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OK sounds fine to me. I just always thought Cardamine was a drug of which one could not get rid of once addicted to it. Correct me if I am wrong. Long time ago that I read something about that.
And I am afraid I am not an Outcast expert. Could not even exactly list all the bases now. Guess because of this I might rather concentrate on giving ideas and commenting than writing myself. You want to let him run far across the galaxy and visit all four houses in search for the right place to stay?
Potentially even hunted by his own mates? *g*
If that's the case I might have a few nice ideas about the three other houses and their mentality. Rhineland would be my own (to out myself), to the British I had lots of contact if you do not have any here and I also have a few Japanese friends if needed and if you wish.
And I am afraid I am not an Outcast expert. Could not even exactly list all the bases now. Guess because of this I might rather concentrate on giving ideas and commenting than writing myself. You want to let him run far across the galaxy and visit all four houses in search for the right place to stay?
Potentially even hunted by his own mates? *g*
If that's the case I might have a few nice ideas about the three other houses and their mentality. Rhineland would be my own (to out myself), to the British I had lots of contact if you do not have any here and I also have a few Japanese friends if needed and if you wish.
Info on Outcasts, Cardamine and maybe some other stuff too from FL (Datastorm) itself:
That's all from the Planet Malta infocard. If you'd like I can pull up the info on all the other Outcast bases and post it as well. We all need to have the same sort of information if this is going to work properly.
Edited by - Codename on 5/25/2005 10:16:36 AM
The crippled sleeper ship Hispania arrived in Omicron Alpha almost 800 years ago.
Its passengers named the planet Malta -- a harsh place of acidic oceans, gray
skies, and vast plains covered in a species of tall, thin, orange grass. They later learned that the grass could be rendered into a narcotic substance, that they called Cardamine.
Eventually the Outcasts -- as they came to think of themselves -- began limited exploration of their system. As pilots wandered farther and farther afield in search of resources, many became seriously ill. Upon planetfall, the crews mysteriously recovered.
Doctors were baffled. By chance, they made a genetic scan of a critically ill pilot and made a startling discovery. His genetic codes had been altered. Outcast DNA contained strands identical to that of the orange grasses that covered the planet -- from which Cardamine was derived. Trace amounts were present in everything on the planet, from the air they breathed to the water they drank. Once pilots made lengthier journeys away from Malta, their bodies went into shock, followed by death.
The Outcasts were now truly separated from the rest of humanity -- changed so that they could never expand beyond the planet on which they had landed. They needed the Cardamine now, like air or food or water. But with the origin of the sickness solved, they could at least compensate by carrying supplies of Cardamine with them and resume their exploration of their surrounding systems.
When they encountered the rest of the Houses in the seventh century, a new strategy emerged. The Outcasts would deliver the poison that would rot the other Houses from the inside out and grow rich from the profits of their trade.
Today the Outcasts conduct a lucrative drug-smuggling operation using the network of Jump Holes to escape detection and transport their product into the heart of the House systems. The Outcasts remain relatively few in number; a crash in the birth rate seems to have been another side effect of their genetic modification.
A new development has been Cryer’s continued efforts to create a synthetic version of Cardamine that would be approved as a legal medication within Liberty. This poses a direct threat to the Outcasts' source of income. The Atka Research Station, with nearby access to Edge Nebula clouds, is the most immediate threat to the Outcasts. The location of the base within Corsair territory has brought the Outcasts into conflict with their ancient brethren.
That's all from the Planet Malta infocard. If you'd like I can pull up the info on all the other Outcast bases and post it as well. We all need to have the same sort of information if this is going to work properly.
Edited by - Codename on 5/25/2005 10:16:36 AM
Thank you for enlightening me. I think that is what I heard indeed. I don't have the game installed atm due to reinstalling the computer.
So one can't get rid of it, but one can try to get the synthetic medicament.
One could put that into the story if wished. Depending on how far the development is in progress. Legal way of getting it or perhaps an illegal way... I dunno.
I think the base list I could get myself, that is not the issue. Thanks.
Maybe I might take on a chapter then later on, but I would not like to make the start. As I said the Outcasts have never been my prefered faction. I was rather the Corsair freak.
Edited by - [WPIcefox on 5/25/2005 10:18:29 AM
So one can't get rid of it, but one can try to get the synthetic medicament.
One could put that into the story if wished. Depending on how far the development is in progress. Legal way of getting it or perhaps an illegal way... I dunno.
I think the base list I could get myself, that is not the issue. Thanks.
Maybe I might take on a chapter then later on, but I would not like to make the start. As I said the Outcasts have never been my prefered faction. I was rather the Corsair freak.
Edited by - [WPIcefox on 5/25/2005 10:18:29 AM
Wow, how do peole find out these things? Sounds good! Here are some suggestions for a name.
1) Jeric
2) Chad
3) Zekk
4) Bret
5) just for laughs, The Outcast. (or no name)?
Any of those intrest you guys?
What is his (or is a her?) ship? What is speacial about him?
Why does he want to get off cardimane?
What does he do while he is trying to find a cure?
What happens.... etc. etc. etc.
those are questions we should be answering.
1) Jeric
2) Chad
3) Zekk
4) Bret
5) just for laughs, The Outcast. (or no name)?
Any of those intrest you guys?
What is his (or is a her?) ship? What is speacial about him?
Why does he want to get off cardimane?
What does he do while he is trying to find a cure?
What happens.... etc. etc. etc.
those are questions we should be answering.

Spanish names...
Dunno whether they are all Spanish, but some at least sound like it.
Dimetries, Emanuel, Rodrigez, Ramon?, Pablo, Sergio, Alejandro, Diego, Che (lol!), Fernandez, Vicente, Vincente, León, Xaver
More I can't deliver right now, but maybe I will have some more ideas soon if needed. The family name is always easier to find than the first one.
Dunno whether they are all Spanish, but some at least sound like it.
Dimetries, Emanuel, Rodrigez, Ramon?, Pablo, Sergio, Alejandro, Diego, Che (lol!), Fernandez, Vicente, Vincente, León, Xaver
More I can't deliver right now, but maybe I will have some more ideas soon if needed. The family name is always easier to find than the first one.
Remember first names after several centuries could be anything in a society found from a lost colony... Ramerez for a family name sound's great, and Hispanic is not nesc. a mexican, it is spanish as in spaniards of which Mexico was also a colony.. so how about a mix like Tarius Ramerez ( a little Sirius) plagerismn...
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