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Waterproof USB Flash Drives???

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Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:50 pm

Waterproof USB Flash Drives???

Well, this was certainly a revelation. I was getting ready for school this morning, and couldn't find my USB drive that contained all the files for my programming class, no matter where I looked, I could not find it. After some panicked thinking, I realized, that tragically, it had been tossed into the wash with a dirty pair of pants. I searched futily through the washing machine, then left, barely making it to school in time. I got a call a short time later that my dad had indeed found it in the wash. Oh great I thought. Yet, miraculously, when I got home, and it dried, I plugged it in, and it worked perfectly, no corrupt files, completely intact, and nice and clean to boot. This is a creaky two year old model, and is by no means waterproof, and yet, somehow survived. Better the wash than the dryer.

Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:15 pm

USB key torture tests have had some funny results and yours actually was sort of reproduced in those tests.

The most important thing is to disassemble what may be disassembled and to let the whole thing dry out ... don't stick it in a microwave or oven, though

You run better than a 50% shot in having the key work well enough to transfer contents. It is not recommended that you keep relying on that uni, however.

Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:45 pm

About all I could do for drying out was take the cap off, with some work I might be able to split it. I've been looking at replacements but I'm not sure I'll go that route until I absoultely have to.

Post Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:03 am

Indys right, I would look at replacement. The reason being, besides water, minerals, soap and other items can be in there that can both cause corosion as well as promote it as untill failure and loss of data. At the very least, back up your data to a hard drive to prevent loss.

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