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DSQrn/Outcast''s RPG-Control your own Faction.
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
Okay as some may know my brother posted a clan add in the clan forum. so somtimes i sidetrack and read this. so frankly here are afew things i want to say
1. to <Censored> hell with superweapons. i never ever should of made bio-weapons. planets hitting warp speed thingy and i heard sometime someone put bombs in all axis ships. if i was still in charge of this RPG (jacob and outcast are) i would of zapped this in a flash
2. why the devil are there personal RPG's? i built this thing for a change from personals. again if i was in charge of the RPg still this would be zapped.
3. Criminals building battleships the day the player takes over them. when this started the criminals had to steal the plans for battleships and before they had built lots of shipyards it took a while to build battleships.
"As the Norwich and its supply convoys watch in amazement a fleet larger than all the houses of Sirrius combined, activates their jump engines and enters hyperspace"- WTF, look i think that rift is okay becuase it isnt traveling is some hyper space thing and it only goes a few systems. i am going to be blunt this stuff is killing what i created.
i am willing to do you all a favor that would incovenice me. i can start a RPG afresh and enforce some rules on it. becuase this is going far far down hill. i am willing to sacrifice my time to moniter the damned thing. so if any of you want this done proper
Edited by - [UTFDSQrn on 10/29/2004 2:06:18 PM
Edited by - [UTFDSQrn on 10/29/2004 2:11:38 PM
1. to <Censored> hell with superweapons. i never ever should of made bio-weapons. planets hitting warp speed thingy and i heard sometime someone put bombs in all axis ships. if i was still in charge of this RPG (jacob and outcast are) i would of zapped this in a flash
2. why the devil are there personal RPG's? i built this thing for a change from personals. again if i was in charge of the RPg still this would be zapped.
3. Criminals building battleships the day the player takes over them. when this started the criminals had to steal the plans for battleships and before they had built lots of shipyards it took a while to build battleships.
"As the Norwich and its supply convoys watch in amazement a fleet larger than all the houses of Sirrius combined, activates their jump engines and enters hyperspace"- WTF, look i think that rift is okay becuase it isnt traveling is some hyper space thing and it only goes a few systems. i am going to be blunt this stuff is killing what i created.
i am willing to do you all a favor that would incovenice me. i can start a RPG afresh and enforce some rules on it. becuase this is going far far down hill. i am willing to sacrifice my time to moniter the damned thing. so if any of you want this done proper
Edited by - [UTFDSQrn on 10/29/2004 2:06:18 PM
Edited by - [UTFDSQrn on 10/29/2004 2:11:38 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys.
As FD said, we NEED to keep this civilized. We can disagree, but don't go about flaming. FD said that the thread will be locked if we continue flaming.
Just as a FYI, this IS a test run! I have developed a very through system to run our next RPG on, and it will begin soon. (I am considering opening sign-ups within a few hours.) So just hold onto your horses, and let's just ride this out to the end peacfully.
I agree to the Sirius Confrence that OC is starting, and I hope everyone comes, so we can finish this incredible RPG off. Visit the discussion thread on the CYOF2 to find out about my plans.
Also, I want this thread to END! No Earth army! Sorry vorticaldwarf.
Here is the final part to my little "story".
The destruction at New Madrid was incredible. Hundreds of destroyed ships were strew throughout the battle site. The survivors were all on the planet, mentally and physically recovering from what they had witnessed. The enemy was finished, and everyone was at peace, but no one knew what to do next. Many men just sat around, still in shock, and none were released from active duty yet, so they couldn't go home. Fortunatly, a council of all the leaders of Sirius was taking place on Leeds. They were deciding what to do next.
Already, changes had been made. The Great War had ended. ww2jacob was dead, as most people knew, and that he had personally killed Larings. Also, ww2jacob's brother was the Leader of NR, and NR owned most of the systems in the sector. However, the confrence would involve NR giving away many systems to other factions, as friendship gifts.
Soon, many units began trickling out of New Madrid, mostly because of orders to return to protect other systems. Then, a order was passed down from those at the confrence, that all units were to report back to their bases, and await orders there. So, New Madrid was emptied, and th Junkers moved in. Many of the Junkers had mysteriousl disappeared. Those that were still in Sirius moved into New Madrid, and began to build a base to scrap some of the wrecks there. NR had moved in, and pulled out the charred hulk of the Empire, and was reportedly turning it into a museum in New Greece. Other factions moved in, and tried to get back some weapons and such before the Junkers got to them.
By now, over 3/4 of the military units in Sirius have been disbanded. Thousands of young men and women returned home to their families, and things are slowly starting to rebuild. The units that remain are all volunteer, and they maintain order in the systems controlled by their factions. NR has a few warships in each system, and 20 Great White fighter wings at each base. One sole USWS, the Alexander the Great, remains in New Greece, and one other, the Plato, remains in New Berlin. Spoils of war have been divided up by the men at the confrence, and they are as follows:
New Rheinland:
All RH systems
New Greece and Iotas
Homburg, etc
Omicron Theta (Shared by all houses)
All BA systems
Tau-31 (Harris belongs to FA)
Omicron Theta (Shared by all houses)
All LIB systems
Omicron Theta (Shared by all houses)
All KUS systems
Sigma-17 (Shared with HISP)
Omicron Theta (Shared by all houses)
Planet Harris
House Hispania:
Omicron Alpha
Omicron Beta
Omicron Gamma
New Madrid
Sigma-17 (Shared with KUS)
Omicron Theta (Shared by all houses, owned by HISP)
New America
Other System (Can't remember name)
Omicron Alpha 2
All HISP systems.
(These guys are now like the Police for HISP)
Honshu (Shared with Kusari)
There you go, guys.
Edited by - ww2jacob on 10/29/2004 4:15:01 PM

As FD said, we NEED to keep this civilized. We can disagree, but don't go about flaming. FD said that the thread will be locked if we continue flaming.
Just as a FYI, this IS a test run! I have developed a very through system to run our next RPG on, and it will begin soon. (I am considering opening sign-ups within a few hours.) So just hold onto your horses, and let's just ride this out to the end peacfully.
I agree to the Sirius Confrence that OC is starting, and I hope everyone comes, so we can finish this incredible RPG off. Visit the discussion thread on the CYOF2 to find out about my plans.

Also, I want this thread to END! No Earth army! Sorry vorticaldwarf.

Here is the final part to my little "story".
The destruction at New Madrid was incredible. Hundreds of destroyed ships were strew throughout the battle site. The survivors were all on the planet, mentally and physically recovering from what they had witnessed. The enemy was finished, and everyone was at peace, but no one knew what to do next. Many men just sat around, still in shock, and none were released from active duty yet, so they couldn't go home. Fortunatly, a council of all the leaders of Sirius was taking place on Leeds. They were deciding what to do next.
Already, changes had been made. The Great War had ended. ww2jacob was dead, as most people knew, and that he had personally killed Larings. Also, ww2jacob's brother was the Leader of NR, and NR owned most of the systems in the sector. However, the confrence would involve NR giving away many systems to other factions, as friendship gifts.
Soon, many units began trickling out of New Madrid, mostly because of orders to return to protect other systems. Then, a order was passed down from those at the confrence, that all units were to report back to their bases, and await orders there. So, New Madrid was emptied, and th Junkers moved in. Many of the Junkers had mysteriousl disappeared. Those that were still in Sirius moved into New Madrid, and began to build a base to scrap some of the wrecks there. NR had moved in, and pulled out the charred hulk of the Empire, and was reportedly turning it into a museum in New Greece. Other factions moved in, and tried to get back some weapons and such before the Junkers got to them.
By now, over 3/4 of the military units in Sirius have been disbanded. Thousands of young men and women returned home to their families, and things are slowly starting to rebuild. The units that remain are all volunteer, and they maintain order in the systems controlled by their factions. NR has a few warships in each system, and 20 Great White fighter wings at each base. One sole USWS, the Alexander the Great, remains in New Greece, and one other, the Plato, remains in New Berlin. Spoils of war have been divided up by the men at the confrence, and they are as follows:
New Rheinland:
All RH systems
New Greece and Iotas
Homburg, etc
Omicron Theta (Shared by all houses)
All BA systems
Tau-31 (Harris belongs to FA)
Omicron Theta (Shared by all houses)
All LIB systems
Omicron Theta (Shared by all houses)
All KUS systems
Sigma-17 (Shared with HISP)
Omicron Theta (Shared by all houses)
Planet Harris
House Hispania:
Omicron Alpha
Omicron Beta
Omicron Gamma
New Madrid
Sigma-17 (Shared with KUS)
Omicron Theta (Shared by all houses, owned by HISP)
New America
Other System (Can't remember name)
Omicron Alpha 2
All HISP systems.
(These guys are now like the Police for HISP)
Honshu (Shared with Kusari)
There you go, guys.

Edited by - ww2jacob on 10/29/2004 4:15:01 PM
Bull****! Complete and utter **** holy ******* ankdhaoghahgoagb!!!!!
You ENDED the bloody thing?
I'm really sorry for flaming but this is true. A quick, fast, and flashy end which really had absolutely nothing do to with the Axis/Alliance war. Mecreditious incarnate.

what I meant by stagnancy was people slowly losing interest or moving on. That way is slow and painless. *sigh*
Oh well. time to move on now. The GMG's officials are making plans to spread their boundaries out into the uncharted territories of space. What awaits in the world beyond...?
You ENDED the bloody thing?
I'm really sorry for flaming but this is true. A quick, fast, and flashy end which really had absolutely nothing do to with the Axis/Alliance war. Mecreditious incarnate.

what I meant by stagnancy was people slowly losing interest or moving on. That way is slow and painless. *sigh*
Oh well. time to move on now. The GMG's officials are making plans to spread their boundaries out into the uncharted territories of space. What awaits in the world beyond...?
Hey, hey, HEY! It ain't over yet. Part 2 just came up. Sooner or later, the LRF is gonna run into this "Earth Alliance" on exploration patrols, and all heck is gonna break loose.
This is just the beginning.......
And for info:
Lost SB1, Strike fleet 2, and anything below BC in Strike force one, and all 8 of the original battleships.
My new 2 systems are:
Pan America, and Montana
Let us fight this new menace, ON WITH PART 2!!
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
This is just the beginning.......
And for info:
Lost SB1, Strike fleet 2, and anything below BC in Strike force one, and all 8 of the original battleships.
My new 2 systems are:
Pan America, and Montana
Let us fight this new menace, ON WITH PART 2!!
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
to [UTFDSQrn:
I only posted that thing about the Earth alliance because I thought that this Rpg was over and mabey someone might use the idea in the next one. It was never my intention to create some kind of super fleet for myself out of thin air. Besides, the basis for that hyper space thing was the original sleeper ships. Even if their occupants were in stasis they would have needed to goo at least the speed of light to get to sirius without jump gates.
I only posted that thing about the Earth alliance because I thought that this Rpg was over and mabey someone might use the idea in the next one. It was never my intention to create some kind of super fleet for myself out of thin air. Besides, the basis for that hyper space thing was the original sleeper ships. Even if their occupants were in stasis they would have needed to goo at least the speed of light to get to sirius without jump gates.
Sorry about the little outburst above.
I didn't mean for you to kill this thread, as it may have sounded, I just want to wrap up. Part II will be a seperate thread, and it will be a FRESH START. Let's just finish this thread, and we can start anew.
I am really excited about the new RPG. I am in the process of creating a dynamic market, and a good battle system. Also, I will not play, but I will be the sole admin/judge. Sorry to throw things back, but I will start up the new thread tommorow mornng. I think this new one will be a great success.
Also, I am going to open up a thread for picking your factions now. Simply reserve a faction, and we will start playing tommorow.
I didn't mean for you to kill this thread, as it may have sounded, I just want to wrap up. Part II will be a seperate thread, and it will be a FRESH START. Let's just finish this thread, and we can start anew.
I am really excited about the new RPG. I am in the process of creating a dynamic market, and a good battle system. Also, I will not play, but I will be the sole admin/judge. Sorry to throw things back, but I will start up the new thread tommorow mornng. I think this new one will be a great success.
Also, I am going to open up a thread for picking your factions now. Simply reserve a faction, and we will start playing tommorow.

thank you jacob. FINALLY!!!! but really, it is great that Omega 7 battle is resolved.
now, on to part two: my suggestion:
DAMN THE EARTH ALLIANCE! that is exactly the kind of **********idea that killed this rpg.
I suggest we let the thing more axis/alliance wars...just see how things are going, slowly developing... the way this one started, but maybe with a small push in the right direction. We don't really need to add in other factions, like the "Earth Alliance". We can just use what we already have (which, if you ask me, is way more than enough to get a good story going).
So for starters, we could have conflicts between the different allied factions, which ends up breaking into a new set of war. Or a communist revolution, like the one that shook Liberty, spreading to the rest of the factions. Just please please please something that does not have to do with bloody pseudo psychomaniacs defeating whole armies.
Edited by - Wilde on 10/29/2004 8:14:24 PM
now, on to part two: my suggestion:
DAMN THE EARTH ALLIANCE! that is exactly the kind of **********idea that killed this rpg.
I suggest we let the thing more axis/alliance wars...just see how things are going, slowly developing... the way this one started, but maybe with a small push in the right direction. We don't really need to add in other factions, like the "Earth Alliance". We can just use what we already have (which, if you ask me, is way more than enough to get a good story going).
So for starters, we could have conflicts between the different allied factions, which ends up breaking into a new set of war. Or a communist revolution, like the one that shook Liberty, spreading to the rest of the factions. Just please please please something that does not have to do with bloody pseudo psychomaniacs defeating whole armies.
Edited by - Wilde on 10/29/2004 8:14:24 PM
Excellent Wilde. You are talking about almost exactly what i am looking for. However, it will be a fresh start, but it will involve no superweapons of any kind, and technologies will be limited to only upgrading ship's attack and defense.
Oops, lookd like I gave too much away. (
) Wait until tommorow!
*Runs off giggling*

Oops, lookd like I gave too much away. (

*Runs off giggling*

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