montgomery)
1 Hornet cruise disrupter (10 rounds loaded)
3 class 4 shield drainers
2 class 4 laser cannons (Liberty tweaks)
1 class 4 laser turret (Liberty tweak)
1 screamer mine launcher (30 mines)
1 Advanced countermeasure launcher (50 countermeasures)
1 tweak 2 advanced thruster (250 kph thrust, 5 % shorter burn life)
1 type 4 graviton HF fighter shield
patriot squads 1&2: "Plumbers"& "Swordmen" (Base ships respectively: Pensacola, Escambia)
2 class 3 laser cannons (Liberty tweaks)
1 class 3 shield drainer
1 class 3 plasma cannon
1 tadpole mine launcher (15 mines)
1 Advanced countermeasure launcher (25 mines)
1 Advanced thruster
1 type 4 graviton LF shield
patriot squad 3: "Gunslingers" (Base ship Enterprise)
1 wasp cruise disruptor (5 rounds loaded)
3 class 3 laser cannons (Liberty tweaks)
1 class 3 plasma cannon
1 advanced countermeasure launcher (25 flares)
1 advanced thruster
1 type 4 positron LF shield
patriot squad 4: "Lancers" (Commander's personal squadron) (Base ship Kep Salu)
1 wasp cruise disruptor (2 rounds loaded)
2 class 3 laser cannons (BHG tweak, a recent choice of the commander, soon to be refitting all ships with such weapons.)
1 plasma launcher
1 stalker class 3 missile (Don't remember the name) ( 5 missles loaded)
1 advanced countermeasure launcher (25 flares)
1 advanced thruster tweak 1
1 type 4 graviton shield
Commander's history:
Once a shining career, it has largely fallen into shadow to protect the cover of Bravo fleet. What is known, is that he used to lead only the lancer squadron, an elite patriot force known well for taking on pirate attacks on shipping, with only 20 losses in a 10 year period. What is currently non-classified about bravo fleet and his current forces, is that they have been serving as trouble-shooters for the liberty navy, an elite strike force. The black side is that they have been on many illegal raids to protect liberty intrests, with minimal losses. However, that was early history, someone else has taken up the work. They now go to hide the navy's activities, working as the "Men in Black" for Liberty. Admiral Richardson himself is a tenacious fighter, often still serving with his fighters on the front lines of conflit rather than hiding in his gunboat. He refuses to send his men into situations he himself wouldn't go into, and has several times gotten in trouble over it. He would be commanding cruisers and battleships by now in fact, if he hadn't disobeyed orders several times to protect his men. He may not exactly be the best tactician, but he's got the best crew he can get.
Symbol: A sword over a Golden delta outlined by black.
Description: a troubleshooting force, semi-secret, that goes around covering up some of liberties mistakes.
Unit Base: Home base is Willards research station
Commander Name: Lanson Richardson
Unit Force:6 Liberty gunboats (Type 1), 2 defender squadrons, 4 patriot squadrons
Gunboats: (Type 1 for now) Names are: Kep Salu(Flagship), Enterprise, Escambia, Montgomery, Pensacola, Nightsaber
(Taking from what I can remember of gunboats)
4 main turrets
6 flak guns
2 missle launchers
Cruise speed standard, thruster speed double fighter norm standard thrust is 70 kph
Defender sqaudron 1: "Bomber Men" (Base ship Nightsaber)
1 sunkiller torp launcher (10 torps loaded up)
4 class 4 plasma weapons
1 class 4 sheild drainer
1 class 4 laser turret (Liberty tweak)
1 Screamer mine launcher (30 mines)
1 Advanced countermeasure launcher (50 countermeasures)
1 Tweak 1 Advanced thruster (10% longer burn life)
type 5 graviton Heavy fighter shield
Defender squad 2: "Zoomers" (Base ship montgomery)
1 Hornet cruise disrupter (10 rounds loaded)
3 class 4 shield drainers
2 class 4 laser cannons (Liberty tweaks)
1 class 4 laser turret (Liberty tweak)
1 screamer mine launcher (30 mines)
1 Advanced countermeasure launcher (50 countermeasures)
1 tweak 2 advanced thruster (250 kph thrust, 5 % shorter burn life)
1 type 4 graviton HF fighter shield
patriot squads 1&2: "Plumbers"& "Swordmen" (Base ships respectively: Pensacola, Escambia)
2 class 3 laser cannons (Liberty tweaks)
1 class 3 shield drainer
1 class 3 plasma cannon
1 tadpole mine launcher (15 mines)
1 Advanced countermeasure launcher (25 mines)
1 Advanced thruster
1 type 4 graviton LF shield
patriot squad 3: "Gunslingers" (Base ship Enterprise)
1 wasp cruise disruptor (5 rounds loaded)
3 class 3 laser cannons (Liberty tweaks)
1 class 3 plasma cannon
1 advanced countermeasure launcher (25 flares)
1 advanced thruster
1 type 4 positron LF shield
patriot squad 4: "Lancers" (Commander's personal squadron) (Base ship Kep Salu)
1 wasp cruise disruptor (2 rounds loaded)
2 class 3 laser cannons (BHG tweak, a recent choice of the commander, soon to be refitting all ships with such weapons.)
1 plasma launcher
1 stalker class 3 missile (Don't remember the name) ( 5 missles loaded)
1 advanced countermeasure launcher (25 flares)
1 advanced thruster tweak 1
1 type 4 graviton shield
Commander's history:
Once a shining career, it has largely fallen into shadow to protect the cover of Bravo fleet. What is known, is that he used to lead only the lancer squadron, an elite patriot force known well for taking on pirate attacks on shipping, with only 20 losses in a 10 year period. What is currently non-classified about bravo fleet and his current forces, is that they have been serving as trouble-shooters for the liberty navy, an elite strike force. The black side is that they have been on many illegal raids to protect liberty intrests, with minimal losses. However, that was early history, someone else has taken up the work. They now go to hide the navy's activities, working as the "Men in Black" for Liberty. Admiral Richardson himself is a tenacious fighter, often still serving with his fighters on the front lines of conflit rather than hiding in his gunboat. He refuses to send his men into situations he himself wouldn't go into, and has several times gotten in trouble over it. He would be commanding cruisers and battleships by now in fact, if he hadn't disobeyed orders several times to protect his men. He may not exactly be the best tactician, but he's got the best crew he can get.
Typical Liberty, sending out a squadron to cover up their many mistakes
(If anyone has noticed yet I hate Liberty. They are my second least house. The only house I hate more is Rhineland there are even worse. Kusari is the best and Bretonia is cool too. The funny part is, I live in America yet I hate Liberty and like Kusari.)

(If anyone has noticed yet I hate Liberty. They are my second least house. The only house I hate more is Rhineland there are even worse. Kusari is the best and Bretonia is cool too. The funny part is, I live in America yet I hate Liberty and like Kusari.)
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