Need a MOD team, or just some help with ships 
kk, first off i want to introduce myself, im cr0w (obviously) ive been playing freelancer for about 2 yrs, i have 2 degrees in applied science, specifically in the IT field.
I am intrested in making a mod for freelancer i will explain in a min what why where etc...
First reason im making this mod is that every mod thats out there seems to be incomplete, some mods require huge distances of travel to do trade runs, others require you do missions etc... i dont really liek the idea of this
granted making money shouldnt be easy by any means, another thing i feel pretty strongly on is that most of every server made, is hosted by a clan... this just spells impartiality and for the most part coruption, ppl complaining about swearing etc... LOL this is the internet, ppl gonna swear, and swear perfusly.. point blank
kk so here is the idea, i know, i know regurgitated pfft lol
-first a total of about 50 systems give or take with the idea that no place is more than 2 systems away (startingsystem1->system2->system3->destination system4)
-i'm thinking that perhaps we should integrate the cheesy sci-fi shows into it, this will give ppl something to look to for roleplay or w/e cirtain systems or group of systems will acredited to a cirtain show, but i think we wlll attempt to delete the show ideas from the game and use them more like if they were actually in this world... like star trek, the galaxy has 4 quadrants so we can use this as a platform
-so ok for instance southern left quadrant will be alpha quadrant and will contain many of the star trek races with a few exceptions
-upper left will be called gamma quadrant and will have like babylon5 and andromeda etc there also(dominion etc...)
-lower right will beta quadrant, we will for the most part leave this for origional freelancer ships
-upper right will be delta quadrant containing borg and alot of others, the delta quadrant will be the most inhospitable place, including radiation enemy ai's etc
kk next we should talk about ships and quality, i know the limits of the game engines and i also know how cool the ships can look considering, i think we should have somewhere around 200 ships after everything is said and done + stock ships, also i want to see if we can borrow, or rather have new models made for us, i made a pretty succesfull mod for another star trek game in which i had over 20 ships for 4 different ppl, i perhaps can get them in on this too
ok this is weapons shields engines upgrades etc time
-weapons, i think weapons should be bound to ship class, for example you cant possibly mount level 10 battleship guns on a fighter, this seems a bit unrealistic
so here's how things will work this goes for engines, shields, weapons etc..
fighter= lvl1-2
heavy fighter= lvl3-4
VHF= lvl5-6
Frigate= lvl7-8
Battleship= lvl9-10
but here is where this mod will differentiate from other mods, so you can be in a VHF going against a new battleship and win
you can buy rpg style upgrades for everything
this will be done in 4 steps and you must purchase before moving up to the next level so for instance u need level1 weapon upgrade, then lvl2 then lvl3 then lvl4 to have UbER weapons the way it works is like this
level 1 weapon upgrade = 2x weapons, this doubles your current weapons strenths, while maintaining its power useage at same as if you didnt have upgrades
level 2 weapon upgrade = 3x
level 3 weapon upgrade = 4x
level 4 weapon upgrade = 5x
this system works for shields too but i have a different system in mind for engines
i wish to create warp engines in this game, i see all the ships here going at sup light speeds kinda odd for a whole galaxy of intergalactic travlers huh?
kk so here is how engines will work, also im totally open to new idea's
stock engines can go 1/2 impulse (250max at cruise)
with lvl1= 400 max at cruise
with lvl2= 600 max at cruise
with lvl3= 800 max at cruise
with lvl4= 999 max at cruise this is full sublight power without warp
thrusters will work about the same as they do now except there will be 4 classes 4 diff speeds getting exponentially higher with hight power useage
the power useage will decrease with upgrades meaning liek if you get class 4 level 4 thrusters you can go like 750 max speed for about 30 secs
warp systems, wo0t
screw trade lanes huh
kk so heres how warp will work
1 class standard species specific ( meaning if ur in a reman warbird, u gotta buy a romulan quantum singularity drive, bought only at the romulan homeworld and 1 other location, this is how everything will work liek this, the item u want is bought at its homeworld and 1 other location.)
most all other things can be mismatched weapons etc, but warp drive is a very very expensive piece of equipment and thereforeis vessill specific.
next thing is... i want a new realm somewhere in the middle, idea is i want to be able to get from any point to another point within 3-4 sytems
obviously we will make about 10 good trade routes, all of them being semi difficult to go to and from i want the minimum good trade run to be about 2500 per unit profit, and the highest being about 9-10k per unit profit, but i want the biggest cargo ship to be around 2k cargo max so this means liek in the massive cargo ship the best trade run will be approx 40 million and the least of the 10 to be 10 mill, obviously the 40 mill run will be a gauntlet, and the reverse for the 10 mill run
next thing, i would love ppl to be able to buy entire systems stations or w/e
i will even go as far to say that we can incluse say 15 different purchasable clanbases throughout the galaxy prime ones
next thing i will say is server rules etc...
kk like do w/e u want but dont start pissing ppl off
for instance u see some n00b trying to do his first trade run and like u blow him up, removing all of what lil money he spent on cargo, now he is in some horid 180 cargo freighter no cash and no clue where anything is... he can go on the server forums tell me, i will speak to both of u, then i will most likly decide that the n00b isnt at fault, give him some credits, sent him on his way, then place u back at start location, no money and in his old crap freighter, see if u like it, the idea is.. not to ruin ppl on the mod by unreasonable admins, rather to teach them from there mistakes
only like 2 ways of getting urself banned from this server, and thats to cheat, a log will be kept and if cought 5 times, without at least a poor excuse ur banned, and 2nd well, lets just say, im totally open to ppls idea's and very willing to change myself to ppl, but this has a limit
clan scuffles ok, swearing etc ok,
banning will be done on a case by case basis, no permanent rules will be maintained also
kk thx guys, im sure im missing stuff, and im sure, that this will be at least 50%-75% changed by the mod team
PS im longwinded but it was alot to say, and still not 1/2 done lol
I am intrested in making a mod for freelancer i will explain in a min what why where etc...
First reason im making this mod is that every mod thats out there seems to be incomplete, some mods require huge distances of travel to do trade runs, others require you do missions etc... i dont really liek the idea of this

kk so here is the idea, i know, i know regurgitated pfft lol
-first a total of about 50 systems give or take with the idea that no place is more than 2 systems away (startingsystem1->system2->system3->destination system4)
-i'm thinking that perhaps we should integrate the cheesy sci-fi shows into it, this will give ppl something to look to for roleplay or w/e cirtain systems or group of systems will acredited to a cirtain show, but i think we wlll attempt to delete the show ideas from the game and use them more like if they were actually in this world... like star trek, the galaxy has 4 quadrants so we can use this as a platform
-so ok for instance southern left quadrant will be alpha quadrant and will contain many of the star trek races with a few exceptions
-upper left will be called gamma quadrant and will have like babylon5 and andromeda etc there also(dominion etc...)
-lower right will beta quadrant, we will for the most part leave this for origional freelancer ships
-upper right will be delta quadrant containing borg and alot of others, the delta quadrant will be the most inhospitable place, including radiation enemy ai's etc
kk next we should talk about ships and quality, i know the limits of the game engines and i also know how cool the ships can look considering, i think we should have somewhere around 200 ships after everything is said and done + stock ships, also i want to see if we can borrow, or rather have new models made for us, i made a pretty succesfull mod for another star trek game in which i had over 20 ships for 4 different ppl, i perhaps can get them in on this too
ok this is weapons shields engines upgrades etc time
-weapons, i think weapons should be bound to ship class, for example you cant possibly mount level 10 battleship guns on a fighter, this seems a bit unrealistic
so here's how things will work this goes for engines, shields, weapons etc..
fighter= lvl1-2
heavy fighter= lvl3-4
VHF= lvl5-6
Frigate= lvl7-8
Battleship= lvl9-10
but here is where this mod will differentiate from other mods, so you can be in a VHF going against a new battleship and win

you can buy rpg style upgrades for everything
this will be done in 4 steps and you must purchase before moving up to the next level so for instance u need level1 weapon upgrade, then lvl2 then lvl3 then lvl4 to have UbER weapons the way it works is like this
level 1 weapon upgrade = 2x weapons, this doubles your current weapons strenths, while maintaining its power useage at same as if you didnt have upgrades
level 2 weapon upgrade = 3x
level 3 weapon upgrade = 4x
level 4 weapon upgrade = 5x
this system works for shields too but i have a different system in mind for engines
i wish to create warp engines in this game, i see all the ships here going at sup light speeds kinda odd for a whole galaxy of intergalactic travlers huh?
kk so here is how engines will work, also im totally open to new idea's
stock engines can go 1/2 impulse (250max at cruise)
with lvl1= 400 max at cruise
with lvl2= 600 max at cruise
with lvl3= 800 max at cruise
with lvl4= 999 max at cruise this is full sublight power without warp
thrusters will work about the same as they do now except there will be 4 classes 4 diff speeds getting exponentially higher with hight power useage
the power useage will decrease with upgrades meaning liek if you get class 4 level 4 thrusters you can go like 750 max speed for about 30 secs

warp systems, wo0t

kk so heres how warp will work
1 class standard species specific ( meaning if ur in a reman warbird, u gotta buy a romulan quantum singularity drive, bought only at the romulan homeworld and 1 other location, this is how everything will work liek this, the item u want is bought at its homeworld and 1 other location.)
most all other things can be mismatched weapons etc, but warp drive is a very very expensive piece of equipment and thereforeis vessill specific.
next thing is... i want a new realm somewhere in the middle, idea is i want to be able to get from any point to another point within 3-4 sytems
obviously we will make about 10 good trade routes, all of them being semi difficult to go to and from i want the minimum good trade run to be about 2500 per unit profit, and the highest being about 9-10k per unit profit, but i want the biggest cargo ship to be around 2k cargo max so this means liek in the massive cargo ship the best trade run will be approx 40 million and the least of the 10 to be 10 mill, obviously the 40 mill run will be a gauntlet, and the reverse for the 10 mill run
next thing, i would love ppl to be able to buy entire systems stations or w/e
i will even go as far to say that we can incluse say 15 different purchasable clanbases throughout the galaxy prime ones
next thing i will say is server rules etc...
kk like do w/e u want but dont start pissing ppl off
for instance u see some n00b trying to do his first trade run and like u blow him up, removing all of what lil money he spent on cargo, now he is in some horid 180 cargo freighter no cash and no clue where anything is... he can go on the server forums tell me, i will speak to both of u, then i will most likly decide that the n00b isnt at fault, give him some credits, sent him on his way, then place u back at start location, no money and in his old crap freighter, see if u like it, the idea is.. not to ruin ppl on the mod by unreasonable admins, rather to teach them from there mistakes
only like 2 ways of getting urself banned from this server, and thats to cheat, a log will be kept and if cought 5 times, without at least a poor excuse ur banned, and 2nd well, lets just say, im totally open to ppls idea's and very willing to change myself to ppl, but this has a limit
clan scuffles ok, swearing etc ok,
banning will be done on a case by case basis, no permanent rules will be maintained also
kk thx guys, im sure im missing stuff, and im sure, that this will be at least 50%-75% changed by the mod team
PS im longwinded but it was alot to say, and still not 1/2 done lol