Welcome, one and all
To begin, you will need to register in order to post. After that, you can look around, or return here to ask questions.
There is a beginners mod forum here for those that are new to modding the game, and provide a lot of help and direction to get that idea off the ground. For those with some experiance, you can try the General Modding Forum.
For those that want to head straight to the download section, there are a lot of cool mods to choose from.
Need a link to a server to play Freelancer on line, check here. Then you can be off into the Multi player world.
We have writing forums for those who like to write fanfiction, or Amazing story types. We just ask that you keep it clean of sexual over tones, racial slures. This is a family site and we welcome people of all ages from all points of the globe. And please, No Flaming Allowed here .

There is much more than can be posted here, all you have to do is ask.

Please see the Staff page if you need additional help, or post your question here.
From time to time, this thread will be cleaned out for more posts, so it does not get bogged down. Feel free to create a thread if you have a question as well.

Edited by - Finalday on 11/28/2004 6:24:11 AM