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Titan vs Sabre ??

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Post Thu Feb 17, 2005 12:28 pm

Titan vs Sabre ??

hi, im new here, and i've just been pursuaed by a friend to buy Freelancer, i didn't have the money to buy it back when it came out, i've only downloaded the demo.......

anyway, it's a great game, and i've beaten it to the "Max Level". after looking through the bilbes walkthrough, i was able to chose from 2 of the best fighters available (eagle is not one because of its rather poor nanobot/shield battery holder )
so my question is that which one is better? i want to explore the boarderworld but there's alot of radiation, therefore distroying the ship, is Titan's bigger armour number mean it can sustain more damange? if so, then i'll go for titan

oh, another quesiton, what is the best mod i should try first for this game? im only intended to play SP since i can't imagine playing such a game on a 56k. i've been reading this forum for quite a while now, and found some people say the rebalance mod is abit buggy. the first impression for me is important, and i would like a good first impression of mods on this game, so which mod shall i chose?
oh and i don't like total conversons.

ps, how do you make this forum engine to remember your username??
ah, is this one here? "Check here remember Password." ??


Post Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:17 pm

Hi and welcome!

There are many threads here comparing the different ships. I suggest you read through the Freelancer Discussion and Freelancer Spoilers forum.

As for the question whether Titan or Sabre, it depends on your style. The Sabre packs more firepower due to the fact it's turret does also fire forwards. The Titan has more armour and is a bit less maneuverable. And yes, more armour means it can sustain more damage. (Personal remark: I tend to fly circles around Titans in my Sabre )

As for mods, I don't know, haven't tried any yet. You might want to check the various forums dedicated to FL mods.

Fly safe!

Edited by - LXP on 2/17/2005 2:08:22 PM

Post Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:48 pm

The Sabre and Titan are both amazing. The Sabre has less armor but is better at turning. They are both outstanding and it basically comes down to which one looks cooler^.^
And the Sabre OWNS when it comes to that. So it is up to your preference.

As for mods, it depends on what you feel like playing. There is a new mod that is really good AND it is for singlplayer but it is challanging for beginners. If you want to try it out, the link is below. Just for the record, I DIDN'T TALK IN AIM TALK!!!!!w00t
soory, heh, teh link is below ^_^ ... sp?id=1658


Post Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:35 pm

Welcome to TLR! and the Titan is better if ya know how to use it. And yes it's higher armor makes it stronger, however the Titan is a little slower than the sabre. Your choice.

Post Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:26 am

thanx for the advise, im going to fly the titan for exploring and the sabre all other times.

well, i'd like to have mods that you can fight battleships on your missions from bars and ones that are rather charllenging, the Fifth Gear mod looks nice, going to download it now. the problem is that i don't want to change the playing style, just add more stuff, FifthGear mod changed the speed and stuff so im not sure. but i'll give it a try.

Post Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:35 am

You shouldn't really worry about radiation damage. There are only a few systems where radiation is actually a serious threat (Omega 41 is the only one that springs to mind). There are other patches of serious radiation, like the Donryu Cloud and the areas in the Sinestre and Malvadas Clouds around the unknown jump holes, but they're not too big.

I shouldn't know their names off the top of my head. Especially when one of them isn't even in the game

Post Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:11 pm

ok, cos when i haven't got Titan, when im still in the Order special VHF (anbius i think) i lost 4 of my best weapons (at that time) just because of radiation. i keep using nanobots but the wins of the ship still brock off after just one initial loop of the solar star in Omega41.


Post Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:29 pm

I have no trouble flying around in Omega 41 in a Sabre - I've done a lot of missions there. Simply avoid the high radiation zone.

Post Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:46 pm

I like the sabre beter becuase of the handling and its looks

Post Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:41 am

yeah, the saber's looks are far better than titans. thanx

Post Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:33 am

Don't rely on the Anubis, it's a very poor excuse for a "VHF"-class. Some of the upper-end HF's like the Valkyrie actually outperform it in almost every way. Anyway, don't discount a ship based solely on what it doesn't have. The ship with few batteries/bots that is able to run circles around the ship with plenty will end up winning. All the bots in the world won't matter if you can't hit your opponent but he can hit you.

Post Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:00 pm

That is the one thing i like about modding, you can mod any ship in the game, which makes them all equal. Like adding 100 bots and bats and a 4000 unit cargo hold.

Post Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:09 am

^yea i know then u get like a million for smuggling artafacts when u buy em for £300

if u mess wit me i will kill u

Post Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:50 am

You buy artifacts for $300? You're being ripped off

Post Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:30 pm

yip but selling em for 1000 more how can u get em cheeper?

if u mess wit me i will kill u

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