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Post Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:26 am

SwEeT, now I found at least one Peep who likes the Rhino.

Ok Pilots I am officially finished with all the modding work i had started out to do...

Commodities. . .Finished
Cargo capacities on capital, cruiser, freightors, and 2 or 3 fighters. . . Finished
the Dll's. . . Finished

All revelant files sent to Ro9ue

Cya in the stars soon!!!


I Protect The Helpless From The Heartless

Post Fri Jan 07, 2005 6:44 pm

all of the versions that i know of and played, have NO missions to fly in the border worlds and i would like them to be back instead of playing for houses only. also the base is the only base that has the raven claw on it and its by a worm hole, i beleive the GMG own it to. but ill reinstall the mod and check, data storm says its there, but its clocked or something.

Post Sat Jan 08, 2005 3:45 am

Hi warrior, is it 3.5 betea 3 your useing, i think i know the base you mean,it was done by the EFA jump gate oigionly, but that base no longer excists in beta 3( was in beta 1 and 2)its been move to a new location i have a look later and give you the co=ords for it,by the way the raven claw has changed, it only has 1 engine now so it cant hyper speed :-((, but its still a good ship. soon as i find the info i post it here for you.

p.s most of the info in data storm is incorrect for rebal 3.5 beta 3, so dont rely on it too much

all of my questions are answers to my sins.and all of my endings are waiting to begin

Post Sat Jan 08, 2005 12:28 pm

Hey guys,

Just something that I thought you'd like to know. If you're looking for a dedicated FL Rebalance Forum, go here and sign up:
That site is one that I've been playing around with, and that Ro9ue's a full admin on, the only limitation that is on it is that I can't allow large file uploads. Other than that, have fun, and talk your hearts out on the Forums there. Ro9ue can create new topics as needed, I'd do so myself, but as stated previously, my internet's a bit offline right now (at the library).

Anyhoo, thought you guys would like something a bit more dedicated

Enjoy your mods,

Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Edited by - archkaine on 1/8/2005 12:30:37 PM

Post Sat Jan 08, 2005 5:26 pm

i didnt know it could go to hyper speed, i only liked it cus it looked kewl and carrys an heavy load of fire power. also the handleing and speed whith the two thrusters on it made it better for avoiding long trips to targets. also to top it off, i thought the RC was the best of all the ships because i could pack what i wanted to take with me for the mission. i will admit that the cargo hold could be incressed.

i beleive its the last version(3.50 full) that was out on the site before the site went down. thanks tho.

Edited by - warrior17 on 1/9/2005 10:19:30 AM

Post Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:12 am

how much longer? will it be posted on TLR and/or where? or both?

Post Mon Jan 10, 2005 11:24 am

Hey guys a quick update for you all regarding the status of the Wrath...

I played around with the NS02 and made it more like the Wrath will be once it's in the game... I can only say that the Wrath will be a bit more than even a nomad battleship group can handle. Maybe I'll tone it down a bit, maybe I won't. Any input will be welcome, let me know here.

Stats as of this writing:
Guns/Turrets/Torps: 8/6/4 (don't be in front of it when it fires)

More specifically, the current loadout is all klingon disrupters/turrets, as appropriate, and the torps are all quantum torpedos...

Handling of the ship, since I haven't modified that part of the NS02 is pretty good. For the Wrath, that will be changed to match the heavier armor and loadout. If I were able to I'd send a pic of the modified NS02 (NightShade 2, you can get it from Bastet Complex in Tohoku).

If you have any questions about more details, let me know.

Incidentally, I went and played around with the Tempest destroyer, because I was bored. I made it a little more maneuverable, and also upped its top speed and made it truly hyper capable.

Well, that's it from me for now, kinda need to get a move-on. Later people. Btw, I still dunno when I'll be able to send all the files for the Wrath, so as an Interim, I talked to Ro9ue about creating a variant of the NS02 that has Wrath-like capabilities. It's a stop-gap measure, but I don't want to hold up the release of Rebalance 3.5 Final.

Ok, that's my 2 cents,

Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Edited by - archkaine on 1/10/2005 11:26:03 AM

Post Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:25 pm

ya i got a question regarding the wrath, does it still have that hyper speed and stops after you hit the engine kill?

Post Wed Jan 12, 2005 3:40 pm

Heyhey, guys,
My apologies about the looong silence. My dang school work has chewed my time right up and spit it on the ground, leaving it a sorry, mangled mass
Anyhow, as of right now, the mod is still truckin': Darquies has done an excellent job on editing commods and goods, as well as tweaking ships. His changes will go a long way toward balancing and spicing up gameplay
Virushunter is currently working on some weapon- and ship-editing - since i cannot do it myself atm, he generously offered to lend a helping hand. He hasn't run into any probs that I know of, so that's a good thing.

Things still on the to-do list:
1) Implement the Ragnarok and Osiris II in the factions' encounters (without crashes, that is ). This way, the Harbingers will fly the potent Ragnarok , and The Order will be at the helm of the awesome Osiris II . This should make for some very interesting fights ...
2) Make a couple little tweaks to a few system files, check on the encounters and AI-levels of various zones. Just need to ensure there aren't any bugs or CTD-inducing anomalies in there.
3) Complete the editing we're working on right now, changing the Classes and max equipment levels of .. well, of all weapons and ships (respectively, that is). This'll make things much more balanced -- we think ... (hope :p )
and 4) Complete the new "Destabilizer" class of weaponry. Destabilizer cannons, missiles, and possibly a torpedo will specialize in Pulse-like damage, delivering massive EMP/shield disruption on capitalship-class shield gerenators. This idea sprang from Virushunter's suggestion of (originally) a specialized "capship-buster" fighter, but since making a new line of weaps is easier as well as more flexible (not just limited to one ship), we decided to check this out. Weapons are the easy part of modding, so this'll be an easier thing to do.

Ah, and about this elusive-yet-agonizing base ...
This is in the Omicron Gamma system, correct? Can you give an estimate location on the NavMap (upper right corner, or middle left-hand side, or sector E5, etc)? And can you please provide a name and a faction for the base? I thought you might be talking about the LSF base (Kauai Outpost), which does sell the Ravenclaw (I bought it, decked it out, launched, and flew around in it -- it works!). But now I wonder if you are talking about another base ...
So far as I know, the Edge Worlds bases and factions still offer misisons ... missions are not restricted to Houses only.
Hey, are you sure you did a clean wipe before activating the mod? It sounds like you might have another mod's data still somehow mixed in with Rebal ... :-? But maybe not, I don't know. Maybe try reactivating the mod after a clean install and/or restoring backups and then reactiviating the mod.

ArchKaine, the Wrath already has her entry ready in the shiparch She's got her place reserved, so perhaps she'll be able to take it soon. I'm going to edit the NS2 soon, too, to make the adjustments we discussed ... it'll be a true precursor to the dumbfoundingly powerful Wrath
And this is the WRA TH, not the WRAI TH. The Wrath will take the Wraith's place, and the ShadowWrath will become the deadliest (yet hardest to locate) ship in the game. The Wraith is not really fitting or ... what ArchKaine had intended originally, so we're going to correct that little blurb. The new Order ships will soon be truely elite ships, boasting some of the highest weapon capabilities, defensive equip, and mix of speed and manueverability in hte game. However, it is warrented, is it not, that the elite SpecOp group in the sector has the highest technological capabilites, especially when combating the Nomads, a deadly and mystifying foe?

Anyhow, that's where things stand now. We are looking at an APPROXIMATE release date of the beginning of February, give or take a few days. Please note the subtlely emphasized word in the previous sentence, which means the date is subject to change. It might be sooner if all goes well, and if I can slip in enough time. It might be alittle later, depending on .. again, on time. I do apologize for having posted a date for the the beginning of January and havign missed it, but .. things always pop up and time is bloody unreliable. So we're working as hard and as fast as we can while retaining prudence and attentinon. We do not want to release a buggy or unstable mod

I've got to hit hte books for now, but I tihnk i might be able to slip in some modding in a few hours (maybe work on the Classes of shields, or on the Destabilizer weaps). So I shall catch you guys later (soon, I hope - maybe tomrrow evening).
Hasta la vista.


"Do you see the slightest evidence anywhere out there that man was the climax towards which creation had been straining from the beginning? That creation came to a screeching halt with the birth of man?"
- Ishmael

Post Wed Jan 12, 2005 3:45 pm

Ah, and the mod should be available from TLR, and perhaps another site (maybe if a server admin or site admin wanted to offer a mirror... maybe that one will have it, too).


"Do you see the slightest evidence anywhere out there that man was the climax towards which creation had been straining from the beginning? That creation came to a screeching halt with the birth of man?"
- Ishmael

Post Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:00 pm

Nice work bro

If I can keep the file size down, I MAY be able to get the Wrath's max or 3ds file uploaded, the Texture file would have to be down-converted to PNG or something for it to fit on a floppy disk (the ONLY means by which I've discovered that I can upload, or download anything, at the blasted library). If I can it'll be in an email to you asap. People, get ready to show the Nomads what pain really is

Problem 1, and I think you're good at solving this one, Ro9ue. I still can't get 3dsmax to export to ms3d properly, with the textures. Oh, and I just remembered that I don't have a functioning cmp file for the wrath, so that email will have to contain a 3ds file or something that you should be able to open in milkshape... Crappy software, that.

Anyway, i'll figure out what formats that milkshape can read, and if I can, export the Wrath to that. I'm sorry that I can't send you a fully textured ship, but I'll also try to send some small pics that will give you an idea of how to get it looking

I guess I could convert the ship to 3ds format, import it to gmax, do the textures in there, and try exporting it to ms3d from there... kinda a long path, but maybe... Hell I dunno, I'll keep you up to date.


Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Post Thu Jan 13, 2005 4:30 pm

hey rou9e,
you try a jump drive (USB drive), you can get a 256mb one from best buy for about $40.00 and there well worth it to. lest it is for me and my homework lol. also whats the stats of the new raven claw? was wondering if it still have the same hard point count and still two thrusters. heard something bout engines so thats what made me think about all of that.

Post Thu Jan 13, 2005 5:17 pm

Heyhey, skimping on some HW at teh moment. Gotta get to it in a minute, but wanted to reply.

Whenever, you can, bro, just email that beauty to me I think I can sacrifice some more sleep to get it in the game (heh, what am I talking about - I don't get any sleep as it is to sacrifice ).

And warrior:
The Ravenclaw boasts an 8/3/2 config, highest level shields on a VHF, 2 thrusters, 1 Mine and 1 CM. It has two custom engines now, so it's Hyper-capable All aspects of it should be the same as in Beta3 with exception to the engines, which make it hyper capable again.

I edited the shields yesterday, and now all shields for all ships ( with the exception to ones for capital ships ) are lower than Class 10. Waitin to hear from Virus about how the other editing he's doing is going. Let yas know more when I does.


"Do you see the slightest evidence anywhere out there that man was the climax towards which creation had been straining from the beginning? That creation came to a screeching halt with the birth of man?"
- Ishmael

Post Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:56 pm

Heyhey, osrry for the delay.

I haven't been doing much on the mod, due to some other things that kept me busy. I'm getting my new pc tomorrow, so that allows me to work on longer. Again, osrry for the delay, i'll get it done asap.

Post Thu Jan 20, 2005 2:55 pm

Ro9ue, does it still have spots to put the upgrades for the shilds and reacter? i know it probly does, but jsut wanna make sure. also i was wondering if you guys needed any ideas for new ships, i got a ton, but dont have the program to make them.

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