New mod needing talented modders

I'm here on behalf of the CYOF gamming community, for those modders who dont know what that is, its a virtual freelancer RISK.
Now alot of us having been mumbling about how sweet it would be to have a mod about the first CYOF were there was a huge war. So me and ww2jacob (the current game runner) want to try and make a mod out of this. the problem being, were not good modders, heck were not even modders. So we would like to assemble a team fo you guys.
Here is some info on what we would like the mod to be:
Well in the first CYOf we had a Axis and Alliance set up. There was the Rhienland axis fighting the hispania Allaince. The Rhienlander Axis consisted of several corporations, Rhienland of course and i believe Libetrty and Bretonia. In the loose structure of the game we had a bunch of new systems found. roughly 5-15.
Also we had battleships for the pirates. What we want the mod to focus on is the sheer scale of the game. We know it cant be the same as CYOF becuase it was far to massive. But were hoping to have alot more battleships flying around. Also a few systems, leeds being one i think, are torn apart battlegrounds. But what I think is the most important issue to deal with is making the player feel he is in a war. What i want the set up to be is if your friends with any major member of the Axis your a enemy of the alliance and friends with the entire axis.
Anyhow i babble to much, far too much. If you are interested, ANY help is wanted, Give me a Ring for Email: [email protected] and For MSN: [email protected].
Thanks guys, and i hope that we can do this.
i dont suffer fools gladly , in fact i dont suffer them at all