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Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:07 pm

At least he isn't saddled with RDRAM like yours truly.

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:33 pm

Bah, there's nothing wrong with RAMBUS... except that it is expensive and hard to find . Actually, it is superior to DDR, but was too expensive to manufacture. Hence, we are now stuck with DDR-2.

Post Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:21 am

Rambus RDRAM was too expensive to manufacture only because Rambus was a greedy pig and asked too much in royalty for others to manufacture the things.

In truth, the manufacturing process was somewhat more costly but not to the point where it couldn't have been sold at more affordable prices.

I have 1GB of PC800 RDRAM (*matched* sticks ).

Post Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:26 pm

Question? If I'm running DDR 2700, can I run DDR3200? I thought I had seen a piece that state you could use faster ram, but it would only run at what speed was set for your computres designed RAM. )

Post Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:29 pm

Indy - Maybe so, but RD would have been a better choice in the long run.

Bear - Check your motherboard book, as it will tell you the speeds that are compatible with your MB. That's the first step. If the highest speed that it supports is 333MHz, then you can *theoretically* use DDR400 as the MB will drop the speed back to 333MHz. However not all MBs support this and there can be some performance issues, and/or the RAM might not work . I run DDR2700 myself, but the prices are so damn expensive that I'm going to save up and buy a whole new system rather than purchase another 333 DIMM. I HATE being ripped off.

Post Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:32 am

Interesting - mmmhhmm.
A theory: there must be a secret connection between FL-addiction and Rambus-RAM.
I have one GB of paired Rambus-RAM too

Post Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:37 am

what is this strange word *pay* People *pay* for computer parts? what a strange concept.

Post Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:19 am

Well, outside your native land and is tall borders, these cheepscates only release the parts if we part with that green paper with dead men on it. I would love to know if your store ever builds a branch in the south US.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/30/2005 5:03:28 PM

Post Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:23 pm

Bear- What you read (probably) said that your RAM will only run as fast as the slowest RAM right? Meaning if you had pc-2700 and pc-3200 it would only run at pc-2700 speed (333MHz). I also have read numorous times that mixing and matching RAM can cause system instability.. espcially mixing and matching different RAM brands.. Don't quote me on this though.

Post Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:03 pm

Actually, I never mixed the ram, rather the original was PC133 but ran PC 166 in it, both strips matching. I am hoping the situation works on the newer stuff as well. I need a Gb strip as I only have 2 slots and run 2x512 right now.

Post Fri Sep 30, 2005 6:48 pm

tut tut Mr. Finalday....

You miss the truth of the Great Mullet's comment.... there is a reason why he drapes his head with tea towels.... the better not to be recognized, you see.

The better not to be recognized being essential for an expert in the 5 finger discount department.

Actually, he's a dirty rotten PC hardware reseller scoundrel, manager of prucurements thereof. Generally finds reasons why he must take stuff home to "try out" before ordering stock to sell to the masses.

*trudges off in fits of jealousy*

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 4:21 am

yes I'm just testing samples thats all. that they get tested for erm about 2 years at a time is just me being thorough.

5 finger discount? what are you trying to say? its the PC technician's traditional right to *acquire* stuff. we could always just go on strike and let the world grind to a halt!

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:48 am

A world without computers, a pleasent thought

Post Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:29 am

"A world without computers"? Blasphemy! Silence you heathen! Next you'll be denying the existence of the Rabbit-God!

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:33 am

he's not really a god, is he? just a very big rabbit...

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