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**Tutorial** - Creating a new system

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:02 pm

This could be your problem,

file = systems\My01\My01_system.ini

The highlighted part refers to the ini file of your new system,if the names don't match then you'll CTD. If you've been using the tutorials on this site like I have then you should have \Data\Universe\systems\My01\My01.ini.Remove the (_system) from the universe.ini entry.

Post Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:45 am

This is the jumpgate to my system:
nickname = Jumpgate_1
pos = -72667, 0, 58666
Archetype = jumpgate
goto = My01, My01_to_Br01, gate_tunnel_bretonia
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
loadout = jumpgate
pilot = pilot_solar_easiest
visit = 1
difficulty_level = 1

This is my system in the universe.ini
nickname = My01
file = systems\My01\My01.ini
pos = 7, 9
visit = 0
strid_name = 196609
ids_info = 66106
NavMapScale = 3

and this is my system
alias = My01
name = My01
space_color = 0, 0, 0
local_faction = li_p_grp


file = universe\heavens\shapes.ini

spacedust = Dust

space = music_li_space
danger = music_li_danger
battle = music_li_battle

color = 80, 50, 80

basic_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_stars_basic.cmp
complex_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_li01_stars.cmp
nebulae = solar\starsphere\starsphere_li01.cmp

nickname = Jumpgate_1
pos = -43001, 0, -57000
rotate = 0, 0, -90
Archetype = jumpgate
goto = Br01, Br01_to_My01, gate_tunnel_bretonia
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
loadout = jumpgate
pilot = pilot_solar_easiest
visit = 1
difficulty_level = 1

How do I get what is rotation?

Post Sat Apr 09, 2005 4:35 pm

Change the nicknames ,you can't have two with the same name,try Br01_to_My01 & My01_to_Br01 instead.
Loadout gives your jumpgate weapons,try loadout = jumpgate_br_01,this will give you bretonian guns on your jumpgate.

Rotate x,y,z <--this tell you which way your jumpgate is facing,most people edit the y coordinates to get it to face N,S,E,W & all points in between,with the x you can have them point straight up or down if you wanted to,using z is like turning a dial it turns to the left or to the right.

Edited by - Bejaymac on 4/10/2005 5:22:40 PM

Post Sat Oct 01, 2005 9:34 am

sorry to be asking this again so late in the thread but i have the black screen problem when i try entering my station, and i dont quite get the fix for this on page 2, could someone rewrite it so its understandable please.

this is the fix i mean by Chen:

Yes i had the same problem i made my own system and then when i tryed docking it showed the movie and thats it all went black
so i just copyed the rooms from a station in NY (Li01) and then in the base ini i changed the rooms path to my system folder

do you mean the base.ini in the station in Li01 or what?

How come Nomads use spaceships now instead of sledges?

Edited by - slash_junior on 10/1/2005 10:37:13 AM

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 2:00 pm

am I the only one that got it to work All I need is to put a name and I think I should look in every where in my Folder And I Got Putting a Name But The Name is New York I have to get How I did it and Find out

And Whats With that strid name and ids info

Edited by - Zeta_Leader on 10/2/2005 3:16:29 PM

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 2:18 pm

Black screen when docking at a station means no station files

An example, a base in NY (Li01), is like this:

nickname = Li01_10
ids_name = 196775
pos = -92447, 0, -12925
Archetype = depot
ids_info = 65753
base = Li01_10_base
dock_with = Li01_10_base

voice = atc_leg_f01
space_costume = pl_female5_head, sc_female1_body
reputation = co_vr_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 3
loadout = depot_co_01
pilot = pilot_solar_easy

You should have soemthing like this in your systems ini file (obviously a different name). Now the dockwith and base allow you to know what its going to - this references the universe.ini, which if you search for li01_10_base will bring u this:
nickname = Li01_10_Base
system = Li01
strid_name = 196775
file = Universe\Systems\Li01\Bases\Li01_10_Base.ini
BGCS_base_run_by = W02bF01

Note the bold line again? This is where the file for the base lies - in the bases folder for Li01. So if you go there, you'll find a base file:
nickname = Li01_10_Base
start_room = Deck

nickname = Bar
file = Universe\Systems\Li01\Bases\Rooms\Li01_10_Bar.ini

nickname = Deck
file = Universe\Systems\Li01\Bases\Rooms\Li01_10_Deck.ini

This is now referencing further files - one for the bar, oen for the deck. Follow that path, and you find the "end rooms" so to speak - or what you see when you land (note start room is where you "land"
Do the same for your mod, follow the path, and find where the files are missing.

Now, for an earlier problem - but to help in future: Jumpgates/Jumpholes.

nickname = Br02_jumpgateya'll
pos = -43001, 0, -57000
rotate = 0, 0, -90
Archetype = jumpgate
goto = Br01, Br01_to_Br02, gate_tunnel_bretonia
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
loadout = jumpgate
pilot = pilot_solar_easiest
visit = 1
difficulty_level = 1

Forget the Gate_tunnel_bretonia for now, itsonly an effect of the tunnel. What you see in jumpgates is the nickname and the goto line. The goto line is simply this:

System, Object, effect

System, Br01
Object: Br01_to_Br02

If you open up the Br01.ini file and search for Br01_to_Br02, you'll find an object of the matching nickname (which just happens to be a jumpgate!).
Now if you looked at it, and it was going to jump you to the above gate, the corresponding entry would say this:
nickname = Br01_to_Br02
pos = -43001, 0, -57000
rotate = 0, 0, -90
Archetype = jumpgate
goto = Br02, Br02_jumpgateya'll, gate_tunnel_bretonia
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
loadout = jumpgate
pilot = pilot_solar_easiest
visit = 1
difficulty_level = 1

So the nickname of the jumpgate is what its referencing, so if you call your jumpgate anything other then the standard naming convention, you must ensure your goto line points towards it!

Post Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:56 am

hey i followd the system thing twice and when i docked in the jumpgate it went halfway thought the portaly thingy then crashed...?? wat could i be doing wrong?

Post Wed Oct 12, 2005 11:32 am

This kind of CTD usually means an invalid Archetype or Encounter in your system ini file. Get FLScan from the downloads and use it to bug-hunt your mod, also check for typo's as they are a common cause of most problems.

**EDIT** If you look at a post half way up this page you will find someone with a similar problem, he didn't know how to name the jumpgates properly, this is a common cause of CTD's when modding Freelancer.

Rebalance 3.5 Dev. Team

Edited by - Bejaymac on 10/12/2005 2:52:05 PM

Post Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:13 pm

hi all Great tutorial heres what i made using this tut:

the earth like planet is dockable

so what do you all think ?

Edited by - tgazza on 3/13/2006 1:49:23 PM

Post Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:39 pm

Watch for an email from me, PLZ do what it asks, i need da elp.......



Post Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:30 am

it is pretty easy with FLE compared to all that work

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