after a long time of travelling, i had left behind my explorers ways and had settled into a comfortable life on the far side of the Tau-37 Binary star, away from the prying eyes of the general populace. I had charted all i could in Sirius, and after a long time of travelling, i thought the eime was high to just slow the pace down. I had fought nomads in Omricron Gamma, traded with the Bunschuh in the Frankfurt system, you name it, i had done it. But after my travels, the public admiration became too much. the constant media attention, the papparazzi on the door of my home in Caimbridge. I had to get away from it all. And then i remembered my travels. there was one place where i was totally in awe of my surroundings. Tau-37. Its serene blue nebulae surrounding the binary star in the centre. Freeport 10 was a short flight away, and i had built up a good rep with the outcasts, ferrying many sick outcasts back to malta when their cardamine had run out. Occasionally i would run some supplies to malta, as a way of funding my minimalist exsistance in the outskirts of Sirius.
Fate it seems, doesn't like having the traveller settle down.
I was in the bar of Freeport 10, enjoying an ancient drink known as 'scotch' with Kenji, my old travelling companion from kusari. most people would consider two men in their late 20's sitting in Freeport 10 drinking strange beverages to be suspicious, but we were retired. 28 and retired. that still makes me grin sometimes. Anyway, I was in the bar with Kenji, talking about the time we 'accidentally' annoyed the Xenos and limped back to pueblo in a battered Xeno Starflier, when two strangers walk in. they had familliar faces, but i couldn't put my finger on what it was. Kenji was the quick one here.
"Thats Edison Trent's son... whats he doing this far out?"
"Edison Trent? That guy who defeated the nomads?"
"yeah, thats him. got married, had kids. looks about 17..."
We thought nothing of it and went back to our story which had begun to focus on a waitress at pueblo.
After a couple of hours, I had said goodbye to Kenji, and he got into his ship and headed back home to New Tokyo. I too, had begun to work my way back to my ship, which was parked in dock 3. The steel corridors of Freeport 10 swayed a little from the solar wind spurted out from the binary suns in the centre of the Tau-37 system. The strange thing was that there was no movement or noise at all, the passageways were motionless. This worried me a little, questioning whether i should see the Zoners about it. I went past the bar and thought,
im still kinda thirsty, i might have another
I opened the door and walked back into the bar. i sat down at the bar this time and ordered a sidewinder fang from the barkeeper, who for some reason had earned the nickname of 'Wook'. For hours id retell the details of my adventures to Wook, and he would love every minute of it. That day i told him about the cute waitress at pueblo.
It was late by the time i left freeport 10, and the trip back to the station i called home wasn't looking all that promising in the way of entertainment. After an uneventful journey, i arrived back at the station i called home, it was the old Ithica station, i had brought it back up to standards, and it was quite comfortable living space, my equivalent of a mansion. I had ample space for the two ships i owned, and for the trinkets i collected over the years. I set up the auto-defense system, and made my way to my quarters. after going through my routine, i was asleep before i made it to bed.
I was sleeping soundly when the docking request announcement came over the intercom...
EDIT: damn spelling

Edited by - Viator on 6/25/2004 10:28:36 PM