Okay: I should let you all know what is happening.
Shadow43289 and I have been in contact for several weeks. We are now at the stage where he is willing to send his JumpDrive and/or JumpWeapon, to be used specifically in TRM, with absolute full credit to him. But there are things you should know.
1) The Jumpdrive can only be used in SP. I know why, but I cannot tell you for the security of Shadow43289's work. Let's just say that using it in MP would crash it.
2) The Jumpweapon can work in SP and MP. However (again saying very little for security) it is likely that once a hyperspace jump is formed, the jumphole.....probably stays there

I don't know this for sure yet. If it is true, then the server would probably go down for 30-60 mins or so every now and then to get rid of them.
I intend to help Shadow43289 prove his Jumpdrive and Jumpweapon DO work, so he can be accepted back into the TLR community as a great modder
Leader of the Republic Mod Team.
"Criminal Organisations don't just spring up overnight. It's a conspiracy" - overheard on a a Liberty comm frequency