Ceo Shas'la, of Orbital Spa and Cruise.
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Control Your Own Faction: Part 5- The Redemption: Game Threa
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
I know things are temporarily halted for them moment, but I urgently call upon the aid of Liberty DSE and any other ally of order and law. The Corsairs will soon overrun my position in Sigma 19 if I do not recieve immeditate aid, and as a Libertarian corporation and citizen, I expect the aid of Liberty's Navy.
Ceo Shas'la, of Orbital Spa and Cruise.
Ceo Shas'la, of Orbital Spa and Cruise.
Code, send me an e-mail when it's back up. I'm going to make my final turn. Not to be counted until we're going again
Lane Hackers: Turn Three
Initial Bases and Forces:
1 Small Station (Leiden) Gallileo system 20LF (Hidden)
1 Small Station (Mactan) Magellan system 20LF (Hidden)
1 Planet (California Minor) California 50LF 20HF
Ship Stats (FA/CA/FD/CD):
Dagger LF - 4/0/4/0
Stilleto HF - 4/2/4/2
Sabre VHF - 4/4/5/3
Gunboat - 6/3/7/4
Cruiser - 3/8/6/7
Battleship - 7/8/7/8
40 Foundation + 50 Base = 90 Credits
8 Gas
6 Metals
15 LF Wings = 75 Credits, 15 Gas, 15 Metal
Unit Placement:
15 LF Wings to California Minor (California)
230 Credits
7 Gas
3 Metals
End Deployment:
20 LF Wings at Mactan (Magellan)
20 LF Wings at Leiden (Gallileo)
65 LF Wings and 20 HF Wings at California Minor (California)
No Combat at this time
Coalition requests sent to Corsairs, Samura and Xenos
Faction Relations:
Liberty - WAR!!!
Bretonia - Unsupportive
Rheinland - Unsupportive
Kusari - Neutral
IMG – Unsupportive
Samura - Very Friendly
Spa and Cruise - Very Unfriendly
Zoners - Neutral
Junkers - Neutral
Outcasts - Very Friendly
Corsairs - Very Friendly
Hogosha - Neutral
Bundschuh - Neutral
Mollys – Non-Agression Pact
Xenos – Very Friendly
Edited by - Hobbie on 3/31/2005 10:36:18 PM
Lane Hackers: Turn Three
Initial Bases and Forces:
1 Small Station (Leiden) Gallileo system 20LF (Hidden)
1 Small Station (Mactan) Magellan system 20LF (Hidden)
1 Planet (California Minor) California 50LF 20HF
Ship Stats (FA/CA/FD/CD):
Dagger LF - 4/0/4/0
Stilleto HF - 4/2/4/2
Sabre VHF - 4/4/5/3
Gunboat - 6/3/7/4
Cruiser - 3/8/6/7
Battleship - 7/8/7/8
40 Foundation + 50 Base = 90 Credits
8 Gas
6 Metals
15 LF Wings = 75 Credits, 15 Gas, 15 Metal
Unit Placement:
15 LF Wings to California Minor (California)
230 Credits
7 Gas
3 Metals
End Deployment:
20 LF Wings at Mactan (Magellan)
20 LF Wings at Leiden (Gallileo)
65 LF Wings and 20 HF Wings at California Minor (California)
No Combat at this time
Coalition requests sent to Corsairs, Samura and Xenos
Since you show no desire to remove your forces, you have forced my hand. I hereby ally all of my forces with the Corsairs, the Xenos and Samura. May thy knife chip and shatter!
Continued searching for our bases will bring only pain to your people
Faction Relations:
Liberty - WAR!!!
Bretonia - Unsupportive
Rheinland - Unsupportive
Kusari - Neutral
IMG – Unsupportive
Samura - Very Friendly
Spa and Cruise - Very Unfriendly
Zoners - Neutral
Junkers - Neutral
Outcasts - Very Friendly
Corsairs - Very Friendly
Hogosha - Neutral
Bundschuh - Neutral
Mollys – Non-Agression Pact
Xenos – Very Friendly
Edited by - Hobbie on 3/31/2005 10:36:18 PM
WOW, While im sleeping evryone gangs up on me. I didn't even have time to take back my forces as I was going to do.
Remember our secure discussion Chess?
And where the hell did Samura come from?
Why the hell did you attack me?
This is almost as bad as when everyone attacked Jacob in CYOF 3.
And what have i done to the Corsairs? NOTHING
I think that since i signed up as Liberty everyone has made their goal to destroy me.
Why i ask?
This is the things that ultimately always destroys the game until the next one and there it happens again.
How about a little IC RolePlay for once?
Liberty doesnt have a direct problem with the Corsairs, Rheinland does but they ally themselves with the Corsairs.
I understand why the lane hackers and Xenos attack me.
But why Samura?
Samura is a company intrested in getting more money and not go to war.
I feel like in the next couple of hours Bretonia and Kusari and Rheinland will gang up on me too.
It's like this everygame I have played except CYOF 4.
There it was the Theta alliance and the Alpha alliance against eachother.
It was even, until Rich left and Code and Omega had to stay themselves.
But Omega was gone for a couple of days so it was Code left.
And you Code left after i had attacked Hamburg. (I think it was becuse the Tech issue)
And thats why CYOF 5 doesn't have that sort of thing. It was fixed
Have ANYONE seen me expanding my territory? NO I have only remaind within my borders focusing on LIBERTY'S problems.
"I want a cease fire, so someone can explain why this has happend."
I know this is just gonna be rejected in 1 second. But i had to try.
Remember our secure discussion Chess?
And where the hell did Samura come from?
Why the hell did you attack me?
This is almost as bad as when everyone attacked Jacob in CYOF 3.
And what have i done to the Corsairs? NOTHING
I think that since i signed up as Liberty everyone has made their goal to destroy me.
Why i ask?
This is the things that ultimately always destroys the game until the next one and there it happens again.
How about a little IC RolePlay for once?
Liberty doesnt have a direct problem with the Corsairs, Rheinland does but they ally themselves with the Corsairs.
I understand why the lane hackers and Xenos attack me.
But why Samura?
Samura is a company intrested in getting more money and not go to war.
I feel like in the next couple of hours Bretonia and Kusari and Rheinland will gang up on me too.
It's like this everygame I have played except CYOF 4.
There it was the Theta alliance and the Alpha alliance against eachother.
It was even, until Rich left and Code and Omega had to stay themselves.
But Omega was gone for a couple of days so it was Code left.
And you Code left after i had attacked Hamburg. (I think it was becuse the Tech issue)
And thats why CYOF 5 doesn't have that sort of thing. It was fixed
Have ANYONE seen me expanding my territory? NO I have only remaind within my borders focusing on LIBERTY'S problems.
"I want a cease fire, so someone can explain why this has happend."
I know this is just gonna be rejected in 1 second. But i had to try.

Republican Shipping: Turn One (Even if a bit late)
Initial Bases and Forces:
Freiburg Station (Small Station),10 LF wings
Altona Station (Small Station),10 LF wings
Alster Shipyard (Shipyard),2 Gunboats
Mainz Storage Facility (Small Station),10 LF wings
Unit Placement:
5 LF wings at Freiburg
5 LF wings at Altona
5 LF wings at Mainz
15 LF wings and 2 Gunboats at Alster
70 + 30 = 100 Credits
5 Gas
9 Metals
3 HF wings - 30 Credits
Tech Grant - 25 Credits
45 Credits
3 Gas
3 Metals
End Deployment:
5 LF wings and 1 HF wing at Freiburg
5 LF wings and 1 HF wing at Altona
5 LF wings at and 1 HF wing Mainz
15 LF wings and 2 Gunboats at Alster
To DSQrn I would like to propose an alliance with our home nation to provide proctection and also for trade.
Faction Relations:
Kusari - Supportive
Hogosha - Unsupportive
Bundschuh - Unfriendly
IMG – Unsupportive
Zoners - Neutral
Ageira - Supportive
Liberty - Supportive
Bretonia - Supportive
Rheinland -Friendly
Corsairs - Unfriendly
Outcasts - Unfriendly
Junkers - Unfriendly
I hope thats ok
Edited by - Good_Cop on 4/1/2005 2:26:19 AM
Edited by - Good_Cop on 4/1/2005 2:35:27 AM
Edited by - Good_Cop on 4/1/2005 2:41:11 AM
Initial Bases and Forces:
Freiburg Station (Small Station),10 LF wings
Altona Station (Small Station),10 LF wings
Alster Shipyard (Shipyard),2 Gunboats
Mainz Storage Facility (Small Station),10 LF wings
Unit Placement:
5 LF wings at Freiburg
5 LF wings at Altona
5 LF wings at Mainz
15 LF wings and 2 Gunboats at Alster
70 + 30 = 100 Credits
5 Gas
9 Metals
3 HF wings - 30 Credits
Tech Grant - 25 Credits
45 Credits
3 Gas
3 Metals
End Deployment:
5 LF wings and 1 HF wing at Freiburg
5 LF wings and 1 HF wing at Altona
5 LF wings at and 1 HF wing Mainz
15 LF wings and 2 Gunboats at Alster
To DSQrn I would like to propose an alliance with our home nation to provide proctection and also for trade.
Faction Relations:
Kusari - Supportive
Hogosha - Unsupportive
Bundschuh - Unfriendly
IMG – Unsupportive
Zoners - Neutral
Ageira - Supportive
Liberty - Supportive
Bretonia - Supportive
Rheinland -Friendly
Corsairs - Unfriendly
Outcasts - Unfriendly
Junkers - Unfriendly
I hope thats ok

Edited by - Good_Cop on 4/1/2005 2:26:19 AM
Edited by - Good_Cop on 4/1/2005 2:35:27 AM
Edited by - Good_Cop on 4/1/2005 2:41:11 AM
Offical Broadcast to ALL Sirius houses and factions
Kusari will need to make their position very clear. Kusari WILL NOT be declaring war on Liberty or her allies. Kusari will remain out of the war unless Samura Stations or forces are attacked in Kusari Systems. The same apllies to the Hogosha property. Any breach of our space will result in a declaration of TOTAL WAR against the faction in question. This is not a warning and will happen should Kusari borders be breached by anyone not authorised to breach them.
Kusari will need to make their position very clear. Kusari WILL NOT be declaring war on Liberty or her allies. Kusari will remain out of the war unless Samura Stations or forces are attacked in Kusari Systems. The same apllies to the Hogosha property. Any breach of our space will result in a declaration of TOTAL WAR against the faction in question. This is not a warning and will happen should Kusari borders be breached by anyone not authorised to breach them.
Okay two things.
TC - We're attacking you because Liberty, if left to it's own devices, ALWAYS builds up a huge fleet, and ALWAYS goes off to conquer Sirius after a little while. I (and I'm the person who organized this whole shebang) didn't want to see that happen. So I've been in contact with the leaders of various other factions and we all decided to at least take you down a notch or two. I, for one, am not gunning for your destruction. I just want to see you weakened.
Everyone - This is going to be my last post on TLR. Ever. I'm leaving and not coming back. If you really want to know why, e-mail me or talk to me on MSN, I'll try to explain myself. This, of course, leaves Roc in the unenviable position of being the only Judge, and Jacob now only has one person to turn to for help. I undertook the responisibility of being a Judge fully intending to carry it out to the best of my ability. Unfortunately this is not possible anymore. So to Roc and Jacob I offer my most sincere apologies. And to the rest of you, I apologize as well. I know how much fun these games can be and I don't want to spoil it for any of you. Hopefully this won't cause too many problems.
This is Codename, signing off.
TC - We're attacking you because Liberty, if left to it's own devices, ALWAYS builds up a huge fleet, and ALWAYS goes off to conquer Sirius after a little while. I (and I'm the person who organized this whole shebang) didn't want to see that happen. So I've been in contact with the leaders of various other factions and we all decided to at least take you down a notch or two. I, for one, am not gunning for your destruction. I just want to see you weakened.
Everyone - This is going to be my last post on TLR. Ever. I'm leaving and not coming back. If you really want to know why, e-mail me or talk to me on MSN, I'll try to explain myself. This, of course, leaves Roc in the unenviable position of being the only Judge, and Jacob now only has one person to turn to for help. I undertook the responisibility of being a Judge fully intending to carry it out to the best of my ability. Unfortunately this is not possible anymore. So to Roc and Jacob I offer my most sincere apologies. And to the rest of you, I apologize as well. I know how much fun these games can be and I don't want to spoil it for any of you. Hopefully this won't cause too many problems.
This is Codename, signing off.
I miss you Code even if it was you who did this to me
That explains it all,
And when you make demands that somene has to abandond a station or such you can't set a dead line for an hour more like to when they see your post for the first time.
For example, Hobbie wanted me to withdraw but at the time i was sleeping. So how the hell could I have done that?
All I'am saying is that you have to wait at least to a time you know this person usually posts before going:
"You didn't comply so now im blowing you up."
Just something to think about whe you go to bed

That explains it all,
And when you make demands that somene has to abandond a station or such you can't set a dead line for an hour more like to when they see your post for the first time.
For example, Hobbie wanted me to withdraw but at the time i was sleeping. So how the hell could I have done that?
All I'am saying is that you have to wait at least to a time you know this person usually posts before going:
"You didn't comply so now im blowing you up."
Just something to think about whe you go to bed

I'll try to talk to you on msn codename.Sorry to cya go
Also the secure channel stuff was to keep you scheming . I was the loud obnoxious distraction. That kept you from noticing Samurua is hostiel ot Librity. Look at htier reputation twords oyu the last few times. They are mad at you over your letting Universal attack thier ships
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 4/1/2005 9:03:24 AM
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 4/1/2005 10:53:48 AM
Also the secure channel stuff was to keep you scheming . I was the loud obnoxious distraction. That kept you from noticing Samurua is hostiel ot Librity. Look at htier reputation twords oyu the last few times. They are mad at you over your letting Universal attack thier ships
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 4/1/2005 9:03:24 AM
Edited by - Chessalavakia on 4/1/2005 10:53:48 AM
Hogosha Turn 4:
Kabuicho Depot, New Tokyo ( hidden)
Shinagawa Station, new Tokoyo
income from the Hogosha:
60 credits
3 gas
2 meatls
1HF wing
Left of hogosha money:
50C, 2 G, 1 M
30LF,15HF at NT
No movements:
Corsairs- neutral
Junkers- unfriendly
Outcasts- neutral
Bretonia- neutral
Samura- Very friendly ( economic union and alliance)
Rheinland- neutral
Liberty- neutral
Kusari-Very Friendly ( econmic union and alliance)
Lane Hackers-neutral
Xenos- very unfriendly
OOC: Sry to see u go code
Come back soon
Kabuicho Depot, New Tokyo ( hidden)
Shinagawa Station, new Tokoyo
income from the Hogosha:
60 credits
3 gas
2 meatls
1HF wing
Left of hogosha money:
50C, 2 G, 1 M
30LF,15HF at NT
No movements:
Corsairs- neutral
Junkers- unfriendly
Outcasts- neutral
Bretonia- neutral
Samura- Very friendly ( economic union and alliance)
Rheinland- neutral
Liberty- neutral
Kusari-Very Friendly ( econmic union and alliance)
Lane Hackers-neutral
Xenos- very unfriendly
OOC: Sry to see u go code

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