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Welcome, one and all
This section is for people new to the community. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. No flaming will be tolerated by the Moderators.
Hi everyone. Believe it or not, I just bought Freelancer 4 days ago. Before that, I had never even heard of it. Apparently, I have been living in a cave for the last few years.
It is of course very early days in my experience, so I am a complete newbie, but I figure I might as well start and ask some vey introductory questions.
I will only be playing singleplayer for the conceivable future (don't have a home internet connection). I hear there is a big Star Wars mod that effectively creates and entire new game. I am not so much interested in that at this time, although I will look forward to that when I reach the end of this game.
The sheer volume of the mods, while a testament to people's commitment to the game and the game's playability, can be a little overwhelming.
So here is my question:
Are there any beginning mods which people would recommend to add depth to the story or textures of the singleplayer experience (for example, by creating more variations in the voices/dialogue/music/scenery) without otherwise altering the experience? I say this because I know from my programming days that space is always a factor, and one of the nice thing after the fact is that others can go in and add the sort of "texture" you'd like to have added if only space/time/money hadn't been imposing themselves.
In other words, are there any mods which people recommend, not to create a new gaming experience while playing Freelancer Singleplayer, but to enhance that first experience?
It is of course very early days in my experience, so I am a complete newbie, but I figure I might as well start and ask some vey introductory questions.
I will only be playing singleplayer for the conceivable future (don't have a home internet connection). I hear there is a big Star Wars mod that effectively creates and entire new game. I am not so much interested in that at this time, although I will look forward to that when I reach the end of this game.
The sheer volume of the mods, while a testament to people's commitment to the game and the game's playability, can be a little overwhelming.
So here is my question:
Are there any beginning mods which people would recommend to add depth to the story or textures of the singleplayer experience (for example, by creating more variations in the voices/dialogue/music/scenery) without otherwise altering the experience? I say this because I know from my programming days that space is always a factor, and one of the nice thing after the fact is that others can go in and add the sort of "texture" you'd like to have added if only space/time/money hadn't been imposing themselves.
In other words, are there any mods which people recommend, not to create a new gaming experience while playing Freelancer Singleplayer, but to enhance that first experience?
Rigour6, Welcome to TLR
There are several single player mods that change only minor things. Since to expressed a like for the Star Wars mod, there is a music one that adds just music from Star wars to the game. SWMM version 1.0

There are several single player mods that change only minor things. Since to expressed a like for the Star Wars mod, there is a music one that adds just music from Star wars to the game. SWMM version 1.0
hi, new to the site, jsut want to say that this site is so awesome it has every thing i need for my freelancer fix
anyway just wanted to ask if anyone knows if in multiplayer servers, is it possible to buy the anubis fighter at all? i only just tried multiyplayer with friends at a lan party and i loved the anubis in single player,and wanted to use it but had know idea where to find it or if it even is posslible thanks in advance for any replys
“The wolves will be our friends.
We'll stay up late and howl,
At the moon, till nighttime ends,
Before going on the prowl.”

“The wolves will be our friends.
We'll stay up late and howl,
At the moon, till nighttime ends,
Before going on the prowl.”
Hey guys! My name is Angel_Knight and i am a member of Eagle Station and i had just resently found on this site the Arwing mod and i was wondering if you guys could get the guy who created it befor and have him maybe or you guys make a version for the newest Tng mod because that ship rocks and i think it would be awsome to see that ship in groups fighting off enemys! Of course this idea doesn't have to be done but i think it would be a great addition to your already powerful and stunning mods that you already have. Also if the Great Fox and the Arwing for wolf from the classic game StarFox could be in some way added that would be awsome. i think the guy who made the site was at this url : . anyways get back to me if you can about whats to come and let me know if this is a possability or not. Your devoted fan of freelancer and this site and the mods. Angel_Knight
I have a problem when Itry to download a mod over 5MB.
Istart by clicking download at the mod then i click open with FLMM 1.3, instead of save to disk.
After about 35-95% downloaded (happenes anywhere in between) I get a download error
It says " flmodcould not be saved because source file could not be read" try again or contact administrator.
I have tried again a few times and it still did not work so here I am.
I would be grateful for any help you can give me.
Btw it also happenes when i try to save to disk
I had to downloat TNG from Starfyre studios itself as i got the error msg everytime i tried to download it here
Thanks in advance
Istart by clicking download at the mod then i click open with FLMM 1.3, instead of save to disk.
After about 35-95% downloaded (happenes anywhere in between) I get a download error
It says " flmodcould not be saved because source file could not be read" try again or contact administrator.
I have tried again a few times and it still did not work so here I am.
I would be grateful for any help you can give me.
Btw it also happenes when i try to save to disk
I had to downloat TNG from Starfyre studios itself as i got the error msg everytime i tried to download it here
Thanks in advance
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