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Hyperdrive Data Compling...time to make a Hyperdrive...
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
hmmm...a little more inteligent version of previous post...
Is it possible to create a jumphole that recieves it's coordinate data from a waypoint?...and I try to be a modder, it's just that everytime I try somethin I fail...check out area-51 mod and you'll see what I mean...also my please help posts on putting rimshots in mine, getting weapons to work right, getting FLE to work right, getting the DLL's it creates to work right, getting my cell phones to work right, and my laptops...oops, last two, wrong forum:-P
Just my 2 cents...well maybe just 1....

Is it possible to create a jumphole that recieves it's coordinate data from a waypoint?...and I try to be a modder, it's just that everytime I try somethin I fail...check out area-51 mod and you'll see what I mean...also my please help posts on putting rimshots in mine, getting weapons to work right, getting FLE to work right, getting the DLL's it creates to work right, getting my cell phones to work right, and my laptops...oops, last two, wrong forum:-P
Just my 2 cents...well maybe just 1....
yeah, bane's right, show us some proof or better yet give us the damn thing.
And i read the post, all of those reasons were bupkis.
Unstable or not, people have released some mods and other people corrected them. Let me shoot down your reasons one by one
1) Me and my modding team (Team Dark Modding) are very private people, we don't want a thousand + emails a day from twits who can't get the drive working.
"Well iff you don't want a thousand emails, get that thing out so other people can work on it, and they will get a thousand emails from people"
2) The mod is extremly big. It would be unfair on people who haven't got a broadband connection.
"BS. If people want it bad enough, they will take as much time as required to Download it"
3) Im afraid that if the Drive was realised it would be like the Cloaking Device (I had to shut down my Fl servers because of those Damned things). It would be too easy for people to cheat using the JumpDrive.
"Thats just a cop out and you know it."
4) We had to use some special file coding to make the Drive work. Im not quite ready to let my .43289 file out into the world.
"Well congrats on the file coding, you get full credit"
"The discovery of things must be shared other wise there is no point"
5) I have some very big enemies (I really do mean that) in the modding community (not just Fl Modding) from when I was head of the Cobra Alliance gaming/modding clan. There are quite a few people who would love to ruin my work.
"How can they ruin your work, if its got your name on it, and submitted by you, how can they ruin it. And come on, Enemies? how can you have enemies on the internet, really think about that, even if they could find you, you kick their ass.
But enemy modders, what are they gonna do, point and click you to death. seriously man, who you trying to fool."
"The discovery of things must be shared other wise there is no point"
i say that again , because it needs to be said
Edited by - AgentExeider on 9/4/2004 10:32:23 PM
And i read the post, all of those reasons were bupkis.
Unstable or not, people have released some mods and other people corrected them. Let me shoot down your reasons one by one
1) Me and my modding team (Team Dark Modding) are very private people, we don't want a thousand + emails a day from twits who can't get the drive working.
"Well iff you don't want a thousand emails, get that thing out so other people can work on it, and they will get a thousand emails from people"
2) The mod is extremly big. It would be unfair on people who haven't got a broadband connection.
"BS. If people want it bad enough, they will take as much time as required to Download it"
3) Im afraid that if the Drive was realised it would be like the Cloaking Device (I had to shut down my Fl servers because of those Damned things). It would be too easy for people to cheat using the JumpDrive.
"Thats just a cop out and you know it."
4) We had to use some special file coding to make the Drive work. Im not quite ready to let my .43289 file out into the world.
"Well congrats on the file coding, you get full credit"
"The discovery of things must be shared other wise there is no point"
5) I have some very big enemies (I really do mean that) in the modding community (not just Fl Modding) from when I was head of the Cobra Alliance gaming/modding clan. There are quite a few people who would love to ruin my work.
"How can they ruin your work, if its got your name on it, and submitted by you, how can they ruin it. And come on, Enemies? how can you have enemies on the internet, really think about that, even if they could find you, you kick their ass.
But enemy modders, what are they gonna do, point and click you to death. seriously man, who you trying to fool."
"The discovery of things must be shared other wise there is no point"
i say that again , because it needs to be said
Edited by - AgentExeider on 9/4/2004 10:32:23 PM
This person is a fraud, a complete and utter BS talker. Please don't believe what he says - we have had them before, and we will get them again.
He will next say that "well - I won't release it cause of his words" or some rubbish - truth is he hasn't done this, cannot do this, and what he has posted is complete and utter tripe - including his "code" so to speak.
Please don't let this topic (which some are interested in) go into complete and utter bandicoot!
He will next say that "well - I won't release it cause of his words" or some rubbish - truth is he hasn't done this, cannot do this, and what he has posted is complete and utter tripe - including his "code" so to speak.
Please don't let this topic (which some are interested in) go into complete and utter bandicoot!
(spam): *sniffs the air* hmmmmm, I! Anyone seen old Pizza_Pete lately?
(actual attempt at contribution): I think Zack Lyons has it right. Don't give up on the docking distance. Simply put the destination has to be defined so I can't see a way to make a 'weapon' to shoot you where you want to go. By figuring out a way to change the distance for docking this might happen.
What about the HpDockMountA? Any way to spread that out across a large sector of a system? I really don't know how Hp's work. ie does it matter how big they are?
(actual attempt at contribution): I think Zack Lyons has it right. Don't give up on the docking distance. Simply put the destination has to be defined so I can't see a way to make a 'weapon' to shoot you where you want to go. By figuring out a way to change the distance for docking this might happen.
What about the HpDockMountA? Any way to spread that out across a large sector of a system? I really don't know how Hp's work. ie does it matter how big they are?
I have done a lot of research on this "hypergate" theory or concept that people have been trying to make.
However i think that all of the hardwork has been done for us. I was serching through some of the ini's late tonight and found some rather interesting entries.
I just need someone to tell me what they mean.
First of all....lets say that you are playing the game (freelancer of course) and you want to go to cruise. So you hold down shift and press W...right?
Now the entry for that is as follows
nickname = USER_CRUISE
ids_name = 1434
ids_info = 3224
state = keydown
key = "W", SHIFT
There are many, many, many entries for all the different key comb. you can do
But i have found one particular entry that might intrigue some of us wishing for a hyperdrive system.
Take a look at these:
nickname = USER_WARP
ids_name = 0
ids_info = 0
state = keydown
key = "J", ALT
Now what do you think about that???
Although ALT J does nothing in the game...can someone tell me what it means????
Edited by - Phoenix_IRA on 9/5/2004 5:10:35 AM
I have done a lot of research on this "hypergate" theory or concept that people have been trying to make.
However i think that all of the hardwork has been done for us. I was serching through some of the ini's late tonight and found some rather interesting entries.
I just need someone to tell me what they mean.
First of all....lets say that you are playing the game (freelancer of course) and you want to go to cruise. So you hold down shift and press W...right?
Now the entry for that is as follows
nickname = USER_CRUISE
ids_name = 1434
ids_info = 3224
state = keydown
key = "W", SHIFT
There are many, many, many entries for all the different key comb. you can do
But i have found one particular entry that might intrigue some of us wishing for a hyperdrive system.
Take a look at these:
nickname = USER_WARP
ids_name = 0
ids_info = 0
state = keydown
key = "J", ALT
Now what do you think about that???
Although ALT J does nothing in the game...can someone tell me what it means????
Edited by - Phoenix_IRA on 9/5/2004 5:10:35 AM
Interesting. Which ini would this be in?
I ALSO have two questions:
a) Do you think docking distance might be in the dlls?
b) What coding is used for ships that zap in? I noticed that occasionally in a mission wher ebackup is suppsoed to be sent a ship suddenly zooms across the screen and stops. Just a thought..
Leader of the Republic Mod Team.
"Criminal Organisations don't just spring up overnight. It's a conspiracy" - overheard on a a Liberty comm frequency
I ALSO have two questions:
a) Do you think docking distance might be in the dlls?
b) What coding is used for ships that zap in? I noticed that occasionally in a mission wher ebackup is suppsoed to be sent a ship suddenly zooms across the screen and stops. Just a thought..
Leader of the Republic Mod Team.
"Criminal Organisations don't just spring up overnight. It's a conspiracy" - overheard on a a Liberty comm frequency
Ok this is genuine. I've found something that might be connected to what was found in the keylist. I can't say anything yet, I'll tell you if I find anything.
EDIT: yes it is. I have an icon for the warp drive.
EDIT AGAIN: I also have a warp-disruptor buoy here. ... unq=7tnw3j
Leader of the Republic Mod Team.
"Criminal Organisations don't just spring up overnight. It's a conspiracy" - overheard on a a Liberty comm frequency
Edited by - Zack Lyons on 9/5/2004 12:19:25 PM
Edited by - Zack Lyons on 9/5/2004 12:34:31 PM
EDIT: yes it is. I have an icon for the warp drive.
EDIT AGAIN: I also have a warp-disruptor buoy here. ... unq=7tnw3j
Leader of the Republic Mod Team.
"Criminal Organisations don't just spring up overnight. It's a conspiracy" - overheard on a a Liberty comm frequency
Edited by - Zack Lyons on 9/5/2004 12:19:25 PM
Edited by - Zack Lyons on 9/5/2004 12:34:31 PM
What coding is used for ships that zap in?
I don't know about random missions, but in the story, ships just spawn. Generally, they spawn somewhere you can't see, like in a gas cloud and then cruise to your location.
As for the Alt+J command, I would guess it's a command that never made it into the game, as both ids values are zero, meaning there's no programmed description.
I did some digging with ResHack in resources.dll, and found some stuff you might be interested in -
3061, "Fold"
3064, "Hyperstop"
3053, "Warp"
3103, "Cancel Warp"
And, the one I think puts a lid on the no-warp case:
2253, "Activates warp - no longer used."
EDIT: I did some digging, and wow is there a ton of stuff. Check this out:
3056, "Evade"
3057, "Face"
3058, "Broadside"
3059, "Reversal"
3060, "Strafe Long"
3061, "Fold"
3062, "Afterburner"
3063, "Engine Kill / Turn Face"
3064, "Hyperstop"
3065, "Cruise"
3066, "Use Trade Lane"
Now their respective descriptions (last 2 digits match up)
2256, "Evades pursuing ship."
2257, "Faces your ship toward the target."
2258, "Allows you to attack broadsides."
2259, "Reverses your ship."
2260, "Strafe long selected object."
2261, "Fold."
2262, "Activates the afterburner."
2263, "Kills the engine and artificial friction."
2264, "Stops your ship very quickly."
2265, "Activates the cruise engines."
2266, "Activates the Trade Lane."
2267, "Allows you to join a formation."
It seems that there were going to be a lot more automated maneuvers than made it into the game. I'm particularly interested with the idea of "Broadside" - evidence that you would have been able to fly bigger ships unmodded.
Edited by - Darkstone on 9/5/2004 12:50:31 PM
i have an idea, but i think it will take a lot of work
does anyone have that list of entries that you could add to SP missions.
i think chips compiled it. It was all the code for it. I cant really think of the name of it now, but stuff like:
etc etc
anyway, i was thinking that with this list (that i desperately need) i could find a way to make the game let you travel instantly to another location.
for example, when you leave a base ships can be automatically spawned to fight you. SO what if we make it so that when we activate our cruise engines, it spawns us at a different location. ie random maybe.
Now im not that good at coding so it may take awhile, but that list of all the different entries u can use is imperitive.
IF anyone knows where i can find it.......
i have an idea, but i think it will take a lot of work
does anyone have that list of entries that you could add to SP missions.
i think chips compiled it. It was all the code for it. I cant really think of the name of it now, but stuff like:
etc etc
anyway, i was thinking that with this list (that i desperately need) i could find a way to make the game let you travel instantly to another location.
for example, when you leave a base ships can be automatically spawned to fight you. SO what if we make it so that when we activate our cruise engines, it spawns us at a different location. ie random maybe.
Now im not that good at coding so it may take awhile, but that list of all the different entries u can use is imperitive.
IF anyone knows where i can find it.......
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