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Editing Tools for Starlancer

Working or planning to do some modifications in StarLancer? This is place to give and get help with all modification issues in StarLancer!

Post Sat Mar 12, 2005 10:27 am

Editing Tools for Starlancer

There are two main programs for editing Starlancer. One is SLEdit by Dustin Evans and the other is SLTool by Mario HCl Britto. They both can be found in the utilities section of the Starlancer shortcuts on the main menu, but I’ll link both of them here to make it easier. SLEdit main files v2.0 and SLEdit update v2.16 executable file and SLTool v1.4

First, there are two downloads for SLEdit. One is the 2.0 beta, which contains the main files and setup program. Then there’s 2.16 executable, which does not need installation, but you will want to use the .exe to open the program which is already installed. Confused, don’t be. I suggest simply installing the program and putting the 2.16 .exe on your desktop. It’ll show the SL icon. (create shortcut and drag and drop, easiest way).

SLEdit will allow you to modify ship’s speeds, energy, pitch roll and yaw, armor strength and shield strength, and cloaking. It also is the program you use to “swap” ships with mods. This is how adding a ship works, you simply swap them with an existing ship. You can do this with both Alliance and Coalition ships. You can also go further into the .hog files and explore and find interesting things there. Example, there’s a Russian Tank in there which I flew and changed the Coalition ships to dead bodies. We at one time had over 100 models to switch to. They're still here at Starlancer Custom Ships

SLTool, v1.4 is for adding guns, hardpoints, engine flares and other objects. Be sure you don’t have more than 16 hardpoints, for some reason the game crashes with that. SLTool is an executable which doesn’t need a setup program. When you open it in Winzip, make a shortcut, drag and drop to desktop, the icon will appear, and the program will start when you click the icon. One VERY important note is that you’ll find there are two entries for Alliance ships when you open the file. One will have a “t” in front (meaning Tigers) and one won’t. You must duplicate each ship, or the settings won’t work.

So, as you can see, the modding of SL is much different than FL, and more hands on than the FLMM which was so brilliantly created for FL mods. I’ll be lurking around the forums as much as possible to help out, and I’m sure some of us oldtimers will do our best to jog our memories and help you out as well.

I will note that if you “overmod” you will be more likely to crash to desktop. The hog files get confused, and errors happen. Try starting with a few modifications and go from there.

If you want to delete the mods, and simply go back to the original game, then in SLEdit you simply deactivate the modding and all is returned to it’s original state. You don’t have to do this in SLTool as well, it’s changes will be eliminated along with it.

I hope this helps in getting some of you back to SL, and maybe getting some of you to try the game.

Edited by - Boscoe on 3/12/2005 10:36:50 AM

Post Fri Mar 25, 2005 9:10 pm

Do any of these modding techniques work with the trial?

Post Sat May 28, 2005 11:46 pm

no they only work in full version

Post Mon Dec 26, 2005 6:18 am

Let me add one more that I didn't mention before. StarlanceEdit allows you to select missions, your rank, weapons level, # of kills. It comes in very handy especially if you're having crashing issues on certain missions as this will allow you to go to the next mission.

Post Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:21 pm

what file do i put custom ships into?

Post Sat Mar 31, 2007 7:52 am

can SLEdit be used to edit textures ? i want to change weapon colors,is it possible?

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