OOC: sorry about the questions, just planning something. and for just for the record - Viator is nano-augmented, any energy based weapon blast is absorbed, but has to be re-emmitted in some form, be it light, heat, or some other form of energy.
@dragonborn: thanks... you've given us a subterranian lair!
@arania: im gonna assume that Indigo can absorb my energy and convert it.
I had my face up right near Dragonborn's, staring at him eye to eye.
"I could snap you in half if I wanted to. But I won't give you that release just yet."
I turned away from him and entered the electrical system. A nanosecond later I rematerialised in the Medical Sector. Aleksei was watching over Jennifer, who was still unconcious from when I left her at the Z-Axis Fighter Works. Aleksei and Anatoly had been moved to Sol with the Coalition, and were permitted to bring Jennifer and some of their equipment. After hearing of this, I messaged them about what had happened, and that I would grant them a place in the Nexus. Obviously, Anatoly could hardly contain himself when he heard about it, and I knew about his love of the unique.
But Aleksei was worried, Jennifer's condition was getting worse, and he had no way of determining what was wrong with her, let alone restore her health. He had placed her in stasis, so that whatever it was, it could not spread any further. Something had happened to her, and I wasn't going to let the last Aida die because of some disease.
Cabin fever had struck earlier than I thought it would, so I decided to take a tour around Sol. After bar hopping for awhile, I ran into someone I actually remember: Claude Gilbert. Claude had stowed aboard the transport containing the president, and passed himself off as an elite Liberty Navy Pilot, the sneaky bugger. After a long conversation about nothing really important, like how good looking the waitress was, or, how he had scored big time last night. It was nice to talk to someone whose sole preoccupation was himself. After a lot of alcohol, I escorted Claude back to his rather s**** apartment. He obviously was doing rather well for himself. Me being perfectly sober due to the cybernetics, I wandered through more bars in the Sol system. Titan, Venus, Mars, nearly every bar I had deposited some form of money in their coffers over my week long binge.
I was sitting onboard a station on the fringes of Sol, deep in the Kuiper belt, knocking back some unknown Coalition alcoholic concuction. Thats when she walked up to me. At the time, I hadn't realised that I was the only patron, staring blankly through the window at nothing in paticular, wearing dark glasses to hide the blue glow in my eyes, wearing suspiciously dark clothing, and tending to a small dragon. I was amazed that anyone would actually come near me, let alone talk to me.
"Umm... Exscuse me..." She started in a meek voice. I looked up from Indigo.
"The owner doesn't like having pets in the bar..." she stammered. I looked at Indigo. I nodded to Indigo and she flew over to my shoulder. I stood up to leave when the waitress interrupted me.
"He just wants... well, whatever that thing is gone. Y-You can stay..."
I though about this, for about a microsecond.
"Where I go, She goes." I said in a quiet voice. The waitress seemed disapointed.
"Okay, I'll talk to the owner..." she said meekly.
I leaned against a nearby chair, hearing an heated argument in the office. After a while it abruptly ended with the owner marching out to stand toe-to-toe with me.
"Look, punk. I ain't got any patience left. You've interrupted some of my personal buisness with this, this, THING! GET THE F*** OUT OF MY BAR!!!"
I stared at him blankly. The waitress' expression was one of pleading, and my better half took over. I stood my ground and decided to investigate.
"What 'buisness', do you have, I was going to be your only customer for the day."
The owner was about to explode.
"WHAT I DO IS MY F***ING BUISNESS, A**H***! What, you trying to be a hero?"
"Why would I need to be a hero?" I said, before lowering my voice to subhuman pitch. "Have you done something naughty?"
The owner took a step back.
"You wanna go punk? I'll take you down NOW!" The owner put up his fists. "C'MON! You're going down PUNK!"
I smirked.
Within seconds, the owner was on the ground with tears in his eyes, reeling from a precise blow to his torso. The waitress was shocked, her hand over her mouth, at the destruction I caused by a simple punch. I returned to my upright posture and headed for the door. Indigo refused to budge. Her thoughts were telling me that something else could be found here.
I turned around and called for her. Again she didn't move. I thought about just leaving, but I would have to endure the same pain as her, and I knew how stubborn I was at times. She flew over to the waitress and landed on her suprised shoulder.
"Umm... sir, can you please collect your, umm... pet?" She was somewhat distressed at Indigo. It wasn't everyday that a man and a dragon walk into a bar.
"She won't hurt you. She's rather placid."
The waitress reached out a finger and stroked Indigo's head. Indigo responded by rubbing against her fingers. I 'thought' to Indigo,
Don't say a thing. She's freaked out enough...
Indigo nodded her reply.
"Where did you find her?"
"I found her on a station called Citadel Station, in the Sirius sector."
"Sirius? Where's that?"
"Why don't we talk about this somwhere else, Your boss seemed pretty mad."
A voice came from the floor.
"I still am mad you PUNK!"
"You're right... Do you have a ship?"
I looked at her blankly. She was waiting for an answer.
I kept staring. Indigo was getting impatient.
"How did I get here?" I asked, trying to hide a smile.
"Oops, how silly of me. Can you give us a lift to Europa? My mother is staying there, away from my father." She looked back to the owner. I thought about the prospect of having a young woman in the back of my... wait, it wasn't even my ship... it was Anatoly's Doomtrain, because he was pulling apart the Helena. Anyway, there was more than enough room, and it was somewhere I had not been.
"Sure, why not?" I replied, watching her face light up.
She followed me to the Doomtrain, which was the only ship left on the station. When we first entered the bay, she was taken in by it's size, and its form. I opened the side entry hatch, and helped her inside. Indigo flew through the door after her and then I entered, shutting the door behind me.
"Umm... Ive got a confession to make..."
Great. Now she tells me.
"What is it?" i said looking back from the controls.
"Well," she started, looking at her feet. At this time I sensed something wrong, and so did Indigo. I set the ship on auto, and went into the cargo hold.
"Whats this confession?" I said, sitting down in front of her, on an upturned crate.
"Well, you know that guy you, well, flattened?"
"He was my father..."
"I figured that."
"Yes, well, I'm glad you showed up... my father, he..."
She started crying.
"Go on, its better to talk about it." Indigo flew over and nuzzled against the waitress' cheek.
"That's *sniff* why I'm here... My father, he beats me, and, he..."
I knew exactly what had happened. Even in this supposed 'Utopia' men still abused power. I hugged her tight, holding her head against my shoulder. Indigo had to take off again to avoid being crushed. The waitress cried over my shoulder, and I could do nothing to stop it. For all the death and destruction brought on by the Dom'Kavash and the nomads, by the Coalition, and by the massive destruction of Sirius, it was the individual things that brough tears to my eyes. One solitary tear, brought on by the story of one young woman whose name I never knew, After all the pain, after all the suffering, it came to this.
Even when I lost Kenji, I did not shed a tear. When I was intergrated with Daedalus, the pain brough no tears to my eyes. Even as Jennifer lay in stasis in the Nexus, no tears came. It proved my beliefs about the importance of the bigger picture, about ignoring the petty matters, completly wrong. And as that tear hit the cold metal floor did i realise.
I meant absolutely jack.
how do you like THAT?

now thats drama, no offence dragonborn.