i'm trying to post a question
i'll post it in this forum so you guys can move it
hmm i'm getting really confused now it now does this in this forum to maybe it's cause it's to big or something how big of a post can you post in KB
i'm going to do a test post and see if i can post something else
hmm i posted a single word and it worked hmm maybe it's cause i'm copying from another program
what encodeing does this forum use?
I tryed editing it into my post and that doesn't work

Edited by - 5i1 on 10/14/2005 8:18:07 PM
Edited by - 5i1 on 10/14/2005 8:19:08 PM
Edited by - 5i1 on 10/14/2005 8:21:06 PM
Edited by - 5i1 on 10/14/2005 8:22:33 PM
Edited by - 5i1 on 10/14/2005 8:24:30 PM