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DSQrn/Outcast''s RPG-Control your own Faction.
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
Junkers HQ New Albany Base:
Commander, I have fantastic news. Our scientists have finally broken the encryption on the data pad we recovered.
At last. How did our miracle workers in cryptology accomplish such a feat?
An accident actually. Someone was running through some old voice intercepts from a skirmish in the Magellan System between the bounty hunters and the lane hackers. They think the data pad must have been voice activated because something in that transmission suddenly caused it to start working.
Very good. how soon will we have results?
They have already determined the data to be a journal of some kind, possibly a neural net log. You should have a summary within a few hours.
From now the contents of that device are to be seen by no one other than myself
and the lead reasearcher, understand?
Yes sir.
Commander, I have fantastic news. Our scientists have finally broken the encryption on the data pad we recovered.
At last. How did our miracle workers in cryptology accomplish such a feat?
An accident actually. Someone was running through some old voice intercepts from a skirmish in the Magellan System between the bounty hunters and the lane hackers. They think the data pad must have been voice activated because something in that transmission suddenly caused it to start working.
Very good. how soon will we have results?
They have already determined the data to be a journal of some kind, possibly a neural net log. You should have a summary within a few hours.
From now the contents of that device are to be seen by no one other than myself
and the lead reasearcher, understand?
Yes sir.
Alliance news:
Possible Dr Larings spotted:
At 1548 hours today, Alliance partrol Fuku 5 came into contact with an unidentified spacecraft flying through the kepler system. On closer look, the pilot was beleived to look like Dr larings. He was last seen headed to the Colorado Jumphole.
Message to Aegira and Liberty:
If i were you, I'd be on high alert. The Alliance has spotted a possible person who fits the descriptopn of larings heading into Colorado through the jumphole. he may be making his way to the new york Jumphole from Colorodo as you read this message.
Possible Dr Larings spotted:
At 1548 hours today, Alliance partrol Fuku 5 came into contact with an unidentified spacecraft flying through the kepler system. On closer look, the pilot was beleived to look like Dr larings. He was last seen headed to the Colorado Jumphole.
Message to Aegira and Liberty:
If i were you, I'd be on high alert. The Alliance has spotted a possible person who fits the descriptopn of larings heading into Colorado through the jumphole. he may be making his way to the new york Jumphole from Colorodo as you read this message.
Message to all:
Ok if any faction needs a place to hide New madrid is now being converted to a shelter for all those who cannot stand up to this madman
All house hispania ships have arriced on New Madrid so that the system can be guarded
*Encripted channel*(Everyone but that ageria guy with prometheus can hear this)
That should get his attention right NO civillian ships come to new Madrid but we ask that it appears they are. Our entire fleet is in New Madrid we intend to stop this man as it was our actions that caused this (Namly leeds) our fleet will attempt to fight him and if we fail we will actvate our missles on our own nebulas so that we will stop him before he can destroy all the innocents who have already suffered so much
We wish you luck and hope that we can win..........
Aboard CFJ Hellfire:
"Commander sir, we are approging New York system"
"Good bring us in near detroit if those reports were accurate thats where he will head next"
"And if he does show up?"
"We attack him then run to New Madrid, that combind with our message should make operation 'Last stand' work"
And with these words the Hellfire exited the blue vortex of subspace next to detroit and waited.........
Message to GMG:
We have dispached our diplomat to the Naha abourd a dromadary as all combat ships are not avalable for this duty
Ok if any faction needs a place to hide New madrid is now being converted to a shelter for all those who cannot stand up to this madman
All house hispania ships have arriced on New Madrid so that the system can be guarded
*Encripted channel*(Everyone but that ageria guy with prometheus can hear this)
That should get his attention right NO civillian ships come to new Madrid but we ask that it appears they are. Our entire fleet is in New Madrid we intend to stop this man as it was our actions that caused this (Namly leeds) our fleet will attempt to fight him and if we fail we will actvate our missles on our own nebulas so that we will stop him before he can destroy all the innocents who have already suffered so much
We wish you luck and hope that we can win..........
Aboard CFJ Hellfire:
"Commander sir, we are approging New York system"
"Good bring us in near detroit if those reports were accurate thats where he will head next"
"And if he does show up?"
"We attack him then run to New Madrid, that combind with our message should make operation 'Last stand' work"
And with these words the Hellfire exited the blue vortex of subspace next to detroit and waited.........
Message to GMG:
We have dispached our diplomat to the Naha abourd a dromadary as all combat ships are not avalable for this duty
Junkers HQ New Albany:
"Sir, the summary transcripts of the data pad are ready. If you want the full text we can have a copy sent up.
Very good ensign, thank you."
"Yes sir."
*Ensign leaves*
The Commander reads through the information with growing astonishment.
"So the legends of the Order would appear to be more than mere stories. Good lord, this changes everything!. "
He is interupted by a sudden incoming transmission.
"To anyone who can hear us this is Junker research station Midland. We are under attack by an unknow entity. The creature has penetrated our defenses and all attempts to subdue it have failed. It seems to be heading for the primary
AI lab. If it wants what's in there so bad there's not way it's going to get it. We have set the self-destruct. I am transfering the transmission to a camera on one of our remaining weapons platforms. We have no hope but mabey you can save yourselves."
Transmission switches to show the badly damaged station from the outside. Everything is suddenly consumed in a huge fireball. At the last second before the transmission cuts out a glowing humanoid shape can be seen shooting away from
the explosion.
"Sir, the summary transcripts of the data pad are ready. If you want the full text we can have a copy sent up.
Very good ensign, thank you."
"Yes sir."
*Ensign leaves*
The Commander reads through the information with growing astonishment.
"So the legends of the Order would appear to be more than mere stories. Good lord, this changes everything!. "
He is interupted by a sudden incoming transmission.
"To anyone who can hear us this is Junker research station Midland. We are under attack by an unknow entity. The creature has penetrated our defenses and all attempts to subdue it have failed. It seems to be heading for the primary
AI lab. If it wants what's in there so bad there's not way it's going to get it. We have set the self-destruct. I am transfering the transmission to a camera on one of our remaining weapons platforms. We have no hope but mabey you can save yourselves."
Transmission switches to show the badly damaged station from the outside. Everything is suddenly consumed in a huge fireball. At the last second before the transmission cuts out a glowing humanoid shape can be seen shooting away from
the explosion.
This is an urgent transmission to all factions of the Sirrius sector. As you all know there is now a threat with the potential to obliterate all of humanity.
Such a threat trancends all our petty struggles. We however, may hold the solution. We are willing to share this information but ONLY if the following conditions are met and adhered to:
1. All hostilites between factions cease immediately.
2. All factions remove vessels of war along the border between axis and alliance territory hence creating a demillitarized zone.
3. All factions leaders attend a conference aboard New Albany to discuss terms of peace.
The conference location will be released ONLY if the leaders of EVERY faction respond and agree to these terms.
Such a threat trancends all our petty struggles. We however, may hold the solution. We are willing to share this information but ONLY if the following conditions are met and adhered to:
1. All hostilites between factions cease immediately.
2. All factions remove vessels of war along the border between axis and alliance territory hence creating a demillitarized zone.
3. All factions leaders attend a conference aboard New Albany to discuss terms of peace.
The conference location will be released ONLY if the leaders of EVERY faction respond and agree to these terms.
*Transmission from LFS Kep Salu in parking orbit of New Albany.*
Ah, commander. Technically we were always in agreement with these terms. We peacefully disrupted shipping, never attacking warships and avoiding casualtys. When Larings first powered up, we suspended all actions along with opening up our first system. We are giving you command of our 12th battlesruiser, the LFS yorktown. *The yorktown pops in.* You are free to use her, and her technology aboard. We are also donating New America completely to the junkers. We have no need of the system, and as we can manipulate the way in and out, larings should have a hard time getting through. (Hint-hint use new philidelphia for the conference please) we only ask that we can station 2 stations in the system. Upgrading the the jump-hole rerouter platform to a Fort class defensive post, and stationing a second fort class defensive station to defend New philidelphia. We suspended our fighter production to refit all of your craft, they now all carry marc reactors, spectral shielding, certain elite squadrons jump envelopes and all ships have the new liberator photon cannons. We hope to have more to offer you in the future....
*Scene change, SB construction platform.*
Is it ready for movement? *Looks to his aide as the LFS Kep Salu orbits the massive, MASSIVE station and ship.*
In about a few more days it will be able to launch.
Good. We'll have something to present to Liberty command should they accept us as a exploratory and recon outfit..... *The last engine pod is swung into place, it easily DWARFING the salu...... (AKA, this is a carrier, not of fighters, but of fleets. Only going to be 10 ever built, and accomidations are cramped. Going to take a while more to complete though.)
=News flash=
With the junker fleet refitted, Command turns it's attention to the newly discovered border world system of "Montana". Discovered recently by a gathering squadron in the wisp of border nebula on the edge of Pan america, a recon squadron has just reported back.
They confirm the existance ofa barely habitable world that will need slight terraforming before it can be occupied. Also, the entire system is filled with the gasses of the crow and border nebulas. THey belive it highly likely that H-fuel and a much lesser chance that superfuel may exist to be harvested. Also, they report pockets of metalic and carbonic asteroids, both of which we are in current need of as the SB project ship number one comes to a close.
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
Ah, commander. Technically we were always in agreement with these terms. We peacefully disrupted shipping, never attacking warships and avoiding casualtys. When Larings first powered up, we suspended all actions along with opening up our first system. We are giving you command of our 12th battlesruiser, the LFS yorktown. *The yorktown pops in.* You are free to use her, and her technology aboard. We are also donating New America completely to the junkers. We have no need of the system, and as we can manipulate the way in and out, larings should have a hard time getting through. (Hint-hint use new philidelphia for the conference please) we only ask that we can station 2 stations in the system. Upgrading the the jump-hole rerouter platform to a Fort class defensive post, and stationing a second fort class defensive station to defend New philidelphia. We suspended our fighter production to refit all of your craft, they now all carry marc reactors, spectral shielding, certain elite squadrons jump envelopes and all ships have the new liberator photon cannons. We hope to have more to offer you in the future....
*Scene change, SB construction platform.*
Is it ready for movement? *Looks to his aide as the LFS Kep Salu orbits the massive, MASSIVE station and ship.*
In about a few more days it will be able to launch.
Good. We'll have something to present to Liberty command should they accept us as a exploratory and recon outfit..... *The last engine pod is swung into place, it easily DWARFING the salu...... (AKA, this is a carrier, not of fighters, but of fleets. Only going to be 10 ever built, and accomidations are cramped. Going to take a while more to complete though.)
=News flash=
With the junker fleet refitted, Command turns it's attention to the newly discovered border world system of "Montana". Discovered recently by a gathering squadron in the wisp of border nebula on the edge of Pan america, a recon squadron has just reported back.
They confirm the existance ofa barely habitable world that will need slight terraforming before it can be occupied. Also, the entire system is filled with the gasses of the crow and border nebulas. THey belive it highly likely that H-fuel and a much lesser chance that superfuel may exist to be harvested. Also, they report pockets of metalic and carbonic asteroids, both of which we are in current need of as the SB project ship number one comes to a close.
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
Thank you rogue command. History (if we survive long enough to write it) will remember that you were the first faction to agree to peace for the sake of a greater good. Remember though that under the agreement you are to take no hostile action even "peaceful" disruption of shipping.
I challenge the rest of the factions to follow the lead of the rouges.
I challenge the rest of the factions to follow the lead of the rouges.
Wow, this prometheus thing is getting out of control really...funny. But not too funny. So jacob when's my battle going to happen? After Omega 7 I promise to cease attacking the Corsairs...
GMG sets up a guard patrolling the systems to fight the prometheus dude...
100 warships
200 battleships
250 gunboats
400 cruisers
500 VH fighters
750 H fighters
1000 L fighters
I know its a lot but the guy seems bloody crazy...
GMG sets up a guard patrolling the systems to fight the prometheus dude...
100 warships
200 battleships
250 gunboats
400 cruisers
500 VH fighters
750 H fighters
1000 L fighters
I know its a lot but the guy seems bloody crazy...
We stopped all activity when he arrived. We were dedicated to peace the instant we came back from our preparatory exile.
We still await response from liberty command on our proposal. The LFS Kep Salu is in route en person with myself aboard to determine their response, if it is even existing still, in person.
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
We still await response from liberty command on our proposal. The LFS Kep Salu is in route en person with myself aboard to determine their response, if it is even existing still, in person.
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
I will send a diplomat to Naha. I will be unable to personally attand.
Wilde, your battle will be resolved soon, I promise!
I am sending all my forces from New Greece to assist you in Madrid. Also, all the forces that were origenally attacking Gamma will be there. And, my personal guard, and myself in the Empire, will be at the front of my men. If they go down, then so will I! Also, and I suggest you all do this as well, I will remove the AI from my ships, like in Halo, and leave it to only run unimportant systems.
I also claim partial responsibility for this, because it was RH and the BHG that attacked Leeds.
May I wish us all luck in what will be called 'The Great Last Stand of Sirius'!
Member of the UTF clan.
Member of the ~{Liberator[}~ clan.
Creator of the Freelancer Fan Fiction Collection.
Author of Various Freelancer Stories.
Associate Judge and Master of the BHG in the CYOF RPG.
Click here to download it!
Wilde, your battle will be resolved soon, I promise!

I am sending all my forces from New Greece to assist you in Madrid. Also, all the forces that were origenally attacking Gamma will be there. And, my personal guard, and myself in the Empire, will be at the front of my men. If they go down, then so will I! Also, and I suggest you all do this as well, I will remove the AI from my ships, like in Halo, and leave it to only run unimportant systems.
I also claim partial responsibility for this, because it was RH and the BHG that attacked Leeds.
May I wish us all luck in what will be called 'The Great Last Stand of Sirius'!
Member of the UTF clan.
Member of the ~{Liberator[}~ clan.
Creator of the Freelancer Fan Fiction Collection.
Author of Various Freelancer Stories.
Associate Judge and Master of the BHG in the CYOF RPG.

Click here to download it!
This is president Richardson of the LRF. We have confrimed sighting of Larsings in the deeps between New York and Colorado space. He was amking in excess of 99.999 precent of the speed of light to a deep-space jumphole. We are sending all forces to manhattan space to report in for the defenses of the planet. Our ships have major computers, but they run the jump systems mainly. We should have only minor problems. We also have a possible weakness in his abilities. Agiera has said nothing about him being able to handle ANTI-ENERGY (A ploy taken from that one episode where the original enterprise fries that deepspace ameboa with antimatter). We will be donating several thousand photo-torps to all defending ships.
We are sending several re-router ships for any fleet that is willing to take the risk to come.
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
This is president Richardson of the LRF. We have confrimed sighting of Larsings in the deeps between New York and Colorado space. He was amking in excess of 99.999 precent of the speed of light to a deep-space jumphole. We are sending all forces to manhattan space to report in for the defenses of the planet. Our ships have major computers, but they run the jump systems mainly. We should have only minor problems. We also have a possible weakness in his abilities. Agiera has said nothing about him being able to handle ANTI-ENERGY (A ploy taken from that one episode where the original enterprise fries that deepspace ameboa with antimatter). We will be donating several thousand photo-torps to all defending ships.
We are sending several re-router ships for any fleet that is willing to take the risk to come.
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
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