Arania had left. Citadel was falling apart, and there was no way of undoing the damage created by the Dom'Kavash. But they would pay. They would pay dearly for the attempt to destroy humanity. They would pay for the death of innocents.
"A.K.... Prepare Daedalus. This ends here. This ends now. Jennifer,"
She looked up.
"Take care of A.K. for me."
"Where ar you going?" she asked with fear in her voice.
"To save humanity."
I walked into the Daedalus chamber and strapped myself in. This would hurt, but the pain would give me the strength to defeat the Dom'Kavash.
A.K. beeped a reply
"Start her up."
I strapped myself in and waited for my destiny. A long needle pierced my neck and a stream of nanites flowed throughout my bloodstream. The changes were almost instantanious, and so was the pain. I let out a massive scream, and heard the desperate banging of Jennifer on the chamber door. I could feel my mind clearing as the neurons in my head were strengthened by the microscopic machines dedicated to augmenting my bodily systems. My muscles were becoming stronger, and metallic implants formed under the my skin, producing limitless supplies of hormones and other drugs.
After a few minutes, the device had expended it's nanite supply and had finished the augmentations. If the nomads had developed anything good, it was this. But something was wrong, I could feel another conciousness in my head.
Who is in my mind I thought, attempting communication.
I am an artificial intelligence known as Promethius. You have devloped a way to telekinetically communicate with me?
Correction. you are in my mind. We somehow are one. And we shall strike at the hearts of our enemies with our combined power.
Promethius processed this.
A third would be better. There is a acceptable mind nearby, it may be possible to intergrate her into the equasion.
Jennifer is not the best candidate.
I am detecting a nearby resonant psionic signal
Process the identidy.
It is a recently deceased Rheinland fighter pilot, designated Military Red Five, or Helena Kristofen. She would make an acceptable candidate.
Very well, intergrate her mind into the equasion.
A sudden burst of energy entered my, well, our mind. Helena's conciousness was weak, but still intact.
Where am I?
Citadel Station. Your body has died, but your mind was salvaged and brought into our head.
Welcome to our collective thought. Okay, enough chit-chat, lets kick some Dom'Kavash butt.
I was unaware the Dom'kavash had such organs
Don't split hairs, Promethius.
Sorry to interrupt, but why am i here?
Let me explain. If there were only two minds,we would struggle for dominance, but with three, the equasion is balanced. we work in unity
I, We stepped out of the Daudalus chamber to a stunned Jennifer. Obviously, my features changed, my body was different, larger, and supposedly my eyes glowed a deep blue.
This was irrelavant though, and it was time to kick ass.

Edited by - Viator on 7/1/2004 2:17:47 AM
Edited by - Viator on 7/1/2004 2:18:17 AM