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Post Fri Oct 01, 2004 10:07 am


It shouldnt be a tab, there should be a button at the bottom that says Read Only and there is a check box next to it. I'm on XP Home.

Bau bau,

As far as I know there hasnt been anyone who has successfully edited it. But there is a TOPIC covering it...though it hasnt been active for quite some time.

Post Fri Oct 01, 2004 12:12 pm

Well the box is not checked so I must be missing something.Also if I wanted to change Trent's clothes(and just Trent's)where would I go to do so?

"Religion or cover.On the battle field everyone finds something."

Post Fri Oct 01, 2004 2:34 pm

thanks, parabolix, but, uh, what is a SDK and where can i get it (like a download or sum such thing???)?

Post Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:05 pm

Draven, if the box is checked you need not worry about it.

Major nick, it is an application and I have already explained that is decompresses all the .ini's automatically. There is a wonderful thing on TLR called the search function. I will be nice and give you the link to download this time, but not after this. Here

Post Fri Oct 01, 2004 5:55 pm

Ok i would like to add some hardpoint's to my titan could walk me through it step by step.

Post Fri Oct 01, 2004 6:22 pm

Is it possible to make all bases and planets to allow you to dock regardless of reputation?
Can the docking command be made to engage from any distance? (that “docking not allowed, destination is too far” is making me crazy )
What tools do I need to do it ?

Thanks parabolix

Post Fri Oct 01, 2004 11:08 pm

I'm trying to edit Juni, giving her one of the prop_hat_female_li_grd_visor or perhaps another variation....but it ends up not being visible. Not sure if this is me or the game...probably the game but I wanted to check first. Oh and if someone's successfully added an accessory to Juni, what was it? I've already given her a different LSF uniform, but I want that hat to show up!! >.<

And to the thing about Trent's clothing, I downloaded Trent's Clothes Collection MOD 3(may not be spelt that way, just search for it..not hard to find. I've noticed some of them do not work. But, you then open up Freelancer/Data/Characters/costumes.ini **Mucho Importante!** Back it up.
Then, you can try the ones that have already been made up, but before you look at up the costumes.ini that came with the mod, and take a look at how they put the costume together. Then, look at your file explorer(windows explorer or whatever you have) in the Characters folder that the .ini is in. You'll notice that there are folders for bodies/heads/hands/props/animations/commhelmets. What you really want is anything but the last two folders mentioned. now, they're files but all you need to do is copy the text, drop the suffix (the .3db part) and paste it into costumes.ini in one of the folders that came with the mod(don't you dare put it in your backup! lol) Where it specifies trent.

It's best to make a seperate folder elsewhere and name it Backup or whatever so you can keep your original costumes.ini in case you forget what the character's body/head/hands were before you edited them. Of course, I've not found much Trouble with Trent, but I didn't mess with him a whole lot.

Post Sat Oct 02, 2004 8:56 am

Good looking on the info GreenLion.Also does anyone know how I can change the cruise speed and time it takes to start the cruise engines?

"Religion or cover.On the battle field everyone finds something."

Post Sat Oct 02, 2004 11:18 am

The cruising speed can be specified in Data/Constants.ini. You need to add the line "CRUISING_SPEED = XXX" (Where XXX is a number) to the section under "[EngineEquipConsts".

The charge times are defined for each individual engine in Data/Equipment/engine_equip.ini - change the line "cruise_charge_time = "

Post Sat Oct 02, 2004 11:58 am

Again I must thank you Accushot for the invalueable help you and the other pro's continue to give out.So now that that's taken care of I was wondering how I could make custom skins for ships.What do I need to make them and are they difficult to make?(I'm not an artist by any means mind you)

"Religion or cover.On the battle field everyone finds something."

Post Sat Oct 02, 2004 12:43 pm

I hope I'm not sounding like A pain,but I also wanted to know how I could change A ships weapon level so I can handle higher level weapons.It get's kinda annoying having to stop for A few seconds to let the energy rechage in the middle of A fight cuz the ship can't take the strain for more then A few seconds or I find A great weapon and I can't use it cuz I can't find A ship that can handle it at the time I find it.

"It's not the great who are strong.It's the strong who are great."

Post Sat Oct 02, 2004 5:19 pm

the mod ac sliders119 (news) file in data/missions is incomplete
whenever you get to mission 13 after jumping throught the nomad jump hole a message comes up sayng mission failed
i checked the news file and it was only encoded upto mission 12
can someone help me with this

Post Sat Oct 02, 2004 7:00 pm

Ok what am I doing wrong here?I went into the equipment folder and I opend the shiparch file with wordpad to edit A ship's level for purchase and when I was done I tried to save it and it told me that access was denied.Again what am I doing wrong here?

"It's not the great who are strong.It's the strong who are great."

Post Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:52 am

I'd imagine that the mod uses scripting to just add the text to the file, so it's adding regular text to the bottom of your encoded one. Deactivate the mod, apply the SDK, then re-activate it. This should make the entire file readable.


You are probably getting the access denied message because you either have Freelancer running, you have the same file opened in another program such as notepad or another program (e.g. FLMM) is using the file. Close Freelancer and any other programs that could be using the file, then try again.

To increase the power level for weapons:
1. Open Data/Equipment/goods.ini, and search for the nickname of the ship you want to edit - for this example I'll use the patriot (li_fighter).

2. The entry that you find should look like this:

nickname = lf_hull
category = shiphull
ship = li_fighter
price = 6600
ids_name = 12001
item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\li_fighter.3db

This is the entry for the ship hull that you buy from the shipdealer. Now copy the text after "nickname = " and search for it in the same file.

3. You should now see an entry like this:

nickname = lf_package
category = ship
hull = lf_hull
addon = ge_lf_engine_01, internal, 1
addon = li_fighter_power01, internal, 1
addon = ge_s_scanner_01, internal, 1
addon = ge_s_tractor_01, internal, 1
addon = shield01_mark01_lf, HpShield01, 1
addon = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight, 1
addon = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight01, 1
addon = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight02, 1
addon = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight03, 1
addon = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight04, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail01, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail02, 1
addon = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01, 1
addon = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02, 1

This defines all the equipment you will get with the ship. We need the name of the powerplant - in this case it's obviously "li_fighter_power01". Remember this nickname.

4. Now open up Data/Equipment/misc_equip.ini. This file defines a number of things, including the ship powerplants. Search for the nickname you just found (li_fighter_power01) and you have found the entry for the patriot's powerplant.

5. The values in here are fairly obvious - you'll probably want to change "capacity = " and "charge_rate = " to a higher value. That's all you need to do - and if you already know the name of the powerplant you can skip straight to step 4

Post Sun Oct 03, 2004 6:49 am

Thanks for the info Accushot and just so you know I found A way around my computer acting stupid with the damn access denied nonsence.All I had to do was save the edited file outside of it's original folder and then cut and paste it to the folder where it belonged and "poof!" it worked.Now for A small problem I'm still having which is I'm still not sure how to edit someone else's mod.Where exactly do I go and do I edit it like I did for the shiparch file?Oh and again if anyone can tell me how to make custom skins for ships I would be very greatfull.(Hey if I get it down pat then I'll make some nice one's and upload them)

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