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how to get textures and 3ds out of SHP?

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Post Sun Feb 01, 2004 12:32 pm

how to get textures and 3ds out of SHP?

i tried Sl edit (or something like that), but i can only rip out the shp files and convert 3ds and texture INTO shp... but i need to do the opposite...

please help!

Post Thu Feb 05, 2004 1:45 am

now, why would you want to do that?

Post Thu Feb 05, 2004 7:43 am

Hey at least you got someone to respond. They ignored me..

I've tried every .tga program on the web I could find with noluck.! this really sucks none of my image programs can open those damn .tgs encoded maps.. ONCE again microsofts irgon grip is evident...

At least I can edit Freelancer, not that I want to run out and get it anytime soon after the failure of Sl to run on my system after teh inro movie. Least I got the models, I can get my friends to make some custom texturs for the SMALL number of decent models out of the bunch for my project..

ONCE again, if anyone knows how to edit a SL .tgs once you've extracted it from the .hog file witht he ship model please post here what program you need, where it can be found, and how it works? We BOTh would appreciate it..

thak you to any fellow modders that respond with THAT information..

Post Fri Feb 06, 2004 3:13 am

sorry, 've been meaning to reply to your thread for some time (but stupid brain just keeps forgetting things...)

.tgs files? hm...
what tcache file did you extract? if you used the one for the software mode, then i'd say thats the problem. The textures for the software mode are in a different format, that's why customships only worked with hardware mode.

Post Sat Feb 14, 2004 2:24 pm

i need those 3ds to convert some SL ships to FL... for a mod...

Post Sun Feb 15, 2004 1:15 pm

there should be a .shp importer for Milkshape on the site in the downloads.
Though there is a possibillity (small, but none the less) that you might run into trouble with using SL models for a FL mod. It's quite possible that Warthog (who made SL) might not be happy about someone using their modells in a mod for freelancer (if they hear about it).
Though it could also be that they couldn't care less...

(if you are planning on converting fan-made SL ships, it would be nice if you'd ask the guys who made them for permission to use them)

Edited by - RubberEagle on 2/16/2004 10:43:05 AM

Post Fri Feb 20, 2004 1:57 pm

Typo.. not tgs, menat .TGA

The TGA files are encoded and will not open with any program...
Models are fine but blank, though material slots still attached so it will place that texture on correctly ONCE the texture can be read...

I am converting the CORE SL ships only to Freespace2. However if I find any user ones I get interesting in I will contact the authors...

I am just learning how to turret ships now so maybe by next year I will learn about textures... baby steps..

Post Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:35 am

hm.. very odd...
what programs do you use?
I had no problem looking at them with ACDSee back in the days, so if all fails you might want to just use this to convert them into another format.

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