Titan vs Sabre ??
anyway, it's a great game, and i've beaten it to the "Max Level". after looking through the bilbes walkthrough, i was able to chose from 2 of the best fighters available (eagle is not one because of its rather poor nanobot/shield battery holder )
so my question is that which one is better? i want to explore the boarderworld but there's alot of radiation, therefore distroying the ship, is Titan's bigger armour number mean it can sustain more damange? if so, then i'll go for titan
oh, another quesiton, what is the best mod i should try first for this game? im only intended to play SP since i can't imagine playing such a game on a 56k. i've been reading this forum for quite a while now, and found some people say the rebalance mod is abit buggy. the first impression for me is important, and i would like a good first impression of mods on this game, so which mod shall i chose?
oh and i don't like total conversons.
ps, how do you make this forum engine to remember your username??
ah, is this one here? "Check here remember Password." ??