I've been having some problems with infocards, so I'm going to add a reply giskard was kind enough to send me direct. A large thank you to both him and Parabolix for the help they've given me.
I will post a reply once I've finished what I am working on and have it better organised in my mind.
Giskard wrote:
Hello Harrier.
LRs site is timing out the post doesnt appear to have been posted at all. Glad i make a copy to memory of the post its very long and would be painful to retype again. Please paste this to any reply in the thread so other noobs can follow whats happening when they search for information at a later date.
Well Basically all hardpoints follow the same rules as far as numbering goes.
Each hardpoint must exist on your model.
The same rules apply to other Fixed hardpoints though HPMount is an exception as there should only be one of those usually.
Scanners: No the games has to be told it has a scanner in the goods.ini. You assign basic equipement to a ship in that file. Mostly engines, scanners and trackor beams as well as lights and stuff.
X2 Thrusters: No they are seperate on the model but linked in the ini file. So the hardpoints must exist for them on the model and you have link Thruster01 and Thruster02 to HPThruster in the shiparch.ini.
Time to confuse you

If you assign the thrusters to HPengine01 or HPEngine02 in the shiparch.ini they will still work. In fact theres a few hardpoints that can have multiple items added to them in this way. However some items are models, such as thrusters and if a thruster and countermeasure shared the same hardpoint then the visual appearence would be messy because both have visable models outside the ship.
Sur files: If your making a light fighter, just choose a light fighters sur file and copy and rename it to match your cmp file. If your making a heavy fighter, choose a heavy fighters sur file. That will give you sur files of roughly the correct size.
ID numbers and infocards.
Welcome to giskards Confuse a Noob day, today contestants include Harrier
I'll email you FLEd-ids.exe because you will need it.
Shame its not been uploaded to LR, its a great tool.
Also get on google and search for reshack.
Download my Hostile Universe mod. Choose one of the smaller respawn dlls and rename it to suit your mod. Then load up reshack, click on the little + sign next to the 23 and delete all entries under it except entry 1. (The Respawnships.dll is the best one for you to use i think, i'll assume thats the one you choose so my data is more accurate in this thread).
Then save the file.
You will need 1 to work out where your id numbers start from. So leaving 1 in place will help you here.
Add your new dll to the freelancer/exe folder and edit the freelancer.ini. Look for the list of Dlls in that file and add yours to the end of that list.
Here is the actual entry for Hostile Universe, all the respawnxxxx.dlls are my dlls.
DLL = InfoCards.dll ; Contains all infocard text resources
DLL = MiscText.dll ; Contains other bulk text resource: rumor, offer, and mission text
DLL = NameResources.dll ; Contains names of things, primarily.
DLL = EquipResources.dll ;Contains names of equipment (in string table) and infocards for equipment (in HTML resources)
DLL = OfferBribeResources.dll ; Contains random mission offers and bribes
DLL = MiscTextInfo2.dll ;Contains MP UI elements as well as other misc. text
DLL = respawnuniverse.dll ; Custom Dll
DLL = respawnbases.dll ; Custom Dll
DLL = respawnships.dll ; Custom Dll
You just need yours adding where respawnuniverse.dll is. The ones under that can be removed.
Now click on FLEd-ids.exe (do not use reshack for editing infocards after youve made the dll, it messes them up). Tell it where to find freelancer and your ready.
I'll send you some infocard templates too made by zen i believe. Edit the templates to suit your own ship and save them off. Now under the +23 you left 1 entry remember. All text in that entry has a dot between each letter making it hard to read so my ship would look like m.y..s.h.i.p.
Pick out a word thats totally unique to that dll. EG starfury or something i added to my that wont exist anywhere else in the game. In respawnships the first box is for the Galaxy Transport so search for that id_info.
Enter the name in the search box in FLEd-ids.exe and click ids_info
Then cut and paste the numbers you see into the resource extractor/editor box as an id_info number and click get. The large white area under it will be filled with the info card you saw in reshack. You can compare then to see if they are the same, remember ingore the dots. The number will be in the 50000 range id guess.
Take your first info card and paste it in over the top of this first entry. Then click save id_info. Now add 1 to the number and do the same for the others you edited earlier. The second number should produce a blank page because there was only 1 entry in your dll. If not then your editing the wrong dll or did not delete all the other entries.
Now we need a name, back to reshack, understring table you will see a +1. click on it then click on the 1033 box. The first entry is Galaxy Transport for the respawnships.dll so we need to do another search in FLEd-ids.exe for that name using the Id name box this time. The number of the entry will appear below the search box like it did for id infos. You need this number.
Cylon Raider is the second one so if you add +1 to the number listed you should see Cylon Raider listed in the resource extractor box when entered as an id name. Simply edit the name Galaxy transport so it becomes the name of your new ship and click save id name.
Now, the numbers you entered are needed for the shiparch.ini. So write them down. Keep id_name numbers seperate from id_info numbers. Shiparch.ini needs 4 and you will have to figure out the correct order they should be displayed in so the info card in the game displays correctly.
One of my entries looks like this.
ids_name = 589832
ids_info = 589857
ids_info1 = 589854
ids_info2 = 589855
ids_info3 = 589856
So you see the last card is my first Id_info number.
Add the numbers to the top of your ships shiparch.ini like i did above and your all set.
You can check your numbers are correct any time in FLED_IDs simply by searching for the ship name or entering the number in the correct box. Its a great tool for looking up such information and will display all references to the name you searched for. Imagine my list by now with all the rumours and news added to my dlls
All you have to do is select the dll to search and your on easy street.
Take some time to learn how to use FLED_ID, since it was released my lifes been much easier than it was before it appeared.
Included is the complete text from Giskard, Thanx again for your help.
Retreat[![! ---- I'm too badly messed up now[![!