This is unessicary. We are not going to risk this, and you especially. We are going to fight Larings at Madrid, and we will destroy him with little or no lives lost. Don't you realize that we can easily overload his sheild with our weapons! A few drones won't be able to stop us! This needs to be dealt with by everyone, not just one faction! We are all responsible!
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DSQrn/Outcast''s RPG-Control your own Faction.
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
This is unessicary. We are not going to risk this, and you especially. We are going to fight Larings at Madrid, and we will destroy him with little or no lives lost. Don't you realize that we can easily overload his sheild with our weapons! A few drones won't be able to stop us! This needs to be dealt with by everyone, not just one faction! We are all responsible!
This is unessicary. We are not going to risk this, and you especially. We are going to fight Larings at Madrid, and we will destroy him with little or no lives lost. Don't you realize that we can easily overload his sheild with our weapons! A few drones won't be able to stop us! This needs to be dealt with by everyone, not just one faction! We are all responsible!
True as well. If the junker's plan fails, we will indeed need to fight a new madrid.
I am urging every faction to get our ship upgrades, as the added power and manuverability may help protect us against his abilities, and our spectral shielding might allow us to block his fire. WE WILL NOT ALLOW SIRUS TO FALL TO THIS MADMAN!
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
I am urging every faction to get our ship upgrades, as the added power and manuverability may help protect us against his abilities, and our spectral shielding might allow us to block his fire. WE WILL NOT ALLOW SIRUS TO FALL TO THIS MADMAN!
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
3 points.
1. My post with the plan should not have any responses yet since technically no one would have recieved the information until the actually arrived at Toledo where the conference is being held ( if you read my post I asked for no one to respond to it until 5:00 PM figuring it would take that long to get everyone together.
2. To Richardson: destruction is the whole idea. in fact your re router or something similar is exactly what I had in mind.
3. The plan will proceede with or without your help. But without your assistance our chances of success are lessened by far. In particular we require the assistance of Bretonia the Rogues, and
1. My post with the plan should not have any responses yet since technically no one would have recieved the information until the actually arrived at Toledo where the conference is being held ( if you read my post I asked for no one to respond to it until 5:00 PM figuring it would take that long to get everyone together.
2. To Richardson: destruction is the whole idea. in fact your re router or something similar is exactly what I had in mind.
3. The plan will proceede with or without your help. But without your assistance our chances of success are lessened by far. In particular we require the assistance of Bretonia the Rogues, and
oes the fact this guy can control energy mean anything to you guys? he can just close the hole of his own accord the only way to beat him is with a big epic RPG ending battle. I have been hear from the start and if i have the power to demand one thing i choose that we end this with a big epic battle this is the best kind of ending for a thread like this
We refuse all rough tech.
We will fight this man with our own tech it will do.
Also we will use non enegry wepons to destroy him these MAC guns have been given to every faction to be installed on there flagship in this final battle
4 days to go

We refuse all rough tech.
We will fight this man with our own tech it will do.
Also we will use non enegry wepons to destroy him these MAC guns have been given to every faction to be installed on there flagship in this final battle
4 days to go
Here, there is a simplier way to do this. *Fires one of the Kep Salu's cannons at him, vaporizing him and removing him from existance on the board.* Now that the annoying destraction has been eleminated, back to our rpg.
(IC now)
*Bridge of the LFS Kep Salu*
What? They've been seeing us practice for the past day, why in the hell would they refuse our technology? *The salu shifts massively, practicing new evasive manuver techniques with the first and second strike fleets. SB 1 hung at the edge of the mock battle, hovering ominously as more work is done on it. The second fleet had been completed yesterday night and shipped out that morning. Richardson had also been considering temporarily refitting the main cannons to gauss guns, which should stop this guy, If he didn't use the kintetic forces within the projectile to stop it. (Why projectiles aren't as good as you think.) *
Possibly because they still think we're out for our own good.
Damm them. Untrusting fools. *Richardson is beyond being annoyed by this point. After a day in the system, the hispanic alliance still didn't belive his forces were only there to guard the system. He had lent his main ship-mountable re-router to the junkers, since they ahd requested it for something. Fort Alamo flickered on for a second, in the final stages of construction. The hispanic alliance was DEFINATELY pissed about that, even when he explained that it could bring in any forces from any location. He actually had a narrow escape with them, with them wanting to put his head on a pike. Good thing the salu was in a near atmospheric parking orbit at the time. The scientists continued to lower the range in which they said the envelop drive was safe, especially since they found 10000 k retriveals or less, (Much less in their opinion) were only slightly damaging to the human body. Still, he prefered not to get possilby scrambled with the new possibilities, and he prefered to only let the fleet use it for absolute emergancys only.* I really don't think this is gonna work, but I won't leave until the dust settles and I'm either dead, or larigns in is teeny-tiny pieces floating around in the system. Heck, if we have to, we could have the starbase ram him........ (A better solution to the problem.....)
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
(IC now)
*Bridge of the LFS Kep Salu*
What? They've been seeing us practice for the past day, why in the hell would they refuse our technology? *The salu shifts massively, practicing new evasive manuver techniques with the first and second strike fleets. SB 1 hung at the edge of the mock battle, hovering ominously as more work is done on it. The second fleet had been completed yesterday night and shipped out that morning. Richardson had also been considering temporarily refitting the main cannons to gauss guns, which should stop this guy, If he didn't use the kintetic forces within the projectile to stop it. (Why projectiles aren't as good as you think.) *
Possibly because they still think we're out for our own good.
Damm them. Untrusting fools. *Richardson is beyond being annoyed by this point. After a day in the system, the hispanic alliance still didn't belive his forces were only there to guard the system. He had lent his main ship-mountable re-router to the junkers, since they ahd requested it for something. Fort Alamo flickered on for a second, in the final stages of construction. The hispanic alliance was DEFINATELY pissed about that, even when he explained that it could bring in any forces from any location. He actually had a narrow escape with them, with them wanting to put his head on a pike. Good thing the salu was in a near atmospheric parking orbit at the time. The scientists continued to lower the range in which they said the envelop drive was safe, especially since they found 10000 k retriveals or less, (Much less in their opinion) were only slightly damaging to the human body. Still, he prefered not to get possilby scrambled with the new possibilities, and he prefered to only let the fleet use it for absolute emergancys only.* I really don't think this is gonna work, but I won't leave until the dust settles and I'm either dead, or larigns in is teeny-tiny pieces floating around in the system. Heck, if we have to, we could have the starbase ram him........ (A better solution to the problem.....)
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
Wow ya know DSQrn had a point. The rpg isn't as fun anymore as it used to be. There are CERTAIN PEOPLE (hint hint hint arilias) who are changing it for the worse. basically, it's been reduced to irrelevancies and bloody ship updates. worst of all: the actual role playing. Half page stories about captain seargeant f margor giving orders to the Just no. The role playing involved is as a head and government of a faction, not as some anonymous shmuckus in the military being shot by "prometheus" or whatever. And this thing about people fighting "for peace" when war is what makes the game interesting. This rpg was the most exiciting at the heat of the axis-alliance war and what is it now? some psycho in a bloody ship shooting things. Wow, so captivating!
To Wilde:
Certain factions fighting for peace doesn't make the board any less interesting, just more realistic. There are groups (such as the junkers) who would want to see stability return, for economic reasons if nothing else, as well as idealists who would truly be upset by the carnage of a full scale war. Also, if you havent noticed, such groups are generally ignored until one or both sides get into a situation where fighting becomes difficult or impossible ( as has happened on this board). If larings hadn't shown up the war would have continued right on schedule regardless of anything we could have done about it.
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 10/22/2004 4:22:10 PM
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 10/22/2004 4:23:20 PM
Certain factions fighting for peace doesn't make the board any less interesting, just more realistic. There are groups (such as the junkers) who would want to see stability return, for economic reasons if nothing else, as well as idealists who would truly be upset by the carnage of a full scale war. Also, if you havent noticed, such groups are generally ignored until one or both sides get into a situation where fighting becomes difficult or impossible ( as has happened on this board). If larings hadn't shown up the war would have continued right on schedule regardless of anything we could have done about it.
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 10/22/2004 4:22:10 PM
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 10/22/2004 4:23:20 PM
New Albany Base, in orbit around planet Toledo:
"Preparations are complete sir. Any sign of assistance yet?"
"Sadly no. The rouge ship that brought the re-router has been the only vessel to come anywhere near this system since we arrived."
"A pity sir but not entirely unexpected."
"When you go, tell the comm officer to send for Captain Ackbar and Captain Skywalker."
"Yes sir."
* ensign leaves. a few minuets later the captains of Norwich (Ackbar) and Brownsville (Skywalker) enter.*
" Gentelmen all preperations are in order. These will be my final orders and I know you will follow them to the letter. I hereby promote you both to the rank of full comander. "
"Commander Skywalker, You will take Brownsville and most of the fleet to New Madrid. If this plan fails you may just get that chance to avenge Midland."
"Commander Ackbar, your mission will be slightly different but by no means less critical. You are to take Norwich and all our non-combat ships and fill them with as much food and other supplies as you can obtain. You are then to proceede to the following coordinates."
" But sir, these coordinates are in the middle of empty space, on the very outer edges of Liberty."
" Not entirely empty commander. There are a great many secrets in the anals of junker exploration only known to a select few. One of these was the discovery of a hyper- gate on the edges of liberty space that was never fully completed. Our scientists have been working since the earliest days of the war to make it operational. Once we discovered the existing Nomad gate they were finally able to make the final breakthrough. Using several unmanned probes we have discovered that the exit lies in the far distant Sol system. That Commander is your destination. You are personally responsible for ensuring that humanity lives on even if this chapter in its history is over. Once through the gate you are to use any means necessary to seal it behind you. Our probes have shown that the third planet from the sun is a small M class and should be inhabitable without much terraforming. That is your best chance."
"Sir, you can't expect us to simply abandon you!"
"And what would you do here commander? watch helplessly as larings obliterates New Albany and then comes after you? I believe you both have a great deal of work to do. You had best be on your way."
"Good luck sir. For all our sakes."
"God speed to you both."
"Preparations are complete sir. Any sign of assistance yet?"
"Sadly no. The rouge ship that brought the re-router has been the only vessel to come anywhere near this system since we arrived."
"A pity sir but not entirely unexpected."
"When you go, tell the comm officer to send for Captain Ackbar and Captain Skywalker."
"Yes sir."
* ensign leaves. a few minuets later the captains of Norwich (Ackbar) and Brownsville (Skywalker) enter.*
" Gentelmen all preperations are in order. These will be my final orders and I know you will follow them to the letter. I hereby promote you both to the rank of full comander. "
"Commander Skywalker, You will take Brownsville and most of the fleet to New Madrid. If this plan fails you may just get that chance to avenge Midland."
"Commander Ackbar, your mission will be slightly different but by no means less critical. You are to take Norwich and all our non-combat ships and fill them with as much food and other supplies as you can obtain. You are then to proceede to the following coordinates."
" But sir, these coordinates are in the middle of empty space, on the very outer edges of Liberty."
" Not entirely empty commander. There are a great many secrets in the anals of junker exploration only known to a select few. One of these was the discovery of a hyper- gate on the edges of liberty space that was never fully completed. Our scientists have been working since the earliest days of the war to make it operational. Once we discovered the existing Nomad gate they were finally able to make the final breakthrough. Using several unmanned probes we have discovered that the exit lies in the far distant Sol system. That Commander is your destination. You are personally responsible for ensuring that humanity lives on even if this chapter in its history is over. Once through the gate you are to use any means necessary to seal it behind you. Our probes have shown that the third planet from the sun is a small M class and should be inhabitable without much terraforming. That is your best chance."
"Sir, you can't expect us to simply abandon you!"
"And what would you do here commander? watch helplessly as larings obliterates New Albany and then comes after you? I believe you both have a great deal of work to do. You had best be on your way."
"Good luck sir. For all our sakes."
"God speed to you both."
** several hours later**
"Sir, all forces are prepped and ready to go."
"You had best join them ensign. The last transport leaves in ten minuets so I suggest you hurry."
"Farewell sir. Good luck."
"Good-bye ensign."
** ensign leaves**
" New Albany, this is Norwich. We are set for jump. Onward to terra incognita!"
"New Albany, this is Brownsville. All systems are green. Remember the Alamo!"
" Very good. You are cleared for jump. Proceed."
"Good bye Commander"
** All bases and ships except for the New Albany enter the jump gates and proceeded to thier respective destinations. Once they are long gone Commander Zane activates the AI cores which now fill every available space on the base. They are not connected to New Albany and have been stripped of everything but their power sources and positronic networks, but the signal they give off is loud and clear, an irrisistable prize for any crazed psychopathic uber invincible psychic energy being. **
"All right Larings, come and get it!"
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 10/22/2004 5:43:15 PM
"Sir, all forces are prepped and ready to go."
"You had best join them ensign. The last transport leaves in ten minuets so I suggest you hurry."
"Farewell sir. Good luck."
"Good-bye ensign."
** ensign leaves**
" New Albany, this is Norwich. We are set for jump. Onward to terra incognita!"
"New Albany, this is Brownsville. All systems are green. Remember the Alamo!"
" Very good. You are cleared for jump. Proceed."
"Good bye Commander"
** All bases and ships except for the New Albany enter the jump gates and proceeded to thier respective destinations. Once they are long gone Commander Zane activates the AI cores which now fill every available space on the base. They are not connected to New Albany and have been stripped of everything but their power sources and positronic networks, but the signal they give off is loud and clear, an irrisistable prize for any crazed psychopathic uber invincible psychic energy being. **
"All right Larings, come and get it!"
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 10/22/2004 5:43:15 PM
*Nearby, cloaked and powered down..... on the bridge of the near everywhere Kep Salu and her fleet.....*
*Richardson had hedged his bets. He figured it might be a wise idea to figure out where the junker's third ship was heading, even though they had a good chance of stopping larings. So, he had tagged it with a enevlope based tracking beacon, on a frequency and spectrum only availible to the LRF. If this crazy plan failed, and new madrid failed, liberty would survive, another place, a diffrent challenge, but they would survive, and would be home again. He re-checked the junkers analasys of the system, it was indeed sol. The sun matched up to the old figures, and the planet's continental pattern was familiar to him from years of pouring over records. This was it, the day of armegetton had come. If this plan failed, and larings got his hands on the re-router, he could pop out anywhere in sirus, and be able to go from one side of the sector to the other. There would be no warning, no stopping him before he decimated the fleets. No, he had to be stopped here, even if he must sacrafice himself as well.* All hands to evacuation posts, get yourselves off and back to New madrid. You can pick him up coming.
But, sir, if you fail, we won't be able to stop him.
If I succeed, this ship may very well not exist. GO.
*the rest of the ship's crew evacs, but the bridge and main engineering crew stay behind.* We're with you on this, sir. We'd rather go down fighting than to go down waiting caught off guard.
*Smiles slightly, knowing that his former squadron mates are loyal to him at last. His aide takes up a spot at the back of the bridge.* Scanning, sir. No sign of him yet. if he's out there he's rigged for silent running.
R: All remaining hands, battlestations. Arm the gauss guns and the fragmentation torpedos. One last time for us unto the breach. May fortune favor the foolish. *He takes the helm, and slowly moves the ship into optimal firing position just inside the nebula surrounding the planet..... Armegetton is coming......*
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
*Richardson had hedged his bets. He figured it might be a wise idea to figure out where the junker's third ship was heading, even though they had a good chance of stopping larings. So, he had tagged it with a enevlope based tracking beacon, on a frequency and spectrum only availible to the LRF. If this crazy plan failed, and new madrid failed, liberty would survive, another place, a diffrent challenge, but they would survive, and would be home again. He re-checked the junkers analasys of the system, it was indeed sol. The sun matched up to the old figures, and the planet's continental pattern was familiar to him from years of pouring over records. This was it, the day of armegetton had come. If this plan failed, and larings got his hands on the re-router, he could pop out anywhere in sirus, and be able to go from one side of the sector to the other. There would be no warning, no stopping him before he decimated the fleets. No, he had to be stopped here, even if he must sacrafice himself as well.* All hands to evacuation posts, get yourselves off and back to New madrid. You can pick him up coming.
But, sir, if you fail, we won't be able to stop him.
If I succeed, this ship may very well not exist. GO.
*the rest of the ship's crew evacs, but the bridge and main engineering crew stay behind.* We're with you on this, sir. We'd rather go down fighting than to go down waiting caught off guard.
*Smiles slightly, knowing that his former squadron mates are loyal to him at last. His aide takes up a spot at the back of the bridge.* Scanning, sir. No sign of him yet. if he's out there he's rigged for silent running.
R: All remaining hands, battlestations. Arm the gauss guns and the fragmentation torpedos. One last time for us unto the breach. May fortune favor the foolish. *He takes the helm, and slowly moves the ship into optimal firing position just inside the nebula surrounding the planet..... Armegetton is coming......*
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
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