Thu Dec 02, 2004 12:48 pm by vorticaldwarf
Here is the slightly more complicated, but ultimately superior , method.
Every player in the game, would get a particualar amount of points for each type of ship (this amount could be varied between factions to control strengths and weaknesses of each faction). The player would then distribute each total among the various stats of the apprpriate ship type during his/her first turn.
The following is a sample turn, once agai for Kusari.
Step 1: The player would recieve the following totals--- Battleship 42, Destroyer 36, Cruiser 30, gunboat * 19, bomber 23 *, VHF 12, HF 7, LF 4,
all cargo ships 6*.
* because the gunboat and, in particular, the bomber, are used for such specific roles special stats limits would apply. the gunboat would have a limit of 2 on all stats except for FA and FD. The bomber would have stats limits of 2 on everything except CA, and BA.
Also, cargo ships cannot assign points to CA or BA (since they are so slow moving, an attack by a cargo ship against a capital ship or most bases would be suicidal. The limits are set to zero to prevent insane nOObs, or anyone else for that matter, from even contemplating the idea.)
Step 2: The player would distribute the total for each ship between the stats types, up to 9 for any one stat. The results could be as follows:
battleship: 5 FA, 5 FD, 9 CA, 8 CD, 9 BA, 6 BD
destroyer: 6 FA, 6 FD, 7 CA, 7 CD, 4 BA, 6 BD
cruiser: 7 FA, 7 FD, 5 CA, 5 CD, 3 BA, 3 BD
gunboat: 9 FA, 6 FD, 0 CA, 2 CD, 1 BA, 1 BD
bomber: 2 FA, 2 FD, 7 CA, 2 CD, 8 BA, 2 BD
VHF: 4 FA, 2 FD, 1 CA, 2 CD, 2 BA, 1 BD
HF: 2 FA, 2 FD, 1 CA, 1 CD, 0 BA, 1 BD
LF: 1 FA, 2 FD, 1 CA, 0 CD, O BA, 0 BD
freighter: 2 FA, 3 FD, 0 CA, 0 CD, 0 BA, 1 BD
transport: 2 FA, 1 FD, 0 CA, 1 CD, 0 BA, 2 BD
L transport:1 FA, 2 FD, 0 CA, 0 CD, 0 BA, 3 BD
train: 4 FA, 1 FD, 0 CA, 0 CD, 0 BA, 1 BD
Since the CSV is just a cheaper freighter, it would automatically be assigned whatever stats the player chooses for his freighter.
One final note. In the interests of fairness players should have to submit a copy of their intended point assignment to the judge or mod in advance. Then, once the judge has recieved a copy from everyone who has signed up at the end of registration and checked them for accuracy ( if you choose to use this system I could make a spredsheet to make this easier), everyone could post their stats during the first turn. That way no one has an advantage by knowing other people's stats ahead of time. The copy they submit to the judge would be final. No last minute changes because your enemy has better stats. Any stats changes once the game begins would have to be done through research.
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 12/2/2004 1:00:05 PM