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A new RPG(as in each person makes posts about his/her char s
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
OOC: thanks sw, its fun doing all this, i usually get right into these sort of things.
"What is it?"
"This is a fighter from the former Alliance. It is far superior to your freighter."
"I doubt it. The Korenchkins are the finest shipwrights in Sirius... uh... sormer Sirius."
"Arania has given this as a gift. Please accept it."
"All right. but I'm still using the Doomtrain or Helena on most missions." I was clear about that point. Now I had three ships to toy with. Wonderful.
I found a room for Erin, and placed her on the bed. She had been asleep since we passed by Jupiter, her face was like an angel's, almost perfect in every way. I left the room and made my way to the medical section, where I left Jennifer before leaving on my alcohol quest.
Aleksei was standing in the medical office, reveling in his position as the head medic of the Nexus. I noticed that all the beds were empty. Jennifer was gone.
"Aleksei! Where the f*** is Jennifer? You said she wouldn't die!" I yelled at him.
"Jeez, chill. She's fine. It was some parasite, dimentionally shifted."
"Dimentional shifting? how could you detect that?"
It wasn't my place to hold a grudge in the first place, but he's on my good side now. He saved the last Aida. (The last I knew about anyway)
I went to one of the empty hangars and began to train with Indigo. I was absorbing light, and and converting the energy into a form that she could use. Gradually, I increased the amount of energy absorbed, and Indigo began to create something strange. Her motions began to slow. In fact, the whole world began to slow. She landed on my shoulder and returned to normal speed. She kept the effect going for about 3 minutes, before it dissapated naturally. This was something that could destroy the universe. Master of physical... maybe I could do that myself...
After a discussion with Indigo, I knew what she was doing, It involved manipulation of tachyons. I absorbed some light energy, and used that to 'bootstrap', to control more energy production, and began to speed the tachyon flow around me. A small bubble of accelarated tachyons swirled around me, and once the effect was sustained, it required little energy to maintain it. It followed my movements, and seeing the world at this speed gave me a new perspective. I ran and jumped, disappointed that i came down at the same speed. Indigo's wings flapped in slow-motion, the air rippling under their surface. All of a sudden, the hastening effect disappated, and time returned to me, and the feeling of exhaustion ovewhelmed me. I had just created a temporal disturbance around my being, and I loved every moment of it.
"What is it?"
"This is a fighter from the former Alliance. It is far superior to your freighter."
"I doubt it. The Korenchkins are the finest shipwrights in Sirius... uh... sormer Sirius."
"Arania has given this as a gift. Please accept it."
"All right. but I'm still using the Doomtrain or Helena on most missions." I was clear about that point. Now I had three ships to toy with. Wonderful.
I found a room for Erin, and placed her on the bed. She had been asleep since we passed by Jupiter, her face was like an angel's, almost perfect in every way. I left the room and made my way to the medical section, where I left Jennifer before leaving on my alcohol quest.
Aleksei was standing in the medical office, reveling in his position as the head medic of the Nexus. I noticed that all the beds were empty. Jennifer was gone.
"Aleksei! Where the f*** is Jennifer? You said she wouldn't die!" I yelled at him.
"Jeez, chill. She's fine. It was some parasite, dimentionally shifted."
"Dimentional shifting? how could you detect that?"
It wasn't my place to hold a grudge in the first place, but he's on my good side now. He saved the last Aida. (The last I knew about anyway)
I went to one of the empty hangars and began to train with Indigo. I was absorbing light, and and converting the energy into a form that she could use. Gradually, I increased the amount of energy absorbed, and Indigo began to create something strange. Her motions began to slow. In fact, the whole world began to slow. She landed on my shoulder and returned to normal speed. She kept the effect going for about 3 minutes, before it dissapated naturally. This was something that could destroy the universe. Master of physical... maybe I could do that myself...
After a discussion with Indigo, I knew what she was doing, It involved manipulation of tachyons. I absorbed some light energy, and used that to 'bootstrap', to control more energy production, and began to speed the tachyon flow around me. A small bubble of accelarated tachyons swirled around me, and once the effect was sustained, it required little energy to maintain it. It followed my movements, and seeing the world at this speed gave me a new perspective. I ran and jumped, disappointed that i came down at the same speed. Indigo's wings flapped in slow-motion, the air rippling under their surface. All of a sudden, the hastening effect disappated, and time returned to me, and the feeling of exhaustion ovewhelmed me. I had just created a temporal disturbance around my being, and I loved every moment of it.
As i watched Viator practice form a nearby doorway i wondered if he still wanted to 'break me in half' i coulld detect his temporal distortion and i was quite impressed at how long he could hold it before he became exhausted.After he left i decided to practice also, i quickly found that i had telekinesis from Arania from when he healed me.I also had other abilities from when i was mutated from the nano-mist i could remotely control light an create a a cloaking field around myself while Trinity could camoflage herself, i could also run faster than some ground cars.
I decided then that it was time to test my fighter, i went to the hangar and got in the cockpit along with Trinity and initialized the main start up sequence.It hummed to life and i sent a recognition signal to the Nexus and it opened the main docking bay.I saw that the route was marked by bouys and proceeded to go across.I entered a tunnel that looked like it was made for this type of thing.
After i arrived in space i started the trials, i now had two torpedo launchers and many more weapons aside from my 4 beam cannon's which i was going to test later.I then noticed a button which said 'CLOAK' on it and i pressed it,
i looked at where my ship was by hacking into the camera of a satelite and my ship was indeed cloaked.
I was getting tired for i had practiced on my abilities down in the Nexus and i felt i still had not discovered them all so i put my fighter on autopilot and i a geosynchonous orbit and went to sleep.
*****hour and a half later****
I was sleeping peacefully when the alarm went off and i was abruptly woke up,i rubbed my eyes and turned to the sensor board to see what the problem was it appeared that the europa space station was under attack by a unknown force and they had sent out a priority one distress signal.Me being the nice person i am immediately powered up my ship fuly and sent tight beam message to the nexus telling them what was going on.
"This is Omicron Black 9 to nexus control the europa space station is under attack by unkown foes and i am on course to intercept request additional backup over"
Anatoly answered.
"Roger i'll see if i can find viator or arania"
After receiving my reply i engaged my enhanced jumpdrive and made a short jump to europa,it wasn't highly accurate so i was still some 15k away from the space station as i had arrived on the dark side of europa o powered up my beam cannons and some pulse laser's that had been added and two wingtip firestalker launchers had been installed also.It appeared that neither the coalition or the alliance ever developed destructive guided ordnances.
I came out of the night side of europa and my eyes begeld a terrible sight, alein ships everywhere small agile shieldless interceptors, armored and shielded multi-role fighters and gunships everywhere fighting the defense force of the space station i quickly saw that the gunships had a large amount of anti-fighter waponry and were wreaking havoc on te defenders.i hit the thrudters and aimed for the nearest gunship catching it unawares and blastingit with my beam cannons the other gunships turned to see why their comrade had not reported and saw me heading straight towards them and started firing their many point defense turrets at me.I dodged as best i could and took out 3 more before my energy reserves for the beam cannons was depleted.I armed my two torpedo tubes and headed for the nearest gunship and launching one at its engines and crippling it.Suddenly a large ship jumped in and started to attack the defense force.They were decimated.No survivors ,then the aliens stated bombarding the heavy defense shield over the station.I sent a message back to nexus.
"Anatoly get whoever you can and get to europa as fast as possible they've destroyed the defense fighters and are bombarding the stations shields they cant last longer than maybe 15 minutes at this rate so hurry i'll cloak and wait on the night side of europa Trent out"
I did as i told Anatoly i would and waited....
OOC:alrighty either one or both of you need to hop in here(if olny one of you are see if it can be viator cause it would make more since cause that girls mother is here etc.)cause i added quite abit.
EDIT:alright where'd you guy's all go now i can't do this on my own but i'll try and add some more here.
EDIT: uhhh guys i left a huge hole for you to come in here so take it cause i cant very well write this on my own.hey guys where'd you all go ive been waiting for over 3 days an no ones posted just tell me if your getting bored and i'll try and remedy it or finish it on my own cause i'm not gona wait forever.
EDIT:k no problem just wanted to be sure you were still with me here btw next time could you please tell me yor gonna be busy i might get nervous
Edited by - Dragonborn on 7/23/2004 9:01:01 PM
I decided then that it was time to test my fighter, i went to the hangar and got in the cockpit along with Trinity and initialized the main start up sequence.It hummed to life and i sent a recognition signal to the Nexus and it opened the main docking bay.I saw that the route was marked by bouys and proceeded to go across.I entered a tunnel that looked like it was made for this type of thing.
After i arrived in space i started the trials, i now had two torpedo launchers and many more weapons aside from my 4 beam cannon's which i was going to test later.I then noticed a button which said 'CLOAK' on it and i pressed it,
i looked at where my ship was by hacking into the camera of a satelite and my ship was indeed cloaked.
I was getting tired for i had practiced on my abilities down in the Nexus and i felt i still had not discovered them all so i put my fighter on autopilot and i a geosynchonous orbit and went to sleep.
*****hour and a half later****
I was sleeping peacefully when the alarm went off and i was abruptly woke up,i rubbed my eyes and turned to the sensor board to see what the problem was it appeared that the europa space station was under attack by a unknown force and they had sent out a priority one distress signal.Me being the nice person i am immediately powered up my ship fuly and sent tight beam message to the nexus telling them what was going on.
"This is Omicron Black 9 to nexus control the europa space station is under attack by unkown foes and i am on course to intercept request additional backup over"
Anatoly answered.
"Roger i'll see if i can find viator or arania"
After receiving my reply i engaged my enhanced jumpdrive and made a short jump to europa,it wasn't highly accurate so i was still some 15k away from the space station as i had arrived on the dark side of europa o powered up my beam cannons and some pulse laser's that had been added and two wingtip firestalker launchers had been installed also.It appeared that neither the coalition or the alliance ever developed destructive guided ordnances.
I came out of the night side of europa and my eyes begeld a terrible sight, alein ships everywhere small agile shieldless interceptors, armored and shielded multi-role fighters and gunships everywhere fighting the defense force of the space station i quickly saw that the gunships had a large amount of anti-fighter waponry and were wreaking havoc on te defenders.i hit the thrudters and aimed for the nearest gunship catching it unawares and blastingit with my beam cannons the other gunships turned to see why their comrade had not reported and saw me heading straight towards them and started firing their many point defense turrets at me.I dodged as best i could and took out 3 more before my energy reserves for the beam cannons was depleted.I armed my two torpedo tubes and headed for the nearest gunship and launching one at its engines and crippling it.Suddenly a large ship jumped in and started to attack the defense force.They were decimated.No survivors ,then the aliens stated bombarding the heavy defense shield over the station.I sent a message back to nexus.
"Anatoly get whoever you can and get to europa as fast as possible they've destroyed the defense fighters and are bombarding the stations shields they cant last longer than maybe 15 minutes at this rate so hurry i'll cloak and wait on the night side of europa Trent out"
I did as i told Anatoly i would and waited....
OOC:alrighty either one or both of you need to hop in here(if olny one of you are see if it can be viator cause it would make more since cause that girls mother is here etc.)cause i added quite abit.
EDIT:alright where'd you guy's all go now i can't do this on my own but i'll try and add some more here.
EDIT: uhhh guys i left a huge hole for you to come in here so take it cause i cant very well write this on my own.hey guys where'd you all go ive been waiting for over 3 days an no ones posted just tell me if your getting bored and i'll try and remedy it or finish it on my own cause i'm not gona wait forever.
EDIT:k no problem just wanted to be sure you were still with me here btw next time could you please tell me yor gonna be busy i might get nervous

Edited by - Dragonborn on 7/23/2004 9:01:01 PM
Sorry about the double post, but this is part of the story... and dragonborn, i would love to know when im gonna be busy, but it would be predicting what the weather would be 1000 years from now.
Even though Arania had given me an Alliance Phoenix, but i had decided to test a new trick I had discovered. I transported through the electrical system, and appeared on the surface, next to the docking lights at the entrance of the Nexus. I created a magnetic field around me, trapping air at the correct air pressure, and began to recycle the air inside my 'bubble'. Using the magnetic field, I gained altitude, and transported Indigo, the air and myself to Europa.
These ships had obviously been constructed... no, engineered for destruction. They would leave the nomads for dead. They were not Dom'Kavash either, but an entirely new race of beings. And were they pissed at us for some reason. I materialised above the station, projecting a reflective at the fire that was hailing down upon me from the coalition and the alien ships. I removed the shield and began absorbing the energy, directing it into Indigo's systems. I expanded the magnetic field, and Indigo begangrow larger, to accomodate the new energy influx. After a period of rapid growth, Indigo began collecting the energy in a ball in front of her. It undulated in a white hot fusion ball, a mini sun, if you like. Every craft stopped firing, even the aliens, after seeing Indigo's new 'package', (no innuendo jokes please), began to flee. A quick thought unleashed the energy upon the largest alien craft, and obliterated it within a second.
Sol had never seen so much power. and it may never see it again. I had to return to earth as fast as possible, to prevent an overload of the intricate nano-patterens in my head.
Suche is life

Even though Arania had given me an Alliance Phoenix, but i had decided to test a new trick I had discovered. I transported through the electrical system, and appeared on the surface, next to the docking lights at the entrance of the Nexus. I created a magnetic field around me, trapping air at the correct air pressure, and began to recycle the air inside my 'bubble'. Using the magnetic field, I gained altitude, and transported Indigo, the air and myself to Europa.
These ships had obviously been constructed... no, engineered for destruction. They would leave the nomads for dead. They were not Dom'Kavash either, but an entirely new race of beings. And were they pissed at us for some reason. I materialised above the station, projecting a reflective at the fire that was hailing down upon me from the coalition and the alien ships. I removed the shield and began absorbing the energy, directing it into Indigo's systems. I expanded the magnetic field, and Indigo begangrow larger, to accomodate the new energy influx. After a period of rapid growth, Indigo began collecting the energy in a ball in front of her. It undulated in a white hot fusion ball, a mini sun, if you like. Every craft stopped firing, even the aliens, after seeing Indigo's new 'package', (no innuendo jokes please), began to flee. A quick thought unleashed the energy upon the largest alien craft, and obliterated it within a second.
Sol had never seen so much power. and it may never see it again. I had to return to earth as fast as possible, to prevent an overload of the intricate nano-patterens in my head.
Suche is life
@Omega since we're operating this story as a democracy we'll need to wait for Arania to contact us.
@Viator not exactly what i had in mind but hey your back
.(quite interesting what you did there although now there's nothing left for Arania oh well
) i started a feed back thread although i'm not even sure any of them read it before posting ideas and criticism some of it might be useful so take a look if you get time Viator.
EDIT:now i'll try and add a bit to get it rolling again
The remaining fighters and interceptors started to retreat now that their flagship had been destroyed so i activated my cruise engines and pursued.I followed them to a previously unexplored Nebula.I cloaked and trailed them into the center of the nebula through a narrow passage that was safe from the violent electrical storms that dominated the cloud.
At the center there was a wie open space and a large structure through which the aliens went and disappeared.must be a jumpgate i mused to myself.
I then headed back to the europa space station to assess the damage that was caused to the few blasts that got through the shields.The damage was moderate the civilian section was unscathed thankfullt but the structural integriity of the military section was below 45% which was bad.
I went back to my fighter and sent an analysis of the structure in the nebula to Nexus Control, hopefully someone there would be able to make sense of the strange radiation readings he got.I decided to lay over for awhile and rented a room near the bar.
OOC:there not the best of chapters but it kinda fills the gaps.
Edited by - Dragonborn on 7/29/2004 11:59:45 AM
@Viator not exactly what i had in mind but hey your back

EDIT:now i'll try and add a bit to get it rolling again

The remaining fighters and interceptors started to retreat now that their flagship had been destroyed so i activated my cruise engines and pursued.I followed them to a previously unexplored Nebula.I cloaked and trailed them into the center of the nebula through a narrow passage that was safe from the violent electrical storms that dominated the cloud.
At the center there was a wie open space and a large structure through which the aliens went and disappeared.must be a jumpgate i mused to myself.
I then headed back to the europa space station to assess the damage that was caused to the few blasts that got through the shields.The damage was moderate the civilian section was unscathed thankfullt but the structural integriity of the military section was below 45% which was bad.
I went back to my fighter and sent an analysis of the structure in the nebula to Nexus Control, hopefully someone there would be able to make sense of the strange radiation readings he got.I decided to lay over for awhile and rented a room near the bar.
OOC:there not the best of chapters but it kinda fills the gaps.
Edited by - Dragonborn on 7/29/2004 11:59:45 AM
OOC: sorry about the long time it took to respond. Diablo 2 got me a bit addicted.
Arania's attention shifted. 'Awakening' as such from a long rest.
"Good morning Ara" He said to his dæmon.
Araminta was sitting on the shelf that housed a large contingent of energy crystals, in particular, the ball-shaped ones. That, however, was not the problem.
Arania stood up quickly, rushing over to where Araminta was perched.
"Six balls are missing" Arania said, staring at the empthy space where 6 glowing crystal balls should have stood. Now occupied by a Glowing Phoenix.
The lights dimmed slightly, and he felt a surge of energy coming from lower down in the facility.
"What the crap?" arania siad, Dematerialising, and reappearing outside the massive bulkhead doors that enclosed the science section.
The doors opened, and revealed a horrific scene.
Three confederate scientists stood around a large monolithic object, each of them holding a glowing ball in each hand.
A large gateway stood in the background. A beam of light travveled from it to the monotlith, then to each of the balls held by the confederates.
"What in this world do you think your doing??" Arania bellowed, conjouring a ball of fire.
He never had a chance to throw it, for at that moment, the light caesed, and the gateway was immediatly filled with a transparent water-like barrier.
The confederates turned to face Arania
"Have you any idea what you've just done?" Arania screamed
He hurled te ball of fire at the nearest one, who exploded with a scream.
The second exploded with a wave of his hand.
The third was cowering on the floor.
"Waht have i done" He muttered "What have i done????"
"Who are you?"
"I am, i dont know!!!" He screamed, before fainting.
ARania had no time to respont before the gate behind him started hummong.
Swinging around, he saw a room take form beyond the barrier.
Without thinking, he dove at the barrier, throwing a tremendous amound of energy into it, simultaniously shutting it off, and sealing it, albeit temporarily.
He came to rest next to a large confeerate officer.
"Dont bother fighting arania, your powers are nullified withing this building"
Arania looked up into the eyes of the speaker
"Take him to the brig"
He was dragged away, and he didnt fight back.
OOC: short, i know. Dont try and rescue me yet, i have another story bit that i need to develop before i get out.
And more characters are fine with me.
Arania's attention shifted. 'Awakening' as such from a long rest.
"Good morning Ara" He said to his dæmon.
Araminta was sitting on the shelf that housed a large contingent of energy crystals, in particular, the ball-shaped ones. That, however, was not the problem.
Arania stood up quickly, rushing over to where Araminta was perched.
"Six balls are missing" Arania said, staring at the empthy space where 6 glowing crystal balls should have stood. Now occupied by a Glowing Phoenix.
The lights dimmed slightly, and he felt a surge of energy coming from lower down in the facility.
"What the crap?" arania siad, Dematerialising, and reappearing outside the massive bulkhead doors that enclosed the science section.
The doors opened, and revealed a horrific scene.
Three confederate scientists stood around a large monolithic object, each of them holding a glowing ball in each hand.
A large gateway stood in the background. A beam of light travveled from it to the monotlith, then to each of the balls held by the confederates.
"What in this world do you think your doing??" Arania bellowed, conjouring a ball of fire.
He never had a chance to throw it, for at that moment, the light caesed, and the gateway was immediatly filled with a transparent water-like barrier.
The confederates turned to face Arania
"Have you any idea what you've just done?" Arania screamed
He hurled te ball of fire at the nearest one, who exploded with a scream.
The second exploded with a wave of his hand.
The third was cowering on the floor.
"Waht have i done" He muttered "What have i done????"
"Who are you?"
"I am, i dont know!!!" He screamed, before fainting.
ARania had no time to respont before the gate behind him started hummong.
Swinging around, he saw a room take form beyond the barrier.
Without thinking, he dove at the barrier, throwing a tremendous amound of energy into it, simultaniously shutting it off, and sealing it, albeit temporarily.
He came to rest next to a large confeerate officer.
"Dont bother fighting arania, your powers are nullified withing this building"
Arania looked up into the eyes of the speaker
"Take him to the brig"
He was dragged away, and he didnt fight back.
OOC: short, i know. Dont try and rescue me yet, i have another story bit that i need to develop before i get out.
And more characters are fine with me.
OOC: ok viator and arania approve so you can join but we still need to get a character figured out for you are you going to be one of the 'new' aliens, a federation officer,or you could be someone like Anatoly(nerdy guy that isn't very good at fighting but makes all kind of improvemts etc to stuff)or specify some other character you want to be and also you won't be able to just 'pop up out of nowhere' your gonna need to think of a back story so it fits in.
Edited by - Dragonborn on 7/30/2004 6:27:11 PM
Edited by - Dragonborn on 7/30/2004 6:27:11 PM
Ok how i get there is this:
Before rienland started the new war out in the sigma 13 system a base was finished and on this base a new pirate faction emured one consistin of ex-millatry personel who had become dissalugend with the houses. This band was populare as it left civillian shipping alone and attacked mostly millatry convoyes. Then when Rienland started the new war there invasion of sigma 13 nearly wiped out the pirates.
Of the few who made it that day the leader (who went by the name Omega cheif) split the survivers in two all but he would go to defend liberty while he (using a captured rienland cloaking divice) flew to the hispanya and started trying to repair the jump drive. His hope was that he could use it to start a new colony far from rienland. As the drive neared completion some of the most terrable events happend in sirrius. The dom Kavosh attack wiped out the remander of this squad and the oucasts found him on the hispanya. he had no choice he activated the half finisged jump dive. Unfortunatly the drive only had two sets of cordinae one in sirrius (where it arrived) and the other..... was to the orbit of europa where the ship had been launched.
As the long monthes of the jounry came to an end ssignelled by a flasing light omega chief sat there thinking of his impending doom. "Hmm I wonder" he thought to himself "if I will make it at all". the hispanya had been steadaly falling apart in jump mode. "i think i'll rename her 'rustbucket'" he siged slowly walking through the only pressurised room on the ship the hanger. It was here he had been living next to his titan, in its hold was the most precious thing he had left two barrels full of sidewinder fang's. He pored himself a drink adn in the last few minitws before the jump ended he wondered if the coalition would blast him like they had the Dom kavosh or wether they would interagate him. "i'll know soon enough" he thought sipping his sidwinder fang.
There was a sickening lurch as the newly rechrisened 'rust bucked' emerged into real space..........
(there tell me what you think)
Before rienland started the new war out in the sigma 13 system a base was finished and on this base a new pirate faction emured one consistin of ex-millatry personel who had become dissalugend with the houses. This band was populare as it left civillian shipping alone and attacked mostly millatry convoyes. Then when Rienland started the new war there invasion of sigma 13 nearly wiped out the pirates.
Of the few who made it that day the leader (who went by the name Omega cheif) split the survivers in two all but he would go to defend liberty while he (using a captured rienland cloaking divice) flew to the hispanya and started trying to repair the jump drive. His hope was that he could use it to start a new colony far from rienland. As the drive neared completion some of the most terrable events happend in sirrius. The dom Kavosh attack wiped out the remander of this squad and the oucasts found him on the hispanya. he had no choice he activated the half finisged jump dive. Unfortunatly the drive only had two sets of cordinae one in sirrius (where it arrived) and the other..... was to the orbit of europa where the ship had been launched.
As the long monthes of the jounry came to an end ssignelled by a flasing light omega chief sat there thinking of his impending doom. "Hmm I wonder" he thought to himself "if I will make it at all". the hispanya had been steadaly falling apart in jump mode. "i think i'll rename her 'rustbucket'" he siged slowly walking through the only pressurised room on the ship the hanger. It was here he had been living next to his titan, in its hold was the most precious thing he had left two barrels full of sidewinder fang's. He pored himself a drink adn in the last few minitws before the jump ended he wondered if the coalition would blast him like they had the Dom kavosh or wether they would interagate him. "i'll know soon enough" he thought sipping his sidwinder fang.
There was a sickening lurch as the newly rechrisened 'rust bucked' emerged into real space..........
(there tell me what you think)
OOC:pretty good but don't forget to use spellcheck! I don't use it myself because i don't need to(yes i am sort of boasting but oh well)i've always been very good at spelling.but anyway back to your idea its alittle hard to understand in places because you did not type this up in word or some other program and use spellcheck other wise it's very good.also anything that has NOTHING to do with the storyline should b e labeled OOC which stands for out of character hopefully this is self explanatory.
He was relaxing in his room on Europa space station when the sensor monitor for his fighter started what, i just sat down he thought disgruntedley as he got up and walked over to the small screen it was hooked up to.It looked like a large ship had just jumped in, and according to the scans it looked like someone must have got the hispania's engines to work.Barely.the Hispania was literaly falling apart at the seams from the stress on the hull plating.
I quickly checked out of my room and headed for my fighter so i could contact the pilot before he came in range of the station's sensor's.I launched without incident and engaged my adv. cruise engines which had a 50% shorter powerup time and could go faster than most standard cruise engines.As i approached the Hispania i could see it leaking oxygen.i opened a comm channel:
"This is Omicron Black 9 state your intention's besides finding a museum for that antique you call a ship" i said looking at the rusted hull plating and the gutted defense and weapon systems.
I quickly checked out of my room and headed for my fighter so i could contact the pilot before he came in range of the station's sensor's.I launched without incident and engaged my adv. cruise engines which had a 50% shorter powerup time and could go faster than most standard cruise engines.As i approached the Hispania i could see it leaking oxygen.i opened a comm channel:
"This is Omicron Black 9 state your intention's besides finding a museum for that antique you call a ship" i said looking at the rusted hull plating and the gutted defense and weapon systems.
"Well I was intending to go somwhere else namly the other direction" It was strange that the first fighter he met had not fired on him even though this was coalition space and he was flying an allience ship "You know I think we should get out of here" Omega Cheif said Running for his titan and despratly tring to launch
"Why is that" the voice over the comm replied
"Because my 'repairs' seem to have cuased a jump dive over load so i think we should stand back and watch the fireworks from asafe distance" Chief answered as he blew a hole in the side of the hispania, flew out and got his first glimse of the legondary sol sytem........
"Why is that" the voice over the comm replied
"Because my 'repairs' seem to have cuased a jump dive over load so i think we should stand back and watch the fireworks from asafe distance" Chief answered as he blew a hole in the side of the hispania, flew out and got his first glimse of the legondary sol sytem........
After hearing about the imending explosion from the pilot of the Hispania I qyuickly backed up to a safe distance.Right as the drive reacked critical there was a small explosion on the side and a titan flew,or should i say lumbered out the thing looked like a flying weapons platform.Literally.Right as he reached my position i saw a chain of explosions start to go off around the rim of the Hispania.We watched until there was only a debris field left and then i started to head back to the Nexus.
"you can come with me if you want or just go around exploring it's your choice although you might want to upgrade your angine because theres no tradelanes her in sol so you have to go everywhere on cruise" i said over the comm and headed for earth.
OOC: ok there you've got a choice(obviously)oh and BTW you might want to add some 'upgrades' to your titan like more weapon hp's etc, after all i did say it looked like a flying weapon's platform
. also feel free to describe your first site of the sol system you don't have to go right away to where you went to my position if you don't want to.BTW Arania,Viator i hope you guy's get time to post again sometime soon because in less than a month school starts for me again so i wont be able to write as much.
Edited by - Dragonborn on 8/3/2004 7:02:48 PM
"you can come with me if you want or just go around exploring it's your choice although you might want to upgrade your angine because theres no tradelanes her in sol so you have to go everywhere on cruise" i said over the comm and headed for earth.
OOC: ok there you've got a choice(obviously)oh and BTW you might want to add some 'upgrades' to your titan like more weapon hp's etc, after all i did say it looked like a flying weapon's platform

Edited by - Dragonborn on 8/3/2004 7:02:48 PM
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