yea, sry, I forgot. I will send them to you soon.
So here I'll write down my experience with voice modding, maybe there are more people than warzog who want to learn something.
Lets get started with the needed tools: FLHash.exe and utf_edit.exe
Can't remember where I got them but they should be easy to get.
You need utf_edit to open the .utf files in the Freelancer/AUDIO folder.
These utf files are filled with the voice wave files ( 20kb/s, 11Khz, Mono, MPEG Layer-3 ).
The problem of these files is that their names are the hashed FL commands. The commands stand in the voices_space_[female/male.ini
For each utf file there is a [Voice tag, followed by nearly alle the included streams ( marked as [Sound ).
So to see which file in the utf you have to replace, you need to look up the command in the voices.....ini and then use FLHash with it. Just open the DOS Command, go to the flhash folder and enter for example "flhash gcs_combat_announce_flee_01-". You will get three numbers and the last of them is the code of the voice file in the utf file. Then you can easily replace it with utf edit.
Ok, these are the basics. Now to what I've done for the Privateer Voice Mod.
I thought the easiest way would be to make completely new utf files for each type of voice ( Kilrathi, Male Mercenary, Female Mercenary, .... )
To do this I first looked up the existing voice commands in the voice_space_[male/female.ini to see which I could use for my voice mod.
Then I editet the ini and included my commands there.
Like this:
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
nickname = pilot_retfem
msg = gcs_combat_announce_flee_01-
duration = 3.506667
attenuation = 4
Priority = -5
Then I went to the bottom of the ini and included the also needed VoiceProp Tag:
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
Voice = pilot_retfem
gender = female
supports_roles = dockrequest_docker, combat_lev_3, random_mission_ship
I don't know what the different combat_levels are but the other entries are easy.
Next I went to the Freelancer/MISSIONS folder and edited the Voice_Properties.ini. There you have to define the number of the same commands so that FL knows when it can randomly choose between the voices with the same meanings.
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
voice = pilot_retfem
permutation_count = gcs_combat_announce_ff, 2
permutation_count = gcs_combat_announce_flee, 2
permutation_count = gcs_combat_brag, 2
permutation_count = gcs_combat_engaging, 2
Ok, so now I only needed to make the utf file. So I started utf_edit made a new file, converted the command names ( msg=.... ) from the voices_space_....ini into the hash names and put them as entries into the utf file. I only had to include the wav files for each entry then, and a new voice file which I could inlcude in the faction_prop.ini was ready.
But there always came error messages in the FL log which told there a missing files. And I could find out which files, so I gave up and now I nearly forgot about Freelancer, but maybe this helps you to understand what I've done.
And good luck