however, it soon turned into a useful thread, as did anohter one as well - the ringworld thread.
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NOT FOR NOOBS: Reading involved
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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This whole thread did start as New modders didn't read posts to find out what they were looking for, they just made new threads for the question they had. At the time, there was about 5 new threads a day, and every day they would be the same questions over and over again. This post was done cause it would get newbs reading it, and get them to realise that if they spend five mins to look, then they will find it.
however, it soon turned into a useful thread, as did anohter one as well - the ringworld thread.
however, it soon turned into a useful thread, as did anohter one as well - the ringworld thread.
I only have one thing to say:
F***k you!
As long as there are people who hasn't done any mod:ing still around, there's bound to be questions asked. Besides, those tutorials aren't all that well written or easy to understand, it takes at least some explaining to understand some of it..
My point is this:
I keep reading all these posts saying NOOBS, NEWBIES, whatever you want to call them should read the tutorials or that they should simply shut up and learn the hard way..
but that's just my opinion..
besides that, there's a lot of info just lying around waiting to get soaked up by someone who has the will/time/money to find it, all I'm saying is that the forums on this site is HUGE and a lot of info get passed over..
No need to put the new guys down..
Quoth the Raven Nevermore!
F***k you!
As long as there are people who hasn't done any mod:ing still around, there's bound to be questions asked. Besides, those tutorials aren't all that well written or easy to understand, it takes at least some explaining to understand some of it..
My point is this:
I keep reading all these posts saying NOOBS, NEWBIES, whatever you want to call them should read the tutorials or that they should simply shut up and learn the hard way..
but that's just my opinion..
besides that, there's a lot of info just lying around waiting to get soaked up by someone who has the will/time/money to find it, all I'm saying is that the forums on this site is HUGE and a lot of info get passed over..
No need to put the new guys down..
Quoth the Raven Nevermore!
Mr Raven - lol - congratualations- you have made the dumbest post i have ever read.
The name of the thread was to encourage newbs to read, so that they could find some info out before posting the same old tired stuff. Don't like that? Well - READ THE FORUM RULES POSTED BY ADMINS WHICH ASKS THE SAME DAMN THING - LOOK BEFORE POSTING.
Furthermore - this is a HELP THREAD FOR NEWBIES AS WELL YOU ARSE - but nope, incapable of reading, and totally dumb - you immediately post absolote CRAP about this. You are the first person i have ever read a post by that has made my BLOOD BOIL with complete ignorance. Giskard has helped, and CONTINUES to help people - EVEN AFTER STOPPING MODDING. He still helps anyone who asks for it. I cannot believe your PATHETIC POST. He taught me how to mod, along with around HALF of the modding community in general. He has helped MORE poeple than me. All the mods you presently see are directly attained to a few people - one of them being Giskard.......(there are many others as well - but certainly Giskard was one of the first really make quality mods), and furthermore - he gave everythign freely to everyone - whereas most guard ideas and methods secretly.
Get your head out your arse and read the thread. People - INCLUDING THE MODS were SO sick of newbie people not reading threads with info for them - which were RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM that this thread was made to encourage them to LOOK FOR ONCE. Man, if you are even a quarter of the community member that Giskard is/was - then you would be well respected and liked by all - now you just have to try and attain that.
The name of the thread was to encourage newbs to read, so that they could find some info out before posting the same old tired stuff. Don't like that? Well - READ THE FORUM RULES POSTED BY ADMINS WHICH ASKS THE SAME DAMN THING - LOOK BEFORE POSTING.
Furthermore - this is a HELP THREAD FOR NEWBIES AS WELL YOU ARSE - but nope, incapable of reading, and totally dumb - you immediately post absolote CRAP about this. You are the first person i have ever read a post by that has made my BLOOD BOIL with complete ignorance. Giskard has helped, and CONTINUES to help people - EVEN AFTER STOPPING MODDING. He still helps anyone who asks for it. I cannot believe your PATHETIC POST. He taught me how to mod, along with around HALF of the modding community in general. He has helped MORE poeple than me. All the mods you presently see are directly attained to a few people - one of them being Giskard.......(there are many others as well - but certainly Giskard was one of the first really make quality mods), and furthermore - he gave everythign freely to everyone - whereas most guard ideas and methods secretly.
Get your head out your arse and read the thread. People - INCLUDING THE MODS were SO sick of newbie people not reading threads with info for them - which were RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM that this thread was made to encourage them to LOOK FOR ONCE. Man, if you are even a quarter of the community member that Giskard is/was - then you would be well respected and liked by all - now you just have to try and attain that.
Ok, no offence meant, but fact still stands, most of the tutorials contain a hell lot of information, the authors are no doubt very good at MOD:ing. And yes, the threads also contain certain posts with very, VERY useful information.
I AM very capable of reading, and I'm both intelligent and good looking.
I didn't mention ANY person in my post, nor did I point to any certain post either, I've read lot's of threads and found useful information about stuff. As a matter of fact there's a lot of posts made by both Giskard, yourself and several others that have helped me immensely.
As to guarding ideas secretly, people who do that is the ones that are dumb and ignorant.
Yes, I can see that answering the same questions over and over again would be very annoying, especially if the information was as easy to attain as you say. I’m saying the information is NOT that easy to come by.
Am I a newbie? YES!
Did I read the tutorials? Yes.
Did I read the threads? Yes, several of them is currently saved onto my computer since some of them are over fourty pages long ! ! ! ! !
Did I read ALL of the threads? Hell, NO!
My point was, and still is, that instead writing angry posts about newbs who don’t read the tutorials should f*****g read the TUTORIALS, people just have to be patient with new guys asking the same old questions and give them a link to the tutorials.
Is that to much to ask?
I’m NOT accusing YOU, Giskard, or any one single person of this.
Read one of the threads yourself and see how much you’d understand of it all had you been a newb. Most of the threads you usually refer to are long and (seemingly) old, and most of them are discussions between one or more relatively experienced MOD:ers discussing some specific issue, which unless you read the previous thirty pages, you probably won’t find the context unless you do a hell of a lot of reading.
So, “RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM” is useless because the actual facts are useless unless you truly understand what is being discussed.
I’m reading one post right now where the guy basically asks this:
He got this answer:
That’s a very polite answer that didn’t include any of the racking down on new guys **** most people write.
So if it’s so damn annoying to answer these questions all the time, create a standard answer to cut and paste to refer newbs to the right forums/tutorials.
Ok, so my post was a bit harsh, and it did sound like an accusation.
It wasn’t meant to be, I was tired and the hour was late, so forgive me, but the general content still stands with me.
The first post in this thread is so very true, I just don’t agree with the title of the thread, NOT FOR NOOBS: Reading involved , because that really pisses me off, why then nothing on this site is for newbs, because any fact you want requires reading.
The title could’ve just as well have been NEWBS GO AWAY THIS IS A EXPERIENCED MOD:ERS SITE or whatever.
There’s 5 general Freelancer forums, 5 editing forums, 13 MOD:s forums, all with innumerable posts in several different threads, that’s like having the good book with all the pages ripped out, spread out over the room, trying to read all and get it to make sense.
And should you dare ask a guy where to start he’d point to the corner and say start with the first page you idiot..!!
Just me venting my frustration.
No need to make it personal.
Sorry if I offended anyone.
Quoth the Raven Nevermore!
EDITed for spelling...
Edited by - Jonatan_Raven on 3/15/2004 1:50:00 PM
I AM very capable of reading, and I'm both intelligent and good looking.

I didn't mention ANY person in my post, nor did I point to any certain post either, I've read lot's of threads and found useful information about stuff. As a matter of fact there's a lot of posts made by both Giskard, yourself and several others that have helped me immensely.
As to guarding ideas secretly, people who do that is the ones that are dumb and ignorant.
Yes, I can see that answering the same questions over and over again would be very annoying, especially if the information was as easy to attain as you say. I’m saying the information is NOT that easy to come by.
Am I a newbie? YES!
Did I read the tutorials? Yes.
Did I read the threads? Yes, several of them is currently saved onto my computer since some of them are over fourty pages long ! ! ! ! !
Did I read ALL of the threads? Hell, NO!
My point was, and still is, that instead writing angry posts about newbs who don’t read the tutorials should f*****g read the TUTORIALS, people just have to be patient with new guys asking the same old questions and give them a link to the tutorials.
Is that to much to ask?
I’m NOT accusing YOU, Giskard, or any one single person of this.
Read one of the threads yourself and see how much you’d understand of it all had you been a newb. Most of the threads you usually refer to are long and (seemingly) old, and most of them are discussions between one or more relatively experienced MOD:ers discussing some specific issue, which unless you read the previous thirty pages, you probably won’t find the context unless you do a hell of a lot of reading.
So, “RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM” is useless because the actual facts are useless unless you truly understand what is being discussed.
I’m reading one post right now where the guy basically asks this:
What tools are used for modding Freelancer?
How do they work?
What programs are used for making ship models?
How do they work?
What is the COMPLETE process for getting a ship model out of my head and into the game?
He got this answer:
Most Simple mods can be done simply by altering the ini files with the game. Things you can change this easily are things like armor, and the size of a ship hold, as well as the items it comes with. For more complicated things, i believe you need a UTF editor. (I dont know what this is, or how to use it though)
For simple mods, you need an INI decrompressor, (just search the downloads section for one), and then the ini's can be edited with a simple notepad application. I assume for UTF edtiting, you would need a UTF edtior.
For ship modding, i think most people use a program called Milkshake. I dont have it, and have never used it, but im sure there would be a tutorial in the tutorial section here.
Again, check the tutorials forum, or goto Lancerplanet as they have some nice guides. (but some are still being completed)
That’s a very polite answer that didn’t include any of the racking down on new guys **** most people write.
So if it’s so damn annoying to answer these questions all the time, create a standard answer to cut and paste to refer newbs to the right forums/tutorials.
Ok, so my post was a bit harsh, and it did sound like an accusation.
It wasn’t meant to be, I was tired and the hour was late, so forgive me, but the general content still stands with me.
The first post in this thread is so very true, I just don’t agree with the title of the thread, NOT FOR NOOBS: Reading involved , because that really pisses me off, why then nothing on this site is for newbs, because any fact you want requires reading.
The title could’ve just as well have been NEWBS GO AWAY THIS IS A EXPERIENCED MOD:ERS SITE or whatever.
There’s 5 general Freelancer forums, 5 editing forums, 13 MOD:s forums, all with innumerable posts in several different threads, that’s like having the good book with all the pages ripped out, spread out over the room, trying to read all and get it to make sense.
And should you dare ask a guy where to start he’d point to the corner and say start with the first page you idiot..!!
Just me venting my frustration.
No need to make it personal.
Sorry if I offended anyone.
Quoth the Raven Nevermore!
EDITed for spelling...

Edited by - Jonatan_Raven on 3/15/2004 1:50:00 PM
well raven, I knda understand what your talking about, BUT, the moderators and the GOOD modders (Like Chips!) are not, nor have they ever said they would not answer questions, even newby questions. They have repeatedly asked (and been ignored) that people do some research before asking questions and then asking specific questions. Look through the threads and count how many time you see a thread called something like: how do I make a ship, or how do I mod, or can someone make a mod for me, or sign up here for a mod team (posted by a newby), or ...... you get the idea.
Recently, I (a newby) wanted to make a mod. After doing some research, I concluded that I knew what I wanted to do, had a general idea how to do it, knew who and where to find information, and THEN asked questions based ENTIRELY on making sure it worked with another mod (my goal to begin with) I asked Chips for his help and advice because he wrote the mod I wanted to get mine to work with. And he was VERY helpful and cooperative with my questions. I believe it was because I was polite, and didn't ask the same questions REPEATEDLY.
"47 is the most reoccuring number in the universe!"
"They come in Pints??"
Recently, I (a newby) wanted to make a mod. After doing some research, I concluded that I knew what I wanted to do, had a general idea how to do it, knew who and where to find information, and THEN asked questions based ENTIRELY on making sure it worked with another mod (my goal to begin with) I asked Chips for his help and advice because he wrote the mod I wanted to get mine to work with. And he was VERY helpful and cooperative with my questions. I believe it was because I was polite, and didn't ask the same questions REPEATEDLY.
"47 is the most reoccuring number in the universe!"
"They come in Pints??"
Well, I myself haven't asked more than one question so far, but I see those answers all over, but I have to admit that I haven't seen neither Giskard or Chips write such an answer.
But then as I said, this wasn't suposed to be a personal post, in my first post in this thread I was speaking of "you" as you guys in general, should be more understanding to the fact that this forum is in fact filled with information yet that the information is not that easily accessed.
This is due to the amount of posts mostly.
Perhaps I should point this out to the moderators, but I don't think it's their job to sort out which posts are useful facts and which ones are just nonsense or outright incorrect info.
There are a lot of assumptions around and also lots of posts counter each other.
I realise that most of MOD:ing is plain learning by doing and that there's a lot of subjects that aren't fully understood as of yet.
But it's happend more than once that you read a post that say one thing just to be countered ten pages later in the same thread.
Edited by - Jonatan_Raven on 3/16/2004 1:28:44 PM
But then as I said, this wasn't suposed to be a personal post, in my first post in this thread I was speaking of "you" as you guys in general, should be more understanding to the fact that this forum is in fact filled with information yet that the information is not that easily accessed.
This is due to the amount of posts mostly.
Perhaps I should point this out to the moderators, but I don't think it's their job to sort out which posts are useful facts and which ones are just nonsense or outright incorrect info.
There are a lot of assumptions around and also lots of posts counter each other.
I realise that most of MOD:ing is plain learning by doing and that there's a lot of subjects that aren't fully understood as of yet.
But it's happend more than once that you read a post that say one thing just to be countered ten pages later in the same thread.
Edited by - Jonatan_Raven on 3/16/2004 1:28:44 PM
Is it just me, but I'm seeing questions being asked by guys creating systems with FL explorer, who don't understand the answers you give them because they don't know enough to mod a system yet. Is it not best to start off learning how to mod first, then use FL explorer to save time later. I'm glad I've not used it yet, as I've learnt so much by having to do it the "old fashioned" way.
I'm not knocking it or the guys that use it, but if you don't know enough you'll get lost trying to edit a system created by FL explorer. Maybe a health warning should be displayed on the FL explorer box.
I'm not knocking it or the guys that use it, but if you don't know enough you'll get lost trying to edit a system created by FL explorer. Maybe a health warning should be displayed on the FL explorer box.
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