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Privateer Voice Mod

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Privateer / Wing Commander Total Conversion called ?Privateer: The Reckoning? and accompanying Mods

Post Wed Mar 10, 2004 12:17 pm

What about using some of the sounds from Priv2 for some pirate factions?

Post Wed Mar 10, 2004 4:05 pm

At the moment, we don't have any of Privateer 2's sounds, voices, or music.

Of course, that's not to mention the fact that many Wing Commander/Privateer 1 fans totally hate Privateer 2.

Personally, I wouldn't mind some music from Privateer 2.

Watch your 6!

Post Thu Mar 11, 2004 3:01 am

well, i *could* provide some priv2 sounds, since i bought that game, but i dont *want*, just as warzog already mentioned, this game was not privateer...

Post Thu Mar 11, 2004 6:34 am

Well i don't dislike privateer 2...absolutely not
I like a lot of the lines pirates said when they attacked me and when they were destroyed....
I'm the grim reaper


Post Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:56 am

Non-Voice mod problem:
The Banshee Icon looks like a Ferret.
Can you do a new one?
Do you need another screenshot?

Watch your 6!

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 5:24 am

this new beta release made me think about the voice mod again. Awesome work, btw.
As I debugged the voice mod I noticed one strange warning message in the FLSpew.txt:
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Client\cmn\MiscUtil.cpp(396) : *** WARNING: Failed to load ids: 11731344

Does anyone have an idea what this means or how I can find out what 11731344 is ?

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 5:51 am

Well, that depends on the DLL...
In one, it's info about a base...
Another, it's info on a minable copper field...
Another, it's the word "off"...
Another, it's a warning to Trent that there's a 1 million credit bounty on him...
I forgot what the other one was.
(and those are with the mod inactive)

With the mod active, I get commodity_optronics.
(along with a couple of the above ones, too.)

There's a DLL editor in the download section called, "FLEd-ids.exe" that can be used to read IDS info.

I've never been able to get rid of that error, and I've got no idea what's causing it.

Watch your 6!

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 10:50 am

ok, I found out that it's the Orders' voice file which causes the Mission failure message in the Donau Avange, so I deleted it.
I don't have much time to test my changes so it would be nice if someone tell me how long it works now ( I only played till the first landing on Pittsburgh ) while I try to find the exact reason for the Order-Voice Bug.
I'm also aware of the many Warnings in the FLSpew.txt, but they don't have priority now.

You can get the file here:
Click here
Just activate it via FLMM. The conflict with the Beta2.3 is not a problem because in my file I did exactly the same change.

Edited by - Swiftr on 4/22/2004 11:50:56 AM

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 8:07 pm

I'll test it!
I'm doing a rewrite, right now, and the voice mod would be nice for v2.4!

Watch your 6!

Post Fri Apr 23, 2004 6:28 pm

I can hear it now...the good ol days
Retro: Die by the very weapons you adore
(3 milliseconds later)
Retro: (void sucking sound/scream)
i used to play that to get my mom out of the room... she dislike me showing them the cold slient void....

When the Going's get Tough, The Tough get a bigger Battleboat.
"Shotglass moments before the Tiger's claw blew up"
You Look a bit down on yer lucky,..Ya Don't say well Heres a drink for yas and don't worry bout how ya lost yer girl.
"alright we'll give you once chance drop it"..."you just signed your ow...*zoid sucking sound* And you just signed off life due to my nomad blasters silly xeno.
Ok if i am to Die by the Weapons i adore...then why does he have mass drivers and tacyon, when I adore Proton Tropedos Tacyon and Neutrons?..Silly Retro missiles are for kids, Ceturnions on the other hand Are For ME to make YOU suck VOID!
Sanity is the Thin line between Real Life and Fantasy, Insanity means you fell off the line.

Post Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:35 pm

Hey Swiftr, I hope you have digitally enchanced voices...

btw, 4mb is a big file? Wing Commander Saga's voice acting takes up over 100mb if space in adpcm format (a bit smaller as mp3)

Wing Commander Saga
Wing Commander Saga Forum
~Project Head of the "Wing Commander Saga: Battlegroup Serpent" Project
I still loveWing Commander. Given the right opportunity, I would definitely revisit it." - Chris Roberts.

Post Sat Apr 24, 2004 1:27 am

uhm...I made the sounds a bit louder, in that way they are digitally enhanced ;-)
But in fact I had to sample them down to the format Freelancer uses ( Mp3, 20kBit/s, 11khz, Mono )
This is one reason for the modsize being only 2,2 MB, the other is that the 237 Privateer voice files warzog sent me are my only source.
Maybe it would be nice if we put some sounds from WC3/4 in, too. But I already tried to extract them and it didn't work.

Post Sat Apr 24, 2004 1:50 am

*Dark Vaders Voice on* use the dark side of the force*Dark Vaders Voice off*

Seriosly, have you considered asking someone for help? I have been messing with TRE files for a long time... With the help of WC community I was able to extract all files, convert them from damn IFF file format, digitally clean and enchance them and build them into the game.

Trust me, it is possible... Here is an example

Wing Commander Saga
Wing Commander Saga Forum
~Project Head of the "Wing Commander Saga: Battlegroup Serpent" Project
I still loveWing Commander. Given the right opportunity, I would definitely revisit it." - Chris Roberts.

Post Sat Apr 24, 2004 2:11 am

I didn't really spent a lot of time trying to convert them because I only have the german WingCommanders.
But as you already did, maybe you could provide me with some files.

Anyway I first have to get rid of all these bugs in the current voice mod.

Post Sat Apr 24, 2004 3:02 am

I *may* provide you extracted files in their raw form, but by no means with the improved versions, which are solely for wing commander saga

Wing Commander Saga
Wing Commander Saga Forum
~Project Head of the "Wing Commander Saga: Battlegroup Serpent" Project
I still loveWing Commander. Given the right opportunity, I would definitely revisit it." - Chris Roberts.

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