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Discussion on Control Your Own Faction 3
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
Instead of force limits I have another possibily. I've seen other games where you are in "damage protection" for a certain number of turns, say your first 3. You can't be attacked or attack another player. Movement rules about blockades and hostile systems would still apply however, otherwise you could just move your fleet into the middle of enemy terrtiory and wait for DP to end and they wouldn't be able to do a thing about it.
Yeah, they would be interesting, but they would make it really really complicated. I'm in favour of making this thing a little simpler. What we might be able to do with them is have every fighter-pilot, after defeating the enemy ships defending a planet, be able to land on the planet and become a guerilla warrior or whatever they're called. It seems a little more realistic, plus less expensive.
What I really like about 2.1 is that DSQrn eliminated all the commodities except food and metal. That makes everything SO much easier to keep track of.
Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/16/2004 7:00:04 PM
What I really like about 2.1 is that DSQrn eliminated all the commodities except food and metal. That makes everything SO much easier to keep track of.
Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/16/2004 7:00:04 PM
There is no reserving factions until the next "Reserve a Faction" thread comes up.
I too am opposed to the ground fighting for two reasons.
1- It adds a overly complex part to the game.
2- It has NOTHING to do with Freelancer. In the game, there was no mention of armies or any sort of fighting on planets. The only thing that resembled that was Trent shooting at the Chancellor in the final part of the game. One freelancer with a gun does not count as the armies that DSQrn has added for 2.1.
I expect to post the 3.0 rules on the CYOF site today or tommorow. Then, you guys can take them apart and examine them here. I will make changes accordingly.

I too am opposed to the ground fighting for two reasons.
1- It adds a overly complex part to the game.
2- It has NOTHING to do with Freelancer. In the game, there was no mention of armies or any sort of fighting on planets. The only thing that resembled that was Trent shooting at the Chancellor in the final part of the game. One freelancer with a gun does not count as the armies that DSQrn has added for 2.1.
I expect to post the 3.0 rules on the CYOF site today or tommorow. Then, you guys can take them apart and examine them here. I will make changes accordingly.

Definitely don't like the idea of ground troops. Some kind of boarding parties mabey to allow a base to be captured rather than destroyed. Actually I dont like most of the changes. This RPG went well it just needed a few tweaks, not a complete overhaul. And simplifying the rules by removing strategic aspects like multiple resources and ship stats is going to make the game seem boring to those of us who already know how to play.
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 12/4/2004 1:37:31 PM
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 12/4/2004 1:37:31 PM
k, good . Could Radiation/ Debris field damge be added? ex : Badlands have a ton ofdebris flyign throught it would cost x damage to your crusiers based on dice roll. That way the capitols could stil attack it ( I doubt with all the damge you would take you would want to but..) Is thier a manuvering lvl ie could lf's be capable of dodging all of capitol ship fire ?
Base Per Turn:
House- 50
Large Faction- 40
Small Faction- 35
I assume that means credits per turn right
Sorry for so many questions
Base Per Turn:
House- 50
Large Faction- 40
Small Faction- 35
I assume that means credits per turn right
Sorry for so many questions
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