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**Tutorial** - Creating a new system
Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer
Ok, here goes:
To rename your base, you have to use reshacker to open nameresources.dll and add new entries. really complicated thing.
If ya don't reference your base in universe.ini, then the game can't figure out the difference between the new base, and the one you copied it from, therefore it will either crash when you dock or undock with it, or it will undock you at the original.
Files you gotta have:
Freelancer Locator
most of these can be found in the downloads section of
To rename your base, you have to use reshacker to open nameresources.dll and add new entries. really complicated thing.
If ya don't reference your base in universe.ini, then the game can't figure out the difference between the new base, and the one you copied it from, therefore it will either crash when you dock or undock with it, or it will undock you at the original.
Files you gotta have:
Freelancer Locator
most of these can be found in the downloads section of
For those of you who are docking with your station and end up flying out of the station where you copied your daa from, i might have a solution.
you just have to edit the "dock_with" entry
nickname = Rh02_02
ids_name = 196813
pos = 12758, -400, 11400
rotate = 0, 0, 0
archetype = r_battleship
ids_info = 65625
dock_with = Rh02_02_Base ;to Da01_01
base = Rh02_02_Base
reputation = fc_c_grp
behavior = NOTHING
voice = atc_leg_f01
space_costume = pl_female2_head, rh_female_elite_body
difficulty_level = 10
loadout = rh_battleship_rh_01
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
in the example you would end up coming out of battleship westfalen
Ha[! Who cares about blowing up a Kusari Battleship when you can blow up the UNIVERSE[! <very evil grin>
you just have to edit the "dock_with" entry
nickname = Rh02_02
ids_name = 196813
pos = 12758, -400, 11400
rotate = 0, 0, 0
archetype = r_battleship
ids_info = 65625
dock_with = Rh02_02_Base ;to Da01_01
base = Rh02_02_Base
reputation = fc_c_grp
behavior = NOTHING
voice = atc_leg_f01
space_costume = pl_female2_head, rh_female_elite_body
difficulty_level = 10
loadout = rh_battleship_rh_01
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
in the example you would end up coming out of battleship westfalen
Ha[! Who cares about blowing up a Kusari Battleship when you can blow up the UNIVERSE[! <very evil grin>
Great! thx for the good tutorial! Everything works fine, exept one little thing:
There are no AI ships anymore while playing, I did only the changes u explained but in NY are no police patrols, no navy, no freighter convois, the only ships I saw was while a disruption of the tradelane from rouges but they were neutral to me. I wonder that nobody else has the same problem. Did i made something wrong? In my rep was only the police and after the disruption of the lane the rouges too, but they were exactly neutral to me. How to get the original Rep settings and the AI ships back in to my mod?
I hope u understand my bad english and my problem.
There are no AI ships anymore while playing, I did only the changes u explained but in NY are no police patrols, no navy, no freighter convois, the only ships I saw was while a disruption of the tradelane from rouges but they were neutral to me. I wonder that nobody else has the same problem. Did i made something wrong? In my rep was only the police and after the disruption of the lane the rouges too, but they were exactly neutral to me. How to get the original Rep settings and the AI ships back in to my mod?
I hope u understand my bad english and my problem.
Dam wish i could edit that tutorial
Slab this in where it says encounter.
Encounters =
nickname = area_assault << your name for the encounter
filename = missions\encounters\area_assault.ini << script to call for the encounter.
Encounters can be divided up into two basic types.
Ones that use zones eg Area encounters.
Ones that use patrols eg patrol encounters
Area encounters are the easiest to use, I could never get patrol encounters working and believe me i tried.
An encounter looks like this once its been declared.
nickname = Zone_libertyrogues_attack5
pos = pos = 39000, 0, 10000
rotate = 0, 0, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 12000
comment = Sledgehammers
sort = 1
toughness = 5
density = 12
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 8
pop_type = li_n_grp, base_cluster_law
relief_time = 10
faction_weight = fc_rh_grp, 4
faction_weight = fc_lr_grp, 6
faction_weight = fc_x_grp, 5
faction_weight = fc_j_grp, 4
faction_weight = li_n_grp, 2
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = area_assault, 1, 0.070000 <<<< thats your encounter script declared above.
faction = fc_rh_grp, 1.000000 << thats the faction that uses it.
encounter = area_assault, 1, 0.070000 << this is another encounter
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_assault, 1, 0.070000 << and another, so you see, you can add more than 1 encounter to a zone.
faction = fc_x_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_assault, 1, 0.070000
faction = fc_j_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_assault, 1, 0.070000
faction = fc_n_grp, 1.000000
Now your zones can use this encounter. Failure to declare your encounters WILL crash the game if you try using them.
Now for Nebulas.
file = solar\nebula\yo01_frankjg_smog_cloud.ini << your nebula script
zone = Zone_yo01_frankjg_smog << your zone name that will be using this script.
Now you can setup zones for nebulas, asteriods work the same way. Heres a zone from my scripts.
nickname = Zone_yo01_farscape_asteriods << this label has to match the label above. This ones for asteriods, the above is for nebulas so it wont work.
pos = 39000, 0, -1500
shape = SPHERE
size = 20000
property_flags = 65
spacedust = asteroiddust
spacedust_maxparticles = 125
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000
Tip: if you want to crash the game, just use the defaul solar scripts without reading them first. If you want it to work, read the script you want to use. You will find it contents references to other systems that could not possibly work with your system unless you first edit them and save the ini off under a new name.
Run for Gamers by Gamers.
Slab this in where it says encounter.
Encounters =
nickname = area_assault << your name for the encounter
filename = missions\encounters\area_assault.ini << script to call for the encounter.
Encounters can be divided up into two basic types.
Ones that use zones eg Area encounters.
Ones that use patrols eg patrol encounters
Area encounters are the easiest to use, I could never get patrol encounters working and believe me i tried.
An encounter looks like this once its been declared.
nickname = Zone_libertyrogues_attack5
pos = pos = 39000, 0, 10000
rotate = 0, 0, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 12000
comment = Sledgehammers
sort = 1
toughness = 5
density = 12
repop_time = 90
max_battle_size = 8
pop_type = li_n_grp, base_cluster_law
relief_time = 10
faction_weight = fc_rh_grp, 4
faction_weight = fc_lr_grp, 6
faction_weight = fc_x_grp, 5
faction_weight = fc_j_grp, 4
faction_weight = li_n_grp, 2
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = area_assault, 1, 0.070000 <<<< thats your encounter script declared above.
faction = fc_rh_grp, 1.000000 << thats the faction that uses it.
encounter = area_assault, 1, 0.070000 << this is another encounter
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_assault, 1, 0.070000 << and another, so you see, you can add more than 1 encounter to a zone.
faction = fc_x_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_assault, 1, 0.070000
faction = fc_j_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_assault, 1, 0.070000
faction = fc_n_grp, 1.000000
Now your zones can use this encounter. Failure to declare your encounters WILL crash the game if you try using them.
Now for Nebulas.
file = solar\nebula\yo01_frankjg_smog_cloud.ini << your nebula script
zone = Zone_yo01_frankjg_smog << your zone name that will be using this script.
Now you can setup zones for nebulas, asteriods work the same way. Heres a zone from my scripts.
nickname = Zone_yo01_farscape_asteriods << this label has to match the label above. This ones for asteriods, the above is for nebulas so it wont work.
pos = 39000, 0, -1500
shape = SPHERE
size = 20000
property_flags = 65
spacedust = asteroiddust
spacedust_maxparticles = 125
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000
Tip: if you want to crash the game, just use the defaul solar scripts without reading them first. If you want it to work, read the script you want to use. You will find it contents references to other systems that could not possibly work with your system unless you first edit them and save the ini off under a new name.
Run for Gamers by Gamers.
Could someone tell me how to fix and "endless jumpgate" effect? i remember reading it someonewere... No one has answered it. I copied your files excatly and it's a much improvement from my server crashing... but now its an endless wormhole. Could someone tell me how to fix this? if you have an answer please e-mail me at [email protected] Thanks in Advance!
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