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/restart''s for FLShell

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Post Sun Aug 06, 2006 3:35 pm

/restart''s for FLShell

hey, Does anyone know what can be used to make a /restart template for FLShell? Or at least show me the basic setup for one?
Please and Thanks,

Post Sun Aug 06, 2006 4:10 pm

description = 00300033002f00320036002f00300034002000310033003a00340035003a00350033
tstamp = 29627192,2819557168
name = 00720061006300650072
rank = 8
house = 0.91, li_n_grp
house = 0.91, li_lsf_grp
house = 0.91, li_p_grp
house = 0.65, br_n_grp
house = 0.65, br_p_grp
house = 0.65, ku_n_grp
house = 0, ku_p_grp
house = 0.65, rh_n_grp
house = 0, rh_p_grp
house = 0.65, co_alg_grp
house = 0.65, co_be_grp
house = 0.65, br_m_grp
house = 0.65, co_nws_grp
house = 0.91, co_hsp_grp
house = 0.91, co_ic_grp
house = 0, co_khc_grp
house = 0.65, co_kt_grp
house = 0, rh_m_grp
house = 0.91, co_me_grp
house = 0.91, co_ni_grp
house = 0.91, co_os_grp
house = 0.65, co_rs_grp
house = 0.65, co_shi_grp
house = 0.91, co_ss_grp
house = 0.65, co_ti_grp
house = 0.91, co_vr_grp
house = 0, fc_bd_grp
house = 0, fc_b_grp
house = -0.65, fc_c_grp
house = 0, fc_fa_grp
house = 0, fc_g_grp
house = 0, fc_gc_grp
house = 0, fc_h_grp
house = 0, fc_j_grp
house = -0.65, fc_lh_grp
house = -0.65, fc_lr_grp
house = 0, fc_lwb_grp
house = 0, fc_m_grp
house = -0.65, fc_ou_grp
house = 0, fc_rh_grp
house = 0, fc_or_grp
house = -0.65, fc_u_grp
house = -0.65, fc_x_grp
house = 0, gd_gm_grp
house = 0, fc_uk_grp
house = -0.65, fc_n_grp
house = 0.91, fc_ln_grp
house = 0.65, fc_kn_grp
house = 0.65, fc_rn_grp
house = 0, fc_ouk_grp
house = 0, fc_q_grp
house = 0, fc_f_grp
house = 0, gd_im_grp
house = 0, gd_z_grp
house = 0, gd_bh_grp
house = 0.65, hi_n_grp
rep_group = li_n_grp
money = 50000
num_kills = 0
num_misn_successes = 0
num_misn_failures = 0
voice = trent_voice
com_body = 3144214861
com_head = 2223155968
com_lefthand = 2479975689
com_righthand = 2264565644
body = 3144214861
head = 2223155968
lefthand = 2479975689
righthand = 2264565644
system = Li01
base = Li01_01_Base
ship_archetype = 3074863431
equip = 3166720004, , 1
equip = 3095915850, HpShield01, 1
equip = 2968894153, , 1
equip = 2723858309, , 1
equip = 2799531210, , 1
equip = 2314753344, HpThruster01, 1
equip = 3219288521, HpWeapon01, 1
equip = 3219288521, HpWeapon02, 1
equip = 3161985549, HpTurret01, 1
equip = 2736134149, HpCM01, 1
equip = 3112104454, HpTorpedo01, 1
equip = 2265531853, HpHeadlight, 1
equip = 2470059588, HpRunningLight01, 1
equip = 2470059588, HpRunningLight02, 1
equip = 2470059588, HpRunningLight03, 1
equip = 2470059588, HpRunningLight04, 1
equip = 2500775748, HpContrail01, 1
equip = 2500775748, HpContrail02, 1
equip = 2494027655, HpDockLight01, 1
equip = 2494027655, HpDockLight02, 1
cargo = 2596081674, 5, , , 0
cargo = 2911012559, 5, , , 0
last_base = Li01_01_Base
base_hull_status = 1
base_collision_group = port_wing_lod1, 1
base_collision_group = star_wing_lod1, 1
base_equip = 3166720004, , 1
base_equip = 3095915850, HpShield01, 1
base_equip = 2968894153, , 1
base_equip = 2723858309, , 1
base_equip = 2799531210, , 1
base_equip = 2314753344, HpThruster01, 1
base_equip = 3219288521, HpWeapon01, 1
base_equip = 3219288521, HpWeapon02, 1
base_equip = 3161985549, HpTurret01, 1
base_equip = 2736134149, HpCM01, 1
base_equip = 3112104454, HpTorpedo01, 1
base_equip = 2265531853, HpHeadlight, 1
base_equip = 2470059588, HpRunningLight01, 1
base_equip = 2470059588, HpRunningLight02, 1
base_equip = 2470059588, HpRunningLight03, 1
base_equip = 2470059588, HpRunningLight04, 1
base_equip = 2500775748, HpContrail01, 1
base_equip = 2500775748, HpContrail02, 1
base_equip = 2494027655, HpDockLight01, 1
base_equip = 2494027655, HpDockLight02, 1
base_cargo = 2596081674, 5, , , 0
base_cargo = 2911012559, 5, , , 0
visit = 8778, 65
visit = 2208818767, 1
visit = 2281116802, 1
visit = 2281145474, 1
visit = 2281172098, 1
visit = 2409040898, 1
visit = 2409063426, 1
visit = 2409077762, 1
visit = 2476692041, 1
visit = 2476714569, 1
visit = 2609851979, 1
visit = 2609858123, 1
visit = 2609888843, 1
visit = 2660852290, 31
visit = 2745633359, 1
visit = 2745692751, 1
visit = 2817982594, 1
visit = 2818046082, 1
visit = 2945937410, 1
visit = 2945943554, 1
visit = 2945966082, 1
visit = 3013559881, 1
visit = 3013590601, 1
visit = 3013596745, 1
visit = 3146732107, 1
visit = 3146754635, 1
visit = 3146760779, 1
interface = 3
can_dock = 1
can_tl = 1
total_cash_earned = 0.000000
total_time_played = 0.000000
sys_visited = 2208796239
base_visited = 2660852290

That's a /restart I made for Liberty characters.

Basically, the "house =" is the starting reputation, just like in mpnewcharacter.fl. The "rep_group =" is the faction tag that will go up when you run /list or when the character is selected. The "money =" is obvious: starting credits. The "system =" and "base =" are, obviously, the base and system the player will be placed on.

The rest, specifically the "ship_archetype" and weapon/cargo lines are hash codes. They're the same codes that Ioncross uses, at least for vanilla stuff, so edit those if you feel up to it. I've tried generating new hashes for custom stuff, without much luck. I'd recommend you stick to vanilla here, myself.

The stuff under [mPlayer, well... I haven't experimented with. Perhaps if you set can_dock or can_tl to 0 instead of 1 they are unable to dock or unable to use tradelanes? I have no idea.

That's pretty much it. Let me know if you figure out how to get custom ships and stuff in there. I'd be interested to find out.

(I've dealt with a lot of these for my server, so people can email me if they have questions.)

Administrator and Modder
Phoenix RPG Server


Post Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:25 am

The easiest way imho is to setup a char in the game, edit a little (i do with ioncross) if necessary and than just copy the saved game (with a nice name) to the /dots folder.

Post Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:49 am

Wel, for the ships you use the Ioncross datafiles, either from the original game or for the ones designed for the mod.
The way that i make mine is to copy the entries from inital_world for the faction into a tempory txt file and choose replace "rep =" with "house =" instead. Then paste it in and change the rep_group entry.
Ignore the main character, the base locations and systems are again in the ioncross datafiles.
I'll post up what the hash codes mean:
ship_archetype = 3074863431, li_elite, Defender
equip = 3166720004, , 1<--ge_le_engine_01, Liberty H. F. Engine
equip = 3095915850, HpShield01, 1<--shield01_mark02_hf, Adv. Sentry H. F. Shield
equip = 2968894153, , 1<--li_elite_power01, Defender Power Generator
equip = 2723858309, , 1<--ge_s_scanner_01, Scanner
equip = 2799531210, , 1<--ge_s_tractor_01, Light Tractor Beam
equip = 2314753344, HpThruster01, 1<--ge_s_thruster_01, Standard Thruster
equip = 3219288521, HpWeapon01, 1<--li_gun01_mark03, Justice Mk III
equip = 3219288521, HpWeapon02, 1<--li_gun01_mark03, Justice Mk III
equip = 3161985549, HpTurret01, 1<--li_turret02_mark02, Lavablade Turret Mk II
equip = 2736134149, HpCM01, 1<--ge_s_cm_01, Countermeasure Dropper
equip = 3112104454, HpTorpedo01, 1<--cruise_disruptor01_mark01, Wasp Cruise Disruptor
equip = 2265531853, HpHeadlight, 1<--LargeWhiteSpecial, typical headlight
equip = 2470059588, HpRunningLight01, 1<--SlowSmallBlue, SlowSmallBlue light
equip = 2470059588, HpRunningLight02, 1
equip = 2470059588, HpRunningLight03, 1
equip = 2470059588, HpRunningLight04, 1
equip = 2500775748, HpContrail01, 1<--Contrail01
equip = 2500775748, HpContrail02, 1
equip = 2494027655, HpDockLight01, 1<--DockingLightRedSmall, DockingLightRedSmall
equip = 2494027655, HpDockLight02, 1
cargo = 2596081674, 5, , , 01<--ge_s_battery_01, Shield Batteryx5
cargo = 2911012559, 5, , , 01<--ge_s_repair_01, Nanobotsx5

Then, just copy all of the equip and cargo entries into a tempory txt file and choose replace "equip" with "base_equip" and "cargo" with "base_cargo".
Then past into the base equip section.

I just ignore the visit entries. They control what a player sees on their nav map at the start of the template.

This bit:
base_collision_group = port_wing_lod1, 1
base_collision_group = star_wing_lod1, 1
.. should be changed depending on the ships arch. Open up shiparch,ini and search for li_elite and it shows that it has collision groups named:
obj = Li_star_wing_lod1
obj = Li_port_wing_lod1
obj = li_Spoiler_lod1
the template should be modified to have:
base_collision_group = Li_star_wing_lod1, 1
base_collision_group = Li_port_wing_lod1, 1
base_collision_group = li_Spoiler_lod1, 1

To create hash codes for ships that have not been generated for yet download:
Freelancer HashGenerator FE
By the way, all of the templates that i have seen follow the same order. First engine, then shield, then powerplant..etc. It should make it easier to search for the hash codes by letting you know which file to search in.

Edited by - Mace_166 on 8/14/2006 4:51:15 AM

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