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The War in the Omicrons *Ch 20 5/8/07 *Ch 21 7/26/07
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
Found acouple errors in the story.
One was "The two got back onto the hover car". Maybe it should be "The two got back into the hover car". Another one was "I have leave for one week" how about "I'm on leave for one week".
Theres like one or two more I can't find them right now
but I'll keep looking.
Qoute:Hmmm- My spoofy sense is tingling.
If something is worth a laugh then its worth your time.
Edited by - Grit on 6/24/2005 7:25:25 AM
Edited by - Grit on 6/24/2005 7:26:19 AM
One was "The two got back onto the hover car". Maybe it should be "The two got back into the hover car". Another one was "I have leave for one week" how about "I'm on leave for one week".
Theres like one or two more I can't find them right now

Qoute:Hmmm- My spoofy sense is tingling.
If something is worth a laugh then its worth your time.
Edited by - Grit on 6/24/2005 7:25:25 AM
Edited by - Grit on 6/24/2005 7:26:19 AM
@Grit: Thanks for pointing those things out, every bit helps.
And thanks to everyone for good feedback. And here’s Ch.5, which is very long.
Ch. 5
The battle rages in Omega-5. The Hessians and the Rheinland ships bombard Cadiz. Explosions rock the station, and the Corsairs and the Hessians are locked in a battle. The crew onboard Cadiz are struck stiff from the sheer size and intensity of the battle.
“Why is Rheinland attacking us?!?!?” said Alvaro.
“Maybe they’ve come to destroy us and finish the job the started 800 years ago…”, said a Corsair.
“SHUT UP!” said another Corsair, “That’s what some of the Elders think; we have no proof that it was a Rheinlander...”
The Corsairs get into a fight, and Octavio shoots his pistol.
“This is Lieutenant Octavio Gulliento!” he yelled, “You are all to take battle stations! Man the turrets, pilot your ships, anything to make yourselves useful. NOW GO!”
The Corsairs rush out of the Observation deck and go in their different directions.
“Those ships shouldn’t be a problem, it’s those damned battleships that may give us trouble….” sighed Octavio.
“Why are they attacking us in the first place? Could it be that the Hessians are piloting those?” said Alvaro.
Before Octavio could finish, a man steps out from a booth and interrupts.
“The kid is right”, said the man, “Those ships are piloted by Hessians…”
“Your accent is that of a Rheinlander”, said Octavio. He pulls his gun out on the man and puts to his head, “Now tell me, any last requests before we push you out of the airlock?”
“I assure you”, said the Rheinlander, “I’m not with Rheinland or any of its criminals. I was passing through to…… Omicron Theta”
“I don’t buy that”, said Octavio, “But you dress too well to be a pirate I guess. What’s your name and why are you here?”
”My name is Herr Van Claussen”, he says, “I’m going to Crete to meet with the Elders. They’re expecting me….”
“Shut Up!” said Octavio, “The Elders would’ve told us about you!”
“You don’t have time for this”, said Van Claussen, “Your base is getting pounded by the Hessians. Shouldn’t you do something about it?”
Octavio doesn’t budge from his position, and Alvaro intervenes.
“Dad”, said Alvaro, “Just let him say what he wants, it’s no good right now to waste time…”
“Thank you, young Corsair”, sighed Van Clausen, “Those ships are piloted by the Hessians. Most of you would think that the Hessians could never build their own, and that’s right. As you all are aware of, there was a massive war in the colonies sometime ago. At the end of the war, Rheinland’s economy was practically destroyed from all the fighting. Many people became bankrupt, but the Military was hit the hardest. Many of its scientists became disgruntled since they weren’t getting paid. The Hessians managed to bribe off a scientist to work with them. This man disclosed a location of a secret battleship shipyard in Omega-11. The Hessians raided this base with no problem, since the security was low and the new Rheinland government wasn’t aware of its existence. They captured the Shipyard and took off with vital information, the battleships, and equipment to make the battleships…”
He laughs.
“But these ships aren’t really what the Rheinland Military truly is! They’re disgracing their glory by making these undersized pieces of ****!”
“Why are you telling us this?” said Octavio.
“It’s the most I can do for my clients…” said Van Claussen.
Another explosion rocks the station, and it knocks everyone off their feet.
“****!” yelled Alvaro, “Dad, we got to get to our ships!”
The two leave Van Clausen behind and rush to their ships. Rubble falls all around them as they run to their ships. Alarms are blaring on their whole way though. Every 5 minutes, a Corsair fleet is launched into the fray.
“Damn Hessians”, said Octavio, “Always relying on power rather than skill…”
“Are battleships really that hard to fight?” said Alvaro, “Especially since we have many Titans here to make short work out of them…”
“We can’t get close to them...” said Octavio, “And from the transmissions I’m getting, they seem to be heavily shielded…”
A piece of rock nearly hits the two, landing right next to Alvaro.
“We’ve been running around the whole time!” said Alvaro, “Where’s our ships?”
“There they are!” said Octavio, “Come on! Let’s get going!”
The two go into their ships and join up with the Gamma Squad. They quickly go through the docking ring and exit out of Cadiz and they enter the battle.
“Oh my God…” said a Corsair, “This battle is huge!”
“Listen up!”, said Octavio, “I’m taking command. Engage the ships. Don’t get near the battleships. We need to kill as many of those ships as we can before we can even think of engaging the battleships!”
The squad goes right into the fray, and begins their assault. Alvaro manages to destroy a Stiletto on the spot. He engages another Stiletto, but a barrage of lasers begins to hit his ship. He tries to dodge them, some of them miss him, but the rest hit him. He sees that there is a heavily equipped Sabre pounding him.
“Damn…” said Alvaro, “How am I supposed to get him!”
He continues to dodge the laser fire and weaves in and out of the asteroids, so that some of the fire may miss him. He sees a lever next to him and gets an idea.
“It may work”, he thought to himself, “I just need to get him behind me again…”
He lets the Sabre get behind him again and lets him shoot at him for a moment. He cuts his engine, and the Sabre goes roaring past him. Alvaro pursues the Sabre and pounds it with laser fire. He continues to do so and destroys his shield, and pounds the Sabre. Parts of the Sabre get destroyed, and he fires a missile at the Sabre. It explodes into a big green cloud. Alvaro begins his pursuit on another Stiletto chasing a Centurion. He takes it out and goes on to another ship.
“Thanks Gamma-7!”, said the Corsair
“No problem!”, said Alvaro.
He gets another Stiletto in his range and goes towards him, dodging the lasers blazing past his cockpit. The Stiletto is going towards him too. Alvaro fires all his lasers onto the ship, tearing past its shields and destroying the cockpit. The pilot ejects, but he slams into Alvaro’s cockpit. The face of the scared man is viewable from Alvaro’s cockpit.
“Wonder what I should do with you…” said Alvaro.
He sees another ship firing on him, and the pilot gets pounded by the lasers until he explodes; His remains splatter all over Alvaro’s cockpit. The lasers also hit Alvaro’s ship, prompting him to quickly engage his thrusters and turns towards the Sabre firing at him. He launches a salvo of missiles at Sabre along with his arrangement of lasers. The Sabre explodes and the pilot goes flying past Alvaro’s ship. Alvaro joins up with his father’s ship.
“Dad”, said Alvaro, “What are we going to do? Their supply seems unlimited!”
“I don’t know…”, said Octavio, “They keep coming. We have to fight them and dodge the fire from those battleships…”
An order interrupts him, and Octavio goes on the squad frequency.
“How much of us are left in this squad?” he said.
“Gamma-1 here!”
“Gamma-2 here!”
“Gamma-5 here!”
“Gamma-7! here!”
“Gamma-9 here!”
“Ok”, said Octavio, “we’ve lost some of our members, but we have enough members. Here’s what we’re going to do! Follow my lead and attack the cruisers. Only use your lasers though, their shields are no chance for our lasers….”
“Sir!”, said Gamma-2, “A Rheinland Valkrie is closing in on our location!”
“Don’t open fire!”, said Van Claussen, “I’m here to help you guys. I’ve fought ships like this, and I can help you take them down…”
“Ok!”, said Octavio, “You can fight with us, take a position next to me!”
The squad closes in on a Cruiser. Turret fire blazes past them, Van Clausen comes on the squad frequency.
“Listen Corsairs”, said Van Clausen, “Hit the bridge! If we damage that enough, we can dispatch the ship quicker”
The squad begins their attack. Octavio and Van Clausen fire on the Bridge, the others pound on it with lasers. In one sweep, the Cruiser explodes, and its remains burn as they float off in the darkness of space. Cheering comes over the intercom.
“Don’t celebrate just yet”, said Octavio, “These things are shielded, and there are more of them…”
The squad goes on another sweep on another Cruiser, and destroys it.
“This is Lieutenant Gulliento!”, said Octavio, “Commander, send some of the squads to reinforce our attack on the fleet!”
“Roger!” said the Commander, “The Rheinlander told us about the weak points on the ships, we are dispatching the Zeta and Omicron squads to join up with you guys. Long live the Corsairs!”
“Ok!” said Octavio, “Zeta, you guys take out the gunboats. Omicron, keep the fighters off our tails!
The squadrons proceed on their objectives. The battle rages on around the system. Soon the field becomes littered with remains of Corsairs and Hessians, and debris begins to fill up the system.
Eventually, the Cruisers and the Gunboats are destroyed, and the squad moves on the battleships.
Suddenly more ships uncloak- More fighters and heavy ships.
“****!” yelled Octavio, “How many ships did they hijack!”
“This is strange…” said Van Clausen, “The Hessians probably built these, but how did they get the materials to do so?”
“They’re miners”, said Alvaro, “They probably found a way…”
Alvaro looks over at the large battleship, and sees that it is launching fighters.
“I got an idea...”, he thought to himself
Alvaro’s ship suddenly goes into cruise mode and goes towards the battleship.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!”, yelled Octavio
“That kid is suicidal…”, said Van Clausen
Alvaro ignores the chatter and goes towards the battleship. He dodges the turret fire and gets closer to the battleship. He cuts off his cruise and hits the thrusters. He flies into the hangar bay, and laser fire goes off from the Hessians’ heavy rifles and the turret emplacements. Alvaro gets hit by it, but it doesn’t affect his shields too much. He fires two torpedoes inside the bay and hits his cruise engines. The Hessians begin to scatter, and the torpedoes hit. Alvaro exits the ship, just as the explosion engulfs his ship. Fire goes all around his cockpit, but he exits the proximity of the ship just in time. The battleship engines go offline and massive explosions erupt throughout the ship. First the hangar bay, then the whole ship. Soon the battleship explodes, and the cruisers, gunboats, and fighters also explode. Cheering erupts from the Corsair channel.
A fleet of titans come and destroy the fighters chasing Alvaro.
“I’m impressed”, said Van Clausen, “You took out a battleship, along with the fleet around it. Impressive!”
“Yea”, said Alvaro, “The ship was loaded with torpedoes and heavy weaponry, it caused a massive explosion from all that cargo. I think that’s the weak point, hitting the hangars as they open!! ”
“This is a good thing now..”, said Octavio, “You destroyed a whole fleet and you gave the Corsairs a well needed moral boost!”
They continue their chatter as they engage the fighters around them. One by one, the heavy ships are dispatched, and the corsairs slowly take out the Stilettos and Sabres around them. The three heavy battleships begin a retreat, and the fighters proceed to dock with them.
“They’re retreating!”, said the Commander, “Trajectory places that they’re going towards the Hammen Hole! Don’t let them escape!”
The Corsair ships pursue the fleet towards the Hammen Hole. Mines take out some of the fighters and gunboats. Another battle begins near it, and the Corsairs take out more gunboats, cruisers, and fighters. The Battleships are no where to be seen. The Hessian fleet goes towards Ronnenburg Base, and the Corsairs chase them in an angry frenzy, destroying them like flies.
“Not so powerful without your battleships, huh!”, said a Corsair pilot.
“Something doesn’t seem right”, said Alvaro “Weren’t there lots of battleships and Cruisers before?”
“The kid is right”, said Van Clausen, “They just disappeared without a trace…”
The Corsairs take out the remaining fighters, gunboats, and cruisers. The commander’s ship hails Ronnenburg.
“This is Commander Chavez of Cadiz. You’ve put a good fight, but you’ve lost. Surrender you!”
“OH ****”, said a Corsair, “I’m reading no life forms... The base is loaded with nukes, and they’re going to set it off to cover their tracks!
“****!!!!!!!!!” yells the commander, “FALL BACK!!!!!!”
The corsairs hit their cruise engines and go flying off. Alvaro can see Ronnenburg in the distance and suddenly a massive flash covers the base, and a massive explosion erupts and begins to engulf everything. The Corsair fleet nears Cadiz, and the explosion engulfs the fleet. Alvaro can feel the burning heat of the explosion hitting the ship. Alvaro can hear the screams of the Corsairs killed by the explosion.
Alvaro turns around and goes back into the burning cloud without warning, and disappears into it.
The surviving Corsairs reach Cadiz, and see that much of their fighters are missing, but two important ones aren’t around- Van Clausen and Alvaro
End. Ch 5
Edited by - MercZ on 8/6/2006 2:56:06 AM
And thanks to everyone for good feedback. And here’s Ch.5, which is very long.
Ch. 5
The battle rages in Omega-5. The Hessians and the Rheinland ships bombard Cadiz. Explosions rock the station, and the Corsairs and the Hessians are locked in a battle. The crew onboard Cadiz are struck stiff from the sheer size and intensity of the battle.
“Why is Rheinland attacking us?!?!?” said Alvaro.
“Maybe they’ve come to destroy us and finish the job the started 800 years ago…”, said a Corsair.
“SHUT UP!” said another Corsair, “That’s what some of the Elders think; we have no proof that it was a Rheinlander...”
The Corsairs get into a fight, and Octavio shoots his pistol.
“This is Lieutenant Octavio Gulliento!” he yelled, “You are all to take battle stations! Man the turrets, pilot your ships, anything to make yourselves useful. NOW GO!”
The Corsairs rush out of the Observation deck and go in their different directions.
“Those ships shouldn’t be a problem, it’s those damned battleships that may give us trouble….” sighed Octavio.
“Why are they attacking us in the first place? Could it be that the Hessians are piloting those?” said Alvaro.
Before Octavio could finish, a man steps out from a booth and interrupts.
“The kid is right”, said the man, “Those ships are piloted by Hessians…”
“Your accent is that of a Rheinlander”, said Octavio. He pulls his gun out on the man and puts to his head, “Now tell me, any last requests before we push you out of the airlock?”
“I assure you”, said the Rheinlander, “I’m not with Rheinland or any of its criminals. I was passing through to…… Omicron Theta”
“I don’t buy that”, said Octavio, “But you dress too well to be a pirate I guess. What’s your name and why are you here?”
”My name is Herr Van Claussen”, he says, “I’m going to Crete to meet with the Elders. They’re expecting me….”
“Shut Up!” said Octavio, “The Elders would’ve told us about you!”
“You don’t have time for this”, said Van Claussen, “Your base is getting pounded by the Hessians. Shouldn’t you do something about it?”
Octavio doesn’t budge from his position, and Alvaro intervenes.
“Dad”, said Alvaro, “Just let him say what he wants, it’s no good right now to waste time…”
“Thank you, young Corsair”, sighed Van Clausen, “Those ships are piloted by the Hessians. Most of you would think that the Hessians could never build their own, and that’s right. As you all are aware of, there was a massive war in the colonies sometime ago. At the end of the war, Rheinland’s economy was practically destroyed from all the fighting. Many people became bankrupt, but the Military was hit the hardest. Many of its scientists became disgruntled since they weren’t getting paid. The Hessians managed to bribe off a scientist to work with them. This man disclosed a location of a secret battleship shipyard in Omega-11. The Hessians raided this base with no problem, since the security was low and the new Rheinland government wasn’t aware of its existence. They captured the Shipyard and took off with vital information, the battleships, and equipment to make the battleships…”
He laughs.
“But these ships aren’t really what the Rheinland Military truly is! They’re disgracing their glory by making these undersized pieces of ****!”
“Why are you telling us this?” said Octavio.
“It’s the most I can do for my clients…” said Van Claussen.
Another explosion rocks the station, and it knocks everyone off their feet.
“****!” yelled Alvaro, “Dad, we got to get to our ships!”
The two leave Van Clausen behind and rush to their ships. Rubble falls all around them as they run to their ships. Alarms are blaring on their whole way though. Every 5 minutes, a Corsair fleet is launched into the fray.
“Damn Hessians”, said Octavio, “Always relying on power rather than skill…”
“Are battleships really that hard to fight?” said Alvaro, “Especially since we have many Titans here to make short work out of them…”
“We can’t get close to them...” said Octavio, “And from the transmissions I’m getting, they seem to be heavily shielded…”
A piece of rock nearly hits the two, landing right next to Alvaro.
“We’ve been running around the whole time!” said Alvaro, “Where’s our ships?”
“There they are!” said Octavio, “Come on! Let’s get going!”
The two go into their ships and join up with the Gamma Squad. They quickly go through the docking ring and exit out of Cadiz and they enter the battle.
“Oh my God…” said a Corsair, “This battle is huge!”
“Listen up!”, said Octavio, “I’m taking command. Engage the ships. Don’t get near the battleships. We need to kill as many of those ships as we can before we can even think of engaging the battleships!”
The squad goes right into the fray, and begins their assault. Alvaro manages to destroy a Stiletto on the spot. He engages another Stiletto, but a barrage of lasers begins to hit his ship. He tries to dodge them, some of them miss him, but the rest hit him. He sees that there is a heavily equipped Sabre pounding him.
“Damn…” said Alvaro, “How am I supposed to get him!”
He continues to dodge the laser fire and weaves in and out of the asteroids, so that some of the fire may miss him. He sees a lever next to him and gets an idea.
“It may work”, he thought to himself, “I just need to get him behind me again…”
He lets the Sabre get behind him again and lets him shoot at him for a moment. He cuts his engine, and the Sabre goes roaring past him. Alvaro pursues the Sabre and pounds it with laser fire. He continues to do so and destroys his shield, and pounds the Sabre. Parts of the Sabre get destroyed, and he fires a missile at the Sabre. It explodes into a big green cloud. Alvaro begins his pursuit on another Stiletto chasing a Centurion. He takes it out and goes on to another ship.
“Thanks Gamma-7!”, said the Corsair
“No problem!”, said Alvaro.
He gets another Stiletto in his range and goes towards him, dodging the lasers blazing past his cockpit. The Stiletto is going towards him too. Alvaro fires all his lasers onto the ship, tearing past its shields and destroying the cockpit. The pilot ejects, but he slams into Alvaro’s cockpit. The face of the scared man is viewable from Alvaro’s cockpit.
“Wonder what I should do with you…” said Alvaro.
He sees another ship firing on him, and the pilot gets pounded by the lasers until he explodes; His remains splatter all over Alvaro’s cockpit. The lasers also hit Alvaro’s ship, prompting him to quickly engage his thrusters and turns towards the Sabre firing at him. He launches a salvo of missiles at Sabre along with his arrangement of lasers. The Sabre explodes and the pilot goes flying past Alvaro’s ship. Alvaro joins up with his father’s ship.
“Dad”, said Alvaro, “What are we going to do? Their supply seems unlimited!”
“I don’t know…”, said Octavio, “They keep coming. We have to fight them and dodge the fire from those battleships…”
An order interrupts him, and Octavio goes on the squad frequency.
“How much of us are left in this squad?” he said.
“Gamma-1 here!”
“Gamma-2 here!”
“Gamma-5 here!”
“Gamma-7! here!”
“Gamma-9 here!”
“Ok”, said Octavio, “we’ve lost some of our members, but we have enough members. Here’s what we’re going to do! Follow my lead and attack the cruisers. Only use your lasers though, their shields are no chance for our lasers….”
“Sir!”, said Gamma-2, “A Rheinland Valkrie is closing in on our location!”
“Don’t open fire!”, said Van Claussen, “I’m here to help you guys. I’ve fought ships like this, and I can help you take them down…”
“Ok!”, said Octavio, “You can fight with us, take a position next to me!”
The squad closes in on a Cruiser. Turret fire blazes past them, Van Clausen comes on the squad frequency.
“Listen Corsairs”, said Van Clausen, “Hit the bridge! If we damage that enough, we can dispatch the ship quicker”
The squad begins their attack. Octavio and Van Clausen fire on the Bridge, the others pound on it with lasers. In one sweep, the Cruiser explodes, and its remains burn as they float off in the darkness of space. Cheering comes over the intercom.
“Don’t celebrate just yet”, said Octavio, “These things are shielded, and there are more of them…”
The squad goes on another sweep on another Cruiser, and destroys it.
“This is Lieutenant Gulliento!”, said Octavio, “Commander, send some of the squads to reinforce our attack on the fleet!”
“Roger!” said the Commander, “The Rheinlander told us about the weak points on the ships, we are dispatching the Zeta and Omicron squads to join up with you guys. Long live the Corsairs!”
“Ok!” said Octavio, “Zeta, you guys take out the gunboats. Omicron, keep the fighters off our tails!
The squadrons proceed on their objectives. The battle rages on around the system. Soon the field becomes littered with remains of Corsairs and Hessians, and debris begins to fill up the system.
Eventually, the Cruisers and the Gunboats are destroyed, and the squad moves on the battleships.
Suddenly more ships uncloak- More fighters and heavy ships.
“****!” yelled Octavio, “How many ships did they hijack!”
“This is strange…” said Van Clausen, “The Hessians probably built these, but how did they get the materials to do so?”
“They’re miners”, said Alvaro, “They probably found a way…”
Alvaro looks over at the large battleship, and sees that it is launching fighters.
“I got an idea...”, he thought to himself
Alvaro’s ship suddenly goes into cruise mode and goes towards the battleship.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!”, yelled Octavio
“That kid is suicidal…”, said Van Clausen
Alvaro ignores the chatter and goes towards the battleship. He dodges the turret fire and gets closer to the battleship. He cuts off his cruise and hits the thrusters. He flies into the hangar bay, and laser fire goes off from the Hessians’ heavy rifles and the turret emplacements. Alvaro gets hit by it, but it doesn’t affect his shields too much. He fires two torpedoes inside the bay and hits his cruise engines. The Hessians begin to scatter, and the torpedoes hit. Alvaro exits the ship, just as the explosion engulfs his ship. Fire goes all around his cockpit, but he exits the proximity of the ship just in time. The battleship engines go offline and massive explosions erupt throughout the ship. First the hangar bay, then the whole ship. Soon the battleship explodes, and the cruisers, gunboats, and fighters also explode. Cheering erupts from the Corsair channel.
A fleet of titans come and destroy the fighters chasing Alvaro.
“I’m impressed”, said Van Clausen, “You took out a battleship, along with the fleet around it. Impressive!”
“Yea”, said Alvaro, “The ship was loaded with torpedoes and heavy weaponry, it caused a massive explosion from all that cargo. I think that’s the weak point, hitting the hangars as they open!! ”
“This is a good thing now..”, said Octavio, “You destroyed a whole fleet and you gave the Corsairs a well needed moral boost!”
They continue their chatter as they engage the fighters around them. One by one, the heavy ships are dispatched, and the corsairs slowly take out the Stilettos and Sabres around them. The three heavy battleships begin a retreat, and the fighters proceed to dock with them.
“They’re retreating!”, said the Commander, “Trajectory places that they’re going towards the Hammen Hole! Don’t let them escape!”
The Corsair ships pursue the fleet towards the Hammen Hole. Mines take out some of the fighters and gunboats. Another battle begins near it, and the Corsairs take out more gunboats, cruisers, and fighters. The Battleships are no where to be seen. The Hessian fleet goes towards Ronnenburg Base, and the Corsairs chase them in an angry frenzy, destroying them like flies.
“Not so powerful without your battleships, huh!”, said a Corsair pilot.
“Something doesn’t seem right”, said Alvaro “Weren’t there lots of battleships and Cruisers before?”
“The kid is right”, said Van Clausen, “They just disappeared without a trace…”
The Corsairs take out the remaining fighters, gunboats, and cruisers. The commander’s ship hails Ronnenburg.
“This is Commander Chavez of Cadiz. You’ve put a good fight, but you’ve lost. Surrender you!”
“OH ****”, said a Corsair, “I’m reading no life forms... The base is loaded with nukes, and they’re going to set it off to cover their tracks!
“****!!!!!!!!!” yells the commander, “FALL BACK!!!!!!”
The corsairs hit their cruise engines and go flying off. Alvaro can see Ronnenburg in the distance and suddenly a massive flash covers the base, and a massive explosion erupts and begins to engulf everything. The Corsair fleet nears Cadiz, and the explosion engulfs the fleet. Alvaro can feel the burning heat of the explosion hitting the ship. Alvaro can hear the screams of the Corsairs killed by the explosion.
Alvaro turns around and goes back into the burning cloud without warning, and disappears into it.
The surviving Corsairs reach Cadiz, and see that much of their fighters are missing, but two important ones aren’t around- Van Clausen and Alvaro
End. Ch 5
Edited by - MercZ on 8/6/2006 2:56:06 AM
Ch. 6
Alvaro turns around and goes into back into the cloud, leaving the Corsair fleet behind. Soon the fiery cloud engulfs him; his navigation computer comes on and gives a warning.
Alvaro reaches over and turns it off
"Damn that thing is annoying...” said Alvaro.
All Alvaro can see is the burning could around him. He can see his hull slowly begin to glow red. He passes through many destroyed ships, most of them Corsairs.
He travels through the cloud for sometime, but it feels like an eternity. The cockpit's temperature begins to rise in temperature. His vision begins to blur, and the heat gets to his head, then he suddenly hits something. He squints a bit, and his vision clears up. He sees a massive cross in front of him, and recognizes it instantly- The Rheinland Insignia. He maneuvers his ship over to the cockpit, and can see Van Clausen in his cockpit.
"There he is...” said Alvaro. He reaches over to a button, and his cockpit opens up. He grabs his laser rifle and floats over to the destroyed Valkrie. The heat begins to get to the suit, and he begins to sweat. He pulls up his Rifle and shoots a shot into the cockpit. The cockpit shatters and Alvaro reaches into it. Van Clausen is still breathing, but he is slowly losing control. Alvaro rips Van Clausen out of the cockpit and goes back towards his ship, placing him in his cargo bay. He hops back into his ship, but sees something bad- His hull is falling apart. He can see the skeleton of this ship in some areas, and some of the hull is completely gone in other places.
"This isn't good...” said Alvaro. He begins to punch in commands. He reroutes the power in the shields and weaponry to the engines.
"This is going to be suicidal", said Alvaro, "The radiation is going to go right through, but if I kept the shields and weaponry on... I won't make it out in time.
He hits the cruise engines and his ship goes soaring through the cloud. The ship is going much faster then usual. Pieces of debris fly past his Centurion as he soars through the cloud. He begins to feel funny, as if his whole body is boiling. He vomits all over the control panel, and he sees that he had also vomited some blood with it too. His hands burn and he sees that his whole cockpit is heating up. He can't handle the heat and he lets go of the controls. He throws up even more blood and he starts to burn. He tries to regain control, but he realizes it's useless. This is something he can't fight. He thinks it's all over, but suddenly the cloud clears, and he sees Cadiz in the distance.
"Yes...” said Alvaro.
He couldn't finish that sentence. He pukes up even more blood and falls unconscious.
Alvaro has the strange dreams again, but he sees different visions. An advanced alien civilization, creation of what they called "Guardians", the betrayal of the guardians, the disappearance of these aliens, and the trapping of the guardians. He is the only one left. There are no more aliens. He tries to look around for anyone, but they're all gone, almost as if they were never there. Alvaro looks up at the Mountain Range near the strange city, and recognizes it. It resembles a Mountain Range on Crete- the Atlas Range. Suddenly everything speeds up- He sees the structures slowly fall apart, and another alien race colonizing the planet. He recognizes their objects- most of the artifacts look like it. Then, for no reason, they disappear. Strange ships falling from the sky. Humans roaming the planet. Cities established. Only the mountain range hasn't changed. Alvaro's eyes suddenly open wide.
"This can't be... That planet was Crete...."
His vision blacks out, and he begins to hear voices.
"Will he be alright....?”
"He'll live....side effects are unknown though...”
"We won't know until he wakes.....He could be fertile....Organs may be damaged....maybe nothing at all..."
"The Rheinlander..."
"He’s awakening...No long term effects... He survived...."
He hears some noise, and some people yelling.
"Put him back on the bed!!"
"I must see the boy!"
"Stay back! You're hurt too...”
"No matter! This kid saved me!"
"Yes... My son did... But he's still unconscious... He’s saved... But we don't know if he has any long-term effects..."
"He certainly is an amazing boy... Reminds me of a Bretonian I met on my journeys... “
Alvaro slowly opens his eyes, and sees the people above him- Commander Chavez, Octavio, Van Clausen, and a doctor.
"He's come to!” said a doctor.
Octavio runs over to the bed and looks at his son.
"You really are a true corsair...” said Octavio.
"Kid, you saved my life! I am forever in your debt...” said Van Clausen.
"What....?” said Alvaro, "How did I survive...?"
"Your ship was in cruise when we found it", said Octavio, "You blasted right past us. We thought you two were dead, and we were surprised when we saw your ship. We tried to hail you, but you didn't reply. We fired cruise disrupters and went to your ship. Your ship was very hot, and there was blood all over the cockpit. We thought you died, but it seemed that you threw all that up as a result of the heat and radiation. We found Van Clausen in your cargo bay. We got you out as quick as we could. You two were too exposed to the radiation..."
"Am I ok?” said Alvaro.
"You and Van Clausen got some burns", said a doctor, "But in the long run, you're alive..."
"What about my ship?” said Alvaro.
Commander Chavez steps up.
"Your ship was too heavily damaged and had radiation all over it. We had to dispose of it. Your actions in the war have promoted you to Lieutenant. You have a titan now. Your actions in aiding in destroying a fleet of battleships and saving Van Clausen was very honorable", said the Commander, "Anyways, you guys are ok now, y'all need to report to briefing chambers"
The Commander steps out of the room, along with his body guards. The sound of his hover car is heard outside, and it blasts away to the center of Cadiz
"Let's go", said Alvaro, "We need to see what this briefing is about"
The three go to the command building in Cadiz. They see how much damage to war caused. Rubble has fallen from the ceiling and all directions, and many buildings have been knocked over. The whole base of Cadiz has been severely damaged. They soon reach the main street, and see other Corsairs making their way to the command building. They get inside and are escorted by guards to the main platform in the middle. They take a seat, along with other members of their squadrons.
"Dad...” said Alvaro, "Why are we up here?"
"I don't know...” said Octavio, "We were specifically requested..."
The crowds of Corsairs are all chatting about the war, Hessians, and the fate of Cadiz. They all fall silent when the Commander steps up to the podium.
"Fellow Corsairs! Congratulations to each of you! We fought a long war, but we have come out victorious. Please remember the fallen; their deaths shall not be in vain. We were attacked by these bastards with no warning, and we suffered many losses. I bet you not even a house military could've survived what we went through! Our death toll is rising to over 500 pilots"
Some gasps and chatter is heard from the audience
"To a house military, that's nothing. But to us, every corsair is valuable, for we are few in numbers. This was a massive loss, but we shall not allow them to pass in vain! These squadrons seated next to me are comprised of centurion and titan pilots, who turned the tide of battle. One boy, Lieutenant Octavio's son, Alvaro, single handedly took out a fleet of battleships. After this feat, these squadrons successfully took down many cruisers and gunboats. Each of you has done their part, even if you aren't up here. You may have killed some Hessians, saved a corsair pilot, operated on the wounded, manned the turrets, or repaired the damage to the ship, it doesn’t matter, and you all deserve recognition. We've won this war and Omega-5, but at a high cost. Many pilots are dead, and this system has got radiation, but not as bad as Omega-41”
“Nonetheless, this area will be hard to maintain, but we've had no problem with Leon. All of you take a look at your wrist-computers"
The corsairs take a look at their wrist computers.
"There are orders on there from the supreme commander of the Corsairs, Brigadier General Ramirez. Some of you are being moved to different positions, now that it'll be difficult for the Hessians to be relocated. Some of you are going to Crete, Leon, raids on Bretonia, or the Sigma's. Dismissed!"
Alvaro looks at his wristband, and it simply says "Report to Commander". His father has the same order, and it says that any one on the stage is to go to him they get up and go with the others to the commander's room for their orders.
"I see that you all are here!” said the commander, "You guys are probably wondering what your orders are"
They nod.
"It's a top-secret mission, which is why I didn't mention it in the briefing", said the commander. He goes over to a table, and a star chart hologram comes up, along with the schematics of the battleships.
"The Hessians got these battleships from a raid on a classified research station in a secret sector. They also got the materials to make more. We were able to track down their production facility here *Points to Omicron Theta* It's in Omicron Theta, located in a particle cloud near the planet Pygar. We're sending you guys, since it was clear you guys are skilled pilots. We must destroy this station, these battleships are extremely dangerous. Don't fail us! I'll be accompanying you guys for this mission. Report to the secondary launch bays!"
End Ch. 6
Edited by - MercZ on 8/6/2006 8:47:06 AM
Alvaro turns around and goes into back into the cloud, leaving the Corsair fleet behind. Soon the fiery cloud engulfs him; his navigation computer comes on and gives a warning.
Alvaro reaches over and turns it off
"Damn that thing is annoying...” said Alvaro.
All Alvaro can see is the burning could around him. He can see his hull slowly begin to glow red. He passes through many destroyed ships, most of them Corsairs.
He travels through the cloud for sometime, but it feels like an eternity. The cockpit's temperature begins to rise in temperature. His vision begins to blur, and the heat gets to his head, then he suddenly hits something. He squints a bit, and his vision clears up. He sees a massive cross in front of him, and recognizes it instantly- The Rheinland Insignia. He maneuvers his ship over to the cockpit, and can see Van Clausen in his cockpit.
"There he is...” said Alvaro. He reaches over to a button, and his cockpit opens up. He grabs his laser rifle and floats over to the destroyed Valkrie. The heat begins to get to the suit, and he begins to sweat. He pulls up his Rifle and shoots a shot into the cockpit. The cockpit shatters and Alvaro reaches into it. Van Clausen is still breathing, but he is slowly losing control. Alvaro rips Van Clausen out of the cockpit and goes back towards his ship, placing him in his cargo bay. He hops back into his ship, but sees something bad- His hull is falling apart. He can see the skeleton of this ship in some areas, and some of the hull is completely gone in other places.
"This isn't good...” said Alvaro. He begins to punch in commands. He reroutes the power in the shields and weaponry to the engines.
"This is going to be suicidal", said Alvaro, "The radiation is going to go right through, but if I kept the shields and weaponry on... I won't make it out in time.
He hits the cruise engines and his ship goes soaring through the cloud. The ship is going much faster then usual. Pieces of debris fly past his Centurion as he soars through the cloud. He begins to feel funny, as if his whole body is boiling. He vomits all over the control panel, and he sees that he had also vomited some blood with it too. His hands burn and he sees that his whole cockpit is heating up. He can't handle the heat and he lets go of the controls. He throws up even more blood and he starts to burn. He tries to regain control, but he realizes it's useless. This is something he can't fight. He thinks it's all over, but suddenly the cloud clears, and he sees Cadiz in the distance.
"Yes...” said Alvaro.
He couldn't finish that sentence. He pukes up even more blood and falls unconscious.
Alvaro has the strange dreams again, but he sees different visions. An advanced alien civilization, creation of what they called "Guardians", the betrayal of the guardians, the disappearance of these aliens, and the trapping of the guardians. He is the only one left. There are no more aliens. He tries to look around for anyone, but they're all gone, almost as if they were never there. Alvaro looks up at the Mountain Range near the strange city, and recognizes it. It resembles a Mountain Range on Crete- the Atlas Range. Suddenly everything speeds up- He sees the structures slowly fall apart, and another alien race colonizing the planet. He recognizes their objects- most of the artifacts look like it. Then, for no reason, they disappear. Strange ships falling from the sky. Humans roaming the planet. Cities established. Only the mountain range hasn't changed. Alvaro's eyes suddenly open wide.
"This can't be... That planet was Crete...."
His vision blacks out, and he begins to hear voices.
"Will he be alright....?”
"He'll live....side effects are unknown though...”
"We won't know until he wakes.....He could be fertile....Organs may be damaged....maybe nothing at all..."
"The Rheinlander..."
"He’s awakening...No long term effects... He survived...."
He hears some noise, and some people yelling.
"Put him back on the bed!!"
"I must see the boy!"
"Stay back! You're hurt too...”
"No matter! This kid saved me!"
"Yes... My son did... But he's still unconscious... He’s saved... But we don't know if he has any long-term effects..."
"He certainly is an amazing boy... Reminds me of a Bretonian I met on my journeys... “
Alvaro slowly opens his eyes, and sees the people above him- Commander Chavez, Octavio, Van Clausen, and a doctor.
"He's come to!” said a doctor.
Octavio runs over to the bed and looks at his son.
"You really are a true corsair...” said Octavio.
"Kid, you saved my life! I am forever in your debt...” said Van Clausen.
"What....?” said Alvaro, "How did I survive...?"
"Your ship was in cruise when we found it", said Octavio, "You blasted right past us. We thought you two were dead, and we were surprised when we saw your ship. We tried to hail you, but you didn't reply. We fired cruise disrupters and went to your ship. Your ship was very hot, and there was blood all over the cockpit. We thought you died, but it seemed that you threw all that up as a result of the heat and radiation. We found Van Clausen in your cargo bay. We got you out as quick as we could. You two were too exposed to the radiation..."
"Am I ok?” said Alvaro.
"You and Van Clausen got some burns", said a doctor, "But in the long run, you're alive..."
"What about my ship?” said Alvaro.
Commander Chavez steps up.
"Your ship was too heavily damaged and had radiation all over it. We had to dispose of it. Your actions in the war have promoted you to Lieutenant. You have a titan now. Your actions in aiding in destroying a fleet of battleships and saving Van Clausen was very honorable", said the Commander, "Anyways, you guys are ok now, y'all need to report to briefing chambers"
The Commander steps out of the room, along with his body guards. The sound of his hover car is heard outside, and it blasts away to the center of Cadiz
"Let's go", said Alvaro, "We need to see what this briefing is about"
The three go to the command building in Cadiz. They see how much damage to war caused. Rubble has fallen from the ceiling and all directions, and many buildings have been knocked over. The whole base of Cadiz has been severely damaged. They soon reach the main street, and see other Corsairs making their way to the command building. They get inside and are escorted by guards to the main platform in the middle. They take a seat, along with other members of their squadrons.
"Dad...” said Alvaro, "Why are we up here?"
"I don't know...” said Octavio, "We were specifically requested..."
The crowds of Corsairs are all chatting about the war, Hessians, and the fate of Cadiz. They all fall silent when the Commander steps up to the podium.
"Fellow Corsairs! Congratulations to each of you! We fought a long war, but we have come out victorious. Please remember the fallen; their deaths shall not be in vain. We were attacked by these bastards with no warning, and we suffered many losses. I bet you not even a house military could've survived what we went through! Our death toll is rising to over 500 pilots"
Some gasps and chatter is heard from the audience
"To a house military, that's nothing. But to us, every corsair is valuable, for we are few in numbers. This was a massive loss, but we shall not allow them to pass in vain! These squadrons seated next to me are comprised of centurion and titan pilots, who turned the tide of battle. One boy, Lieutenant Octavio's son, Alvaro, single handedly took out a fleet of battleships. After this feat, these squadrons successfully took down many cruisers and gunboats. Each of you has done their part, even if you aren't up here. You may have killed some Hessians, saved a corsair pilot, operated on the wounded, manned the turrets, or repaired the damage to the ship, it doesn’t matter, and you all deserve recognition. We've won this war and Omega-5, but at a high cost. Many pilots are dead, and this system has got radiation, but not as bad as Omega-41”
“Nonetheless, this area will be hard to maintain, but we've had no problem with Leon. All of you take a look at your wrist-computers"
The corsairs take a look at their wrist computers.
"There are orders on there from the supreme commander of the Corsairs, Brigadier General Ramirez. Some of you are being moved to different positions, now that it'll be difficult for the Hessians to be relocated. Some of you are going to Crete, Leon, raids on Bretonia, or the Sigma's. Dismissed!"
Alvaro looks at his wristband, and it simply says "Report to Commander". His father has the same order, and it says that any one on the stage is to go to him they get up and go with the others to the commander's room for their orders.
"I see that you all are here!” said the commander, "You guys are probably wondering what your orders are"
They nod.
"It's a top-secret mission, which is why I didn't mention it in the briefing", said the commander. He goes over to a table, and a star chart hologram comes up, along with the schematics of the battleships.
"The Hessians got these battleships from a raid on a classified research station in a secret sector. They also got the materials to make more. We were able to track down their production facility here *Points to Omicron Theta* It's in Omicron Theta, located in a particle cloud near the planet Pygar. We're sending you guys, since it was clear you guys are skilled pilots. We must destroy this station, these battleships are extremely dangerous. Don't fail us! I'll be accompanying you guys for this mission. Report to the secondary launch bays!"
End Ch. 6
Edited by - MercZ on 8/6/2006 8:47:06 AM
Ch. 7
Alvaro and the pilots walk through a passage, leading right to the landing pad. There are about 40 pilots, including Alvaro. They proceed to the Landing Pad, where the pilots immediately go and prepare their ships for take off and the mission. Most of the ships are titans, some new, and some showing battle scars. Alvaro notices that Van Clausen is not with them.
“Dad”, said Alvaro, “Where did that Rheinlander go?
“He had other business to take care off”, said Octavio, “It seems that the he was telling the truth, the Elders called wanting his status and location. They did have a meeting with him”
“I see”, said Alvaro, “He was a good pilot, wasn’t he?”
“Yes”, said Octavio, “He clearly shows that he had experienced combat before”
Commander Chavez comes up to them from the command building.
“What are you two standing around for!?” he said, “The rest of the squadron has already completed pre-flight checks! Get to your ships now!”
“Yes sir!” they both said
Alvaro and Octavio proceed to their ships and prepare for take off. The Commander comes on through the com-link
“Alright!” said Chavez, “I’m giving you all information about the new equipment and advancements on these special titans. You may already notice the new weapons. These are fresh from Tripoli and the research stations on Crete. They are an assortment of assault cannons, mass drivers, and many different advanced weapons. These can tear apart a sabre in no time! You have an advanced power plant, and your hull is made of a special material, both durable and strong. These will allow these titans to move faster; No more cow or tub jokes from the Zoners or other pirates. They are also outfitted with heavy shields, which can block even the worst radiation. I’m sending y’all the coordinates of the factory in Omicron Theta. We are going through Omega-41, but the shields should block it. Your navigation computers will soon receive objectives and what squadron you’ll be with. Alpha will commence the attack on the station. Beta will engage the fighters, and Zeta will take out any other defenses. If we’re lucky, the battleships won’t be active. Prepare for take-off!”
The Titans lift off and proceed through the docking ring and proceed to the area outside the base. Alvaro looks back at Cadiz, and can see repair ships taking apart surrounding asteroids and taking rocks to repair cracks in Cadiz’s hull. An orange glow suddenly lights up his cockpit, he looks in front of him, and sees a bright orange cloud in the distance. The intercom comes on.
“What you see there”, said `Chavez “Is the result of the nuclear blast along with the leaking reactors of both Corsair and Hessian ships. It’s a permanent reminder of what happened here. We shall call it the Diablo Cloud. The radiation is strong in that cloud; we must not go through there. Follow me; we’re taking the jump hole to Omega-41. Once there, we’ll take the jump hole to Omicron Theta”
The squadron goes through the hole and reaches Omega-41. The sight amazes Alvaro. A system littered with debris and asteroids, with a neutron star in the middle.
“Amazed by that, huh?” said Octavio, “This system has no important resources or can support large scale habitations. Only a Zoner base and Leon here; It only holds a strategic Value”
“Yea”, said Alvaro, “Are there many fights around here?”
“Not really”, said Octavio, “There are some, but the radiation is too heavy for a long fight”
“CUT THE CHATTER!” yelled a Corsair, “We’re nearing the jump hole to Omicron Theta!”
The Corsair strike group arrives at the other end, and the Edge Cloud can be clearly seen in the distance.
“Alright!” said Chavez, “The base is said to be on the dark side of a planet in the Edge Cloud east of Freeport 9”
The Corsair group proceeds through the jump hole and arrives in Omicron Theta. They proceed past Freeport 9, eventually reaching the edge cloud.
“Ok”, said Chavez, “Remember your commands and your squad groups. Things will get hot in a moment”
Alvaro suddenly remembers that he forgot to check what squadron he was assigned to. He brings up his computer, and looks through the previous messages. He sees what he needs
From Corsair Command:
You have been assigned to Beta Squadron. Take on all fighters in the combat zone. Your squadron commander is Beta-1.
Alvaro moves his Titan over to the Beta Squadron.
“So there you are!” said Beta-1, “I was wondering when you’d get here!”
“Sorry about that”, said Alvaro, “I forgot to check my messa…”
Before he could finish, Chavez interrupts the conversation
“All pilots, cut any transmissions and maintain radio silence!” he yelled.
Alvaro and the rest of the Titans slowly move through the cloud. Alvaro sees nothing but green all around him, except for the dim outline of his fellow corsairs.
Alvaro activates his HUD, and sees that he is nearing in on the target. His cockpit is lighted only by his HUD and the occasional light flashes in the cloud. A message pops up on his HUD to prepare for combat. He looks ahead, still only seeing the green cloud. The cloud flashes again, and the outline of a massive station is seen ahead. They soon enter a gap in the cloud, and the station can be seen clearly. It’s a massive station, with 5 docks, each containing prototype Rheinland Battleships. Alvaro looks at the massive size of the ship, and he begins to feel frightful. Suddenly, a blast hits his left wing, and he looks over and sees five sabres.
“They just appeared out of no where!” said another.
The Titans begin to take evasive action and quickly dispatch the sabres. Alvaro looks off in the distance and sees bright flashes. 50 sabres uncloak, with an assortment of cruisers and gunboats.
“Beta and Zeta squadrons!” said Chavez, “Do your objectives now! Alpha needs to do their bombing run without too much interference!
Chavez looks out into the distance, and sees more Hessians uncloaking.
“DAMN!” he said, “Everyone, get ready!”
Alvaro hits his thrusters and goes straight to the first sabre he sees. He gets in his crosshairs and quickly dispatches it.
”DAMN!” thought Alvaro, “He wasn’t lying when he said these weapons pack a punch!”
His HUD shows a fighter on his tail. He speeds up and quickly flies himself over to behind the sabre. He quickly dispatches it.
“And the new design is great! Flies like my old Legionnaire…” he thought.
Alvaro sees one of his squadron members being attacked by three sabres. He quickly makes his way over to one of the sabres and unloads a massive amount of fire on the ship. The Sabre’s wings are quickly clipped, and in a moment, it blows apart into a brilliant green explosion. Alvaro flies through the explosion to engage the other fighter, but as he does, something smashes against his cockpit. He can see what looks like a helmet; it slowly slips off, leaving a red trail of blood.
“How disgusting…” he thought. Alvaro quickly dispatches the other sabre, and the corsair quickly makes his way around to dispatch the other one.
“Thanks for the assist!” said the Corsair.
“No problem! Quickly! Join up with me, and aim for the bridge of that cruiser”, said Alvaro.
The two fly towards the nearest Cruiser, dodging laser fire and ships in there way. The cruiser then begins to fire at them.
“Crap...” said Alvaro, “Keep going! Let’s hope these shields hold. These new weapons should be able to destroy the cruiser”
The two unload their weaponry on to the cruiser, and soon it starts to get on fire. An explosion rocks the bridge of the cruiser, and a fire begins to engulf the ship.
“****!” said the Corsair, “All corsairs, move away from the marked ship! It’s gonna blow!”
Alvaro and the other corsair quickly hit their thrusters and blast away from the crippled ship.
It explodes and quickly takes out the ships around them. Alvaro’s titan spins out of control.
“Damn!” said Alvaro, “Those Cruisers are like a flying bomb!”
“Yea”, said Chavez, They’re loaded to the max with weaponry and explosive gasses…”
Alvaro flies around and engages two sabres, quickly destroying them in an instant. He takes out a gunboat close to a cruiser, destroying the gunboat and the cruiser’s defensive weapons”
“Beta-1!” said Alvaro, “We should destroy the cruisers, if we play are cards right, we can quickly get away, and take out a ton of ships!”
Laser fire is heard over the intercom.
“Yes....Idea….good….assigning….four…our ships… you…” said Beta-1
Four corsairs form up with Alvaro, and wait for their orders. Alvaro looks out at the battle zone, and sees a cruiser in the midst of the Hessian fighters.
“All of my ships!” said Alvaro, “Target the bridge on the marked cruiser!”
Alvaro and his partners blast towards the cruiser, dodging laser fire and ships. Soon the cruiser begins to unload a barrage of lasers and missiles on the ships.
“Keep on the target!” said Alvaro, “Unload on the bridge until it explodes!”
The Titans close in on the cruiser, their shields blocking a barrage of fire. They all fire, and with in seconds, the bridge explodes.
Alvaro and the other titans hit their thrusters and move away. The cruiser explodes, dispatching five gunboats, six sabres, and crippling a nearby cruiser.
“That was some chain reaction!” said Octavio, “We’re doing well so far! My squadron has been able to attack the station, and Zeta will probably come soon, the defenses are nearly down!”
“Good”, said Alvaro, “These Hessians are like flies...”
Something rocks his ship, and Alvaro sees a sabre flies head onto Alvaro, unloading a barrage of lasers. He quickly dispatches the sabre.
“They’re annoying…” said Alvaro.
Alvaro and his fellow partners dispatch the cruisers, destroying many Hessians along with it.
“We’re doing good guys!” said Alvaro, “This battle is ours…”
Before he finishes, one of the ships near him explode, and the others quickly fall too. Alvaro cuts his engines, and 2 sabres zoom past him. He does a quick scan on them.
“Crap…” he said, “Loaded with missiles and torpedoes…”
The sabres turn back around and assault Alvaro. Alvaro zooms past them, and goes behind one of them, unloading a barrage of lasers. The shield on the sabre is tough, but Alvaro manages to break through it. The other ship launches a barrage of missiles at him. Alvaro blasts away, and launches a counter-measure. One of the missiles hit it, but another hits Alvaro’s ship. It does no damage. Alvaro tries to launch more countermeasures, but the computer doesn’t respond.
“****!” he thought, “Took out the countermeasure system!”
Alvaro looks around, while keeping an eye on his thruster gage.
“88%…” he said. He looks around, and sees the corsairs around the battle station, pounding away at it.
“I’ve got an idea…” thought Alvaro.
Alvaro hits his thrusters and makes his way towards the station. Lasers blaze past him, and dogfights are all around him. He dodges the fire from other ships, some of which take out the missiles. He gets closer to the station, and makes his way to the area beneath it, where the battleships are docked. He heads towards a battleship with an open hangar and flies through it, making a tricky path through the numerous obstacles in the hangar bay. The missiles explode behind him, and Alvaro quickly flies through the bay. Alvaro goes into cruise and sets an alarm frequency. He blasts away, and behind him, the battleship makes a large explosion, causing a chain reaction. Explosions rock the station, and cause numerous hull breaches, through which Hessian pilots and ships inside the station get sucked out. Zeta squadron unloads a payload of heavy torpedoes, and move away. The torpedoes hit, and the station gets obliterated, engulfed by a massive explosion. Cheering comes over the frequency.
“The station is destroyed!” said Chavez, “All fighters, clean up what’s left!”
The Corsair titans quickly destroy the remaining Hessians, which seem to have lost morale. The Cruisers are quickly taken out, since their defense systems were destroyed. Soon, the Hessian fleet is gone.
”Good job!” said Chavez, “Mission Accomplished. Form up on me and lets return to Crete!”
The Titans from up on Chavez and move towards the jump hole towards Omicron Gamma. Most of the Corsairs are bragging about their kills and maneuvers. Alvaro switches over to a private channel with his dad.
“That was too easy…” said Alvaro, “Something doesn’t feel right…”
“I know”, said Octavio, “I would’ve expected only 20 or less of us to come back, but only 5 pilots perished”
The Corsair group reaches the jump hole and move through it. They enter the edge nebula in Omicron Gamma, and move towards Crete. But as it gets in view, the ships stop.
“Oh my god…” said a Corsair.
A massive battle is seen near Crete. The battleships can clearly be seen from far away, and occasional explosions appear around Crete. There is a battle happening around Crete.
“All Corsairs!” said Chavez, “Prepare to attack!”
En Ch.7
Edited by - MercZ on 8/6/2006 8:58:05 AM
Alvaro and the pilots walk through a passage, leading right to the landing pad. There are about 40 pilots, including Alvaro. They proceed to the Landing Pad, where the pilots immediately go and prepare their ships for take off and the mission. Most of the ships are titans, some new, and some showing battle scars. Alvaro notices that Van Clausen is not with them.
“Dad”, said Alvaro, “Where did that Rheinlander go?
“He had other business to take care off”, said Octavio, “It seems that the he was telling the truth, the Elders called wanting his status and location. They did have a meeting with him”
“I see”, said Alvaro, “He was a good pilot, wasn’t he?”
“Yes”, said Octavio, “He clearly shows that he had experienced combat before”
Commander Chavez comes up to them from the command building.
“What are you two standing around for!?” he said, “The rest of the squadron has already completed pre-flight checks! Get to your ships now!”
“Yes sir!” they both said
Alvaro and Octavio proceed to their ships and prepare for take off. The Commander comes on through the com-link
“Alright!” said Chavez, “I’m giving you all information about the new equipment and advancements on these special titans. You may already notice the new weapons. These are fresh from Tripoli and the research stations on Crete. They are an assortment of assault cannons, mass drivers, and many different advanced weapons. These can tear apart a sabre in no time! You have an advanced power plant, and your hull is made of a special material, both durable and strong. These will allow these titans to move faster; No more cow or tub jokes from the Zoners or other pirates. They are also outfitted with heavy shields, which can block even the worst radiation. I’m sending y’all the coordinates of the factory in Omicron Theta. We are going through Omega-41, but the shields should block it. Your navigation computers will soon receive objectives and what squadron you’ll be with. Alpha will commence the attack on the station. Beta will engage the fighters, and Zeta will take out any other defenses. If we’re lucky, the battleships won’t be active. Prepare for take-off!”
The Titans lift off and proceed through the docking ring and proceed to the area outside the base. Alvaro looks back at Cadiz, and can see repair ships taking apart surrounding asteroids and taking rocks to repair cracks in Cadiz’s hull. An orange glow suddenly lights up his cockpit, he looks in front of him, and sees a bright orange cloud in the distance. The intercom comes on.
“What you see there”, said `Chavez “Is the result of the nuclear blast along with the leaking reactors of both Corsair and Hessian ships. It’s a permanent reminder of what happened here. We shall call it the Diablo Cloud. The radiation is strong in that cloud; we must not go through there. Follow me; we’re taking the jump hole to Omega-41. Once there, we’ll take the jump hole to Omicron Theta”
The squadron goes through the hole and reaches Omega-41. The sight amazes Alvaro. A system littered with debris and asteroids, with a neutron star in the middle.
“Amazed by that, huh?” said Octavio, “This system has no important resources or can support large scale habitations. Only a Zoner base and Leon here; It only holds a strategic Value”
“Yea”, said Alvaro, “Are there many fights around here?”
“Not really”, said Octavio, “There are some, but the radiation is too heavy for a long fight”
“CUT THE CHATTER!” yelled a Corsair, “We’re nearing the jump hole to Omicron Theta!”
The Corsair strike group arrives at the other end, and the Edge Cloud can be clearly seen in the distance.
“Alright!” said Chavez, “The base is said to be on the dark side of a planet in the Edge Cloud east of Freeport 9”
The Corsair group proceeds through the jump hole and arrives in Omicron Theta. They proceed past Freeport 9, eventually reaching the edge cloud.
“Ok”, said Chavez, “Remember your commands and your squad groups. Things will get hot in a moment”
Alvaro suddenly remembers that he forgot to check what squadron he was assigned to. He brings up his computer, and looks through the previous messages. He sees what he needs
From Corsair Command:
You have been assigned to Beta Squadron. Take on all fighters in the combat zone. Your squadron commander is Beta-1.
Alvaro moves his Titan over to the Beta Squadron.
“So there you are!” said Beta-1, “I was wondering when you’d get here!”
“Sorry about that”, said Alvaro, “I forgot to check my messa…”
Before he could finish, Chavez interrupts the conversation
“All pilots, cut any transmissions and maintain radio silence!” he yelled.
Alvaro and the rest of the Titans slowly move through the cloud. Alvaro sees nothing but green all around him, except for the dim outline of his fellow corsairs.
Alvaro activates his HUD, and sees that he is nearing in on the target. His cockpit is lighted only by his HUD and the occasional light flashes in the cloud. A message pops up on his HUD to prepare for combat. He looks ahead, still only seeing the green cloud. The cloud flashes again, and the outline of a massive station is seen ahead. They soon enter a gap in the cloud, and the station can be seen clearly. It’s a massive station, with 5 docks, each containing prototype Rheinland Battleships. Alvaro looks at the massive size of the ship, and he begins to feel frightful. Suddenly, a blast hits his left wing, and he looks over and sees five sabres.
“They just appeared out of no where!” said another.
The Titans begin to take evasive action and quickly dispatch the sabres. Alvaro looks off in the distance and sees bright flashes. 50 sabres uncloak, with an assortment of cruisers and gunboats.
“Beta and Zeta squadrons!” said Chavez, “Do your objectives now! Alpha needs to do their bombing run without too much interference!
Chavez looks out into the distance, and sees more Hessians uncloaking.
“DAMN!” he said, “Everyone, get ready!”
Alvaro hits his thrusters and goes straight to the first sabre he sees. He gets in his crosshairs and quickly dispatches it.
”DAMN!” thought Alvaro, “He wasn’t lying when he said these weapons pack a punch!”
His HUD shows a fighter on his tail. He speeds up and quickly flies himself over to behind the sabre. He quickly dispatches it.
“And the new design is great! Flies like my old Legionnaire…” he thought.
Alvaro sees one of his squadron members being attacked by three sabres. He quickly makes his way over to one of the sabres and unloads a massive amount of fire on the ship. The Sabre’s wings are quickly clipped, and in a moment, it blows apart into a brilliant green explosion. Alvaro flies through the explosion to engage the other fighter, but as he does, something smashes against his cockpit. He can see what looks like a helmet; it slowly slips off, leaving a red trail of blood.
“How disgusting…” he thought. Alvaro quickly dispatches the other sabre, and the corsair quickly makes his way around to dispatch the other one.
“Thanks for the assist!” said the Corsair.
“No problem! Quickly! Join up with me, and aim for the bridge of that cruiser”, said Alvaro.
The two fly towards the nearest Cruiser, dodging laser fire and ships in there way. The cruiser then begins to fire at them.
“Crap...” said Alvaro, “Keep going! Let’s hope these shields hold. These new weapons should be able to destroy the cruiser”
The two unload their weaponry on to the cruiser, and soon it starts to get on fire. An explosion rocks the bridge of the cruiser, and a fire begins to engulf the ship.
“****!” said the Corsair, “All corsairs, move away from the marked ship! It’s gonna blow!”
Alvaro and the other corsair quickly hit their thrusters and blast away from the crippled ship.
It explodes and quickly takes out the ships around them. Alvaro’s titan spins out of control.
“Damn!” said Alvaro, “Those Cruisers are like a flying bomb!”
“Yea”, said Chavez, They’re loaded to the max with weaponry and explosive gasses…”
Alvaro flies around and engages two sabres, quickly destroying them in an instant. He takes out a gunboat close to a cruiser, destroying the gunboat and the cruiser’s defensive weapons”
“Beta-1!” said Alvaro, “We should destroy the cruisers, if we play are cards right, we can quickly get away, and take out a ton of ships!”
Laser fire is heard over the intercom.
“Yes....Idea….good….assigning….four…our ships… you…” said Beta-1
Four corsairs form up with Alvaro, and wait for their orders. Alvaro looks out at the battle zone, and sees a cruiser in the midst of the Hessian fighters.
“All of my ships!” said Alvaro, “Target the bridge on the marked cruiser!”
Alvaro and his partners blast towards the cruiser, dodging laser fire and ships. Soon the cruiser begins to unload a barrage of lasers and missiles on the ships.
“Keep on the target!” said Alvaro, “Unload on the bridge until it explodes!”
The Titans close in on the cruiser, their shields blocking a barrage of fire. They all fire, and with in seconds, the bridge explodes.
Alvaro and the other titans hit their thrusters and move away. The cruiser explodes, dispatching five gunboats, six sabres, and crippling a nearby cruiser.
“That was some chain reaction!” said Octavio, “We’re doing well so far! My squadron has been able to attack the station, and Zeta will probably come soon, the defenses are nearly down!”
“Good”, said Alvaro, “These Hessians are like flies...”
Something rocks his ship, and Alvaro sees a sabre flies head onto Alvaro, unloading a barrage of lasers. He quickly dispatches the sabre.
“They’re annoying…” said Alvaro.
Alvaro and his fellow partners dispatch the cruisers, destroying many Hessians along with it.
“We’re doing good guys!” said Alvaro, “This battle is ours…”
Before he finishes, one of the ships near him explode, and the others quickly fall too. Alvaro cuts his engines, and 2 sabres zoom past him. He does a quick scan on them.
“Crap…” he said, “Loaded with missiles and torpedoes…”
The sabres turn back around and assault Alvaro. Alvaro zooms past them, and goes behind one of them, unloading a barrage of lasers. The shield on the sabre is tough, but Alvaro manages to break through it. The other ship launches a barrage of missiles at him. Alvaro blasts away, and launches a counter-measure. One of the missiles hit it, but another hits Alvaro’s ship. It does no damage. Alvaro tries to launch more countermeasures, but the computer doesn’t respond.
“****!” he thought, “Took out the countermeasure system!”
Alvaro looks around, while keeping an eye on his thruster gage.
“88%…” he said. He looks around, and sees the corsairs around the battle station, pounding away at it.
“I’ve got an idea…” thought Alvaro.
Alvaro hits his thrusters and makes his way towards the station. Lasers blaze past him, and dogfights are all around him. He dodges the fire from other ships, some of which take out the missiles. He gets closer to the station, and makes his way to the area beneath it, where the battleships are docked. He heads towards a battleship with an open hangar and flies through it, making a tricky path through the numerous obstacles in the hangar bay. The missiles explode behind him, and Alvaro quickly flies through the bay. Alvaro goes into cruise and sets an alarm frequency. He blasts away, and behind him, the battleship makes a large explosion, causing a chain reaction. Explosions rock the station, and cause numerous hull breaches, through which Hessian pilots and ships inside the station get sucked out. Zeta squadron unloads a payload of heavy torpedoes, and move away. The torpedoes hit, and the station gets obliterated, engulfed by a massive explosion. Cheering comes over the frequency.
“The station is destroyed!” said Chavez, “All fighters, clean up what’s left!”
The Corsair titans quickly destroy the remaining Hessians, which seem to have lost morale. The Cruisers are quickly taken out, since their defense systems were destroyed. Soon, the Hessian fleet is gone.
”Good job!” said Chavez, “Mission Accomplished. Form up on me and lets return to Crete!”
The Titans from up on Chavez and move towards the jump hole towards Omicron Gamma. Most of the Corsairs are bragging about their kills and maneuvers. Alvaro switches over to a private channel with his dad.
“That was too easy…” said Alvaro, “Something doesn’t feel right…”
“I know”, said Octavio, “I would’ve expected only 20 or less of us to come back, but only 5 pilots perished”
The Corsair group reaches the jump hole and move through it. They enter the edge nebula in Omicron Gamma, and move towards Crete. But as it gets in view, the ships stop.
“Oh my god…” said a Corsair.
A massive battle is seen near Crete. The battleships can clearly be seen from far away, and occasional explosions appear around Crete. There is a battle happening around Crete.
“All Corsairs!” said Chavez, “Prepare to attack!”
En Ch.7
Edited by - MercZ on 8/6/2006 8:58:05 AM
Another chapter. Thank's to any who read it!
Ch. 8
“All Corsairs”, said Chavez, “Keep on my lead until we can get close enough for contact with Corsair Command! Engage any fighters we get with, but do not engage battleships!”
The Corsairs blast towards Crete, leaving the cloud behind them; Crete gets closer and closer, and the battle can clearly be seen. Massive battleships bombarding the surface of Crete, Fighters zooming past them, dodging their fire and engaging their enemies and explosions of fighters can be seen.
“This battle is massive…” said a Corsair.
“I only thought those damned houses could have battles this massive…”
Alvaro is amazed by the size of the battle. It reminds him of movies he saw as a child of Stolen Holograms, most of which were pre-Sirius. Suddenly, his cockpit glows blue, and he looks over to the left of the ship; He sees a massive blue laser beam blast past his ship, illuminating his cockpit.
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!??!” yelled a Corsair.
“That’s the Planetary Defense System”, said Chavez, “Fired by many of the massive cannons based in Crete”
“I thought only the houses had that?” said a Corsair.
“Shut it!” said Chavez “there’s a transmission coming from Corsair command”
“Commander Chavez! Thank god you guys have arrived!”
“What happened!” said Chavez.
“We don’t know!” said the man, “They popped out of nowhere! They’ve begun bombardment of the planet surface, and fighter wings have been dispatched to engage them. Help immediately! And try to fly clear of the battleships from the planet side. We are hitting them with out orbital bombardment cannons!”
“Roger, are we getting reinforcements?” said Chavez.
“We’ve been trying to contact Leon and Cadiz for hours now, but we’ve got no response”
“Roger, we’re going to engage the fighters, let us do some prep work first!”, said Chavez.
“Roger!” said the man, “Long live the Corsairs!”
He switches over to the squadron frequency.
“All Corsairs on my wing! Engage any fighters you come in contact with! Try and stay away from the battleships!”
“You be careful out there, Alvaro”, said Octavio.
“You too, dad”, said Alvaro.
Shouting of “LONG LIVE THE CORSAIRS!!!!!” comes on through the chatter.
Alvaro can feel himself reaching over to the acceleration. He blasted towards Crete, with other Corsairs at his side. Soon, Laser fire began to hit their ships, and the Sabres began to engage them. Alvaro sees a Sabre closing in, and begins to fire at it. The Sabre too starts to fire at him. He sees the Sabre blast past him, and he reaches over for the mine switch. The explosion lights his cockpit. He heads over to another Sabre. One by one, he slowly destroys each sabre, and before he knows it, he can see the landscape of Crete on the left side of his cockpit. He can clearly see the battle now- hundreds of fighters engaging each other, and battleships bombarding Crete.
Alvaro engages a Sabre near him, and begins firing his lasers. His lasers hit the ship, but it doesn’t seem to do any damage at all.
“Damn!” said Alvaro, “I don’t seem to be doing anything to it!
Alvaro begins to fire rapidly on the sabre, chasing it through dogfights and around battleships.
Alvaro locks his crosshairs onto the ship, and fires a barrage of electromagnetic missiles. The ship’s engine gets disabled. Alvaro gets the ship back into his crosshair and just as he was about to destroy the ship a massive laser beam fires from the surface, engulfing the disabled ship and pounding the battleship next to it. Alvaro narrowly dodges the beam, going downwards. He looks up and can see the debris from the battleship. A hole is left behind on the side, and many of its crew members are sucked out into the void of space. More laser beams fire from the surface of Crete, and Alvaro dodges them. He tries to make his way back to the other side of the Battleships, having to dodge fire from fighters and the battleships as well. Another orbital beam fires from the planet surface, and narrowly misses the Alvaro’s Titan, leaving a scarred mark on the hull.
“****!!!” yelled Alvaro. He reaches over to his command console and presses some buttons. A scan of his ship’s hologram comes up, showing the weapons on the left wing severely damaged.
His ship rocks around and Alvaro looks at his rear camera view, and clearly sees a Sabre unloading on him. He hits his thrusters and pulls up and brings himself behind the sabre, and unloads a horde of lasers on to it. The sabre explodes in a brilliant orange explosion. Alvaro pulls back towards the battle and pursues another sabre in his sights. He pulls up behind the sabre and puts the sabre in his crosshairs.
“Goodbye, You bastard!” said Alvaro.
Before he could hit his trigger, something jolts his ship. He looks at his rear camera HUD; two sabres are engaging him. He hits his engines and begins to do a variety of maneuvers. Strafing, loop de loops, barrel rolls, and any other maneuvers he can think of; it’s no good. A couple of missiles hit Alvaro’s ship, jolting him from his seat.
“NOO!” said Alvaro. He hits his cockpit controls over and over again. The ships come back around for a finishing move; he can see the sabres closing in on his ship.
Suddenly, a blast of green lasers hit the sabres, and they explode into a large green explosion.
Alvaro looks around for who fired the laser shots. Some chatter comes over his frequency
“That’s for saving me back in Cadiz!” said the man.
Alvaro looks over to the left of his cockpit, and can see a Valkrie pulling up in front of him.
“Van Clausen!” said Alvaro, “What are you doing here?
“I was in the middle of discussing something of utter importance to my clients’ interests when…”
A laser beam fires off from Crete, narrowly missing the two.
“BAHH!” said Van Clausen, “Cut the chatter! Reengage!
The two break off, going back towards the battle. Alvaro locks his sights on to a sabre in front of him, and follows it closely. Alvaro sees that the ship is making a beeline towards a battleship.
“Oh no you don’t! You’ll never see the light of day again!” said Alvaro.
Suddenly a laser beam fires from the surface again, and Alvaro narrowly dodges it. It hits the Sabre he was chasing. As the explosion clears, Alvaro suddenly sees that he is blasting towards the battleship.
“CRAP!” he yelled, “It’s gonna be too late to turn!”
He hears a massive explosion, and he sees a hole in the hull of the battleship open up in front of him. He zooms through it, hitting pipes, metal and dead crew mates. He looks back behind him and sees the battleship crash down into Crete; engulfed by flames. He engages another Sabre and destroys it, but he didn’t notice that he got too close to a battleship. The battleship pours down a hailstorm of fire down on him, and his wings get chipped.
“****!” yelled Alvaro.
His ship goes out of control, towards the Hangar Bay. His ship enters the hangar bay just before it closes and goes right through the energy field. His ship’s hull gets severely damaged, but miraculously he still manages to get in the hangar bay. Alvaro sees his ship crash into a Sabre, and the impact causes him to black out.
End Ch 8
More to come soon
Edited by - MercZ on 8/6/2006 8:59:15 AM
Ch. 8
“All Corsairs”, said Chavez, “Keep on my lead until we can get close enough for contact with Corsair Command! Engage any fighters we get with, but do not engage battleships!”
The Corsairs blast towards Crete, leaving the cloud behind them; Crete gets closer and closer, and the battle can clearly be seen. Massive battleships bombarding the surface of Crete, Fighters zooming past them, dodging their fire and engaging their enemies and explosions of fighters can be seen.
“This battle is massive…” said a Corsair.
“I only thought those damned houses could have battles this massive…”
Alvaro is amazed by the size of the battle. It reminds him of movies he saw as a child of Stolen Holograms, most of which were pre-Sirius. Suddenly, his cockpit glows blue, and he looks over to the left of the ship; He sees a massive blue laser beam blast past his ship, illuminating his cockpit.
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!??!” yelled a Corsair.
“That’s the Planetary Defense System”, said Chavez, “Fired by many of the massive cannons based in Crete”
“I thought only the houses had that?” said a Corsair.
“Shut it!” said Chavez “there’s a transmission coming from Corsair command”
“Commander Chavez! Thank god you guys have arrived!”
“What happened!” said Chavez.
“We don’t know!” said the man, “They popped out of nowhere! They’ve begun bombardment of the planet surface, and fighter wings have been dispatched to engage them. Help immediately! And try to fly clear of the battleships from the planet side. We are hitting them with out orbital bombardment cannons!”
“Roger, are we getting reinforcements?” said Chavez.
“We’ve been trying to contact Leon and Cadiz for hours now, but we’ve got no response”
“Roger, we’re going to engage the fighters, let us do some prep work first!”, said Chavez.
“Roger!” said the man, “Long live the Corsairs!”
He switches over to the squadron frequency.
“All Corsairs on my wing! Engage any fighters you come in contact with! Try and stay away from the battleships!”
“You be careful out there, Alvaro”, said Octavio.
“You too, dad”, said Alvaro.
Shouting of “LONG LIVE THE CORSAIRS!!!!!” comes on through the chatter.
Alvaro can feel himself reaching over to the acceleration. He blasted towards Crete, with other Corsairs at his side. Soon, Laser fire began to hit their ships, and the Sabres began to engage them. Alvaro sees a Sabre closing in, and begins to fire at it. The Sabre too starts to fire at him. He sees the Sabre blast past him, and he reaches over for the mine switch. The explosion lights his cockpit. He heads over to another Sabre. One by one, he slowly destroys each sabre, and before he knows it, he can see the landscape of Crete on the left side of his cockpit. He can clearly see the battle now- hundreds of fighters engaging each other, and battleships bombarding Crete.
Alvaro engages a Sabre near him, and begins firing his lasers. His lasers hit the ship, but it doesn’t seem to do any damage at all.
“Damn!” said Alvaro, “I don’t seem to be doing anything to it!
Alvaro begins to fire rapidly on the sabre, chasing it through dogfights and around battleships.
Alvaro locks his crosshairs onto the ship, and fires a barrage of electromagnetic missiles. The ship’s engine gets disabled. Alvaro gets the ship back into his crosshair and just as he was about to destroy the ship a massive laser beam fires from the surface, engulfing the disabled ship and pounding the battleship next to it. Alvaro narrowly dodges the beam, going downwards. He looks up and can see the debris from the battleship. A hole is left behind on the side, and many of its crew members are sucked out into the void of space. More laser beams fire from the surface of Crete, and Alvaro dodges them. He tries to make his way back to the other side of the Battleships, having to dodge fire from fighters and the battleships as well. Another orbital beam fires from the planet surface, and narrowly misses the Alvaro’s Titan, leaving a scarred mark on the hull.
“****!!!” yelled Alvaro. He reaches over to his command console and presses some buttons. A scan of his ship’s hologram comes up, showing the weapons on the left wing severely damaged.
His ship rocks around and Alvaro looks at his rear camera view, and clearly sees a Sabre unloading on him. He hits his thrusters and pulls up and brings himself behind the sabre, and unloads a horde of lasers on to it. The sabre explodes in a brilliant orange explosion. Alvaro pulls back towards the battle and pursues another sabre in his sights. He pulls up behind the sabre and puts the sabre in his crosshairs.
“Goodbye, You bastard!” said Alvaro.
Before he could hit his trigger, something jolts his ship. He looks at his rear camera HUD; two sabres are engaging him. He hits his engines and begins to do a variety of maneuvers. Strafing, loop de loops, barrel rolls, and any other maneuvers he can think of; it’s no good. A couple of missiles hit Alvaro’s ship, jolting him from his seat.
“NOO!” said Alvaro. He hits his cockpit controls over and over again. The ships come back around for a finishing move; he can see the sabres closing in on his ship.
Suddenly, a blast of green lasers hit the sabres, and they explode into a large green explosion.
Alvaro looks around for who fired the laser shots. Some chatter comes over his frequency
“That’s for saving me back in Cadiz!” said the man.
Alvaro looks over to the left of his cockpit, and can see a Valkrie pulling up in front of him.
“Van Clausen!” said Alvaro, “What are you doing here?
“I was in the middle of discussing something of utter importance to my clients’ interests when…”
A laser beam fires off from Crete, narrowly missing the two.
“BAHH!” said Van Clausen, “Cut the chatter! Reengage!
The two break off, going back towards the battle. Alvaro locks his sights on to a sabre in front of him, and follows it closely. Alvaro sees that the ship is making a beeline towards a battleship.
“Oh no you don’t! You’ll never see the light of day again!” said Alvaro.
Suddenly a laser beam fires from the surface again, and Alvaro narrowly dodges it. It hits the Sabre he was chasing. As the explosion clears, Alvaro suddenly sees that he is blasting towards the battleship.
“CRAP!” he yelled, “It’s gonna be too late to turn!”
He hears a massive explosion, and he sees a hole in the hull of the battleship open up in front of him. He zooms through it, hitting pipes, metal and dead crew mates. He looks back behind him and sees the battleship crash down into Crete; engulfed by flames. He engages another Sabre and destroys it, but he didn’t notice that he got too close to a battleship. The battleship pours down a hailstorm of fire down on him, and his wings get chipped.
“****!” yelled Alvaro.
His ship goes out of control, towards the Hangar Bay. His ship enters the hangar bay just before it closes and goes right through the energy field. His ship’s hull gets severely damaged, but miraculously he still manages to get in the hangar bay. Alvaro sees his ship crash into a Sabre, and the impact causes him to black out.
End Ch 8
More to come soon
Edited by - MercZ on 8/6/2006 8:59:15 AM
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